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Tremont School of Judo, Ju Jutsu & Karate has been teaching Martial Arts to men, women, children and law enforcement since 1960.
Tremont School is also known as the Miyama Ryu Hombu Dojo.
Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu has been offering instruction and training in Ju-Jitsu since 1994. Located in Selden, NY, Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu has produced champions in life as well as in the martial arts.
Headed by Phil Theodorou (5th degree black belt/Master) and a staff of expert instructors, Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu offers a number of programs for physical fitness and instruction in Ju-Jitsu. |
The Society for Martial Arts Instruction is a non-profit organization
located at 4 West 18th Street, NYC, NY 10011. Shihan Alfred trained
for years with many of the World Kanreikai karate instructors and
students and has maintained a warm and mutually respectful
relationship with them. We have been invited to their in-house
tournament which features small divisions, reasonable registration
fees and many awards for the junior participants.
Adults will be welcome this year to do kata and fight semi-knockdown.
Providing Karate based Martial Arts and fitness programs since 1988. The Budokai has influenced and enriched the lives of thousand of members throughout the years. Programs focused on but are not limited to respect, honor, perseverance, self discipline and self control.
Taekwondo, Karate, Aikido, Tai Chi and Jiu Jitsu. Training for the betterment of the individual.
Kung Fu - Sistema Wing Chun - Defesa Pessoal
At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
The adult program is designed to help one achieve self-confidence through physical conditioning and mastering the art of self-defense. Striving to train as many adults as possible to be physically fit and relieved of everyday stress and adept in practical martial arts skill, which will assist them in becoming more confident and successful in every aspect of their lives. |
Kioto Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is owned & operated by Grand Master Francisco Mansor, who has dedicated 46 years of his life to the practice, study and teaching of Jiu-Jitsu. He is the founder and owner of "Academia Kioto de Jiu-Jitsu," one ofadmin the most traditional and successful Jiu-Jitsu schools in Rio de Janeiro, "Brasil." He is very proud to be one of the six men outside of the Gracie family to be granted a professor's diploma by Grand Master Helio Gracie.
The Renzo Gracie Fight Academy of Brooklyn has a simple mission: To offer every member bigger training opportunities. Better workout routines. And bolder options for future growth to improve body, strength and confidence, in a lovely, family and friendly environment with any of the well known disciplines such as MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai, Grappling, Wrestling, Judo, etc. If you ever wanted to experience the enjoyment of training like a pro with the best, to actually get in the ring, build your self esteem or to stay in shape, RGFA’s state of the art facility, with all its equipment, is the right place and the best choice for all levels & ages. RGFA has some great programs for women - in addition to all MMA training, which is very important to women too - such as Traditional Strength & Conditioning, and classes for some other enjoyable styles to enhance the training experience. There are special Kids programs too, which will positively help your child succeed in both learning and life. You are very welcome to come in and take the Free Trial Class and start to ENJOY!
The Renzo Gracie Fight Academy of Brooklyn has personalized training programs to accommodate the needs of every single member. |
A Academia de Jiu Jitsu Morada do Sol está localizada no bairro de Botafogo Rio de Janeiro, bem em frente ao Shopping Rio Sul. Dispondo de professores capacitados e praticantes da modalidade por mais de 10 anos, os atuais responsáveis pela orientação dos alunos são o engenheiro de produção Beto, faixa preta exibindo um curriculum invejável, com passagens pelos Estados Unidos e Itália, ministrando aulas e proferindo palestras e seminários.
Professora Adriana, faixa preta experiente já tendo participado de diversos campeonatos a nível internacional, graduada em fisioterapia e com formação em Pilates |
Vermont Taekwon-Do Academy nurtures the positive attitudes and spirits of its students while addressing individual physical challenges. Students are taught to continually strive to uphold the five tenets of Taekwon-Do (courtesy, integrity, perserverence, self control, and indomitable spirit) while they are at the Dojang, as well as during their every day lives. Vermont Taekwon-Do Academy services the student as a whole regardless of age, ability or background.
Teammates, training partners and instructors all have adopted our strict “no-ego” policy. Evolution Martial Arts & Fitness has been the school of choice for many law enforcement officials, military personnel, professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and educators.
First Coast Tae Kwon Do is dedicated to Black Belt Excellence!
Omni Martial Arts offers classes in an eclectic style of self defense for children and adults.
The OMNI ADULTS program makes getting in shape fun and exciting. The curriculum focuses on grappling, striking and no-nonsense self defense techniques from Jiu Jitsu, Judo, kickboxing and Israeli martial arts while emphasizing physical fitness through cardiovascular and resistance exercises. There is no belt system or gi worn, but adults will work their way from novice to intermediate, advanced, and finally expert level, each denoted by a different color t-shirt. OMNI KIDS was developed with assistance from a licensed children's therapist and emphasizes discipline, respect and self control while focusing on Judo and kickboxing techniques. Children will learn how to fall, roll, throw, punch, kick and grapple in a safe, nurturing environment. Kids wear a judo gi (traditional uniform) and will earn colored belts to help measure progress and encourage them to be their best. |
Karate Arts Academy of Self Defense is to create an atmosphere of self-discovery and personal growth, which increases physical fitness and self-defense skill, encourages the foundation of high personal standards, and empowers our students with control over self (body, mind, and spirit), thus enabling them to live a happier and more successful life.
Teaching style, knowledge and talent draws from several disciplines of martial arts. By combining different aspects of it, Karate Staten Island has developed an effective Martial Arts System based on fundamentals of Russian Real Hand to Hand Military Combat, RyuKyu Kempo(Okinawan form of Karate), Brazilian JiuJutsu, Sambo and Judo.
"With our move to Patchogue, NY, we have decided to return to our roots. In the coming months we will be shifting to a not for profit model. We will begin to slowly add services and classes until we can function as did the famous schools of old: Shaolin Temple, Po Chi Lam, and so many others, all centers of martial arts, philosophy, healing, and safety. We will truly live up to our mission to promote Chinese kung fu, help all those in need, provide whlistic health care, and foster a community environment of not only tolerance, but acceptance."
A Long Island staple since 1986, Ultimate Gym has provided the essentials you need to get the body you want! Known for its blue collar atmosphere and hard-core training, Ultimate Gym has seen fitness and diet fads of the past twenty years come and go, maintaining the philosophy that old-fashioned hard work still gets the best results! With outstanding hours to fit any schedule, over 200 pieces of free weights and machines, and a newly expanded cardio area, you'll have everything you need to get in shape.
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. T. Alan rmstrong
Sensei Sheldon Elliot Ruskin is training and teaching traditional
Shotokan karate for over 30 years. Certified by and a member of the
Japan Karate Association in Tokyo and International Shotokan
Karate Association. Sensei Sheldon Elliot Ruskin, US National Karate
Champion has trained children for National and Regional
championships. Sensei Ruskin has also trained in Japan - Karate
Association in Tokyo over 6 years.
Locally owned and operated. The owner and his family live in Brooklyn Heights. The owner is a practicing martial artist and a teacher at Brooklyn Dojo, not just a businessperson or an entrepreneur. All Brooklyn Dojo programs or instructors are based in Brooklyn with a majority in the greater Brooklyn Heights vicinity.
Valente Brothers is the official representation of Grandmaster Hélio Gracie in Florida. Professors Pedro, Gui and Joaquim Valente started training directly under the Grandmaster at the age of 2 years old and were his loyal disciples and protégés until he passed away in January of 2009. Fully committed to preserving Hélio Gracie’s vision, teaching method, and ideals both on and off the mat.
A Academia Gala é uma empresa voltada à área de fitness, saúde e bem estar.
Tem como suas principais atividades aulas de ginástica (diversas modalidades – ver grade de horários), danças, yoga, pilates, lutas e musculação, além de oferecer serviços de massagem, nutricionista, shiatsu, e uma série de convênios, proporcionando aos seus alunos conforto e praticidade.
Localizada na Rua Dr. João Simplício Alves de Carvalho, 551, Bairro Jardim Ipiranga, Porto Alegre/RS, conta com 1000 m2, equipamentos profissionais, salas com ar condicionado e uma equipe de professores formados, periodicamente treinados, e credenciados ao CREF – Conselho Regional de Educação Física.
Venha fazer parte do nosso quadro de alunos e descobrir as inúmeras vantagens que a GALA possui há mais de 17 anos!
Em virtude da necessidade crescente de dar aos nossos atletas um suporte de primeiro mundo, inauguramos em julho de 2006 o Centro de Treinamento Gracie Tijuca. É um moderno complexo disposto numa área de 350 m2, dotado de academia de musculação, ringue de MMA e tatame, localizado na AABB Tijuca.
Espaço real de 600m2 divididos em salas de ginástica, dança, musculação e
artes marciais, incluindo luta livre, vale tudo, muay thai, karatê e capoeira, com uma estrutura moderna e planejada. A meta da academia é criar um ambiente descontraido, aliado a uma completa aparelhagem para cada grupo muscular. http://www.academiabudokan.com.br/
A Academia Life é uma empresa de atividade física que chegou no mercado com a missão de fornecer a você um trabalho de qualidade e profissionalismo que supere todas as suas expectativas.
Para isso contamos com uma equipe integrada, capaz de aplicar no dia a dia todos os esforços, visando superar todos os desafios. http://www.academialifecontagem.com.br
A academia Oficina da Luta foi criada com intuito de desenvolver a cultura das artes marciais de diversos pontos do mundo. Sua sede tem como histórico uma antiga oficina mecânica, por isso o nome escolhido.
Seu fundador Ivan Baptista, praticante de artes marciais a 10 anos, filho de um grande lutador de jiu-jitsu da década de 60, tem como essência familiar, a vocação ao treinamento técnico especializado. Aprimorando a qualidade de serviços, a Academia da Luta, estabeleceu convênio com o consultório de Fisioterapia da Drª Ana Póvoa, possibilitando aos alunos, desfrutar de tratamentos terapêuticos e estéticos a preços mais acessíveis. http://www.oficinadaluta.com.br/ |
Segundo alguns historiadores o Jiu-jitsu ou "arte suave", nasceu na Índia e era praticado por monges budistas. Preocupados com a auto defesa, os monges desenvolveram uma técnica baseada nos princípios do equilíbrio, do sistema de articulação do corpo e das alavancas, evitando o uso da força e de armas. Com a expansão do budismo o jiu-jitsu percorreu o Sudeste asiático, a China e, finalmente, chegou ao Japão, onde se desenvolveu e popularizou-se.
A partir do final do século XIX, alguns mestres de jiu-jitsu migraram do Japão para outros Continentes, vivendo do ensino da arte marcial e das lutas que realizavam. A história da Gracie Barra, fundada e dirigida por Carlos Gracie Jr. está diretamente relacionada com história do próprio masters. Nascido de uma família de lutadores liderada pelo seu pai Carlos Gracie, um espiritualista por natureza, que tinha por finalidade, difundir o jiu-jitsu, já que o aprendizado dessa arte lhe trouxera enormes benefícios na vida. A primeira sede da Gracie Barra foi em uma casa na Olegário Maciel 484 - começando com aproximadamente 20 alunos e após um ano 200 alunos praticavam jiu-jitsu no local. Mudaram então para a academia Espaço Vital (atual ByFit). Desde então começaram a projetar a Gracie Barra em competições esportivas e hoje formam a maior equipe de Jiu-Jitsu de mundo. A Grace Barra conta com 13 Unidades no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Missão: "Promover saúde através das artes marciais e atividades esportivas, proipiciando o bem-estar e qualidade de vida em abiente saudável e seguro com preços justos e acessíveis."
Introdução: Atualmente o homem tornou-se um ser sedentário. Este sedentarismo já é considerado a doença do próximo milênio, decorrente dos hábitos, ou conforto da vida moderna.
A prática de algumas artes marciais ou musculação que podem ser úteis tanto como meios de defesa como para o bem da mente e do corpo, resgatando a auto-confiança do individuo, consequentemente levando-o ao relaxamento e ao preparo psíquico-motor.
"Através do caminho do corpo, chegamos à nossa mente e a nossa saúde mental. Um corpo sólido e saudável vai proporcionar uma mente saudável, sólida e equilibrada".
Nós da WadoKan acreditamos que esse tipo de comportamento traduz uma vida melhor e mais sadia para todos que fazem exercício físico.