World Fitness Centers

    Academia Água Viva, South America

  Estrada de Jacarepaguá, 5420 - Anil - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Com uma das melhores estruturas físicas de Jacarepaguá, a Academia Água Viva com 1.400 metros quadrados total de área, construída em 3 andares, é o lugar ideal para a prática esportiva. Além da qualidade, a Água Viva possui uma equipe de trabalho do mais alto nível na área de Educação Física. Os alunos são orientados por profissionais especializados nas áreas de natação, hidroginástica, natação infantil, musculação, ginástica localizada, entre outras atividades.
    Curves, North America
  3719 Riverdale Ave. - Riverdale - Bronx, NY              
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A fun, convenient, comfortable environment where you will find all the support you need to meet your goals. The Curves Work-out takes just 30 minutes and includes all the components needed for a complete exercise program - warm-up, cardiovascular, strength training, cool down, and stretching.
    Eastern Athletic Clubs, North America
  80 Leonard Street - New York, NY           
Welcome to Eastern Athletic Clubs. Come visit the state-of-the-art exercise facilities, and engage in a unique fitness experience.
    Fitness 4000, North America
  630 Main Street - Monroe, CT           
Fitness 4000 is dedicated to continually improving and providing the best health club facility, group exercise classes, personal trainers, exercise equipment and professional staff to assist you in meeting your personal fitness goals.
    Curves, North America
  25-54 Francis Lewis Blvd., 2nd Floor - Whitestone/Murray - Flushing, NY           
Curves is the largest fitness franchise in the world with 10,000 locations worldwide. Curves Clubs can be found in 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, The Caribbean, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan.
Curves is the first fitness and weight loss facility dedicated to providing affordable, one-stop exercise and nutritional information for women.
    Olympia Gym, North America
  20335 Biscayne Blvd. - Aventura, FL            
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As Aventura’s premier fitness facility we are proud to have been serving the South Florida fitness community since 1978.
Olympia has been awarded for numerous achievements in their contribution to the world of health and fitness. Olympia has been recognized as one of the oldest established clubs in Florida and honored as a top fitness center for Personal Training & Group Classes.
    Energy Interactive Fitness Center, North America
  556 Route 25A - St. James, NY            
At Energy, the goal is to create a fitness experience like no other. By combining a team of caring professionals, a motivational atmosphere and our proven Interactive Training approach, Energy customizes programs to help members achieve their fitness goals.
    Drago's Gymnasium, North America
  50 West 57th Street - New York, NY
Pilates as taught here at Drago’s is truly a program for life. Think about that for a moment. As we get older we usually start limiting, modifying or eliminating the degree of our physical activity. Do you still play football, run for miles, lift your body weight repeatedly in that gym you joined years ago but rarely visit or hit a golf ball as far as you used to? We want to show you a program that can stay with you for life. There are no memberships at Drago’s. True Pilates and personal training make the difference. Whether you’re interested in taking one lesson or a package of ten, whether you’re interested in just visiting us to learn more or taking the certification program so you can teach others, Drago’s is the place to start.
    Total Body Shaping, North America
  4462 Rte 25 - (in the Commons) - Calverton, NY           
Total Body Shaping is a fitness program that will get you in the best shape of your life. The 10-week course combines kickboxing, resistance training, and flexibility with a sound nutritional program to provide not just results, but lifestyle changes that can live with, literally!
    Powerhouse Gym, North America
  1626 Bronxdale Ave. - Bronx - Bronx, NY            
Powerhouse Gym in the Bronx & Yonkers, NY are owned and operated by Neal, Denise, & Pat Francese. We have been around in the health & Fitness industry since 1991. Our Bronx facility is just under 13,000 square feet and our Yonkers facility is 14,200 square feet. Both gyms are packed with all the latest strength & cardio equipment for our members.
    Center of Real Energy Fitness Studio, North America
  469 Angell Street - Providence, RI           
Denise is the Owner and Founder and lead trainer of Core-Center of Real Energy, LLC. Denise has been in the Fitness Industry for 15 years. Denise was trained since she was 5 years old in Tap, Jazz and Ballet and continued on this path competing and teaching Dance until she was 18 years of age. Denise then began working out in a fitness club and enjoyed the group atmosphere in exercise classes. She then got certified by A.F.A.A. (American Fitness Association of America). Denise began teaching aerobics, step aerobics and total body sculpting classes in numerous fitness facilities throughout the years.
    Bally Total Fitness, North America
  2503 Grand Concourse - Fordham Road - Bronx, NY             
Built with your workout in mind. Whether you are looking for the latest equipment, personal trainers or nutritional products, this club has it all for you. You'll find all of the amenities and support you need to help you get the results you want. Check out the amenities below to see all Fordham Road has to offer!
    3206 Fitness & Island Aerobics Studio, North America
  3206 Dune Drive - Avalon, NJ           
Island Aerobics is a dynamic studio where there are classes for everyone. Many instructors from all over the country/world bring diversity and energy to their unique specialties. 3206 Fitness, the gym, is a unique California Style gym with outside lifting area and a Solarium weight room. 3206 Fitness is a great place to train and to meet friends. 3206 Fitness and Island Aerobics Studio share the same building: the former is located on the first floor and the latter on the 2nd floor.
    Lakeland Hills Family YMCA, North America
  100 Fanny Road - Mountain Lakes, NJ            
Lakeland Hills Family YMCA's mission is based on Christian principles encouraging members, individuals and families throughout our communities to grow in Spirit, Mind & Body. Lakeland Hills Family YMCA accomplishes this by providing diverse recreational activities, social services and educational programs in a wholesome Environment.
    Academia Training Center, South America
  Avenida Afonso Vergueiro, 2.970 - Sorocaba, SP           
Fundada em 1982 e procurou estar sempre a frente na conduta, qualidade de vida e manutenção da saúde de seus alunos. Na direção eu, José Antonio Carmona professor-proprietário, oriento minha equipe e acompanho o desenvolvimento dos alunos em todos períodos. Para manter a qualidade do atendimento de meus profissionais, faço treinamento personalizado mantendo sempre a mesma filosofia de trabalho: Respeitar a individualidade do aluno. Hoje com mais de 20 anos de experiência em fitness, nas diversas áreas que vão, desde a adolescência à melhor idade, tornando-os aptos para atividades diárias e especifícas. A Training Center possui instalações agradáveis, modernas, amplo estacionamento. Estamos de portas abertas à pessoa como você, que procura competência e seriedade com o seu bem estar físico e emocional. Venha conhecer nosso time e sentir a verdadeira diferença do trabalho em equipe.
    Academia Corporis, South America
  Rua Bom Pastor, 1091 - Ipiranga - São Paulo, SP           
Ginástica, artes marciais(kick boxing e jiu jitsu) e musculação.
    X-treme Rock Climbing, North America
  13972 SW 139 Court - Miami, FL           
With over 14,000 square feet of climbing, X-treme Rock Climbing has many amenities that make our facility one of the top climbing gyms in the country. You will find that there's something here for everyone. The roofs and overhangs add a challenge for experienced climbers, while our USA Climbing Certified route setters also create routes suited to the beginner as well.
These routes are changed frequently so there is something new for you to climb often! For those of you who want to build finger strength, we have finger boards and campus boards.
    Lucille Roberts, North America
  6149 Jericho Turnpike - Commack, NY             
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"Join us at Commack the best place for weight loss, fitness and workouts for women. Located on the north side of Jericho Tpke., about one mile east of designer shoe warehouse. Conveniently located near all your shopping needs"
    Fire Island Fitness, North America
  310 Cottage Walk - Ocean Beach, NY           
Welcome to Fire Island Fitness!
There's no need to put your fitness schedule on hold during your Fire Island vacation getaway - at The Fire Island Fitness Center, it's a pleasure to keep fit! Conveniently located at 310 Cottage Walk, Ocean Beach (the old arcade) the Fitness Center is a modern facility featuring a full complement of Cardio machines, Weight Machine and free-weights. Fitness classes for all ages and abilities are also scheduled throughout the week at the Fitness Center.
    All 4 Sports and Fitness, North America
  175 Sunrise Hwy. - West Islip, NY           
Are you ready to create a healthy lifestyle for you and your family? Then welcome to All 4 Sports and Fitness, the best family fitness health club membership in Long Island!
    Runner - Body & Mind, South America
  Rua Aureliano Guimarães, 201 - Morumbi - São Paulo, SP            
"Nosso corpo técnico está sempre a sua disposição para orientá-lo em seu treinamento. Se você precisar de algum esclarecimento especial, tiver uma sugestão ou uma crítica, procure por um de nossos consultores na recepção da academia, ou fale com o gerente ou com o coordenador técnico."
    Academia Lopes, South America
  Rua ds Margaridas, 32 - Vila Valqueire - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Considerada uma das melhores academias da região, a Academia Lopes oferece aos seus alunos orientadores capacitados e aparelhagem moderna para a prática de ginástica e piscina para a prática de hidroginástica.
    Academia Ginasticlube, South America
  Travessa do Comércio, 21 - Centro - Rio de Janiro, RJ
Em 15 de setembro de 1983, a Ginasticlube iniciou suas atividades no centro da cidade. No decorrer desses anos cresceram e evoluiram. Acompanhou e se adequou a marcante evolução do mercado fitness. Ocupando 3 pavimentos na Travessa do Comércio no Arco do Telles, pólo cultural e turístico, que abriga também excelentes restaurantes e os melhores happy hours do bairro. Fácil acesso, com grande quantidade de linhas de ônibus, vans para todos os pontos do Rio de Janeiro, proximidade com a estação das barcas, de estações do metrô e de diversos locais para estacionamento de automóveis.
    Academia Azul do Mar, South America
  Rua Joaquim Gonçalves Pimenta, 326 - Camargos - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A empresária Maria Lucia iniciou suas atividades na sua própria residência, com um sonho de trazer entretenimento, saúde e lazer para o Bairro Camargos. A Academia foi crescendo e hoje contamos com uma equipe formada de professores para que nossos alunos atinja seus objetivos. Somos uma família que faz parte da sua família, pois são eles que passam aos alunos o espírito de bem-estar, saúde e qualidade de vida.
    Setauket Tennis & Fitness, North America
  5 South Jersey Ave. - Setauket, NY           
Setauket Tennis & Fitness' goal is to become the ultimate community and family oriented fitness and wellness club in Suffolk County, managed with uncompromised professionalism and using tennis and fitness to make a positive impact on as many lives as possible.
    AMA - Academia Mulher Ativa, South America
  Rua Dr. João Moura, 28 - (próximo à Rua Topázio) - São Paulo, SP           
Uma academia moderna exclusiva para MULHERES de todas as idades que procuram um novo conceito de saúde, visando o equilibrio entre o corpo e mente.
    Academia Sema, South America
  Rua Dr. Pedro Batista, 129 - Guaianazes - São Paulo, SP           
Natação (adulto, infantil e bebê, piscina aquecida a 32ºC) e hidroginástica. Musculação, Local, G.A.P., Step, Ginástica Aeróbica, Abdominal, Alongamento, PSM, Axé, Cardio Funk, Jazz, Ballet, Taekwondo, KUNG-FU, Capoeira.
    Academia GIC, South America
  Rua Praia da Rosa, 1350 - Ilha do Governador - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Academia do Governador Iate Clube
    Gold's GYM and Fitness Center, North America
   - Lexington, KY           
The ADA and Gold’s Gym have teamed up to get America in shape and fight diabetes with fitness. Working together, the two organizations are focused on making fitness accessible to everyone and giving people the resources they need to get healthy.
    Forever Fit Health Club, North America
  96 Washington Drive - Centerport, NY           
If your goals include losing body fat, gaining energy and improving your health, or if you are looking to change your shape to look and feel better, then personal training is the option for you. Our certified, experienced personal trainers provide comprehensive programs to help you meet your specific goals and get you in the best shape possible.