World Clothing

    Levi's, South America

  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 401 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A história da Levi’s começa ser contada em 1853 quando um imigrante da Bavária chamado Levi Strauss abriu uma empresa para vender charque e utensílios para operários na área de mineração. Das lonas de proteção dessas mercadorias foram criadas calças resistentes ao trabalho pesado. Vinte anos mais tarde ele patenteou o processo de colocar rebites em calças, nascendo naquele momento, o primeiro brim . Há mais de 130 anos, Levi's ganhou registro legal do produto denim. A Levi’s oferece uma incrível variedade de produtos que vem sendo adquiridos por homens e mulheres de diferentes faixas etárias e sociais, principalmente o ícone 501. Os jeans da Levi’s são produzidos com algodão 100% orgânico, cultivados sem fertilizantes ou pesticidas sintéticos. Durante o processo fabril todos os elementos são cuidadosamente tratados por pessoas previamente selecionadas, visando transferir para o produto às condições ambientais mais saudáveis possível. Produtos: Levi's 501, Levi's Red Tab, Levi's Blue, Levi's Acessórios: bonés, cintos, carteiras, braceletes, meias e cuecas; Levi's Engineered jeans, Levi's Premium, Levi's Redwire, Levi's Eco e Levi's Swaroski. Lojas RJ: Ipanema, Centro, Shopping da Gávea, BarraShopping, Rio Sul Shopping e Nova América.
    Lululemon Athletica, North America
  1928 Broadway (at 64th Street) - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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After 20 years in the surf, skate and snowboard business, founder Chip Wilson took the first commercial yoga class offered in Vancouver and found the result exhilarating. The post yoga feeling was so close to surfing and snowboarding that it seemed obvious that yoga was an ideology whose time had come (again).
    Datskat, South America
  Rua Carlos Góis, 234 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A jovem e descontraída Datskat é alegre como o Rio de Janeiro. O perfil de seus consumidores é constituído de jovens que apreciam viagens, música, arte - referências para a criação de coleções que sempre falam de liberdade e sonho, com peças coloridas e muitas estampas para quem gosta de brincar com a moda e estar sempre ligada a tudo que acontece no mundo. Duas lojas no Rio, em Ipanema e no Leblon sendo, também, prioridade da marca, suprir, através de seu movimentado atacado, os 350 pontos de venda de boutiques em todo o Brasil.
    Morena Rosa, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunes, 6501, 1º piso - Itaipu Multi Center - Niterói, RJ             
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O Grupo Morena Rosa iniciou suas atividades como uma micro-empresa, em 1993, na cidade de Cianorte (PR). A iniciativa surgiu de três casais, Marco e Valdete Franzato, Valdiva e Osmar Jorge e Leila e Enivaldo Barella. Na época, confeccionavam moletons com quatro máquinas de costura, que eram vendidos para lojas de atacado, já com o nome Morena Rosa. O principal diferencial é o lançamento de coleções a cada 45 dias. Ou seja, seis coleções por ano, com catálogos que marcam as coleções e campanhas publicitárias de grande impacto no mercado nacional. Isso gera uma produção de 350 mil peças a cada lançamento. Tendo como carro-chefe o jeans e a malharia. Loja In Vogue
    dzarm., South America
  Av. Alfredo Bartazar da Silveira, 580 lj.20 - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
dzarm. é diferente. Empresa do Grupo Hering. Sintonizada com a geração que apresenta muita atitude, estilo próprio e sensualidade, com roupas e acessórios nos estilos streetwear e casual para qualquer hora e lugar. O jeans é hoje o forte da marca, que valoriza modelagens impecáveis com o que há de mais moderno em processos de lavanderia e tecelagem. Para combinar, malhas super coloridas com estampas exclusivíssimas em duas frentes: as mais esportivas para o dia-a-dia e muito brilho para a balada. Presente em 50 municípios do Estado e 17 lojas do município do Rio de Janeiro nos principais bairros da cidade.
    Colcci, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 lj.237-G - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Colcci é de 1986, é AMC Têxtil, é do grupo da Sommer, É uma das maiores franquias brasileiras, é comercializada em mais de 1.200 lojas multimarcas no país, é marca de sucesso, é vitrine. Colcci é famosa, é Brasil, é inverno, é verão, é Fashion Rio, é SPFW, é jeans wear, é original, é supercriativa, é brilho, é sempre atual. Colcci é jovem, é masculina, é feminina, é atitude, é comportamento, é inquieta, é ousadia, é glamour, é hype, é você. Lojas RJ: Rio Sul Shopping, Shopping Leblon, BarraShopping, Norte Shopping, Plaza Shopping-Niterói, Campos e Macaé.
    Paul Smith, North America
  142 Greene Street - Soho - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Paul Smith’s introduction into fashion was completely accidental.
At the age of 16, with no career plans or qualifications, Paul Smith was propelled by his father into a menial job at the local clothing warehouse in his native Nottingham. However his real passion was sport and his ambition was to become a professional racing cyclist, until aged 17 years when cycling-mad Paul was in a terrible accident.
    Claire's, North America
  755 Broadway - (At 8th St.) - New York, NY           
    Old Navy, North America
  610 Avenue Of The Americas - New York, NY              
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Fashion on the Avenue of The Americas is best viewed the Old Navy way, a New York City clothing store that expresses the true value of the United States. With its Flagship in Manhattan and over 1000 stores nationwide, Old Navy focuses on the price minded fashion family while promoting a more wholesome and pure fashion clothing line with innovative differences. The Tech Vest, Flip Flops, and the Performance Fleece are all specialty items marketed by Old Navy giving them an advantage in unique fashion shopping that is also practical. In addition to clothing, Old Navy also sells a variety of accessories such as shoes, handbags, toys, hats, and sunglasses, along with a line of clothing and toys for dogs which puts it on a whole new level of shopping from many of its contemporaries. As a subsidiary of Gap Inc, Old Navy continues to strive for the principles that placed the parent company on the map with fantastic fashion, impeccable service and a knack for happy customers. Old Navy is a Manhattan clothing store rich in culture and should definitely be a part of any shopper’s itinerary when they are in the city.
    Tommy Hilfiger, North America
  372 West Broadway - Soho - New York, NY              
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Tommy Hilfiger Corporation, through its subsidiaries, designs, sources and markets men's and women's sportswear, jeanswear and childrenswear under the Tommy Hilfiger trademarks. Through a range of strategic licensing agreements, the Company also offers a broad array of related apparel, accessories, footwear, fragrance and home furnishings. The Company's products can be found in leading department and specialty stores throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America, Japan, Hong Kong and other countries in the Far East, as well as the Company's own network of specialty and outlet stores in the United States, Canada and Europe.
Shop Tommy Hilfiger
    Teargas, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 529 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A TEARGAS foi criada em 2001 por seu designer Marcello Iabrude com o objetivo de trazer a vanguarda da moda jovem masculina e feminina para pessoas com personalidade eclética e moderna por possuir um conceito inovador. Através de seu design, modelagem, tecido e aviamentos especiais, a TEARGAS procura oferecer um produto marcante e exclusivo. Exibe um conceito inovador utilizando seu atelier criativo, a Maison 444, para oferecer aos clientes uma peça sob medida com o auxílio do estilista. Seus produtos são feitos com jeans de alta costura, especialidade da marca, que acredita no sucesso do jeans de luxo,que encontra-se em ascensão.
    Siciliao, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, 1o piso - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
Venda de livros nacionas e impoartados. DVDs, CDs, games e papelaria.
    Agnés b., North America
  50 Howard Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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agnès b. is a keen observer of life from which she draws inspiration as the sole designer for her collections for women, men, children, sport b., and Voyage, as well as a cosmetics line. She has often taken inspiration for her collections from everyday life, believing that the clothes are 'less important' than the person wearing them, and she has created a trademark style that is modern and pure, elegant but not conventional, and that has seduced people all around the world.
    Mandee, North America
  5687 Broadway - New York, NY             
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Down on Broadway sits a store founded to provide the very best in women’s clothing at a fraction of the cost. Mandee is a New York City clothing store which features the hottest and trendiest quality clothing while still keeping prices low enough so all customers are able to look and feel their best. Shopping at this clothier provides fashion on all levels with fabulous selections for either casual or professional affairs. The type of fashions available at Mandee include the latest in clothing, shoes, handbags and various other accessories, all with the focused intent of making each woman look and feel beautiful. This clothing shop is exceptional for budget-minded woman, especially in this economy – executives, business owners, students, professionals, if you have a Vogue fashion sense but are dealing with your paycheck disappearing before the end of the month reality, never fear, you can still enjoy New York City shopping. Along with their sister store Annie Sez, Mandee has gone beyond the conventional wisdom of day-to-day marketing and embraced the new digital world with e-commerce. Come and shop live at Mandee and see for yourself why this is Bronx clothing store is a revolutionary experience.
    Hering, South America
  Rua Lauro Muller, 116 lj.C-44 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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Com 125 anos de existência, a Cia. Hering é hoje uma das maiores empresas de produtos de vestuário do Brasil, sendo que a sua orientação, o foco dos seus negócios, está sempre em sintonia com as tendências e exigências do mercado. A grife está segmentada em 4 marcas: Hering - Marca que virou atitude, que representa um conceito e que traduz um universo. Assim é a Hering: atual, contemporânea, vestindo e traduzindo um comportamento que é a cara do brasileiro. dzarm. - Visite nosso site (Zona Oeste – Fashion – RJ) Hering Kids - É para esta criança que a coleção HeringKids é desenvolvida, sempre com muito conforto, cores e detalhes que nesta fase da vida são fundamentais. PUC - Alegre, descontraída, moderna, irreverente, ampla, diversidade de cores e temas que coordenam entre si oferecendo diversos estilos e situações para criança que deseja estar na moda sem deixar de ser criança.
Lojas RJ: Barra Shopping, Rio Design Barra, Botafogo Praia Shopping, Ilha Plaza Shopping, Norte Shopping, Nova América, Centro: Rua da Quitanda e Rua Uruguaiana, Ipanema, Shopping Rio Sul, Shopping Tijuca, Via Parque Shopping, Campos dos Goytacazes, Macaé, Niterói, Nova Friburgo, Petrópolis, São João de Meriti, Teresópolis e Volta Redonda
    Chloé, North America
  850 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY            
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Returning after a season's maternity leave, Phoebe sent out a collection with crisp new shapes, proportions and vigour. A line dresses and stiffer couture fabrics were used with flares from the shoulder, and swinging skirts with models on great chunky platform shoes. Sixties ruffled skirts (so popular this season) were intricately worked in crunchy embroidery, organza applique and frills. Lots of new accessories like handbags were seen this season. Source
    Maria.Valentina, South America
  Av. das Américas, 3555 Bl., 1 sala 122 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O público alvo da grife do Grupo Morena Rosa, a paranaense Maria Valentina, é a de mulher na faixa etária de 25 a 30 anos, saindo do clássico para o moderno. Elas se fazem notar por sua independência, elegância, confiança e modernidade.
A marca se destaca ainda pelos acessórios que produz como: bolsas, sapatos e cintos.
Atende, também, a um público com faixa etária entre 25 a 30 anos, oferecendo roupas que proporcionam conforto, estilo e elegância para a prática de atividades esportivas.
Com as peças versáteis da grife, a mulher estará bem vestida, da academia à rua.
As criações de MARIA. VALENTINA FITNESS são desenvolvidas com tecidos que possibilitam movimentos leves, livres e confortáveis, compostos de poliamida e elastano, valorizando o corpo feminino sem abrir mão das tendências da moda e do design arrojado As fibras não retêm o suor do corpo, permitindo a secagem rápida das peças, ventilação e resistência
Oito endereços diferentes em vários bairros do rio de Janeiro. Consulte site..
    Vanda Braga, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunez, 7288 - Cancun Center, Itaipu - Niterói, RJ           
Moda feminina, roupas e acessórios.
    Victoria's Secret, North America
  31-35 STEINWAY ST. - Queens - New York, NY              
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There is no secret where you should shop for sexy and alluring lingerie and women’s intimate apparel. Only one NYC clothing store provides the best: Victoria’s Secret. Victoria’s Secret is a New York City clothing boutique that has remained classy in the world of lingerie by maintaining a sense of sophistication and elegance and upholding the high quality synonymous with its brand. VS mails over 400 million copies of their catalog to customers knowing that the true shopping experience only happens by touching the real thing. Shopping at the Queens store gives you allows you to truly appreciate the time and effort put into the design of their quality merchandise. Victoria’s Secret sells bras, panties, hosiery, beauty products, sleepwear, and more all while offering the best advice and service money can buy. Victoria’s Secret also refuses to rely on cheap gimmickry or celebrity endorsements. Instead, they showcase their lovely designer collections as enhancements to woman’s natural beauty. This Queens clothing store is a breath of fresh air from a quality driven company unsurpassed by anyone in the industry. If you are looking for a great service environment, or just that sexy gift for a loved one, visit Victoria’s Secret and experience why it is held in such high regard.
    Dolce & Gabbana, North America
  434 West Broadway - Soho - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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All that is youthful, sexy, vibrant, full of life and beautiful in draping cloth on men and women, young and old, is exuberantly displayed at this Manhattan shrine to the genius fashion designers, Dolce & Gabbana. JLo loves them, soccer gods model their clothing and movie directors feature their distinctive collections. All because they are really good at what they do. Deceptively simple and outrageously alive, these two Italian fashion designers have transformed quality clothing into an art. What use is designer fashion if you have nowhere to wear it? Favored by celebrities, dignitaries and the man/woman on the street, D&G give a spark of life and creativity to the streets of New York City. Their Spring Summer 2012 collection is extraordinary in fabric, line, and color, embracing the family with fashions for men, women and children, with D&G Junior. Sign up for Swide, their fashion magazine and download their app on your Iphone for everything D&G. You are sure to see some of the world’s most beautiful actresses and sports heroes in their Manhattan boutique. It is worth your while to browse through the beautiful people of the world and their clothes when shopping in New York City.
    XPTO, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 268 lj.B - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Surgida nos primeiros anos da década de noventa, a concepção da marca está intimamente ligada ao desejo de lançar no cenário da moda carioca uma nova grife que pudesse aliar estilo, qualidade e preço a um público que se mostrava cada vez mais exigente. Promovendo auto-estima, dissipando o espírito das ruas e o desejo da carioca em viver bem, a XPTO tem demonstrado ser a grande companheira da mulher nesses poucos mais de dez anos, tornando-se parceira em sua evolução diária na ânsia permanente em sua atualização. XPTO, realizando desejos!
    Gap, North America
  528 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Founded by Donald and Doris Fisher as a small San Francisco based clothing store with just a handful of employees, Gap has turned into one of the world’s most recognizable and prestigious clothing store brands. A visit to New York City’s Gap is like a visit to Starbucks – just say when. With its Manhattan clothing store, The Gap has solidified itself as a staple of the New York fashion scene and offers a vast selection of must-have uptown apparel . Along with the Gap banner, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Piperlime and Athleta are all labels available through Gap retailers and covers all ages and styles of fashion, clothing and accessories. Celebrity endorsements from Whoopi Goldberg, Spike Lee and Lorraine Bracco, to name a few, have brought The Gap to the masses and has forever made it part of Americana. Even today, Gap continues its dominance of the fashion industry as it continues to be recognized as the US’s largest specialty apparel retailer and keeps its hand on the pulse of the fashion world. For awesome gifts, family friendly atmospheres and an overall great shopping experience make Manhattan’s Gap one of the stores you visit in the New York fashion scene.
    Club Monaco, North America
  2376 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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A high-end high street clothing retailer with more than 69 stores in North America. It is owned by Polo Ralph Lauren. An international men’s and women’s lifestyle brand with a distinctly urban casual point of view, best defined as a play of opposites: mining vintage with new, hard with soft and eclecticism with minimalism. Each season, Club Monaco offers customers must have fashion and key pieces that together are the foundation of a modern wardrobe.
    Carolina Herrera, North America
  954 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Spring/Summer 2006 - New York
Carolina presented her Spring/Summer 2006 collection during New York Fashion Week in September 2005. A beautiful dress from the collection is shown on the right, a powder-blue gown with a beautiful hand-painted floral panel on the skirt. Her evening gowns were fitted to the knee and then flared out to the hemline.
For daywear, she teamed leg-elongating trousers with tiny knit sweaters and pencil skirts with short-sleeved tops. This was a collection that combined glamour and grace. Source
    Diane von Furstenberg, North America
  874 Washington St. - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Belgian born Diane von Furstenberg made fashion history with her signature jersey wrap dresses upon her arrival in New York City in 1972. Presently, the internationally-recognized DVF brand encompasses fashion, fine jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and fragrance. DVF, the collection, is sold in the most exclusive retail stores in over 50 countries including in the freestanding Diane von Furstenberg the Shop in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Paris, Hong Kong, and Antwerp. Her headquarters in New York City’s meatpacking district also include a theater space which has become a center for creativity and a launch pad for young artists.
    B & G Clothes, North America
  586 East 187th Street - Bronx, NY           
Deep within the heart of the Bronx lies a New York City clothing store whose rich history has grown with the city around it. B&G Clothes has been a Bronx clothing magnate for over 80 years and continued service, quality and fashion sense has kept this store on the top of must see lists of many fashion clothing shoppers. Like the high class of Little Italy surrounding the store, B&G Clothes constantly pleases its customers with a wide variety of men’s clothing that can be used in all aspects of daily life. From your shirt and ties to car coats and overcoats, there is sure to be something to please all shoppers that come in through their doors. Even more amazing is B&G’s custom and tailor made business suits which give you a sense of exclusivity and an opportunity to be totally involved in this Bronx fashion experience. With its uniqueness, variety and quality, B&G has established itself as a part of the Bronx’s inherent fashion culture and opens its doors for you to enjoy. It is highly recommended you take the time to stop into B&G and experience this part of the Bronx for yourself.
    Daffy's, North America
  335 Madison Ave (CLOSED) - New York, NY             
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Starting out as Daffy Dan’s Bargaintown, the new Daffy’s has revolutionized quality clothing stores by giving you the opportunity to wear the best designer collections while not breaking the bank to do so. Daffy’s became famous as the first fashion clothing store by making Madison Avenue and European designer brands available to all consumers. With their location in the heart of Madison Avenue, Daffy’s has been recognized as one of Manhattan’s premier clothing stores and is a must visit for anyone looking to do some serious shopping. With extensive selections of dresses, sweatsuits, sportswear and even houseware, Daffy’s is sure to have a little bit of something for everyone. Daffy’s fashion clothing store maintains the highest of quality control and makes a promise to its consumers to maintain these values. A family run business, Daffy’s allows its customers a chance to relax and feel at home with some of the best customer service available in New York City. Evolving from a single New Jersey store specializing in samples and irregulars to a 19 store corporation carrying the finest apparel available, Daffy’s has firmly established itself as one of the best New York clothing stores at bargain prices.
    Eddie Bauer, North America
  7000 Austin Street - Forest Hills, NY             
Eddie Bauer became a household name for quality and classic styling. The designer has a history rich in innovation and scope. Looking for classy quality? Don’t be surprised if you find the Eddie Bauer signature on your car or your cap. Known for their outdoor lifestyle and clothing, Eddie Bauer has branched into a vast selection of Men’s and Women’s casual wear providing style and class for all of their clientele. The Queens clothing store continues with these ideals by showcasing the vast selection of merchandise designed by Eddie Bauer. Shirts, pants, polos, sweaters, swimwear, jeans, jackets and more have all been meticulously designed. It only takes shopping once to become an Eddie Bauer fan for life. After all, you have to come back for their shoes, bags, accessories… Redesigning your home? Eddie Bauer has begun a line of bedding and home ware so enjoy Eddie in the comfort of your own home. Eddie Bauer is an American icon and continues to produce the highest of quality merchandise. If in Queens, stop into Eddie Bauer and see why they continue to thrive today as they have for the last ninety years.
    Amarcord, North America
  84 East 7th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Dedicated to upscale European vintage clothing and accessories from 1940´s to the 1980´s.
    Oxto, South America
  Av. Das Américas, 4666 lj.156 - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Oxto é uma rede lojas que trouxe ao Brasil o conceito de sportlifestyle, que tem o esporte como filosofia de vida unida aos elementos de moda que traduzem o estilo de vida ativa atual. São coleções de urbanwear, em que o conforto, praticidde e moda andam lado a lado. Marcas vendidas: Adidas Originals, Diesel, Ecko Unltd, Energie, Everlast, Miss Sixty, Puma, Replay, La Martins e Sigg, entre outras.