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Localizada no coração financeiro e comercial da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Universidade Gama Filho, Unidade Centro-Candelária, dispõe de mais de cinco mil metros quadrados, onde o estudante pode desfrutar de uma infra-estrutura adequada e favorável ao seu melhor desenvolvimento. A Unidade Candelária é divida em salas de orientação pedagógica, biblioteca, secretaria, espaços equipados para videoconferências, laboratórios de informática, auditório com 130 lugares e um anexo para recepções e eventos.
Shepherd University, a fully accredited public institution of higher education founded in 1871 and located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, offers a wide variety of distinguished degree programs and other learning opportunities to both traditional and nontraditional students. Our University attracts students from the region, the nation, and beyond. Understanding the importance of diversity, we continue to work toward recruiting and retaining a multicultural student body, faculty, and staff.
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, established in 1859, is among the nation's oldest and most distinguished institutions of higher learning. The college, the legacy of Peter Cooper, occupies a special place in the history of American education. It is the only private, full-scholarship college in the United States dedicated exclusively to preparing students for the professions of art, architecture and engineering.
The University of Delaware has grown from its founding as a small private academy in 1743 to a major university. As one of the oldest land-grant institutions, as well as a sea-grant, space-grant and urban-grant institution, Delaware offers an impressive collection of educational resources. Undergraduates may choose to major in any one or more of over 100 academic majors.
Boston University is one of the leading private research and teaching institutions in the world today, with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University was chartered in 1869 by Lee Claflin, Jacob Sleeper, and Isaac Rich, three successful Methodist businessmen whose abolitionist ideals led them to envision and create a university that was inclusive—that opened its doors to the world—and engaged in service to and collaboration with the city of Boston. |
Since 1916, thousands of men and women have found a place at St. Joseph's College. Today, on our two campuses, in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn and Patchogue, Suffolk, students find an affordable college of academic excellence, real-life learning, personal attention and a vibrant, caring community. Our students discover what moves them, develop their skills and prepare themselves for their careers. Now it's your turn!
New York Theological Seminary began its life in 1900 with the founding of the Bible Teachers’ College in Montclair, New Jersey by Wilbert Webster White. A gifted scholar and teacher, President White was a leading proponent of the inductive Bible study method, and believed that the Bible ought to occupy the central position in the theological curriculum. The inductive method emphasizes three steps in biblical interpretation: observe, interpret and apply. It lent itself easily to an emphasis on practical training for ministry
Frostburg State University has provided paths to success for students for over 100 years. Founded in 1898 to prepare teachers, the institution today is a public, comprehensive, largely residential regional university offering a wide array of affordable programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The only four-year institution of the University System of Maryland west of the Baltimore-Washington corridor, the University serves as the premier educational and cultural center for western Maryland.
Nearing 50 years of age, the University of Hartford is young as universities go. Yet its roots go back some 130 years, when Hartford city residents with famous last names like Stowe, Clemens, and Colt founded the Hartford Society for Decorative Art. That society later evolved into the Hartford Art School, one of the three founding colleges incorporated as the University of Hartford in 1957.
From its beginnings in a schoolhouse in lower Manhattan, Columbia University has grown to encompass two principal campuses: the historic, neoclassical campus in the Morningside Heights neighborhood and the modern Medical Center further uptown, in Washington Heights. Today, Columbia is one of the top academic and research institutions in the world, conducting pathbreaking research in medicine, science, the arts, and the humanities. It includes three undergraduate schools, thirteen graduate and professional schools, and a school of continuing education.
Over the years, Mount Sinai had built up a tremendous, and well deserved, reputation for the excellence of its patient care and clinical research programs. Many contributions were made by Mount Sinai physicians regarding the basic underpinnings and actions of various diseases.
Located in the heart of TriBeCa, the New York Academy of Art, a not-for-profit educational and cultural institution, is dedicated to the advancement of figurative painting, sculpture and drawing. The only graduate school in the United States devoted exclusively to the study of the human figure, the Academy fosters values and skills intrinsic to the creation of significant contemporary art.
O CCS oferece à sociedade os únicos cursos de graduação totalmente gratuitos de Enfermagem, Farmácia, Medicina e Odontologia no Estado do ES. Esses cursos têm recebido bons conceitos nas avaliações do MEC, destacando-se como os melhores do Estado, cumprindo assim um importante papel como referência para cursos semelhantes oferecidos por instituições privadas.
No ano de 2009, serão abertos dois novos cursos de graduação: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional. Para o ano de 2010, estão previstas as aberturas dos novos cursos em Fonoaudiologia e Nutrição.
Os cursos de Pós-Graduação do CCS também recebido conceitos muito bons da CAPES e vêm cumprindo sua função na formação de mão de obra especializada para o ensino e pesquisa no estado, tanto para a própria UFES como para outras instituições. Destaca-se também a função social que estes Programas, em especial os de Ciências Fisiológicas e o de Doenças Infecciosas, com diagnóstico, atendimento e tratamento de pacientes de diversas doenças de alta incidência e importância na saúde publica como hipertensão, tuberculose, hanseníase, sífilis e AIDS.
Dentro desse enfoque social, destaca-se também o fato de que o CCS é o maior prestador de serviços da UFES para a sociedade, através de diferentes projetos e programas de extensão e, principalmente, através da assistência médica e odontológica prestada nas dependências do HUCAM e do IOUFES
Would you like to be a part of an academic family who strives to create a culturally sensitive academic environment for you to thrive in? If so, choose Edward Waters College (EWC). EWC is a private Historically Black College (HBCU) in Jacksonville, Florida. We offer small class sizes, individual attention, diverse social activities, and a rolling enrollment policy, which encourages our students to see the possibilities in their future. Recognizing and practicing national academic standards is imperative for the educational process. EWC is no exception to those philosophies. However, EWC avoids utilizing test scores as the main focus to determine a student's academic potential. The college has an assessment program, which enables it to ascertain the level students need to begin their college career here at EWC. Not only do we offer different degree programs, we also offer the type of environment that is unique to an urban student. There are a variety of student activities to be involved in outside of the classroom, such as the Student Government Association or one of the Greek Fraternities and Sororities.
Monroe College was founded in 1933 with a single goal: To educate men and women for a successful future in the world. Monroe offers Bachelor's degree programs, with an Associate degree along the way, in the most relevant areas for today's rapidly changing global economy.
The Pennsylvania State University (commonly known as Penn State) is a state-related land-grant university with a central campus located in State College, Pennsylvania, mailing address University Park, Pennsylvania. The University contains 23 additional campuses located throughout the state, including a virtual World Campus. The enrollment at Penn State is over 84,000 students, placing it among the ten largest public universities in the United States. Penn State offers over 160 majors and administers a $1.2 billion endowment. Source
Cumberland University is located in Lebanon, Tennessee, 30 miles east of Nashville. Founded in 1842, Cumberland University offers a variety of educational, athletic, and social experiences to enhance the learning opportunities of the current student body. The university has an exceptional academic program steeped in the liberal arts. Athletic teams regularly compete for conference and national championships.
Over 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled in over forty majors. A variety of clubs and organizations enhance the social opportunities for students. Honor societies recognize student achievers in a variety of disciplines. |
A leading national public research university and the state’s preeminent, comprehensive public institution of higher education. Rutgers is dedicated to teaching that meets the highest standards of excellence; to conducting research that breaks new ground; and to turning knowledge into solutions for local, national, and global communities.
Hampton University, a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, is a privately-endowed, non-profit, non-sectarian, co-educational, historically black university. It is located in southeastern Virginia and boasts one of the loveliest campuses in the nation, with a picturesque waterfront and historic buildings and landmarks. Hampton University has grown into a comprehensive university providing a broad range of technical, liberal arts, pre-professional, professional, and graduate degree programs. We also offer cultural entertainment and athletic events keep you in touch with the other students and members of the Hampton University family.
Queens College prepares students to become leaders of our global society by offering a rigorous education in the liberal arts and sciences under the guidance of a faculty dedicated to both teaching and research. Students graduate with the ability to think critically, address complex problems, explore various cultures, and use modern technologies and information resources. With a faculty and student population that reflects the diversity of New York City, Queens College provides an unusually rich education.
Parsons, an internationally recognized design school, focuses on creating engaged citizens and outstanding artists, designers, scholars and business leaders through a design-based professional and liberal education.
Parsons students learn to rise to the challenges of living, working and creative decision making in a world where human experience is increasingly designed. The school embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology, collaborative methods and global perspectives on the future of design. Parsons offers both graduate and undergraduate programs in all aspects of design. It also offers continuing education classes, a pre-college academy, and summer intensive programs -- in New York and Paris -- for college, adult, and high school students 16 and older. |
Our institution was founded back in 1964 by educational pioneer Audrey Cohen.
Driven by a holistic vision of a better world, she created a succession of organizations to address the dual issues of economic development and social improvement. Through her lifelong commitment to the interconnected ideals of social justice, educational excellence, and economic opportunity, Audrey Cohen continues to be esteemed as one of the most innovative and respected educational reformers in the world. |
It's a long tradition that Clarck's students, faculty continue in their work--inside and outside the classroom--every day. At Clark, students and faculty are encouraged to follow their intellectual curiosity beyond the boundaries of traditional scholarship, to seek innovative solutions to real-world problems and to create positive change in the world through social action.
As Faculdades São Camilo são compostas por três unidades de atuação distintas:
» Faculdade de Enfermagem Luiza de Marillac: marco de excelência no ensino de enfermagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com modernas instalações, laboratórios e equipamentos, além de uma infra-estrutura adequada às necessidades atuais de mercado; » Faculdade de Administração São Camilo: a mais nova faculdade de administração do Rio de Janeiro que vem proporcionar a mais completa orientação e formação de administradores capacitando-os para uma atuação em amplas áreas - recursos humanos, finanças, marketing, relações internacionais, possuindo ainda um diferencial, capacitação em Administração Hospitalar; » Centro de Pós-Graduação São Camilo, o mais moderno e tradicional centro de estudos em pós-graduação, oferecendo uma ampla atuação aos profissionais da área de saúde, com vários cursos onde podemos destacar: Administração Hospitalar, Saúde Pública, Nutrição Clínica e Paciente Crítico. |
Iniciou suas atividades em 1999, oferecendo o Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação, dando continuidade a uma história de mais de 35 anos de experiência no ensino especializado em tecnologia.
Desde então, a faculdade se preocupa em oferecer programas que possibilitem a formação do profissional competente e do cidadão para atuar em sua área e nos processos de transformação social, criando alternativas com potencial para enfrentar os problemas do mundo contemporâneo.
Uma conquista histórica do povo cearense. Nos últimos anos, cresceu, consolidou-se como Universidade de grande porte e tornou-se referência regional em termo qualitativo.
Conheça a Universidade Federal do Ceará, um inalienável patrimônio científico e cultural com extraordinária contribuição prestada ao desenvolvimento socio-econômico do Ceará e do Nordeste. |
Oferecer um ensino dinâmico e internalizador de conhecimentos, que propicie a formação de profissionais comprometidos com valores éticos, dotados de habilidades e competências, para intervir na transformação da sociedade.
A Associação Vitoriana de Ensino Superior – AVIES, mantenedora da Faculdade Vitoriana de Tecnologia, Faculdade Vitoriana de Ciências Contábeis e Instituto de Ensino Superior e Formação Avançada de Vitória – FAVI, apresenta o seu portfólio, com o objetivo de demonstrar um excelente empreendimento na área da educação no nível superior.
A FAVI iniciou suas atividades no mêsz de março do ano de 1995 com os cursos de Sistemas de Informação e Ciências Contábeis. Hoje oferecemos 16 (dezesseis) cursos superiores, como: Administração de Empresas, com ênfases em Análise de Sistemas, Comércio Exterior, Gestão Hoteleira, Marketing e Recursos Humanos, Ciências Contábeis, Ciências da Computação, Direito, Fisioterapia, Pedagogia, Psicologia, Sistemas de Informação e Turismo.
Diante deste material, a sua empresa passa a conhecer uma das faculdades de maior crescimento no Estado do Espírito Santo. Nossos gestores estão comprometidos com um plano de gestão administrativa que contempla a pluralidade de idéias e propostas que busquem novos horizontes para ações que reflitam em melhorias dos níveis de ensino, pesquisa e extensão em contínuo processo de modernização institucional.
A Faculdade Saberes tem um projeto político-pedagógico que se fundamenta em princípios educacionais, filosóficos, psicológicos, sociológicos, lingüísticos e culturais que sinalizam uma educação voltada para o desenvolvimento/aprimoramento de um ser humano capaz de perceber o momento que está vivendo e agir, individual e coletivamente em pro do ser humano.
Parte importante da história da educação no Brasil, a Estácio contribui para o crescimento dos indivíduos e para o desenvolvimento sustentável do país, formando cidadãos e disseminando conhecimento. São mais de 200 mil estudantes que, diariamente, escrevem a história de suas vidas amparados pela instituição, preparando-se para o mercado de trabalho e construindo um futuro melhor.