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Marymount is a college preparatory, independent, Catholic day school for girls, founded by Mother Joseph Butler in 1926 as part of a worldwide school system directed by the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The School promotes in each student a respect for her own unique abilities and a commitment to responsible living in a changing world. Marymount welcomes diversity and draws upon it to foster cultural sensitivity, religious understanding and a global perspective.
O nome vem de Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, o grande físico-químico francês, numa homenagem prestada por nosso fundador - o professor Renato Garcia de Freitas.
Desde o início, lá pelos idos de 1954, funcionando como Curso Pré-Vestibular de Medicina e Engenharia, tinha um compromisso: qualidade em Educação. Em 1968, dentro de tal proposta, transformou-se em ensino de formação regular, uma escola-escolha, voltada para o desenvolvimento de talentos, sempre com uma filosofia pedagógica que busca o equilíbrio entre dimensões conservadoras e liberais, da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio. Nessas últimas 3 décadas, com gerações e gerações de alunos, felizmente atingimos objetivos pretendidos. Somos uma escola para quem deseja níveis de excelência, visando à continuação de estudos superiores, num mundo em permanente mutação, com estruturas comportamentais baseadas na reunião do saber com o sentir. |
Students are motivated, involved, curious, diverse, appreciative, reflective, fun, enthusiastic, and they expect and receive high quality teaching and learning.
Long noted as one of the best schools in the area, the magazine U.S. News and World Report named Farrell as one of the finest high schools in the United States. The independent study concluded that Farrell attained an extremely high level of distinction in every facet of school life. Further honors followed as the school was selected as one of only 16 to be named as New York City´s "Super Schools". The Daily News cited Farrell´s overall commitment to excellence and its dedication to the student body in its choice as an elite school.
Far Rockaway High School Alumni from Far Rockaway, New York where you'll find an Alumni Directory, Reunion Post, In Memoriam List, Message Post, Year Books, Photo Gallery and more for all of you Sea Horses out there!
A Associação Educacional de Niterói surgiu em 1993 e é fruto de um projeto compartilhado por pais, alunos e educadores.
Tem como princípios o que considera como os quatro alicerces da Educação para o século XXI: aprender a conhecer, aprender a fazer, aprender a viver junto e aprender a ser, e a qualidade administrativa através da gestão democrática. A Escola mantém classes do Grupo I ao 3º ano do Ensino Médio com, no máximo, 15 alunos na Educação Infantil, 20 alunos na 1ª série do Ensino Fundamental, 25 alunos nas demais séries do Ensino Fundamental e 30 alunos nas classes do Ensino Médio. |
The Ramaz School has a deeply rooted history dating back to the early part of the twentieth century. Torah, derech eretz and menschlichkeit, are the ideals set forth by its founders, establishing the foundation that has supported the school across three generations.
As the oldest independent school in Queens, Kew-Forest is a “classical” school in the best sense, one that places intense focus on the basics. Our Faculty and Staff bring caring and world-class excellence and expertise to small classrooms with fine instruction and high expectations. A diverse student body represents the ethnicities, languages, religions, and cultures of the global community for which Kew-Forest School prepares them.
The Beekman School/The Tutoring School, a private high school for grades 9 through 12, founded in 1925, provides a competetive preparatory school curriculum with the advantage of offering highly individualized instruction where teaching is designed specifically to meet the needs of the individual. Class size is limited to 10 students in The Beekman School and 3 students in The Tutoring School. In order for students to move effectively at their own pace, the school provides them as many classes as seems appropriate to their particular situation, and after school tutors are available through The Tutoring School.
Honoring and rewarding academic excellence. A talented and dedicated staff works to help the students to achieve their intellectual, social, and athletic "personal best." Working in partnership with the site-based management team composed of teachers, students, and parents, the administration fosters participation in academic programs above and beyond the prescribed curriculum.
ST. BERNARD'S offers motivated young boys of diverse backgrounds an exceptionally thorough, rigorous, and enjoyable introduction to learning and community life. We wish to inspire boys to appreciate hard work and fair play, to develop confidence in themselves, consideration for others and a sense of citizenship, and to have fun while doing these things. |
The Garden School course of study emphasizes strong basic skills, with challenge and discovery as part of the educational process. The co-curricular experience includes sports, drama, art, music, and a commitment to community service.
Although Garden is an independent school, its low tuition, compared with others in the metro-New York area, makes it an affordable option to a broad group of families. Garden's student body reflects the ever-changing population of Queens, New York. Located in Jackson Heights, Queens, Garden School is easily accessible to students from all sections of New York City and Long Island. |
In 1984, Townsend Harris was reopened with a new location and student body but the same spirit and desires as before. Beginning with the first new class, a tradition of expressing this spirit is found in the pledge the Townsend Harris student makes during his or her first year, known as the Ephebic Oath. The present school has had, from its inception, this rich tradition supported by an active group of alumni. The alumni arrange internships for students, serve as advisors and mentors and raise funds for special projects.
Jamaica High School is also located near Thomas A. Edison Vocational and Technical High School. Edison is north of Jamaica High School, separated by 84th Avenue and the Jamaica High School cutting edge and state-of-the-art Track and Football Field. Hillcrest High School is another nearby high school. Hillcrest is located at 87th Avenue and Parsons Boulevard, right near Gateway High School for the Sciences
The LFNY was the brainchild of the then French Consul General in New York, the Count Charles de Ferry de Fontnouvelle. He enlisted the help of Forsythe Wicks, a lawyer and businessman who was the president of Alliance Française and Paul Windels, Sr.—the attorney general of the City of New York. The French government has been closely involved with the School from the first. The French ambassadors to the United States of that period, M. André Lefèbvre de Laboulaye and subsequently M. René Doynel de Saint-Quentin were part of the original group of French and American founders of the School. Others who were involved in the founding of the LFNY in the late 1930's include: Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, the President of Columbia University, M. Hesse Strauss, the American Ambassador to France, and M. Jean Marx, the Director of Cultural Affairs at the Quai d'Orsay.
Almost 100 years ago, Stuyvesant High School was founded as a manual trade school for boys. It was later established as a specialized high school for mathematics, science and technology. In keeping with its mission, Stuyvesant offers a rigorous mandated and elective program in the sciences. From our ranks come some of the most renowned professionals in the country. The tradition of excellence is evident through unprecedented results in assessments, course scholarship, awards and achievements in competitions in all areas...
A K-12 public charter school located in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York. Fostering educated, responsible young leaders who through their own personal growth will spark a renaissance in New York.
Em 1998 surgiu a idéia da construção de um colégio, que suprisse as reais necessidades da população da Região Oceânica, em relação à Educação Infantil e ao Ensino Fundamental.
Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa que nos mostrou as deficiências quanto à maioria dos serviços de educação encontrados na região e as expectativas da população, que almejava por uma educação de melhor qualidade para seus filhos, que muitas vezes se viam obrigados a procurar outras opções fora da localidade onde moravam. |
The mission of RFK Community High School is to provide all students with a high quality, comprehensive, and personalized education by incorporating the use of technology and numerous research-based teaching styles into our academic program. In addition, through the use of our service learning program, we aim to expose our students to the community around them and encourage them to become civic-minded people who are eager to support their community.
Professional Children's School provides a challenging education for young people working or studying for careers in the performing and visual arts, modeling and competitive sports, and for students who desire the special environment of PCS or the flexibility and independence of the PCS program. |
Collegiate School strives to educate each boy to reach his highest level of intellectual, ethical, artistic, and physical development. Drawing on what is known about boys' growth and learning, the school offers a rigorous K-12 program rich in opportunities for cultivating individual talents and interests in a climate of collaboration and respect. Collegiate continues its historic tradition in New York City of educating a diverse and talented student body and of helping boys to become independent adults and responsible citizens who will lead and serve. |
Francis Lewis High School is a comprehensive, academic secondary setting dedicated to serving all students. Its diverse population reflects the multicultural community it serves. Its mission is to promote life-long learning by providing students with the requisite skills and an inherent value for continued growth. Through a program of challenging academic experiences, Francis Lewis High School encourages youngsters to reach for ever-increasing expectations. By consistently providing for the intellectual, social and ethical growth of all students, Francis Lewis High School serves its community.
The Berkeley Carroll School's college-preparatory academic program emphasizes critical thinking, informed decision-making, and life-long learning. Under the guidance of dynamic and energetic teachers, students are challenged to stretch their imaginations, discover creative resources, and strive to fulfill their intellectual promise. Teachers demand an active approach to the learning process and support their students in an atmosphere of respect, personal attention, and care.
The school has four educational divisions - the Child Care Center, Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School. |
Procuramos mostrar em todo o tempo não só as matérias obrigatórias em cada currículo, mas também as "matérias" que compõem o dia-a-dia de todo ser. Através do diálogo, da amizade, da solidariedade, amor e respeito ao próximo procuramos transmitir aos nossos jovens o valor da vida, da integridade preparando-os para conviver em sociedade.
13 de junho de 1942... Algumas carteiras... umas poucas crianças... uma professora... um sonho...
... nascia, sob um cajazeiro no quintal da casa nº 108, na Rua São Pedro, o Educandário Maria Thereza, sob a direção da dedicada professora Edith Sales Lima. Até 1953, o Educandário ofereceu o então Ensino Primário, marcando seu espaço na comunidade educacional niteroiense. O reconhecimeto da qualidade das atividades pedagógicas da Instituição manifesta-se pela solicitação dos pais dos alunos para que fosse oferecido, também, o Curso Ginasial. http://www.mariathereza.com.br/
Colégio Ary Parreiras, Instituição Educacional que oferece através de um ensino de qualidade, oportunidades de formação plena do cidadão capacitando-o para uma posição crítica, criativa e ética dentro do contexto social.
O Colégio Ary Parreiras foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 1985, pela Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e Especialista em Educação, Nerilza Guimarães Lopes. Com sede própria e totalmente remodelada na sua parte física e pedagógica para 2006, o Colégio Ary Parreiras, atualmente atende alunos da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nos turnos manhã, tarde e integral (Educação Infantil opcional). http://www.apcolegio.com.br |
O Colégio Oswaldo Cruz atende ao aluno respeitando sua multiplicidade, favorecendo a construção do conhecimento. É papel fundamental da escola estimular o desenvolvimento do interesse, o gosto pelo aprender, integrando arte, pesquisa, música, oficina de leitura, inglês, educação física e informática. http://www.oswaldocruzcolegio.com.br/
O Colégio Argumento nasceu do sonho de alguns professores de Niterói com larga experiência em vestibulares, em agosto de 1989. O Colégio Argumento busca em sua filosofia, o desenvolvimento da consciência crítica e autonomia dos nossos alunos através de práticas educativas, democráticas e comprometidas com o bem comum, tendo em vista o exercício pleno da cidadania, além da integração da família à comunidade escolar.
A Unidade do COC de Belo Horizonte, capital de Minas Gerais, é uma extensão do Sistema COC de Ensino no quinto município mais populoso do Brasil. Com os mesmos padrões das outras Unidades, o COC-BH oferece um ensino de qualidade com excelentes recursos tecnológicos educacionais.
O Sistema COC de Ensino, ao longo de mais de 40 anos de história, preparou seu projeto pedagógico para esta nova realidade, com a finalidade de garantir aos seus parceiros diferenciais inovadores e proporcionar a todos eles uma competitividade sem igual no mercado.
Desenvolveu e trouxe para a sala de aula, de forma integrada, os principais recursos tecnológicos disponíveis no mercado: além das salas do futuro, de realidade virtual, de projeção estereoscópica (3D), o Sistema COC de Ensino foi o primeiro no Brasil a colocar o CD-ROM como parte do material didático impresso e, assim, criou os Cadernos Digitais de Apoio, que hoje evoluíram para os Livros Eletrônicos.
Hoje, o projeto COC em Sua Casa, a extensão da escola dentro da casa de cada aluno, e as Aulas do Futuro, a aplicação na educação de soluções portáveis e interativas, abrem possibilidades infinitas, não só para os professores como também para os alunos.