World Colleges & Universities

    Instituto de Belas Artes da UFES, South America

  Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras - Vitória, ES           
A história oficial do ensino das artes no Espírito Santo remonta ao ano de 1909, quando foi criado o Instituto de Belas Artes, que teve existência efêmera, encerrando suas atividades, sobre as quais não existem registros históricos detalhados, no ano de 1916. Outras instituições e indivíduos desenvolveram, isoladamente e sem maiores repercussões, o ensino das Artes: desenho, pintura, instrumentos musicais (principalmente piano e violino).
    New York Law School, North America
  57 Worth St - New York, NY           
New York Law School, one of the oldest independent law schools in the United States, was founded in 1891 by the faculty, students, and alumni of Columbia College Law School led by their founding dean, Theodore Dwight, a major figure in the history of legal education. In 1894, the Law School established one of the nation's first evening divisions to provide those in the workforce, or with family obligations, a flexible alternative to full-time legal studies.
    Pratt Institute, North America
  200 Willoughby Ave. - Brooklyn, NY            
Today, Pratt stands as one of the leading independent art schools in the U.S., as demonstrated by our increase in applications for admissions and the highest enrollment ever. All of our schools – Art and Design, Architecture, Information and Library Science, and Liberal Arts and Sciences – are known for faculty members who deftly combine scholarship with notable achievements in their fields. Together, they create the opportunity for our school to build upon its many accomplishments as we envision an even brighter future for our students.
    Wagner College, North America
  1 Campus Road - Staten Island, NY             
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Wagner College prepares students for life, as well as for careers, by emphasizing scholarship, achievement, leadership, and citizenship. Wagner offers a comprehensive educational program that is anchored in the liberal arts, experiential and co-curricular learning, interculturalism, interdisciplinary studies, and service to society, and that is cultivated by a faculty dedicated to promoting individual expression, reflective practice, and integrative learning.
    Brooklyn Law School, North America
  250 Joralemon Street - Brooklyn, NY            
Welcome to the Brooklyn Law School Web site – a window into the multi-faceted BLS community. Our students are accomplished, diverse, and civic-minded. When they graduate, they join the ranks of our 16,000-strong alumni body. Our alumni are noted members of the bench and bar, and are leaders in public service and private industry. Our faculty are internationally recognized scholars, whose influence extends far beyond the borders of our campus. Here at BLS, these gifted teachers are dedicated to honing the legal minds of the 21st century. Our curriculum is attuned to the evolving needs of our students and the society they will serve. Innovative teaching techniques augment traditional course offerings with instruction in emerging areas of law. Then there is our location in beautiful Brooklyn Heights. The Law School is in the heart of New York City – the financial, legal and cultural capital of the United States.
It’s all here for you to explore. BLS – a great place to learn and experience the law.
    CESV, South America
  Rua Wellington de Freitas, 265 - Jardim Camburi - Vitória, ES           
A meta do CESV é a autonomia intelectual do aluno. Ao longo do curso, ele é motivado para definir problemas, examinar várias alternativas para tratá-los, integrar diferentes áreas do conhecimento, fazer leituras, buscar dados, pesquisar, entrevistar, estruturar o seu raciocínio, chegar a conclusões e apresentá-las em público, de forma correta. A Iniciação Científica (IC) tem sido a valorização do trabalho em grupos de pesquisa, com a participação de vários professores e alunos. Nessa atividade, dá-se ênfase a um trabalho de pesquisa que colabore não só no processo de transformação da Faculdade e da sociedade, mas também na integração entre pesquisa e ensino na graduação e na pós-graduação. Com esse objetivo, o CESV já organizou, em 2003, a sua "1ª Jornada de Iniciação Científica" na qual participaram alunos bolsistas do Cesv, alunos da pós-graduação, professores, pesquisadores do Cesv e convidados.
    Rockefeller University, North America
  1230 York Avenue - New York, NY           
Like their predecessors early in the 20th century, some Rockefeller researchers today seek to solve urgent public health problems. Others focus on basic research. Various laboratories study bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, multidrug treatments for AIDS and genetic causes of cancer. Others are devoted to understanding the brain–how it develops during embryonic growth; how it makes sense of sights, sounds and smells; and what happens when Alzheimer’s disease develops. In addition, faculty focus their research on human genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience and protein chemistry.
    Molloy College, North America
  1000 Hempstead Ave. - Rockville Centre, NY              
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A quality, affordable education can be yours At Molloy College, students gain the knowledge, skills and self-confidence they need to make a difference in their lives and in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. A private Long Island college, Molloy provides a value-centered, multidimensional liberal arts education with more than 50 quality academic programs grounded in the Catholic faith, ideals of truth, and respect for the dignity and worth of every individual. Our faculty is accomplished, yet approachable, leading small classes where students are encouraged to think critically and explore creatively. Combining the strengths of academic excellence and leadership with personal, compassionate mentoring, we bring out the best in every student - while delivering the best value for their tuition dollar.
    Long Island University, North America
  700 Northern Boulevard - Brookville, NY              
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In its ninth decade of providing access to the American dream through excellence in higher education, LIU is a multicampus, diverse, doctoral institution of higher learning. One of the largest and most comprehensive private universities in the country, LIU offers 590 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs and certificates, and educates over 24,000* credit-seeking and continuing education students in Brooklyn, Brookville (Post), Brentwood, Riverhead, Rockland and Westchester. The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences prepares students for successful careers in the fields of pharmacy and health care. The University's Global College provides a wide range of study abroad options at overseas centers in China, Costa Rica and India, and through program offerings in Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.
    Bronx Community College, North America
  2155 University Avenue - Bronx - Bronx, NY           
The year of 2007 marked the 50th anniversary of Bronx Community College which was established in 1957 after a decade of effort by civic-minded groups in Bronx County to meet the growing need for increased higher education facilities in the “Borough of Universities and Progress.” Classes began with 125 students on February 2, 1959 at the former site of the Bronx High School of Science at Creston Avenue and 184th Street.
    Virginia Tech, North America
   - Blacksburg, VA             
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, better known as Virginia Tech, is a public land grant polytechnic university in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Although it is a comprehensive university with many departments, the agriculture, engineering, architecture, forestry, and veterinary medicine programs are considered to be among its strongest. It is also one of the few public universities in the United States, along with Texas A&M University, which continues to maintain a corps of cadets (a full-time military training component within a larger civilian university).
In addition to its research and academic programs, Virginia Tech is known for its campus and location in the New River Valley of southwestern Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a part of the Appalachian Mountains. The university's public profile has also been raised significantly in recent years by the success of its football program. Source
    UNIVIX Faculdade Brasileira, South America
  Rua José Alves, 301 - Goiabeiras - Vitória, ES           
Uma característica peculiar da UNIVIX é o fato de que sua constituição foi uma iniciativa de professores universitários, com qualificação de mestrado e doutorado e vasta experiência acadêmica, adquirida em cargos como o de ex-reitor da UFES, Coordenador de Mestrado, Chefe de Departamento, membro de Conselho Superior da UFES, que se uniram como sócios da mantenedora e também dirigentes da Instituição de Ensino. Hoje a Univix já tem 08 (oito) cursos Reconhecidos pelo MEC: Farmácia (as melhores notas do ES), Arquitetura e Urbanismo (as melhores do ES), Engenharia de Produção Civil (as melhores notas do ES), Engenharia Elétrica (reconhecido com nota final 4), Administração (as melhores notas do Brasil), Enfermagem (dois conceitos MUITO BOM e um BOM), Direito (além de ser reconhecido com nota final 4 obteve parecer favorável da OAB) e Psicologia (reconhecido com nota final 4). Comprometimento com o aprendizado. Essa é a filosofia de todos aqueles que fazem parte da UNIVIX.
    Universidade Federal do Maranhão, South America
  Rua dos Prazeres, 215 - Centro - Maranhão, MA           
A Universidade Federal do Maranhão tem sua origem na antiga Faculdade de Filosofia de São Luís do Maranhão, fundada em 1953, por iniciativa da Academia Maranhense de Letras, da Fundação Paulo Ramos e da Arquidiocese de São Luís. Embora inicialmente sua mantenedora fosse aquela Fundação, por força da Lei Estadual n.º 1.976 de 31/12/59 dela se desligou e, posteriormente, passou a integrar a Sociedade Maranhense de Cultura Superior- SOMACS, que fora criada em 29/01/56 com a finalidade de promover o desenvolvimento da cultura do Estado, inclusive criar uma Universidade Católica.
    Alabama State University, North America
  915 South Jackson Street - Montgomery, AL           
The impetus to establish a school for the black citizens of Alabama, which would eventually become Alabama State University, began shortly after an event that not only tore this country apart, but created a far different United States in which relationships, and attitudes, were altered irrevocably.
    Johns Hopkins University, North America
   - Baltimore, MD             
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The Johns Hopkins University was the first research university in the United States. Founded in 1876, it was an entirely new educational enterprise. Its aim was not only to advance students' knowledge, but also to advance human knowledge generally, through discovery and scholarship. The university's emphasis on both learning and research—and on how each complements the other—revolutionized U.S. higher education. Today, Johns Hopkins has ventured from its home in Baltimore to countries throughout the world—China, Italy and Singapore, among many others. It remains a world leader in teaching, patient care and discovery. Please explore our university. We hope you'll discover something for yourself.
    Universidade Estácio, South America
  Rua Eduardo Luiz Gomes, 134 - Centro - Niterói, RJ           
O campus Niterói da Universidade Estácio de Sá está localizado no coração da cidade de Niterói. Fica situado a 200 metros da estação das barcas, 30 metros da prefeitura e a poucos minutos de caminhada dos terminais rodoviários norte e sul, que ligam o centro da cidade a vários bairros e cidades vizinhas, tais como: São Gonçalo, Itaboraí, Magé, Rio Bonito, etc. Ocupa o tradicional Colégio Gay Lussac, além de mais três unidades em prédios próximos, incluindo a Clínica de Fisioterapia (FisioNiterói), com equipamentos de última geração, localizada no Niterói Shopping. Possui 17 laboratórios de informática com computadores em rede e softwares atualizados. Os laboratórios da Estácio estão projetados para atender as especificidades de cada curso e possuem itens de conforto como ar-condicionado, mobiliário e equipamentos para o uso de cada especialidade. A infra-estrutura local oferece vantagens a seus alunos para que a prática acadêmica seja realizada plenamente.
    Brooklyn College / CUNY, North America
  2900 Bedford Avenue - Brooklyn, NY              
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Brooklyn College is a member unit of the City University of New York, the nation's leading public urban university. The university comprises eleven senior colleges, six community colleges, a graduate school, a law school, and a medical school. More than 200,000 students are enrolled in the academic programs offered at campuses located throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
    Marlboro College, North America
   - Marlboro, VT             
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With 330 students and 41 faculty, Marlboro College offers a student-centered approach to education that is structurally and culturally different from those of other colleges.
Unfettered by generic course requirements, freshmen determine with their faculty advisors an individualized course of study that is appropriate to their academic backgrounds, interests and needs. Freshmen and sophomores choose from some 250 courses in 33 areas of study, in classes ranging in size from five to 20 students.
    Touro College, North America
  27-33 West 23 Street - New York, NY            
Touro College is a Jewish-sponsored independent institution of higher and professional education. The College was established primarily to enrich the Jewish heritage, and to serve the larger American community. Approximately twenty-one thousand students are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions.
    Instituto Pedagógico de Vitória, South America
  Rua Ferreira Coelho, 330, sl 814 - Praia do Suá - Vitória, ES           
Os eventos educacionais podem ser considerados um valioso e eficaz instrumento de intercambio. Capacitam profissionais para atuar com competência no compromisso de suas funções. Diante destas constatações nasceu o Instituto Pedagógico de Vitória fundada em 09 de Julho de 2002, se destina a atender a esses profissionais oferecendo cursos nas áreas de: Atualização, Especialização, Capacitação e Qualificação. Estamos aumentando a capacidade de informatização do nosso escritório, e melhorando ainda mais nossos serviços, nos atualizando nos aspectos profissionais, a fim de ampliar a base de clientes.
    Florida International University SUSF, North America
   - Miami, FL             
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Florida International University is an urban, multi-campus, research university serving South Florida, the state, the nation and the international community. It fulfills its mission by imparting knowledge through excellent teaching, promoting public service, discovering new knowledge, solving problems through research, and fostering creativity.
    St. Joseph's College, North America
  245 Clinton Avenue - Brooklyn, NY              
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Since 1916, thousands of men and women have found a place at St. Joseph's College. Today, on our two campuses, in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn and Patchogue, Suffolk, students find an affordable college of academic excellence, real-life learning, personal attention and a vibrant, caring community. Our students discover what moves them, develop their skills and prepare themselves for their careers. Now it's your turn!
    Faculdade Batista de Vitória, South America
  Rua Joaquim Leopoldino Lopes, 230 - Vitória - Vitória, ES           
A FABAVI faz parte de uma rede de ensino com 100 anos de história, tendo por filosofia contribuir para a transformação da sociedade através da educação. Com o compromisso de oferecer cursos de qualidade na área de negócios e direito, a FABAVI trouxe para o seu corpo docente profissionais com experiência empresarial e acadêmica. Aliado a isso, a FABAVI desenvolve projetos interdisciplinares, que levam o aluno mais perto da realidade empresarial, os capacitando a enfrentar a dura concorrência do mercado e do mundos dos negócios.
    Marshall University, North America
   - Huntington, WV             
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Named after John Marshall, the great Chief Justice of the United States, Marshall Academy was established in 1837. Marshall became a university in 1961 and has since grown tremendously, particularly in the 1990's which saw the construction of the state-of-the-art Drinko Library, Jomie Jazz Center and the addition of the Graduate College.
    St. John's University, North America
  8000 Utopia Parkway - Jamaica, NY             
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St. John's is one of America's leading Catholic universities – recognized for its superb academic programs, diverse student life, Big East excitement and New York vitality. Founded in 1870 by the Vincentian Community, St. John’s has distinguished itself by giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to serve others while achieving lasting success – personally, professionally and spiritually.
With three friendly residential campuses in New York City, St. John’s is the perfect choice for an affordable, high-quality private education that blends academic study, service opportunities, professional training and real-world experience within a diverse and highly supportive community.
    SUNY College of Optometry, North America
  33 West 42nd Street - New York, NY            
The State College of Optometry, located in New York City, is the campus of the State University of New York system devoted to optometric education and related scholarly activities. It serves the people of New York by preparing qualified individuals for the contemporary practice of optometry. The College promotes ethical behavior, values, public service and social responsibility in all of its programs.
    Fisk University, North America
  1000 Seventeenth Ave. North - Nashville, TN           
Founded in 1866, Fisk University is one of America’s finest institutions of higher education. While the University has a strong foundation in the liberal arts, we pride ourselves in our contribution to the nation’s ranks of great scientists and businesspersons. During our 140 year legacy, we have consistently produced graduates with the intellectual and ethical aptitude to constructively engage and change the world.
    St. Francis College, North America
  180 Remsen Street - Brooklyn Heights, NY             
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St. Francis College is a private, independent co-educational college that welcomes students from all walks of life, providing a superior liberal arts education at an affordable price. The St. Francis student benefits from small classes taught by professors who are committed to provide an education in an atmosphere of support and friendship. By integrating liberal arts and pre-professional programs, the College promotes the development of the whole person. Both the Franciscan heritage and the Catholic tradition establish a cornerstone of academic excellence, social responsibility, and mutual respect throughout the entire College community.
    Universidade Estadual de Londrina, South America
  Cx. Postal 6001 - Londrina, PR           
    Fundação Souza Marques, South America
  Av. Ernani Cardoso, 335/345 - Cascadura - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O desafio maior que elege a missão das Souza Marques, Faculdades é o constante aprimoramento do processo ensino-aprendizagem como meio para formação humana e intelectual, permitindo que nossos alunos sejam capazes de enfrentar o trabalho intelectual através do crescimento da dimensão do pensamento, da crítica, da justiça, da solidariedade e da ética.
Sonhar com o amanhã abre caminhos, amplia limites e supera o existente, permitindo a produção do novo, o que deverá ser criado através da gestão do conhecimento desenvolvida nas instituições de Ensino Superior