Pennsylvania Furniture

    Leather Furniture Shops
  31 N. 2nd Street - Philadelphia, PA           
Leather Furniture Shops is one of the most innovative high-style furniture stores in the eastern U.S.
A specialist in leather furniture for over 20 years, we also carry a full range of other great furniture for the home, all at discount prices.
    Karls Baby & Teenage Furniture
  724 Chestnut Street - Philadelphia, PA           
Karl's may be geographically located in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, but you'll experience more than just brotherly love in this store. You'll receive an entire family's full-service and tender loving care!
The history of Karl's is spanning three generations of ownership. In 1920, Simon and Florence Richman opened the doors of Karl's on the premise that the customer deserves unique merchandise and impeccable service. Forty years later, they were succeeded by their son, Alan Richman, who also held this philosophy close to his heart. Alan followed this philosophy so closely that he became known as "Uncle Alan", a trust-worthy individual who tickled a customer's fancy through a series of endearing advertisements.
The Richman family takes pride in serving your family. From generations past and new generations yet to come, Karl's can't help but uphold the tradition of "Caring Family Service."
    Morrys Dinettes
  8109 Frankford Avenue - Philadelphia, PA           
Looking for a way to pep up that dreary old kitchen area? Or just plain bored with your current Kitchen set or Dinette? Then Morrys Dinettes is the place! Where you can choose from an extensive variety of styles, sizes, and colors... we have over 100 barstools and 150 dinette sets on display!