World Newspapers

    A Voz da Serra, South America

  Rua Fernando Bizzoto, 29 - Centro - Nova Friburgo, RJ           
Em sintonia com a globalização e os avanços tecnológicos, A Voz da Serra foi uma das primeiras empresas de Nova Friburgo a lançar seu site. A homepage entrou no ar em 12 de junho de 1997, sendo o endereço certo para quem busca notícias sobre Nova Friburgo e região na internet. Ao longo desses anos, a homepage do jornal se tornou referência, em especial para friburguenses que residem em outros estados do país ou no exterior. Prova disso são os diversos e-mails com comentários, críticas e elogios enviados ao jornal por leitores de vários municípios brasileiros e dos Estados Unidos, Portugal, Suíça e Alemanha, entre outros países.
    Clarion Ledger, North America
   - Jackson, MS           
The newspaper's roots trace back to 1837 in Jasper County, where The Eastern Clarion began. Later that year it was sold and moved to Meridian. After the Civil War, it was moved to Jackson and merged with The Standard and soon became known as The Clarion. Combining with the State Ledger in 1888, it received the name of Daily Clarion-Ledger.
Meanwhile, four young men who were displaced by the merger founded their own newspaper, The Jackson Evening Post, in 1882. Fred Sullens purchased an interest in the paper in 1907, and shortly after changed the name to the Jackson Daily News.
    Hugo Daiy News, North America
   - Hugo, OK           
News, entertainment, sports and more.
    The Portland Press Herald, North America
   - Portland,            
News, Weather, Sports, Business, Opinion, Blogs and more.
    Chronicle-Journal, North America
   - Thunder Bay, CA           
    South Bend Tribune, North America
   - South Bend,            
    Indianapolis Recorder, North America
   - Indianapolis,            
What began as a two-page church bulletin by co-founders George P. Stewart and Will Porter, The Indianapolis Recorder now hails as one of the top African-American publications in the nation. In 1897, the co-founders of the newspaper decided to expand their already successful newssheet into a weekly newspaper. The earliest existing issues of the Recorder date to 1899 — the year Porter sold his share of the newspaper to Stewart.
Realizing the importance of local news, Stewart captured that market, outdistancing his local competitors, the publishers of the Freeman and the Colored World. With its emphasis on local news, the Recorder set itself apart from other Black newspapers. It had an immediate and an enduring impact on the Indianapolis community.
    Idaho State Journal, North America
   - Pocatello, ID           
"It is all about you". News, Business, Science, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Blogs and more.
    Rutland Herald, North America
   - Rutland,            
News, Sports, Business, Blogs, Homes, Cars, Jobs and more.
    Daily Oklahoman, North America
   - Oklahoma City, OK           
News, sports, life, business, weather and more.
    Newsday, North America
  2 Park Avenue - New York, NY             
Newsday is a daily tabloid-size, Pulitzer Prize-winning, American newspaper that primarily serves Long Island and the New York City borough of Queens, although it is sold throughout the New York City metropolitan area. As of fall 2007, Newsday's weekday circulation of 387,000 made it 10th-highest in the United States, and the highest for a suburban newspaper. The newspaper headquarters is in Melville, New York, on Long Island. Source
    El Paso Times, North America
   - El Paso, TX           
News, opinion, sports, business, entertainment and more.
    Wichita Eagle, North America
   - Wichita, KS   is the Web site of The Wichita Eagle, the largest newspaper in Kansas, serving Wichita, the largest city in Kansas, and the surrounding area.
Today, reaches, on average, about 800,000 unique visitors who view more than 9 million pages on the site each month. That makes it the leading local information Web site in Kansas, and the preferred medium for businesses trying to reach local consumers online. Combined, The Wichita Eagle and reach eight out of 10 Wichita-area adults every week.
    Casper Star-Tribune, North America
   - Casper, WY           
News, Sports, Entertainment, Classified, Jobs, Cars, Homes and more.
    Newark Star-Ledger, North America
   - Newark, NJ           
News, weather, sports, business, entertainment, travel and more.
    Virginian-Pilot, North America
   - Norfolk, VA   and are Web sites produced by The Virginian-Pilot, which is owned by Landmark Media Enterprises L.L.C., based in Norfolk, Va. The Web sites serve the greater Hampton Roads metro area, stretching from Williamsburg to the north, Virginia Beach to the east, and the Outer Banks of North Carolina to the south.
    Las Vegas Review-Journal, North America
   - Las Vegas, NV           
The Las Vegas Review-Journal is Nevada's largest newspaper.
    Tacoma News Tribune, North America
   - Tacoma, WA           
For more than 125 years, pages of The News Tribune have been turned with understanding, laughter, tears, and awe. Every day, through each of its generations, The News Tribune has installed a strong sense of community - prompting citizens to act, businesses to flourish, and people to improve their daily lives. Today this vital source of news and technology is also reaching its audience through new channels and ever-advancing technology.
    New York Law Journal, North America
  111 8th Avenue - New York, NY           
It's not easy for busy attorneys to keep up with all the new developments and trends in New York's fast-paced legal scene. That's why, every day, thousands of New York lawyers take time from their hectic schedules to read the New York Law Journal.
In just a few minutes each business day, readers get not only the latest news -- they find court information, decisional law, and advance word on new statutes and regulations, coupled with the useful and practical analysis, scholarly insight, and professional perspective they need to make sense of it all. Our reporters know all the right sources to get the behind-the-scenes news -- on firms, on judicial appointments, on upcoming professional requirements -- that you need. You'll get the inside story on what prosecutors, judges, legislators and law firms are up to -- and how it's likely to affect your practice.
    Douglas Budget, North America
   - Douglas, WY           
News, Opinions, Youth Focus, Legals, Classifieds and more.
    Skanner, North America
   - Portland, OR           
Bulletin Board, Jobs, Movies, Obituaries, Special Editions, Books, Sports and more.
    Temple News, North America
  Howard Gittis Student Center  - Philadelphia,            
The paper of record for the Temple University community since it first printed as Temple University Weekly on Sept. 19, 1921. The award-winning student publication, editorially independent of Temple, now publishes every Tuesday. The Temple News distributes 8,000 printed copies, free of charge, to the university’s five primary locations in the Delaware Valley, including Main Campus, Center City, Health Sciences, Ambler, and the Tyler School of Art.
    Jornal da Barra, South America
  Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
14 anos em destaque.
    Revista Piauí, South America
  Rua do Russel, 270 - Glória - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Publicação pertencente aos irmãos Walter e João Moreira Salles. Revista ao estilo jornalismo literário com crônicas, perfis e diários; linha editorial foca, preferencialmente, temas nacionai, traz reportagens de interesse geral tratadas por grandes nomes da imprensa e da literatura brasileira. Os editores da revista justificam o nome 'Piauí' como sonoro, divertido, sendo uma escolha natural de toda a equipe.
    A Tarde On Line, South America
  Rua Prof. Milton Cayres de Brito, 204 - Salvador, BA           
Últimas, Mundo, Brasil, Cidades, Cultura, Cinema, Esporte, Política, Economia e muito mais.
    Diário do Litoral, South America
   - Santa Catarina, SC           
Cadernos, Colunistas, Polícia, Economia, Política, Entrevistão, Esporte, Empregos, Veículos, Imóveis e mais.
    Jornal de Sábado, South America
  Avenida José Antonio Sampaio, 6 - Centro - Cabo Frio, RJ           
Editora: Ana Maria Vieira Monteiro - Jornalista responsável: Juliana Ladeira - Comercial: Eduander Silva e Rosane Machado - Editoração Eletrônica: Júlia Almeida - Administração: Gustavo Mattos
    O Liberal, South America
   - Belém, PA           
Atualidades, magazine, polícia, esporte, poder e muito mais.
    Vizoo, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 433 3ºandar - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fundada em 1996, a Vizoo Editora iniciou sua trajetória com o título homônimo (Vizoo), publicação de comportamento voltada ao público jovem. A revista, que começou tendo distribuição dirigida no Rio de Janeiro, hoje pode ser encontrada nas melhores bancas das principais cidades brasileiras. A partir do ano de 2001, a editora passou a disponibilizar seus serviços para a produção de títulos customizados.
    Jornal da Nação, South America
   - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Jornal da Nação é novo veículo de comunicação do Flamengo. O periódico irá se dedicar aos comentários de internautas que navegam na comunidade oficial do clube no Orkut. Custará Cr$ 0,50 nas bancas de jornais.