North America Colleges & Universities

    New York School Of Interior Design, United States

  170 East 70th Street - Uptown - New York, NY             
New York School of Interior Design is New York’s only private, not-for-profit college dedicated solely to interior design education.
NYSID is the premier place to study interior design with its great location, superb facilities, distinguished faculty, as well as its challenging and comprehensive curriculum that gives emphasis to both residential and contract design.
    Adelphi University, United States
  1 South Ave - Garden City, NY              
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One of the first co-educational colleges chartered by the University of the State of New York and the oldest private liberal arts university on Long Island, was founded in 1896 through the efforts of Dr. Charles H. Levermore and Timothy Woodruff. Dr. Levermore became its first president. Mr. Woodruff, a former Lieutenant Governor of New York State, served as president of the Board of Trustees.
    Brooklyn College / CUNY, United States
  2900 Bedford Avenue - Brooklyn, NY              
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Brooklyn College is a member unit of the City University of New York, the nation's leading public urban university. The university comprises eleven senior colleges, six community colleges, a graduate school, a law school, and a medical school. More than 200,000 students are enrolled in the academic programs offered at campuses located throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
    Marymount Manhattan College, United States
  221 East 71st Street - Uptown - New York, NY             
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The College's goal is that every student who passes through its doors acquires the intellectual, social and moral qualities that lead to personal satisfaction and exemplary citizenship. In this website, you will see how the diverse voices of Marymount Manhattan College create an environment of civility and inclusiveness that supports and enhances each student's talents. The leaders and innovators of tomorrow are finding their voices at MMC today.
    Jewish Theological Seminary, United States
  3080 Broadway - New York, NY             
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The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) was founded in 1886 through the efforts of two distinguished rabbis, Dr. Sabato Morais and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, along with a group of prominent lay leaders from Sephardic congregations in Philadelphia and New York. Its mission was to preserve the knowledge and practice of historical Judaism. In 1887, JTS held its first class of ten students in the vestry of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue, New York City's oldest congregation.
    Long Island University, United States
  700 Northern Boulevard - Brookville, NY              
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In its ninth decade of providing access to the American dream through excellence in higher education, LIU is a multicampus, diverse, doctoral institution of higher learning. One of the largest and most comprehensive private universities in the country, LIU offers 590 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs and certificates, and educates over 24,000* credit-seeking and continuing education students in Brooklyn, Brookville (Post), Brentwood, Riverhead, Rockland and Westchester. The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences prepares students for successful careers in the fields of pharmacy and health care. The University's Global College provides a wide range of study abroad options at overseas centers in China, Costa Rica and India, and through program offerings in Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.
    United States Military Academy, United States
  Bldg 600 Taylor Hall - West Point, NY             
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The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
    Goddard College, United States
   - Plainfield, VT           
Goddard College was chartered in 1938 as successor to Goddard Seminary, a Universalist preparatory school, which had operated in Barre, Vermont since Civil War times. The Universalists, a controversial "liberal" sect, started the seminary as an alternative to the Baptists' Colby Academy and the Methodists' Montpelier Seminary. It served as a feeder school to Tufts University. In 1929 the Seminary became Goddard School for Girls, and in 1935 became a junior college for women.
    Johns Hopkins University, United States
   - Baltimore, MD             
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The Johns Hopkins University was the first research university in the United States. Founded in 1876, it was an entirely new educational enterprise. Its aim was not only to advance students' knowledge, but also to advance human knowledge generally, through discovery and scholarship. The university's emphasis on both learning and research—and on how each complements the other—revolutionized U.S. higher education. Today, Johns Hopkins has ventured from its home in Baltimore to countries throughout the world—China, Italy and Singapore, among many others. It remains a world leader in teaching, patient care and discovery. Please explore our university. We hope you'll discover something for yourself.
    University of South Carolina, United States
   - Columbia, SC             
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The University of South Carolina is home to more than 200 years of history and tradition, rising from a single building in 1805 on what would become the heart of the campus, the Horseshoe. The 11 buildings that now make up the Horseshoe frame a lush lawn that is an irresistible gathering place.
    Yale University, United States
   - New Haven, CT           
Yale’s roots can be traced back to the 1640s, when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New World. This vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school “wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences [and] through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church and Civil State.” In 1718 the school was renamed “Yale College” in gratitude to the Welsh merchant Elihu Yale, who had donated the proceeds from the sale of nine bales of goods together with 417 books and a portrait of King George I.
    University of Maine, United States
   - Orono, ME            
Located in the town of Orono along the banks of the Stillwater River, the University of Maine offers a strong traditional education at an affordable price. You're in a great place here. UMaine is one of New England's premiere universities. We help students create success stories—with a wide variety of programs and opportunities—and we do so with world-class faculty members, nationally recognized research; first-rate facilities; a friendly, safe atmosphere; and easy access to some of the best year-round recreation sites in the nation.
    Baruch College CUNY, United States
  One Bernard Baruch Way - New York, NY              
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Baruch College is part of a tradition that dates back more than 150 years to the founding, in 1847, of the Free Academy, the very first free public institution of higher education in the nation. (Baruch’s landmark building at 23rd Street and Lexington Avenue occupies the site of the Free Academy). Established in 1919 as City College’s School of Business and Civic Administration, the school was renamed in 1953 in honor of Bernard M. Baruch—statesman, financier, and devoted alumnus. In 1968 the school became an independent senior college in The City University of New York (CUNY) system.
    Fordham University, United States
  Rose Hill Campus - Bronx, NY            
As New York City's Jesuit University, Fordham prides itself on the unique experience it provides to students and alumni. At Fordham, you will find a combination of advantages that sets us apart from other schools and defines a distinctive way of living and learning.
The choice of a university is not an easy one. The possibilities are many, and measuring the competing claims of different schools can be difficult. The real challenge is to find the right fit between individual and institution. Which university will best fulfill your personal aspirations? Develop your particular talents? Summon up the best in you, both intellectually and morally? Help you prepare for a lifetime of learning?
    Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
   - Ciudad de México,            
El Instituto Politécnico Nacional es la institución educativa laica, gratuita de Estado, rectora de la educación tecnológica pública en México, líder en la generación, aplicación, difusión y transferencia del conocimiento científico y tecnológico, creada para contribuir al desarrollo económico, social y político de la nación. Para lograrlo, su comunidad forma integralmente profesionales en los niveles medio superior, superior y posgrado, realiza investigación y extiende a la sociedad sus resultados, con calidad, responsabilidad, ética, tolerancia y compromiso social.
    Universite of Toronto, Canada
   - Toronto,            
The University of Toronto was founded as King’s College in 1827 and has evolved into a large and complex institution. It now occupies three campuses: Scarborough and Erindale and the historic St. George campus. It has federated with three smaller universities which are on the St. George campus, and is affiliated with several colleges and institutes. There are ten fully affiliated teaching hospitals in metropolitan Toronto. Faculty conduct research in many places in Canada and around the world.
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
   - Ciudad de México,            
La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) fue fundada el 21 de septiembre de 1551 con el nombre de la "Real y Pontificia Universidad de México". Es la primera universidad de México. Ha educado a la mayor parte de los más influyentes científicos, políticos, escritores y filósofos que han colaborado en la construcción del México contemporáneo.