World Fitness Centers

    Pure Austin, North America

  907 W 5th St. - Town Lake - Austin, TX            
Welcome to Pure Austin, the indoor gym for outdoor people! Personal training at Pure Austin can get you up & started, help you achieve the next level, or just help you maintain your shape. Pure Austin's professional trainers are all certified and are the best, most experienced team in Austin!
    Lean on Me Body Works, North America
  85 Livingston St - Brooklyn, NY
"At Lean On Me Body Works, we aim to enhance self-perception by developing, fostering, and strengthening positive outlook and self-image. Started in Brooklyn, New York, Lean On Me Body Works is a premium personal training company that now operates worldwide. We offer the luxury of one-on-one services and individual attention while creating a non-intimidating, relaxed environment. With the intent of emphasizing improvement on an individualized basis, we provide both private and semi-private sessions."
    Academia Pitbull Gym, South America
  Rua Barão de Ubá, 534 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Idealizada e fundada no inicio da década de 90,a academia Pitbull Gym sempre foi um ícone para os praticantes de musculação que nesta época cultuavam o fisiculturismo e elegeram-na a melhor academia de musculação do Rio de janeiro. A Evolução do Fitness fez com que nós da Pitbull, buscássemos novos objetivos para nossos alunos. Hoje somos uma empresa que busca a cada dia melhorar nossos serviços, fazendo com que a academia continue sendo uma referência em qualidade.
    Equipe Roberto Camargo, South America
  Av. Pref. Dulcídio Cardoso, 777 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
"Educação pelo Esporte. Conseguir adaptar as regras dos esportes às regras da vida real. As crianças aprendem a respeitar os juízes, os professores, os colegas e principalmente os adversários. Dominarão o sentimento da vitória e da derrota. Se orgulhar de vencer honestamente sem trapacear, enganar ou humilhar seus adversários." Atividades: Natação, Hidroginástica, Musculação, Spinning, Ginástica Localizada, Jump e Alongamento. Personal Trainning.
    Milton Athletic Club, North America
  1051 North Main Street - Milton, WV           
The Milton Athletic Club is a locally owned fitness center that has been in operation since 2001. Its employees have a commitment to maintain a friendly, safe, and clean environment. Milton Athletic Club has Nautilus Machines, Star Trac Cardio Equipment, Free Weights, Half Court Indoor Basketball, Regulation Sized Racquetball Court, Men and Woman's Sauna, and Stand up Tanning Booths. Stop by and take a look at the facilities or feel free to get in contact if you have any questions.
    Sportsplex Health Club, North America
  450 Atlantic Blvd. - Neptune Beach, FL           
Sportsplex Health Club has the largest selection and best equipment of any gym, with two levels, two group classrooms and 140 classes per month.
    American Health Fitness, North America
  555 Quaker Lane - West Warwick, NJ           
Welcome to RI's Most Complete Health Club & Gym! Find ALL of your fitness and exercise needs at American Health Fitness, dedicated to serving the needs of it's members. Each day every member of the gym's staff strives to keep customers satisfied and committed to exercise and healthy living.
    Academia Four Fitness, South America
  Rua das Laranjeiras, 82 - Laranjeiras - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Ambientado numa atmosfera descontraída, a Academia Four Fitness, localizada no bairro das Laranjeiras, zona sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, disponibiliza aos seus alunos serviços de avaliação física e nutricional com acompanhamento permanente.
A academia conta com aparelhagem de boa qualidade e locais adequadas para a prática de ginástica localizada, alongamento, dança aeróbica, step, tae bo, powe local, jiu jitsu, dança de salão, aero boxe, capoeira, boxe, boxe tailandês, taek won do, bike indoor, natação hidroginástica, hatha yoga e pilates.
    Shoreline Fitness, North America
  210 Main Street - Old Saybrook, CT           
Come workout on state of the art cardio and strength equipment or join one of the awesome group exercise classes! S.H.F. has it all: Personal Training, Child Care, Nutrition, and the best Group Exercise and Cycle classes on the shoreline. Your first step toward reaching your fitness goals is right through the front door!!
    Coop’s Health & Fitness Club, North America
  19 Gladys Drive - Greenville, SC           
"If you are interested in encouraging yourself and your family to adopt programs of regular exercise, Coop's can help by offering you special rates to accommodate your needs. Our site will give you an idea of the kind of facilities and programs we offer."
    Academia Studio 6, South America
  Rua Silva Castro, 10 s/loja - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em atividade desde 1973, a academia Studio 6, vêm desenvolvendo cuidados com seus alunos e amigos. Academia típica de bairro busca um atendimento diferenciado onde uma grandiosa engrenagem incorporando profissionalismo e atendimento de ponta e equipamentos modernos coloca à disposição de um contingente populacional integrado à uma das maiores áreas demográficas do planeta – Copacabana, necessita liberar suas tensões cotidianas, praticando atividade física de qualidade sob a orientação de orientadores reconhecidamente competentes em seu segmento.
    Vermont Sun Fitness Center, North America
  812 Exchange Street - Middlebury, VT           
Vermont Sun Fitness Center is Vermont's premier health, sports, and fitness facility, located in Middlebury and Vergennes, Vermont - in the heart of the Champlain Valley. Serving the community since 1985!
    Contours, South America
  Rua Miguel de Frias, 154 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ            
A mulher moderna hoje em dia divide seu tempo entre a rotina do lar, as obrigações familiares, o trânsito, o curso de especialização e ainda precisa responder a tudo isso com dinamismo e eficiência. Mas, onde encontrar aquele tempo só dela, tão importante para ter mais disposição e enfrentar bem o dia-a-dia? Esse é um desafio e tanto! Pensando em tudo isso, a Contours se coloca ao lado das mulheres e as convida a virar este jogo, dedicando 30 minutos diários de seu tempo aos exercícios físicos e à sua saúde. E os resultados são surpreendentes: energia renovada, bem-estar e uma vida mais feliz!
    Ortho Fitness & Sports, North America
  355 Hicksville Road - Bethpage, NY
Ortho Fitness & Sports is a modern, full service, health, wellness and rehabilitation facility.
Ortho Fitness & Sports offers a complete health care approach, ranging from basic to sophisticated fitness.
    Bally Total Fitness, North America
  2503 Grand Concourse - Fordham Road - Bronx, NY             
Built with your workout in mind. Whether you are looking for the latest equipment, personal trainers or nutritional products, this club has it all for you. You'll find all of the amenities and support you need to help you get the results you want. Check out the amenities below to see all Fordham Road has to offer!
    Annandale Snap Fitness, North America
  1465 Route 31 - Annandale, NJ             
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Get started with a fast, convenient and affordable workout every time - at Snap Fitness in Annandale, NJ. Minutes from your home and packed with the industry's best cardio and exercise equipment, our gym gives you more for your money
    Verve Health & Fitness, North America
  1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite M755 - Rosslyn, VA            
Verve specializes in offering private personal training, yoga, zumba, boxing, triathlon conditioning, therapeutic massage and much more at our state-of-the-art facility in Rosslyn and our McLean studio location.
    Coliseum Gym & Fitness Center, North America
  75-09 71st Avenue - Middle Village - Queens, NY           
World class equipment combines with a family atmosphere to offer an inspirational modern day fitness arena 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. Special packages available for memberships and Personal Training Packages convenient for all budgets.
    Academia Flex Gym, South America
  Rua Dr. Pereira dos Santos, 35 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Academia Flex Gym oferece plano mensal isento de pagamento de taxa de matrícula. Avaliar as vantagens dos Planos Familiar, Trimestral, Anual e o Horário Promocional.
Atividades: alongamento ashtanga yoga, cycle indoor, glúteo e abdômen, jiu jitsu, lambaeróbica, loclizada, musculação personal trainning, pilates, tae kwon do
    Dynamic Health and Fitness, North America
  2395 Coral Way - Miami, FL            
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T.R.U. Fit (Total Results Ultimate Fitness) Miami Boot Camps are workouts like nothing you have ever tried before. They are high-energy, fat-burning and calorie destroying workouts. You will be encouraged and motivated every step of the way and you will be amazed with your results.
The workouts are designed to transform your body. T.R.U. Fit Boot Camps are a Total Body Workout, it combines various types of training systems, exercises and equipment to always challenge your body and to keep you motivated to get the most out of your body.
    Academia Forum Exere Fitness, South America
  Rua Uruguai, 162 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Academia Forum Exere Fitness, considerada uma das 20 melhores academias do Rio de Janeiro, é um estabelecimento destinado à cultura física, onde a grande preocupação é a qualidade de vida. Dispoõe de espaço de 1 mil m2 divididos em quatro andares.
No 1º andar, a academia possui sala de musculação com aparelhos importados, amplas salas com aulas de Jump, Step, Flex local, Power local, Circuito Mix, Forró, Ritmos, Abdômen e Ginástica Localizada.
No 2º andar, sala de Running com esteiras importadas, sala de cárdio, salas climatizadas com esteiras e transports com conforto suficiente, ambiente calmo e agradável.
No 3º andar encontra-se a sala de spinning, equipada com bicicletas de última geração. A academia também disponibiliza sala estruturada para as tividades de relaxamento como Yoga, Mat Pilates, Alongamento e Danças - ballet e jazz.
No último andar, piscina com 12m. x 6m x 1.50m com aquecimento solar e elétrico< para atividades de natação infantil e adulto, hidroginástica e nado livre.
Na cobertura, encontra-se a sala de lutas onde são ministradas as aulas de Aikidô, Karatê, Judô infantil e adulto, Taekwondo e Capoeira Kids.
    Snap Fitness, North America
  14740 Biscayne Boulevard - North Miami Beach, FL             
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Get started with a fast, convenient and affordable workout every time - at Snap Fitness in North Miami Beach, FL. Minutes from your home and packed with the industry's best cardio and exercise equipment, our gym gives you more for your money.
    John Street Fitness Club, North America
  80 John Street - New York, NY
Complete Body John Street is not a large franchise gym. We are a private fitness club that focuses on personal attention by providing the highest quality experience for our guests.
We have assembled the latest in fitness equipment including cardio and resistance training machines, boxing equipment an our state-of-the-art rock climbing wall. Our knowledgeable staff is always available to assist you so you can meet your individual fitness goals.Complete Body John Street will ensure that your every convenience is met.
    Physique 57, North America
  264 Butter Lane - Bridgehampton, NY            
Physique 57™ is a focused and proven cardiovascular program of isometric exercises and orthopedic stretches. Physique 57™ tones your seat, abdominals, thighs and arms; strengthens your legs and back; and improves posture to produce a beautiful, sexy body. Our interval training sets use your own body weight for resistance, and through dynamic exercises your muscles are targeted and overloaded to the point of fatigue, then stretched for relief. We call our process Interval Overload – overloading the muscle to create long, lean sexy muscles.
    Asphalt Green, North America
  1750 York Ave - York Ave - New York, NY            
Asphalt Green is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals of all ages and backgrounds achieve health through a lifetime of sports and fitness.
    Academia Lopes, South America
  Rua ds Margaridas, 32 - Vila Valqueire - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Considerada uma das melhores academias da região, a Academia Lopes oferece aos seus alunos orientadores capacitados e aparelhagem moderna para a prática de ginástica e piscina para a prática de hidroginástica.
    HammerFit Athletic Club, North America
  21 Essex Way, Suite 115 - Essex Junction, VT           
HammerFit Athletic Club, an 8,500 square foot facility features over 75 pieces of official Hammer Strength training equipment and a new Motion Studio for group fitness. HammerFit Athletic Club is the only one of its kind, it’s locally owned and managed and proud to be clean and green. Here, member’s wishes and goals matter. The gym is constantly being improved to exceed expectations. HammerFit is the only official Hammer Strength training center in Vermont. Allow the friendly staff to give you a tour of the facility and help you reach your fitness goals.
    Master Sport Center, South America
  Rua Alvarez de Azevedo, 179, sl 185 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
    Academia Staff, South America
  Rua Machado de Assis, 34 - Flamengo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Academia Staff foi fundada em 25 de Janeiro de 1985, como uma academia exclusivamente de dança. Posteriormente, fomos diversificando as atividades para acompanhar um mercado que já iniciava forte:o fitness. a academia Incorporou as diversas modalidades voltadas para o condicionamento físico e bem estar de seus alunos ampliando suas instalações para 600 m2.
    Dolphin Fitness Clubs, North America
  2071 Clove Road - Clove Road - Staten Island, NY             
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Whether you need to lose weight, increase muscle or strength, reduce stress, improve sports performance or simply start to feel better, Dolphin Fitness Clubs have everything you need to help you to achieve your goal!
Dolphin Fitness Clubs offer a wide selection of exercise machines and cardiovascular equipment, group exercise classes, qualified personal trainers, and many additional amenities to make your workout enjoyable.