World Clothing

    Ani Anik, South America

  Av. General San Martin, 1247 casa - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Desde pequena Nicole Abramoff Ostrovsky queria ser bailarina. E foi. A lembrança dos tempos de bailaria do corpo de baile do Teatro Municipal do Rio é uma eterna inspiração: Nicole desenha vestidos de seda com fitas de cetim ou veludo, blusas e casaquinhos de tule com bordados e charmosas túnicas de jérsei. Sempre ligada em moda, trabalhou como assistente de estilo da Andrea Saletto e depois na parte habillé da Daslu. Levou um tempo até encontrar costureiras e bordadeiras que dariam forma aos seus desenhos. Suas coleções transmitem a percepção de um elaborado e cuidadoso estilo, transformado ao final em feminilidade e beleza irresistíveis.
    Salinas, South America
  Rua Otávio Carneiro, 64, ljs 104/106 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ            
Conheça no site o Catálogo Primavera/Verão 2012. A praia carioca é a grande fonte inspiradora dos biquínis da Salinas. A marca surgiu em 1982, nas areias de Ipanema e se consagrou pelas criações confortáveis, com pitadas de humor e descontração. A Salinas é destaque no badalado catálogo da Victória’s Secret, está presente na sofisticada loja de departamentos Sacks, na Quinta Avenida, além de estampar diversas capas e editoriais de moda de revistas como a Sports Ilustrated e Vogue.
    Q-Vizu, South America
  Rua Aníbal de Mendonça, 27 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A marca, inaugurada em 2004, hoje, é uma das queridinhas entre os cariocas. A proposta é unir a irreverência e o despojamento do carioca em coleções que incluem roupas, acessórios e objetos, para eles, para elas e até para a casa, tendo como carro-chefe as t-shirts que consagraram a marca, com suas estampas sempre bem-humoradas. O fato de as peças fugirem do estilo surfwear e traduzirem um universo mais urbano fazem com que a loja tenha a cara de São Paulo.
Além das camisetas famosas por suas estampas bem-humoradas e os objetos divertidos, verdadeiros achadinhos em presente, um sucesso da loja é a linha infantil, com bodies e camisetinhas para bebês e crianças. Assim como para os adultos, as roupas para os pequenos, também, apresentam dizeres engraçados. Todas as criações são dos irmãos Alan e Renata Grimberg, pai e mãe corujíssimos e, talvez por isso, tenham tanta liberdade de criação para as roupinhas de bebês.
Lojas RJ: Barra Shopping, Ipanema e Shopping Rio Sul. Em São Paulo: Pário Higienópolis
    Chloé, North America
  850 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY            
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Returning after a season's maternity leave, Phoebe sent out a collection with crisp new shapes, proportions and vigour. A line dresses and stiffer couture fabrics were used with flares from the shoulder, and swinging skirts with models on great chunky platform shoes. Sixties ruffled skirts (so popular this season) were intricately worked in crunchy embroidery, organza applique and frills. Lots of new accessories like handbags were seen this season. Source
    Raffas, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, lj 359 - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
Nossa proposta foi oferecer às Mamães, a comodidade e conforto de fazer suas comrpas ontando com uma seleção de produtos escolhidos cuidadosamente, conjugando qualidade, praticidade e preço, principalmente, às futuras Mamães que possuem dificuldade para coordenar todas as etapas de sua gestação além de ter que procurar ser o mais econômica possível.
    Banana Republic, North America
  114 Fifth Ave - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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A store called the Banana Republic was opened in San Francisco in 1978 by Mel and Patricia Ziegler. Both the Zieglers worked for the San Franciso Chronicle, Mel was a writer and Patricia an illustrator.
Banana Republic specialized in casual Safari styles and Army Surplus clothing. Many of the utilitarian items had sturdy zips and snaps and were double-stitched and reinforced. The store sold desert army hats, sheepskin vests, shorts and other items of travel clothing to armchair travelers. The garments were designed by the Zieglers for people to wear when mountain hiking or rafting. Source
    Richards, South America
  Rua Carlos Goes, 208 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Richards. A preocupação não é ser moda. A marca está solidamente estabelecida como estilo. Já existe hoje este estilo Richards, com tudo o que a palavra simboliza. Richards é não estar sujeito a tendências, a um estar up to date. Richards significa saber, estar à vontade, confortável, cômodo, bem vestido. Não estar under, nem over. É um estilo de vida que corresponde ao modo de agir e pensar, a uma filosofia do estar, que define uma visão de mundo e de comportamento. Richards sintetiza, de modo claro, uma postura, maneira de ser, do mesmo modo que um olhar, às vezes, é esclarecedor. Para que definir Richards, se o melhor é ver, e então conhecer, ter consciência do que significa estilo?
Costanza Pascolato, Vogue Brasil
    Moda Mercatto, South America
  Rua Gavião Peixoto, nº 130 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
A primeira loja Mercatto surgiu em 1994, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, com a proposta de oferecer uma moda básica, atual, além de ótimas oportunidades de compra em moda feminina. Essa idéia deu certo e hoje, a empresa conta com 26 lojas no Rio e Grande Rio. No ano passado, a moda carioca chegou a São Paulo e tomou conta do bairro Bom Retiro. A aceitação do estilo carioca da moda Mercatto prova que nosso compromisso tem sido reconhecido pelas clientes, cada vez mais identificadas com a marca. A Mercatto convida você a embarcar agora numa viagem inspirada nas cores mais marcantes das culturas russa, turca e marroquina e conferir os bastidores da nossa nova coleção de Inverno, estrelada pela a atriz Isis Valverde.
    Kariza Vestidos Indianos, South America
  Av. Maracanã, 987 Quiosque Q 105 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Kari foi criado pela Kariza na Índia e, de lá, se espalhou para o mundo inteiro e chega agora até você, cliente.
O Kari é composto por dois tecidos de seda indiana, sobrepostos e unidos por uma alça onde existem duas entradas para transpassá-los. Desse modo, a peça, se transforma em mais de 100 diferentes modelos de vestidos indianos, saias, tops, batas e cangas.
A Kariza vem ao encontro da tendência mostrada na novela ‘O Caminho das Índias’ trazendo para o Brasil os tecidos indianos a modelos com a praticidade e o ritmo da mulher ocidental. As estampas trazem temas como flores silvestres, elefantes, o Taj Mahal e kashmirs. Assim, a Kariza soma os motivos da Índia com a modernidade fashion dos modelos desenvolvidos.
    Levi's, North America
  536 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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Levi Strauss & Co. is a privately held clothing company known worldwide for its Levi's brand of denim jeans. It was founded in 1853 when Levi Strauss came to San Francisco, California to open a west coast branch of his brothers' New York dry goods business. Although the company began producing denim overalls in the 1870s, modern jeans were not produced until the 1920s. The company briefly experimented (in the 1970s) with employee ownership and a public stock listing, but remains owned and controlled by descendants and relatives of Levi Strauss' four nephews. Source
    Aéropostale, North America
  2655 Richmond Avenue - Staten Island - New York, NY            
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Aeropostale, Staten Island, Staten Island shopping, New York shopping, Aeropostale Staten Island, Staten Island mall, trendy clothing, fashion clothing Staten Island mall is a great hang out for people of all ages, and Aeropostale happens to be one of the fun, buzzing stores in New York City! If you want a break from the super bright styles, Aeropostale is the place to go. While they do have some brightly colored bikinis for those fun beach days, they keep more to the subtle, but still colorful look, which is a great change from the other Summer 2012 fashions. The more toned down style is different, while it is still stylish and fun. They're clothes are amazingly comfortable and perfect for those warm summer nights when all you want to do is relax and settle down. The diversity of the selection is extremely useful. You can pick out the perfect summer bikini all the while checking out clothes for work. In case you aren't looking for clothes, they also have an extensive accessories section with fun and funky jewelry or entrancing fragrances. All in all, Aeropostale is a great shop for everyone. Men or women, party folk or busy workers, you'll find everything you could ever need here at affordable prices. Step in and check it out yourself!
    A.P.C., North America
  131 Mercer Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
    Brasil Em Gotas, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível OP, lj 006 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
De Berlim a Paris – multicultural e cosmopolita, a arquitetura notável e grandes obras de design trazem para o inverno 2009 da Brasil Em Gotas referências misturando saudades.
    Dr. Jay's, North America
  30-08 Steinway Street - Queens, NY             
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In case you aren't in the mood for overly colorful clothes, and getting bored with funky, spunky, and bright colors, fear not. Dr.Jays in Queens will help you out. While most fashion these days uses color to sell their product, Dr. Jays uses quality and more muted styles; perfect for any of those boys or tom-boys out there that don't want to attract too much attention to themselves when they're just trying to walk down the road. Dr. Jays' style seems to really blend in better with the younger people of the nation with their almost hip-hop like clothes. They have an extensive collection for both the men and women that want to try something a little different from everyone for Summer 2012. They even feature a kids section for the little tots that want to be in fashion this year. Employees are extremely helpful and not afraid to help steer you in the direction of something they believe will suit you better, which is very helpful for those wandering in, unsure of what they should be purchasing. Not to mention the hat selection! What a perfect store to go to for those fun summer parties, or even just your everyday wardrobe.
    Água Fresca Lingerie, South America
  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600, Piso GD, lj 38 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Água Fresca traz aos consumidores mineiros o que há de melhor em se tratando de underwear. São quatro lojas em pontos estratégicos de Belo Horizonte. A Água Fresca tornou-se mais do que uma comercialização de lingerie, quando desejos e necessidades são transformadas em soluções de conforto, sedução e praticidade.
    Armani Exchange, North America
  645 Fifth Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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A|X Armani Exchange makes statements, in more ways than one. It's the voice of urban youth, a fashion conscience, an incubator for Giorgio Armani's new ideas and the street barometer of his fashion directions. Armani Exchange is a translation of Mr. Armani's pure sense of design to an innovative, interchangeable mix of edgy separates for men and women. A|X doesn't just capture a new generation, it creates one.
    Najara Indira, South America
  Av. João César de Oliveira, 1275, lj 205 - Big Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Najara Indira foi criada para a mulher que se reconhece, valoriza-se, que se reinventa e principalmente que celebra a vida. Uma mulher que é multi e não tem tempo a perder. Do vestido de festa ao casual, passando pelos calçados e bolsas até as bijoux mais exclusivas você encontra tudo aqui!
    B & G Clothes, North America
  586 East 187th Street - Bronx, NY           
Deep within the heart of the Bronx lies a New York City clothing store whose rich history has grown with the city around it. B&G Clothes has been a Bronx clothing magnate for over 80 years and continued service, quality and fashion sense has kept this store on the top of must see lists of many fashion clothing shoppers. Like the high class of Little Italy surrounding the store, B&G Clothes constantly pleases its customers with a wide variety of men’s clothing that can be used in all aspects of daily life. From your shirt and ties to car coats and overcoats, there is sure to be something to please all shoppers that come in through their doors. Even more amazing is B&G’s custom and tailor made business suits which give you a sense of exclusivity and an opportunity to be totally involved in this Bronx fashion experience. With its uniqueness, variety and quality, B&G has established itself as a part of the Bronx’s inherent fashion culture and opens its doors for you to enjoy. It is highly recommended you take the time to stop into B&G and experience this part of the Bronx for yourself.
    Yohji Yamamoto, North America
  103 Grand Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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For sweeping lines and a classic designer look, seek out Yohji Yamamoto’s exclusive boutique on Manhattan’s edgy Canal Street. Japanese fashion has always presented strong lines and striking styles, but this Japanese fashion designer has interwoven the strength of the Japanese culture with the spirit of the West, pioneering traditional Imperial Japanese structure, phenomenally successful Japanese animated art and the individual spirit of those of us who live in America. His Spring Summer 2012 collection, Noir, for men and women is as pleasurable to the eye as it is comfortable to wear. His flowing styles enhance the human form with grace and elegance, transporting us away from down and dirty jeans and steel and glass Wall St. executive sterile suits. If you are looking for quality clothing you can wear everywhere, the opening of a new night club, the announcement of your promotion at your marketing company or just because you love to wear clothes that make you look and feel good, then head on down to Yohji Yamamoto’s one-of-a-kind designer New York City boutique. With three collections to choose from, Yohji Yamamoto Femme, Homme, Noir and Y’s, you have every opportunity to dress in the height of fashion.
    Vide Bula, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna 3000 lj. 1004 - Via Parque Shopping, Barra - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A irreverência e a criatividade marcam as coleções da grife paulista Vide Bula, que se fez conhecida em todo Brasil como uma das mais importantes marcas no segmento jeanswear.
Em 1985, a cantora alemã Nina Hagen e o cantor Rod Stewart vieram ao Brasil participar de um festival de rock e tiveram a sua atenção despertada pelas roupas da Vide Bula.
Já há algum tempo as coleções da Vide Bula se inspiram no comportamento e encantam pelo inesperado das combinações, pela ousadia do jogo de cores e formas e pela total e imediata identificação com o público jovem, que prestigiam seus inconfundíveis jeans, as camisetas masculinas e as camisas femininas de excelente de corte e acabamento.
Onde encontrar RJ: Fashion Company - Jardim Guanabara, Village - Barra World, Planeta das Marcas - Santa Cruz, Milena Semini - Shopping da Gávea e Urbannas - Vargem Shopping
    Escada, North America
  715 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY             
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Noted for its quality materials, use of color, and elegant and femininine designs, Escada successfully widened its clientele and by 1981 established a name in many categories of womenswear, specializing in formal wear and knitwear. In 1982, the company opened their first store in the United States on Fifth Avenue in New York City and opened its first store in Asia the following year in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong boutique became a worldwide landmark, marked for its use of gold in the store's design.
Though debuting in America in 1982, Escada did not gain national prominence until 1984 when the leading fashion and women's wear magazine Vogue published an entire edition devoted to promoting Escada. Its worldwide prominence led its 1986 IPO on the FSE to be highly anticipated and Escada's debut on the stock exchange marked the headlines in hundreds of major newspapers worldwide. 30 years later, Escada has established itself as one of the largest fashion houses in the world. Escada?s headquarters are based in Munich, Germany and Escada?s collections are available in nearly 500 locations in 60 countries. In the United States, the company has 16 boutiques in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Texas, and Washington. Escada has opened several larger stores carrying various fashion lines including Escada, Escada Sport, and Couture and Accessories. The largest of these stores is located in Vancouver, Canada, and is 16,000 square feet.
Like many fashion houses, Escada also has a line of fragrances for both women and men. Source
    Giselle, North America
  143 Orchard Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
    Fendi, North America
  677 Fifth Avenue - Fifth Avenue - New York, NY            
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When shopping for the finest New York City clothing and fashions, one has to take the time to visit one of Manhattan’s most unique and culturally significant apparel stores; Fendi. Originally founded in Rome in 1925, Fendi has undergone a change from a regional fur and leather shop to one of the most sought after clothing and accessories stores in the world. Headlined by creative director Karl Lagerfeld, Fendi has branched into many different forms of fashion and personal wellbeing products, including an extensive line of perfumes and fragrances considered to be illustrious and delectable. While visiting this Manhattan fashion store, make sure you ogle the world famous Fendi baguette, which has been considered one of the finest made handbags throughout the world and is the staple for which Fendi has been founded. With celebrities such as Rihanna, Solange and Kerry Washington wearing this fab label, it is no wonder Fendi’s popularity has continued to grow, attracting thousands of fashion shoppers worldwide. Without a shadow of a doubt, Fendi’s Manhattan clothing emporium is one of the greatest fashion attractions in the world today and is worth every moment and dollar you spend.
    Old Navy, North America
  610 Avenue Of The Americas - New York, NY              
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Fashion on the Avenue of The Americas is best viewed the Old Navy way, a New York City clothing store that expresses the true value of the United States. With its Flagship in Manhattan and over 1000 stores nationwide, Old Navy focuses on the price minded fashion family while promoting a more wholesome and pure fashion clothing line with innovative differences. The Tech Vest, Flip Flops, and the Performance Fleece are all specialty items marketed by Old Navy giving them an advantage in unique fashion shopping that is also practical. In addition to clothing, Old Navy also sells a variety of accessories such as shoes, handbags, toys, hats, and sunglasses, along with a line of clothing and toys for dogs which puts it on a whole new level of shopping from many of its contemporaries. As a subsidiary of Gap Inc, Old Navy continues to strive for the principles that placed the parent company on the map with fantastic fashion, impeccable service and a knack for happy customers. Old Navy is a Manhattan clothing store rich in culture and should definitely be a part of any shopper’s itinerary when they are in the city.
    Juliana Faro, South America
  Terminal Hidrovário de Charitas, lj 4A - Charitas - Niterói, RJ            
Com uma proposta jovem, antenada com as tendências da moda e peças bem femininas, surgia em 2003 a grife Juliana Faro. Hoje são cinco lojas nos melhores shoppings do Rio e de Niterói. A moda de Juliana, dona da grife que leva o seu nome e sobrenome, continua apostando no jeito girlie das garotas do rio que gostam de se produzir para a noite e arrasar em grandes festas.
    Nordstrom, North America
  60 E. 14th St. - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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From simple beginnings as a shoe retailer to becoming one of the most upscale department stores in the world, Manhattan’s Nordstrom’s has revolutionized the industry and continues to be one of the foremost department stores in the world. Originally started as a little shoe store in Seattle, Nordstrom’s now provides one of the hottest quality shopping experiences in the world. The staff are superb – hand-picked and superiorly trained to help you make your selection from the top quality clothing, handbags, jewelry, cosmetics and home furnishings, it’s no wonder Nordstrom’s has continued to thrive over its hundred and ten year store existence. For some of the best service, best quality in uptown apparel, and best New York City shopping, you need to make a visit to Nordstrom’s. By having great shoes, fashionable clothes and trendy wares for the entire family, they have won many awards and even now appear in Fortune’s Top 100 list. As it has grown, it also acquired several other brands under the Nordstrom banner including HauteLook, Jeffrey and Treasure & Bond. Implementing wellness programs to ensure quality service, is just another of the many accolades for this New York City department store.
    Giorgio Armani, North America
  760 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY              
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The Armani signature label is the most expensive Armani label and is available in its 75 worldwide boutiques. Source:
    Miss Sixty, North America
  132 West Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Sex in the City meets Flower Child. Steamy photo shoots and palazzo pant throw backs, Miss Sixty has brought the psychedelic ‘60s into the 21st Century with a passion. Looking for a young, “come hither” style dampened only by bell bottoms and afros? Miss Sixty is the epitome of GenX girls staking their claim in the fashion scene. Tight faded straight legged jeans, plunging necklines, outrageously sexy platforms, party dresses, handbags and more. Priced right for New York City shopping sprees, go to the Manhattan store and come back again with an entire wardrobe for Spring and Summer 2012 and still be able to go out and show off on Broadway and at the Night Clubs. Preparing for a cruise? Miss Sixty is ideal for coastal vacationing in the Bahamas and in Mexico. Bathing suits, jackets, Tops & Tees, shirts, skirts, jumpsuits (we did say the Sixties…) and accessories. Hats for 2012 and wallets for every occasion imaginable, funky bracelets, shawls, key rings, foulards and cosmetic bags and belts, eyewear and jewels, this hot new line of clothing is available as a franchise so entrepreneurs, this is a great opportunity to wear what you sell.
    Mom's Gestantes, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 lj.106P24 - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
“A Mom´s é uma loja exclusiva de roupas e acessórios para gestantes. Com 6 lojas no Rio de Janeiro e uma franquia em Macaé, a marca aposta em roupas modernas e compatíveis com a nova silhueta durante a gestação. Para conquistar esse público tão específico e que se encontra num momento de fragilidade e necessidade de cuidados com a beleza, a Mom´s aposta numa roupa confortável que acompanha as tendências da moda. A prioridade é o bem estar da gestante, com modelagens exclusivas e tecidos confortáveis. Batas, blusas e vestidos, calças e bermudas que duram toda a gravidez e mantêm o estilo. A calça jeans, forte da marca, possui diferentes regulagens e lavagens.” Lojas RJ: Shopping Barra Garden, BarraShopping, Rio Sul, Shopping Leblon, Ipanema, Shopping Cine Center-Icaraí-Niterói e Macaé.
    Planet Girls, South America
  Av. Martin Luther King Jr.126 - Shopping Nova América - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Sempre antenada ao hype da moda, a grife Planet Girls atende aos desejos da consumidora ávida por novidades e ligada ao mundo ao seu redor. A marca tem em seu jeans o ponto mais alto da coleção, além das diversas modelagens e lavagens capazes de vestir desde a adolescente até a mulher em idade madura, que cada vez mais procuram roupas de acordo com as tendências de moda no mundo inteiro: descontraídas, divertidas e de excelente qualidade. A grife possui 26 lojas próprias e 27 franquias espalhadas por todo o país.