World Clothing

    Sacada, South America

  Rua XV de Novembro, 8  - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
    Sandpiper, South America
  R: Cel. Moreira Cesar, 254, lj 104 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
A história da Sandpiper, uma das marcas mais importantes de street-wear brasileiro, começou há 26 anos, quando um inquieto estudante resolveu produzir camisas para os colegas. A linha feminina foi lançada em 2001. De lá pra cá, a marca ampliou suas fronteiras. Com roupas e acessórios casuais mas com estilo, participa das semanas de moda e está sempre conectada com a cena urbana mais criativa do país.
    Longchamp, North America
  713 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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In addition to its heritage as a leather goods firm, Longchamp has cultivated a devoted following and brand that is now known for its designs. Venturing into partnerships with notable designers, artists and celebrities has seen the likes of Thomas Heatherwick design Longchamp's SoHo boutique, and Tracey Emin and model Kate Moss create special collections. Moss has also appeared in a number of Lonchamp advertising campaigns. Source:
    Espaço Fashion, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 ljs.107/108 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O envolvimento altamente profissional com a moda e o espírito dinâmico e moderno da Espaço Fashion conquistaram definitivamente o Brasil. Dirigidas pelas irmãs Bianca e Camila Bastos, a grife disponibiliza às jovens mulheres roupas elaboradas com bom gosto idealizadas por uma equipe capacitada priorizando tendência e qualidade. Para o desenvolvimento das coleções a grife busca temas que traduzam a feminilidade contemporânea e o espírito antenado e moderno da marca. Lojas RJ: Ipanema, Barra Shopping, Downtown, Rio Design Barra, Centro, Copacabana, Shopping da Gávea, Shopping Leblon, e Icaraí-Niterói. Outras cidades: Independência Shopping e Mister Shopping Juiz de Fora, BH Shopping e Pátio Savassi-MG, Morumbi Shopping, Shopping Villa Lobos, Ribeirão Shopping-SP, Salvador Shopping-BA e BarraShopping Sul-RS
    Agilità, South America
  Rio Design Barra, lj. 111 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Criadada pelo encontro de três amigas, Agnes Crocchi, Lucinda Aziz e Vânia Almeida, apaixonadas por moda, a AGILITÀ já nasceu predestinada ao sucesso. Com um mix de produtos que valorizam o feminino nos detalhes e acabamento, a AGILITÁ encantou o mundo da moda, apostando na fórmula luxo + estilo + sofisticação, vestindo estrelas, executivas e mulheres que não abrem mão da sensualidade chic. Lojas RJ: BarraShopping, Shopping da Gávea, Fashion Mall, Rio Design Barra e Icaraí-Niterói.
    Stroke, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 lj.105-B - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Stroke é uma marca sintonizada com os desejos da mulher atual que combina conforto e praticidade, elementos essenciais no mundoda mulher. As coleções são tão versáteis quanto as inúmeras facetas que a mulher pode assumir no seu dia a dia. Roupas e acessórios desenvolvidos para estar sempre bela, com prazer, harmonia e bem estar. Pensando em um universo mais completo da mulher, a Stroke lança sua linha de objetos de decoração para deixar a sua vida ainda mais atraente. Leve, despojado e chique, a Stroke Casa traz objetos que convivem em perfeita harmonia com este estilo de vida. A Stroke Casa realça o bom gosto nos mínimos detalhes, trazendo o sentimento de vida e beleza para a casa toda.
    Home Grown, South America
  Rua Maria Quitéria, 68 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A HomeGrown nasceu com o intuito de juntar o conceito de loja de roupas, galeria de arte e música independente em um só lugar. A idéia é reunir núcleos sociais, que vivem à margem da sociedade de massa, num espaço democrático e urbano que expresse autenticidade, originalidade e integração diante da vida moderna.
    Overend, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 lj. 128 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Os jeans da marca continuam merecendo especial atenção da área de criação da Overend. Caimento e acabamento perfeitos combinado ao tratamento diferenciado do tecido, conferem ao produto, destaque merecido em mercado altamente competitivo. As polos, t-shirts estampadas, camisaria e as confortáveis sandálias, são ítens com alto volume de vendas. As roupas femininas apresentam pontos fortes na alfaiataria com destaque para as calças skinny, os vestidos e os baby looks.
    Pacsun, North America
  90-15 QUEENS BLVD #3013 - Queens - Elmhust, NY            
From the beaches of California to the busy streets of New York, Pacsun has established itself as a distinctive and innovative New York City clothing store that embraces its west coast roots and shares it with an East Coast lifestyle. Located in Elhurst, Pacsun is far more than a traditional Queens clothing store; it is a status symbol of a lifestyle not readily available in the New York clothing scene. Offering much more than surfboards and board wax, Pacsun’s reached out into the entire youth culture and now offers a full line of casual and active sport apparel. Men’s wear, women’s wear, swimsuits, shoes, denim and of course surf shorts are all part of Pacsun’s unique designer collections that give you quality clothing in a variety of up-to-date fashions. Another interest of note is Pacsun’s dedication to employees by providing extraordinary training and services to ensure that you, the customer, receive the very best NYC shopping experience. Pacsun’s desire is to stay true to their roots in youth culture and offer what’s new now. With their store in Queens they continue to succeed with that mentality and offer a welcome change from the mundane in the fashion world.
    Tommy Hilfiger, North America
  372 West Broadway - Soho - New York, NY              
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Tommy Hilfiger Corporation, through its subsidiaries, designs, sources and markets men's and women's sportswear, jeanswear and childrenswear under the Tommy Hilfiger trademarks. Through a range of strategic licensing agreements, the Company also offers a broad array of related apparel, accessories, footwear, fragrance and home furnishings. The Company's products can be found in leading department and specialty stores throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America, Japan, Hong Kong and other countries in the Far East, as well as the Company's own network of specialty and outlet stores in the United States, Canada and Europe.
Shop Tommy Hilfiger
    Arden B., North America
  104 Fifth Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Headquartered in Foothill Ranch, California, The Wet Seal, Inc. is a leading specialty retailer of fashionable and contemporary apparel and accessory items. The company currently operates a total of 465 stores in 49 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, including 373 Wet Seal stores and 92 Arden B stores. The company’s products can also be purchased online at or
    Equus Jeansstyle, South America
  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600, Piso GD, lj 19 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG             
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A Equus Jeansstyle foi fundada em 1976. No transcorrer desses anos de contínuo progresso, buscou sempre a satisfação de seus clientes, desenvolvendo um estilo próprio de confecção que alia qualidade, criatividade e bom gosto. Do recebimento do tecido bruto, passando por todas as fases do processo produtivo, criação, modelagem, corte, lavagem e acabamento, a Equus Jeansstyle oferece um produto que acompanha as tendências do mercado de moda e é diferenciado, original, confortável e com acabamento primoroso, para tanto, regularmente sua equipe de estilo viaja aos maiores centros de moda no exterior, acompanhando, portanto, as mais recentes novidades da arte de vestir, de forma proporcionar a seus consumidores, além da qualidade, a satisfação de sentir-se bem vestindo Equus.
    Iceberg Army & Navy, North America
  455 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY           
    Caroline Rossato, South America
  Rua Aristides Espínola, 121/201 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Caroline Rossato formou-se em moda pelo Senai-Cetiqt, onde aprendeu modelagem, produção de tecidos e estamparias. Após uma temporada na Califórnia, estudando marketing de moda e direção de arte, lançou uma grife que virou referência na Babilônia Feira Hype, importante vitrine carioca para novos nomes da moda. Seus trench-coats, jaquetas, calças e camisaria de chamois com aplicações de rendas, crochês e patchworks pode ser encontradas nas seguintes boutiques: ATeen, KA, Mariazinha, PL BIS, Rabo de Saia, Rudge, Tessuti, Lenny, Osklen e Sta. Ephigênia. As peças são cuidadosamente desenvolvidas baseadas nas fortes tendências mundiais buscando sempre inovar com idéias muito bem elaboradas.
    Louis Vuitton, North America
  116 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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The Louis Vuitton Company is a luxury French fashion and leather goods brand and company, headquartered in Paris, France. It is a division of the French holding company, LVMH Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy S.A. The company is named after its founder Louis Vuitton, who designed and manufactured luggage, as a Malletier during the second half of the nineteenth century.
The company manufactures and markets luxury leather goods, fashion accessories, prêt-à-porter, and jewelry. Many of the company’s products utilize the signature gray Damier and Monogram Canvas materials, both of which were first used in the late 19th century. All of the company’s products utilize the eponymous LV initials. Source
    Forever 21, North America
  90-15 Queens Boulevard - Queens - New York, NY              
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Looking for Far Rockaway clothing and accessories? Then ride, drive or run right over to Forever 21. Nestled in the heart of Queens, Forever 21 is more than just another NYC clothing store; it is a New York City shopping fashion culture experience. Heralded by many fashion conscious and trend setting shoppers, Forever 21 has taken the philosophy of looking great for less and realized it to its full potential. This Queens clothing fashion store has grown quickly, featuring new and exciting in-store environments that offer a constant flow of fun that makes normally mundane shopping a truly delightful experience. Designer of several brands, including Forever 21, Heritage 1981, Love 21 Contemporary, and 21 Mens, this Far Rockaway clothier has something for everybody and sells it at the best possible pricing. Forever 21 has become a marvel in the fashion world, providing shoppers with an unprecedented selection of today's fashions that is forever changing and always in style. So if you are looking for a good Queens clothing store and are eager to experience something new in fashion, chart your course to Forever 21. You and your wallet will be well pleased.
    Cris Zveiter, South America
  Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Depois de morar no Havaí, de conhecer a Indonésia e se apaixonar por seus tecidos, a surfista dos anos 80 Cris Zveiter, decidiu especializar-se em moda e trabalhar neste segmento.
Inicialmente, criou a Linha Z especializada em roupas para gestantes. A empresa durou quatro anos. Em seguida Cris resolveu desenvolver outro conceito de moda ‘maia amplo para mulheres entre 30 e 50 anos’ com uma coleção diversificada incluindo tricô, seda tricoline, algodão e malha e muitos acessórios
A loja da nova marca foi aberta em 2006 no 2º piso do shopping Leblon
    Saint Gall, South America
  Av. N. Sª de Copacabana, 420 lj.C - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fundada em outubro de 1975, a grife de roupas masculinas Saint Gall veste com requinte e bom gosto homens na faixa dos 25 a 35 anos de idade, sintonizados com padrões da moda atual.
Com duas lojas no Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana e Shopping Rio Sul, a Saint Gall tem-se renovado constantemente, procurando vestir sua cativa clientela com marcas de reconhecida qualidade e design contemporâneo.
Lojas RJ: Copacabana e Shopping Rio Sul
    American Eagle Outfitters, North America
  19 Union Square West - Union Square - New York, NY              
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Incredibly well staffed with some of the friendliest, most enthusiastic, and helpful people you've ever had the pleasure working with. This place is an absolute pleasure to visit, and amazingly well stocked, too! If you're doggedly searching for that one special piece, but can't seem to sniff it out at any other locations, you'll be delighted to know that this store has nearly every fashion American Eagle currently has in stock! You could lose yourself for hours in Manhattan just by just taking a leisurely browse. Everything is so beautifully arranged, so you won't have worry to about your eyes tiring of pleasant sights. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the vast selection of clothes in the Woman's section, any of the cheerful employees would be more than happy to help you pick out the perfect outfit, no matter the occasion. Whether it is the perfect top to compliment your figure, or a beautiful dress to wear to a party, they'll help. If you ever happen to be in NYC, do yourself a huge favor and stop by here. You will always find just what you're looking for in Spring and Summer 2012.
    Bebe, North America
  805 Third Avenue - Third Avenue - New York, NY             
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Develops and produces a distinctive line of contemporary women's apparel and accessories, which it markets under the bebe, 2b bebe and bebe outlet brands. Current Chairman and Founder Manny Mashouf opened the first bebe boutique in 1976 in San Francisco. At that time, three categories dominated the women's wear market: junior, briouh women inspirational, sexy fashion.
    Bintang House, South America
  Rua Prof. Júlio Lohman casa 626 - Joatinga - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Cia de Marcas, formada a partir da associação das marcas cariocas Richards e Salinas, em 2007, acaba de incorporar mais uma marca de estilo de vida no seu portfólio, a Bintang.
Adotando um estilo puramente carioca, a Bintang com sete anos de experiência de mercado, é dirigida aos jovens que se dedicam a um estilo de vida autêntico, com cultura de praia e esportes radicais.
A marca nasceu com a vocação de celebrar momentos e memórias de um lugar em que se vive integrado à natureza, viagens frequentes, prática de esportes radicais e a espiritualidade
    Crawford, South America
  Rua Lauro Muller, ll6 2º piso - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Resultado da mistura de uma linguagem moderna e clássica, tudo em perfeita harmonia, a Crawford, uma das principais mascas de moda masculina do país, ibniciou sua trajetória de sucesso em 1995, no mais tradicional e refinado shopping de São Paulo, o Iguatemi. As 22 lojas próprias distribuídas nas principais cidades, apresenta uma linha diversificada de produtos para atender a todos os momentos do homem. Os trajes sociais baseados do know-how da notável escola de alfaiataria italiana, a informalidade dos looks casuais, a alta tecnologia têxtil das matérias primas da linha activewear e o cuidado dos tecidos com soft touch da linha underwear, compõem o mix da marca.
    Uncle Sam's Army Navy, North America
  37 W. 8th St. nr. Sixty Ave. - Manhattan - New York, NY           
    Banana Republic, North America
  114 Fifth Ave - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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A store called the Banana Republic was opened in San Francisco in 1978 by Mel and Patricia Ziegler. Both the Zieglers worked for the San Franciso Chronicle, Mel was a writer and Patricia an illustrator.
Banana Republic specialized in casual Safari styles and Army Surplus clothing. Many of the utilitarian items had sturdy zips and snaps and were double-stitched and reinforced. The store sold desert army hats, sheepskin vests, shorts and other items of travel clothing to armchair travelers. The garments were designed by the Zieglers for people to wear when mountain hiking or rafting. Source
    H & M, North America
  558 Broadway - Broadway - New York, NY           
Hennes & Mauritz AB (operating as H&M), is a Swedish clothing company, known for its fast fashion clothing offerings for women, men, teenagers and children. H&M has more than 1,700 stores in 33 different countries and employ over 73,000 people.
H&M's first store abroad was opened in England. Then from 1964 onwards, H&M embarked upon a major expansion programme many further stores in Europe, including the UK, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany. In the 1990s, the first stores opened in Finland, France, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands. H&M has continued to expand its business and today H&M has an extensive network throughout much of Europe.
    Carlos Miele, North America
  408 West 14th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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New to the fashion world but known globally for his innovative design installations, when you go to the Carlos Miele boutique in Manhattan, the Village, you enter an entire designer experience. His American flagship shop was designed by architect Hani Rashad and entered by New York city to the prestigious International Architecture Biennale in São Paulo, Brazil. Brazil, known for gorgeous women, sexy clothing and dynamic colors, Carlos gives us outrageously sexy fabric drapes in brilliant hues of turquoise and azure, yellows competing with the sun itself. His Manhattan boutique emulates the white sand beaches upon which every woman is the sparkling jewel, as long s they are wearing one of his creations, of course. Wisps of diasporas fabrics and stunning Brazilian country wear, leathers, artisan influence, and the elements of life, sun, wind, water and good old solid earth, every penny is worth shimmying on one of his creations. It is no wonder that New York was his first stop in his growing claim to fame. Dressed in a white cotton shirt, blue jeans and an irrepressible dimple, window shopping is just not enough to get his vibe. Walk in and demand a fitting.
    Biotipo, South America
  Av. Edgard Romero, 222 ljs. 311/312 - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A paulista Biotipo adquiriu através do relacionamento transparente e amigável que mantém junto aos seus clientes, importantes atributos como qualidade de suas roupas e lançamentos de vanguarda em seu design contemporâneo, acrescentado de preços competitivos com produtos sempre atualizados com a tendência nacional e internacional do melhor da moda jeanswear.
Onde encontrar RJ: Mercatto, China Artes Girls, Gata Braba Fashion, Inex, Sami, Emanuelle, Maria Tata e Aquamar em diversos bairros. Consulte site.
    Balenciaga, North America
  542 West 22Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
The Years of Cristobal Balenciaga
1918 saw the founding of Cristobal Balenciaga’s first haute couture house in San Sébastian, Spain. Local admiration for his designs was so strong that a second haute couture house was opened in Madrid and a third in Barcelona. In 1937, 10, Avenue George V became the Parisian home of Cristobal Balenciaga’s creative influence. Balenciaga’s Paris flagship store is still located at this address.
Balenciaga soon came to embody Parisian elegance. Cristobal Balenciaga was hailed as ‘The Couturier of Couturiers’ and ‘The Master of us all’’ by designer Christian Dior. In 1946, the House of Balenciaga launched its first perfume, ‘Le Dix’, aptly named after its first atelier, 10, Avenue George V. ‘Le Dix’ attracted the same acclaim as the famous Balenciaga couture pieces, and the perfume soon even rivalled that of Coco Chanel herself. In 1968, Balenciaga closed his couture house, to the deep dismay of his favourite clients. Countess Mona Bismarck lamented the event by locking herself indoors for three days.
    Anne Fontaine, North America
  93 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Every elegant woman, whether residing in or visiting New York, deserves to shop at this exclusive clothing store. For fashion that doesn’t stop at the door, go to the astounding Anne Fontaine fashion empire located in beautiful Manhattan. Anne Fontaine has reinvented everything that is considered simple and designed some of the most valued and exquisite blouses in all of the acclaimed fashion world. Using creatively innovative techniques, Anne Fontaine has taken the mundane white shirt and developed a literal cornucopia of designs and styles not seen anywhere else in the fashion designer world. Once you visit this Manhattan clothing, store you will also see the design and quality craftsmanship that goes beyond the shirts and lends itself to the variety of other jewelry, clothing and accessories now available for purchase in their stores. Anne Fontaine has over 70 locations world-wide including stores in Paris, Tokyo, Chicago and London and has quickly established itself as a worldwide leader in shirt design. With a friendly staff, a well-maintained quality location and the desire to help make you look fabulous, Manhattan’s Anne Fontaine is a must stop New York Clothing shop for anyone to visit.
    Mr. Throwback, North America
  428 East 9th Street - New York, NY            
Welcome to Mr. Throwback, voted Best Nostalgic Shop of 2013 by NY Mag! Your #1 stop for all vintage threads!