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The print edition of The Common Denominator is available on microfilm
in the Washingtoniana Collection of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library and in the library of The Historical Society of the District of Columbia.
Published 365 days a year with an average free distribution of 12,000 papers daily, serving the towns of Breckenridge, Frisco, Silverthorne, Dillon and our four world-class ski resorts of Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, Keystone and Arapahoe Basin. The Summit Daily employs 29 full-time employees, 11 part-time and two interns.
Politics, sports, entertainment, health, travel and more.
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The Post-Tribune had its beginnings in 1907, when The Gary Weekly was established to serve the brand-new steel industry rising on the shores of Lake Michigan.
From the bustling commerce of downtown, to the tree-lined parks of our neighborhoods, to the sprawling beauty of our suburbs, nobody covers life in the Pittsburgh region like the Post-Gazette.
For over 200 years, we've been providing the people of Pittsburgh with breaking local news, sports, insightful editorials, national and global coverage, classifieds and countless helpful hints. Today, more people read the Post-Gazette than any other newspaper in Western Pennsylvania. |
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O Portal de Itaipu é um site criado e administrado por moradores da Região Oceânica de Niterói. Nasceu da necessidade de compartilhar as angústias e os prazeres de ser um morador de Itaipu.
"Temos por objetivo, transmitir e divulgar notícias ou fatos relevantes que acontecem, aconteceram ou acontecerão em Niterói e na Região Oceânica. A Região Oceânica é o local que mais cresce na cidade. Informação hoje é poder; e, nós moradores, somos uma força com poder imensurável que se traduz através da nossa opinião." |
Local newspaper for Bridgeton, Millville, Vineland, & more
News, Health & Fitness, Politics & Government, Sports, Money, Real Estate, Small Business, Entertainment and more.
O Globo é um jornal diário de notícias brasileiro, fundado em 29 de julho de 1925 e sediado no Rio de Janeiro. Está orientado para o público da grande área metropolitana.
Fundado pelo jornalista Irineu Marinho, proprietário do vespertino A Noite, tinha a intenção original de ser um diário matutino para expandir o público leitor da empresa. Acabou sendo o carro-chefe do grupo. Como Irineu faleceu semanas após a fundação do jornal, O Globo foi herdado por seu filho Roberto Marinho, que por meio do jornal conseguiu ascensão econômica e política criando um conglomerado de empresas de mídia que formou, junto com sua TV Globo, Rádio Globo, Editora Globo e demais veículos as chamadas Organizações Globo. Fonte |
O Jornal Folha do Centro surgiu há 13 anos, numa época em que não havia nenhum veículo alternativo de comunicação circulando por todo o centro da cidade, e conceber um períodico naquele momento seria assumir também um compromisso com uma distribuição compatiível com a demanda de dois tipos de público: o residente e outro, ainda maior, o circulante.
News, Opinion, Life, Sports, Politics, Business, Celebrations and more.
News, Views, Blogs, Calendar, Film, Music, Culture, Classifieds, Personals and more.
The Emery County Progress began publishing in 1900 in Castle Dale, the county seat. In 1957 it merged with the Green River Leader to become the Emery County Progress-Leader. In 1977 the name was changed back to the Emery County Progress. Today, the Emery County Progress is a weekly newspaper, published every Tuesday.
Located in Castle Dale, Utah, the Emery County Progress serves the entire Emery County area. The Sun Advocate, the Emery County Progress's sister paper, serves neighboring Carbon County residents. |
Sun Newspapers publishes 42 weekly newspapers reaching over 420,000 homes in the suburbs of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
Managing Editor - Jeffry Mullins.
The New York Post is the 13th-oldest newspaper published in the United States and generally acknowledged as the oldest to have been published continually as a daily, although -- like most other papers -- its publication has been interrupted by labor actions.[2] Since 1993, it has been owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. It is the 6th-largest newspaper in the U.S. by circulation.[3] Its editorial offices are located at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, in New York City, New York. Source
Three years after Brigham Young led Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, the first issue of the Deseret News was pulled off a small hand-cranked press. This eight-page newspaper was the first published in what was then called the territory of Deseret.
Although the state of Utah has long-since replaced the old territory, the Deseret News retained its original name. In 2003 the paper switched to morning delivery and today the Deseret News is published daily as Utah's oldest — but most modern — newspaper. Over the years, the Deseret News has earned hundreds of awards for writing, reporting, design and community service, including the Pulitzer Prize. |
The state of Iowa is 55,965 square miles, with a population of 2.8 million, approximately the area of Florida and the population of Colorado. The Register, one of few statewide newspapers in the nation, serves this entire expanse, meaning that people read it from Sioux City to Burlington. This gives Iowa "a focus," according to one historian, and "a singular voice in a way that other states haven't had." For more than 150 years, The Des Moines Register has mirrored and reflected the growth of the city that has shared its name.
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The newspaper's roots trace back to 1837 in Jasper County, where The Eastern Clarion began. Later that year it was sold and moved to Meridian.
After the Civil War, it was moved to Jackson and merged with The Standard and soon became known as The Clarion. Combining with the State Ledger in 1888, it received the name of Daily Clarion-Ledger.
Meanwhile, four young men who were displaced by the merger founded their own newspaper, The Jackson Evening Post, in 1882. Fred Sullens purchased an interest in the paper in 1907, and shortly after changed the name to the Jackson Daily News. |
News, sports, life, business, weather and more.
A Zona Sul é conhecida pelas suas praias, lazer, clima e pelas festas de final do ano e Carnaval. Sem sombra de dúvidas, é onde está concentrada a maioria dos turistas que vêm à cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Logo, a importância do mapa turístico é chamar a atenção deste público para as ofertas de comércio, gastronomia, lazer e turismo presentes em cada uma das ruas de seus bairros.
O jornal das boas notícias.
Notícia, colunas, serviços e muito mais.
Durante os chamados Anos de Chumbo no país, foi o principal periódico que se posicionou contra o golpe de estado militar.
É tradicionalmente voltado para as classes média e alta que se concentram na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, uma elite diminuta mas com altíssimo poder de formação de opinião, a nível nacional.
Em 2005, o JB instalou-se na Casa do Bispo, imóvel histórico e representativo do colonial luso-brasileiro, datado do início do século XVII, que já serviu de sede à Fundação Roberto Marinho. A partir de 16 de Abril de 2006 começou a circular nas bancas no chamado "formato europeu", um formato maior que o tablóide e menor que o convencional, seguido por diversos jornais daquele continente.Fonte |