Upper East Side Shoes & Handbags+

    Chuckies, 10021 Lenox Hill
  1073 Third Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Signup for news and specials.
    Chloé, 10021 Lenox Hill
  850 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY            
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Returning after a season's maternity leave, Phoebe sent out a collection with crisp new shapes, proportions and vigour. A line dresses and stiffer couture fabrics were used with flares from the shoulder, and swinging skirts with models on great chunky platform shoes. Sixties ruffled skirts (so popular this season) were intricately worked in crunchy embroidery, organza applique and frills. Lots of new accessories like handbags were seen this season. Source
    Delfino, 10021 Lenox Hill
  56 West 50th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Established in 1983, we are a small, world renowned high end handbag and leather accessory boutique located in New York City. Here at Delfino, we showcase and offer only the finest, most unique accessory and gift items from all over the world.
    Jimmy Choo, 10021 Lenox Hill
  716 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Jimmy Choo, maker of glamorous accessories favoured by international stars and elegant women worldwide, was launched in 1996.
As accessories editor at Vogue UK, Tamara Mellon sensed a real demand for stylish but wearable shoes and approached Mr Jimmy Choo, a couture shoe-maker based in the East End of London, recognized for his excellent craftsmanship.
    Louboutin New York, 10021 Lenox Hill
  941 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Christian Louboutin currently has 3 boutiques in the United States. Two can be found in New York. One location is Downtown on Horatio Street and the other is on Madison Avenue. The third location is in Beverly Hills, California. Christian Louboutin is also currently in the process of leasing out 5,900 square feet of retail space on Newbury Street in Boston, and he is set to build a boutique in Las Vegas, Nevada. There has also been a boutique in London, England for many years. Source