World Clothing

    Trunk, South America

  Av. das Américas, 19.019 lj.103-R - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Loja Multimarcas: Iódice, Carmim, AMP., Nagushi, Lei Básica, Missbella, Doc Dog, Sean John, Fernando Pires e outras
    Casual Street, South America
  Rua Barão de Ipanema, 71 A - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Moda com jeito carioca de ser, casual, feita para usar da manhã a noite. Maria Lucia Burlamaqui Reis, estilista da marca, em sua fábrica própria, produz peças fáceis de usar, práticas e confortáveis valorizando tendências internacionais. Lojas RJ: Barra Point, Shopping da Gávea, Copacabana, Centro, Ipanema e Barra Point.
    Bianca Marques, South America
  Rua Redentor, 23 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Com passagem pelo Royal Ballet de Londres, Escola Cuballet de Cuba e Theatro Municipal, a ex bailarina Bianca Marques, acabou mergulhando de corpo e alma numa paixão antiga, porém latente: a moda. Nas elegantes criações da neo-estilista, são usados tecidos nobres e algodão transmitindo delicadeza, feminilidade, resultando num caimento perfeito. A grife ganhou rapidamente um público fiel. O atendimento destaca-se pela exclusividade para atender uma clientela vip, com direito a uma sala só para elas e uma costureira de plantão para ajustes e customização das peças. Alberto Sabino, inaugurou seu córner no atelier de Bianca compondo peças únicas em modelos numerados.
    H & M, North America
  558 Broadway - Broadway - New York, NY           
Hennes & Mauritz AB (operating as H&M), is a Swedish clothing company, known for its fast fashion clothing offerings for women, men, teenagers and children. H&M has more than 1,700 stores in 33 different countries and employ over 73,000 people.
H&M's first store abroad was opened in England. Then from 1964 onwards, H&M embarked upon a major expansion programme many further stores in Europe, including the UK, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany. In the 1990s, the first stores opened in Finland, France, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands. H&M has continued to expand its business and today H&M has an extensive network throughout much of Europe.
    Loehmann's, North America
  7th Ave. & 16th St. - New York, NY             
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Since it began in 1921, Loehmann's has occupied a unique position in the fashion industry; it stands alone as the only national upscale off-price specialty retailer. Loehmann's is best known for its world-famous Back Room, where fashion-conscious women can find their favorite designers at prices that are always 30% to 65% lower than department or specialty stores. In recent years, Loehmann's has expanded its offerings to include shoes and accessories, juniors, fragrances, gifts and intimate apparel. In addition, over 45 of its stores now include complete men's departments.
    Avec Elégance, South America
  Av. Brás de Pina, 148 ljs.231 a 233 - Leopoldina Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Avec Elégance especializou-se em confecção de vestidos de noivas e debutantes. A cliente pode optar entre adquirir um vestido completo ou optar pelo aluguel ou o chamado primeiro aluguel que consiste em usar um modelo exclusivo sem a necessidade de investir quantia expressiva em data tão importante. É uma opção mais onerosa que um aluguel comum, mas é bem mais barato que a compra de um vestido. O sistema funciona da seguinte forma: a noiva vai até a loja escolhe um modelo que será confeccionado com o mesmo requinte e esmero de uma compra definitiva. A noiva, entretanto, deverá ser precavida e fazer a encomenda quatro a cinco meses antes do casamento. As partes , noiva e loja, assumem o seguinte compromisso. A loja entregará o vestido três dias antes do evento e a noiva devolverá o vestido até 48 horas após o casamento. Simples, prático e econômico. O Pólo das Noivas empresa do Grupo Avec Elégance trata de assuntos correlatos e, sugerimos, deverá ser consultado com a devida atenção.
    Vilebrequin, South America
  Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 290 lj.2210 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Tudo começou em St. Tropez, badalado paraíso de milionários europeus no sul da França, no ano de 1971, quando o jovem Fred Pryskel, um apaixonado por corridas de automóveis e fundador da Vilabrequin, sentou-se num café e começou a tesourar uma toalha de mesa em xadrez, um calção de banho simples e elegante que fosse adequado para nadar nas famosas praias do balneário. Após finalizar a prova piloto, resolveu utilizar tela de vela náutica, um material de secagem rápida para finalizar sua criação. Nascia ali o boxer-short, o primeiro calção de banho, que chamava a atenção pela estampa e o corte diferenciado, um verdadeiro ícone fashion nada parecido com os padrões da época. O produto criado por Fred, incorporou alguns itens de tecnologia simples, estampas inusitadas e conforto. Não demorou muito para que bermudas de cores fortes e temas florais fossem vistas vestindo banhistas nas mais badaladas praias européias.
As coleções trazem, geralmente, de 150 a 200 itens, com tamanhos entre 2 anos a 6XL, em 16 modelos de corte. A grife oferece ainda uma linha de roupa em linho, que inclui camisas, calças e bermudas a acessórios como óculos de sol, bonés e toalhas de praia. Homens como George Clooney, Príncipe William, Leonardo Di Caprio, Brad Pitt e Nicholas Sarkozy, já foram vistos com peças assinadas pela Vilebrequin.
A grife, está presente em 50 países e conta com 78 lojas próprias, localizadas em cidades importantes como Paris, St. Tropez, Genebra, Milão, Lisboa, Nova York, Los Angeles. No Brasil, Lojas em Shopping de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Salvador.
A responsável pela marca Vilebrequim no Brasil é a empresária Michele Nasser, uma das pioneiras no mercado de luxo do Brasil, responsável pela presença no mercado brasieiro de importantes marcas do mundo da moda como a D&G Dolce Gabbana, Ermenegildo Zegna e o Grupo Armani.
    Aéropostale, North America
  90-15 Queens Boulevard - Queens - New York, NY             
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Shopping in Queens for specialty casual apparel and accessories for your teen? How about trendy clothing at competitive prices for your 7-12 year old? If you answered yes to either of these questions then you are fortunate enough to sop your heart out at Queens Aeropostale, a New York City clothing gem and an icon in youthful quality casual clothing that your teen will actually wear. Located on the middle of Queens Boulevard, Aeropostale has raised the bar for young adult fashion by offering high-quality, active-orientated clothing at compelling values. Aeopostale has been able to curb costs and control their brand by designing, sourcing, marketing and selling all of its own merchandise. Aeropostale fashions can only be purchased from their own clothing stores, giving an air of exclusivity to their trendy clothing styles and clients by being one of the few designers to be sole distributors of their own brand. Also known for its in-store atmosphere, they provide a hip ambiance that is cool for kids and enjoyable for adults. Catering to the young at heart, don’t be surprised if you end up selecting a few items for yourself. This Queens clothing store is a must while shopping in New York City.
    Paul Stuart, North America
  Madison Avenue & 45th Street - New York, NY           
Paul Stuart offers Made to Measure custom clothing with precision tailoring and an exclusive collection of uniquely styled suits, sport jackets, overcoats and shirts, all with our extensive selection of fine European fabrics.
    Escada, North America
  715 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY             
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Noted for its quality materials, use of color, and elegant and femininine designs, Escada successfully widened its clientele and by 1981 established a name in many categories of womenswear, specializing in formal wear and knitwear. In 1982, the company opened their first store in the United States on Fifth Avenue in New York City and opened its first store in Asia the following year in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong boutique became a worldwide landmark, marked for its use of gold in the store's design.
Though debuting in America in 1982, Escada did not gain national prominence until 1984 when the leading fashion and women's wear magazine Vogue published an entire edition devoted to promoting Escada. Its worldwide prominence led its 1986 IPO on the FSE to be highly anticipated and Escada's debut on the stock exchange marked the headlines in hundreds of major newspapers worldwide. 30 years later, Escada has established itself as one of the largest fashion houses in the world. Escada?s headquarters are based in Munich, Germany and Escada?s collections are available in nearly 500 locations in 60 countries. In the United States, the company has 16 boutiques in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Texas, and Washington. Escada has opened several larger stores carrying various fashion lines including Escada, Escada Sport, and Couture and Accessories. The largest of these stores is located in Vancouver, Canada, and is 16,000 square feet.
Like many fashion houses, Escada also has a line of fragrances for both women and men. Source
    Louis Vuitton, North America
  116 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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The Louis Vuitton Company is a luxury French fashion and leather goods brand and company, headquartered in Paris, France. It is a division of the French holding company, LVMH Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy S.A. The company is named after its founder Louis Vuitton, who designed and manufactured luggage, as a Malletier during the second half of the nineteenth century.
The company manufactures and markets luxury leather goods, fashion accessories, prêt-à-porter, and jewelry. Many of the company’s products utilize the signature gray Damier and Monogram Canvas materials, both of which were first used in the late 19th century. All of the company’s products utilize the eponymous LV initials. Source
    Morena Rosa, South America
  Av. das Américas 19019 lj.103R - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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A Morena Rosa é voltada para mulheres jovens, ousadas e sensuais, que buscam produtos de qualidade e serviços com conforto, elegância e sensualidade a um preço competitivo.
As peças da grife primam pela fluidez, looks mais despojados, confortáveis, com tie-die e bordados, vestidos em linha A, ballonês, em camadas, macacões, blusas vestidos em forma oversized, opções em decotes, cintos ou soltos trazem versatilidade ao uso, de acordo com a jornada do dia, além de formarem uma silhueta sensual e glamourosa, com leve toque retro, mini vestidos irresistíveis em padronagens lisas e estampadas.
O principal diferencial da marca é o lançamento de coleções a cada 45 dias. Ou seja, seis coleções por ano, com catálogos que marcam as coleções e campanhas publicitárias de grande impacto no mercado nacional.
O Grupo Morena Rosa faz parte das empresas plenamente incorporadas nas ações de responsabilidade social. A empresa esteve presente entre as “150 Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar", do Guia Você S/A Exame, ano de 2007.
    Maison Kaká Barcelos, South America
  Rua José de Figueiredo 320 Bl.5 lj.106 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
A Maison Barcelos recebeu criterioso planejamento e idealização da empresária Kaká Barcelos, priorizando um espaço com ambientes confortáveis, aliados com privacidade e um novo conceito de elegância que suas clientes procuram.
As marcas comercializada pela Maison foram selecionadas pessoalmente pela própria proprietária, trazendo para a loja um mix perfeito tanto na área feminina, masculina e de acessórios em geral com as últimas tendências da atualidade e os mais diversos estilos de vestuário.
No 1º andar, as grifes destinadas ao público masculino incluem as irresistíveis e charmosas pólos Ralph Lauren, roupas da La Martina, Iodice, Evoke e Energie, entre outras.
No 2º andar moda casual feminina com araras exibindo marcas como La Martina, Iodice, Lafot, Victor Dezenk, Filhas de Gaia e Kaká Barcelos.
No 3º andar moda noite feminina com roupas da Santa Ephigênia, Glória Coelho, Márcia Ganem e Miss Sixty.
    PXC, South America
  Norte Shopping - Norte Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Grife tipicamente carioca que atua no mercado de moda jovem, tem identidade bem definida e um conceito atual de moda, seguindo as tendências de forma criativa e original. A empresa possui 20 lojas próprias entre Rio e Grande Rio e Showroom no Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia, Miami e vem intensificando a exportação pela Europa, Ásia, América do Norte e Mercosul. Nosso mixing de produtos é completo e pertinente
    Marshalls, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 2100 Bartow Ave - Bronx, NY             
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Nestled in the Bay Plaza Shopping Center is a New York City clothing store that is more than just a discount store; it is an off-price retailer. Marshall’s slogan of “never pay full price for fabulous” is based on their philosophy surrounding the clothing industry. Marshall’s has a knack for picking up surplus designer clothing and then offering it back to the consumer at a fraction of the original retail cost allowing everyone to look great and not break the bank in order to do so. Marshall’s vast collection of brand name fashion and accessories is so wide and all encompassing that they literally have something for everyone in their Bronx clothing store. Men’s wear, women’s wear, kids’ wear, shoes, accessories, luggage and more are all offered by this NYC bargain shopping emporium. Even better is that everything they sale is given at the same awesome discounts. Couple these bargains with a staff that is here to solely to serve you and I know you will find yourself in an extremely friendly and gratifying shopping experience. Marshall’s is a Bronx clothing store that is a cut above the rest and attracts the masses for its selection, dedication and cost viability.
    Giselle, North America
  143 Orchard Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
    Emanuel Ungaro, North America
  792 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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Ungaro retired and sold the label to internet entrepreneur Asim Abdullah in 2005. After the sale, the label was languished with a revolving door of designers, the last of which, Esteban Cortazar, who was appointed in 2007, was fired two years later after his refusal to work with actress Lindsay Lohan. Subsequently, Lohan was appointed Artistic Director, working with new head designer Estrella Archs, who was hired hastily to replace Cortazar.[3] The introduction of Lohan, which was meant to give the label publicity, was received with shock and dismay in Paris Fashion Week 2009.[3] In 2010, during Paris Fashion Week, Lindsay Lohan announced that she was no longer working for or with Ungaro, and that she could not comment on the matter because of legal issues. Source
    United Collors of Benetton, North America
  749 Broadway 8th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Benetton Group S.p.A. (NYSE: BNG) is a global upmarket clothing brand, based in Treviso, Italy. The name comes from four members of the Benetton family who founded the company in 1965. Benetton Group is listed on the Borsa Italiana, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Its core business is clothing with the casual line marketed as the "United Colors of Benetton", a fashion-oriented "Sisley" division, "Playlife" leisurewear, and "Killer Loop" streetwear brands. Their products include womenswear, menswear, childrenswear and underwear and they have recently expanded into toiletries, perfumes, exclusive watches and items for the home such as kitchen accessories and baby products. Source
    Amarcord Vintage Fashion, North America
  223 Bedford Avenue - Brooklin - New York, NY            
A company dedicated to upscale European vintage clothing and accessories ranging primarily in era from the 1940’s to the 1980’s, and featuring famous labels as well as great undiscovered manufacturers. These carefully selected vintage goods, often dead-stock, are obtained on seasonal buying trips throughout Europe, especially in Italy, homeland of the owners, Patti Bordoni and Marco Liotta.
Amarcord Vintage Fashion first opened its doors in the East Village in December 2000, immediately earning recognition as the “best vintage store” by New York Magazine and The Village Voice. The East Village shop continued to build on its early success by providing an original vision to the NYC market. Vintage lovers, media and the fashion industry alike appreciate Amarcord’s stylish selection of merchandise, renowned for design, condition and quality.
    Versace, North America
  647 Fifth Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Versace has eighty-one boutique locations around the world, in the U.S. and Canada specifically: New York, Atlanta, Boston, Bal Harbour, Tysons Galleria, Rome, Beverly Hills, Orlando, Dallas, Los Angeles, Houston, King of Prussia (near Philadelphia), San Francisco and Vancouver, Canada. Versace also features 123 retail areas in a variety of luxury multi-designer department stores such as Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman, and Saks Fifth Avenue.
The larger part of their stores are located in the two most style conscious markets in the world, Europe and Japan. Cities like London, Paris and Tokyo are home to multiple Versace outlets, not to mention the company headquarters in Milan. There is also a Versace Hotel and Spa in Gold Coast, Australia named the Palazzo Versace.
    Marshalls, North America
  2485 Richmond Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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With 700 stores covering 42 states and Puerto Rico, Marshalls is one of the nation’s largest off-price family apparel and home fashions retailers. Times may change, but our promise doesn’t: “Brand names for less. Every day.” At Marshalls, you'll find a great selection of designer and brand name fashions for men, women and children, as well as giftware and domestics for the home at prices 20-60% below department stores, specialty stores and catalogs. But we’re more than bargains. We’re proud to say that we are dedicated to furthering diversity and community programs, too. Part of our culture is that we don’t just talk, we DO.
    Dr. Jay's, North America
  30-08 Steinway Street - Queens, NY             
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In case you aren't in the mood for overly colorful clothes, and getting bored with funky, spunky, and bright colors, fear not. Dr.Jays in Queens will help you out. While most fashion these days uses color to sell their product, Dr. Jays uses quality and more muted styles; perfect for any of those boys or tom-boys out there that don't want to attract too much attention to themselves when they're just trying to walk down the road. Dr. Jays' style seems to really blend in better with the younger people of the nation with their almost hip-hop like clothes. They have an extensive collection for both the men and women that want to try something a little different from everyone for Summer 2012. They even feature a kids section for the little tots that want to be in fashion this year. Employees are extremely helpful and not afraid to help steer you in the direction of something they believe will suit you better, which is very helpful for those wandering in, unsure of what they should be purchasing. Not to mention the hat selection! What a perfect store to go to for those fun summer parties, or even just your everyday wardrobe.
    Zara, North America
  750 Lexington Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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The founder of Zara Amancio Ortega opened first Zara store in 1975. The first Zara store was located on a central street in A Coruña. Upon the success of Zara format, the firm started to expand and opened further stores.
Its first store featured low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The store proved to be a success, and Ortega started opening more Zara stores in Spain. By the early 1980s, Ortega had begun formulating a new type of design and distribution model. The clothing industry followed design and production processes that required long lead times, often up to six months, between the initial design of a garment and its delivery to retailers. This model effectively limited manufacturers and distributors to just two or three collections per year. Predicting consumer tastes ahead of time presented inherent difficulties, and producers and distributors faced the constant risk of becoming saddled with unsold inventory. Source
    Sadae, South America
  Av. das Américas, 500 22/104 - Shopping Downtown - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
“A loja que entende o frio”. Com este slogan a Sadae, com 20 anos de mercado comercializa roupas para um consumidor exigente utilizando tecnologia, conforto e design com modelagem seguindo o padrão do corpo brasileiro, sendo ainda ajustados ao manequim sem nenhum custo adicional. Confecção de casacos de pele licenciados pelo Ibama e roupas de couro sob medida, fazem da Sadae uma loja completa para as necessidades do cliente para enfrentar as baixas temperaturas. A exclusiva linha Thermo Dry e Moda Platinum traduzem o conforto térmico com alta tecnologia para viagem e esporte, no Brasil e no exterior. Lojas RJ: Copacabana, Downtown, Rio Plaza Shopping, Cadima Shopping - Friburgo
    Old Navy, North America
  610 Avenue Of The Americas - New York, NY              
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Fashion on the Avenue of The Americas is best viewed the Old Navy way, a New York City clothing store that expresses the true value of the United States. With its Flagship in Manhattan and over 1000 stores nationwide, Old Navy focuses on the price minded fashion family while promoting a more wholesome and pure fashion clothing line with innovative differences. The Tech Vest, Flip Flops, and the Performance Fleece are all specialty items marketed by Old Navy giving them an advantage in unique fashion shopping that is also practical. In addition to clothing, Old Navy also sells a variety of accessories such as shoes, handbags, toys, hats, and sunglasses, along with a line of clothing and toys for dogs which puts it on a whole new level of shopping from many of its contemporaries. As a subsidiary of Gap Inc, Old Navy continues to strive for the principles that placed the parent company on the map with fantastic fashion, impeccable service and a knack for happy customers. Old Navy is a Manhattan clothing store rich in culture and should definitely be a part of any shopper’s itinerary when they are in the city.
    Beacon's Closet, North America
  220 Fifth Avenue - Brooklin - New York, NY            
In New York City shopping? This clothing destination is a must. From a 900 square foot humble clothing store to one of the pinnacle’s of fashion acclaim, Beacon’s Closet has rocked the New York clothing scene and established itself as one of the best the seven boroughs has to offer. Located on famous Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn clothing store Beacon’s Closet goes beyond the clothing norm by offering a variety of vintage favorites and modern influences. Offering name brand shoes, shirts, pants and accessories, Brooklyn fashion emporium gives you the feeling of being at a friend’s home and looking in their closet to see where they shop and what fabulous deals they found. With coverage in several nationally received fashion journals and receiving two ‘best of’ awards from the New York newspapers the NY Press and the Village Voice, Beacon’s Closet has quickly won over the hearts of consumers due to its quirky nature and fun-loving atmosphere. As reported, Beacon’s Closet is known as just having “the best stuff” and it appeals to everyone looking to look great, pay less and have a great shopping experience. Come and rub shoulders with the residents and visitors in the know.
    United Collors of Benetton, North America
  409 86th Street - Brooklin - New York, RJ              
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Benetton Group S.p.A. (NYSE: BNG) is a global upmarket clothing brand, based in Treviso, Italy. The name comes from four members of the Benetton family who founded the company in 1965. Benetton Group is listed on the Borsa Italiana, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Its core business is clothing with the casual line marketed as the "United Colors of Benetton", a fashion-oriented "Sisley" division, "Playlife" leisurewear, and "Killer Loop" streetwear brands. Their products include womenswear, menswear, childrenswear and underwear and they have recently expanded into toiletries, perfumes, exclusive watches and items for the home such as kitchen accessories and baby products. Source
    Hiho Batik, North America
  184 5th Avenue - Brooklyn, NY            
Hiho Batik is an experiential retail store and art space, offering people of all ages one-of-a-kind products, in a mass-produced world.
Hiho's wide variety of garments, accessories, and designs are all handmade onsite in our Brooklyn store, using 100% cotton materials. The process leads to the production of soft, durable apparel that is also super fun to wear.
In the Hiho Batik art space, our guests create Make-Your-Own Hiho products and participate in DIY classes taught by local artists and craftspeople. Hiho Batik's founder, Julia Silver Gordon, has been fascinated by the ancient art of batik — using wax and dyes to create an image — since she was a child. The best part about batik is that it is a very forgiving art and therefore is a naturally wonderful medium for all ages to practice.
    Heckel Verri, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 1º piso - Rio Design Barra - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Há mais de vinte anos atuando no mercado brasileiro, o estilista Heckel Verri mistura, com perfeição, peças de alfaiataria às últimas tendências da moda. O resultado é um clássico atualizado de peças chaves como camisaria, calça cigarette, tricôs, saia lápis, cabans e trech coats.
Qualidade e sofisticação são características fundamentais do trabalho da marca. Por isso suas quatro lojas no Rio de Janeiro atende clientes que gostam de ser sofisticadas e lelegantes em qualquer espaço ou momento, seja no trabalho, social e no próprio dia-a- dia.
Lojas Rio de Janeiro: Rio Design Barra, Shopping Downtown, Leblon e Ipanema.
    Hugo Boss, North America
  132 Greene Street - New York, NY              
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Shopping at Manhattan’s Hugo Boss clothing store is one opportunity you cannot miss. Experience the very best in Manhattan fashions and German luxury ware at this premier New York City location. Specializing in both high-end and casual men and women’s clothing, Hugo Boss maintains a level of excellence and dedication from years of experience. The fashion design collection has created a variety of in-house brands to better suit their individual customer needs., including Boss Black a line of classic clothing, Boss Orange, denim based casual wear, Boss Selection, higher priced clothing aimed at a more mature market, Boss Green, which offers a golf-style active wear collection, and finally Hugo, a more European and contemporary fashion line. The fashions at Hugo Boss are not just limited to clothing, however, as their marketing and licensing agreements have opened up a vast selection of merchandise, including agreements with Samsung for cell phones, C.W.F. Children Worldwide Fashion SAS for a creative children's clothing line, Procter & Gamble Prestige for designer fragrances and skincare, Movado for watches, and Safilo to manufacture sunglasses and eyewear. With incredible selections, phenomenal quality and a history of satisfaction, Manhattan’s Hugo Boss is one of the top spots to shop in New York City.