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The Forward is a Jewish-American weekly newspaper published in New York City.
As of 2008, the Forward is published as a weekly news magazine in separate Yiddish and English editions. Each is effectively an independent publication with its own contents. Jane Eisner became Editor in June, 2008.[1] The Editorial Director is J.J. Goldberg, who has served in that role since 2000. The paper maintains a left of center editorial stance. Source
The newspaper's roots trace back to 1837 in Jasper County, where The Eastern Clarion began. Later that year it was sold and moved to Meridian.
After the Civil War, it was moved to Jackson and merged with The Standard and soon became known as The Clarion. Combining with the State Ledger in 1888, it received the name of Daily Clarion-Ledger.
Meanwhile, four young men who were displaced by the merger founded their own newspaper, The Jackson Evening Post, in 1882. Fred Sullens purchased an interest in the paper in 1907, and shortly after changed the name to the Jackson Daily News.
The Boston Globe (and Boston Sunday Globe) is an American daily newspaper based in Boston, Massachusetts. The Globe has been owned by The New York Times Company since 1993. Its chief print rival is the Boston Herald. The Globe has the eighteenth largest average Monday-Saturday U.S. newspaper circulation and has won eighteen Pulitzer Prizes. Source
Established in 1884 as the first public college for women in the United States, MUW is proud of its tradition of excellence for women and men.
"We publish every weekday except five holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, the Friday after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day"
A bi-weekly newspaper, published every Tuesday and Thursday. Located in Price, Utah, the Sun Advocate serves the entire Carbon County area. The Emery County Progress, the Sun Advocate's sister paper, serves neighboring Emery County residents.
The Sun Advocate has a very intriguing past. The paper which began in 1891 led the way for many papers to come including The Sun and The Carbon County News amongst others.
Chris Evans, editor and publisher. Allison Mick-Evans, advertising manager.
The New York Post is the 13th-oldest newspaper published in the United States and generally acknowledged as the oldest to have been published continually as a daily, although -- like most other papers -- its publication has been interrupted by labor actions.[2] Since 1993, it has been owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. It is the 6th-largest newspaper in the U.S. by circulation.[3] Its editorial offices are located at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, in New York City, New York. Source
El 17 de febrero de 1976 se editó el primer ejemplar de El Diario en Ciudad Juárez. Bajo la dirección de Osvaldo Rodríguez Borunda, El Diario se ha convertido en el periódico de mayor circulación en el estado de Chihuahua y el cuarto más importante en México.
En el año XXXI de su existencia, la cadena periodística que tiene su base en Ciudad Juárez, mantiene oficinas y publicaciones en: Chihuahua capital, Nuevo Casas Grandes, Delicias y El Paso, Texas.