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TASCHEN is happy to announce the opening of our second store in Los Angeles at the historic Farmers Market. This store follows the opening of Beverly Hills location in 2003. The new store is located inside the historic Clock Tower on the threshold of The Grove and the world-famous Farmers Market. A wide range of TASCHEN books will be for sale. Philippe Starck has designed the space – as he has done with all TASCHEN Stores in New York, Paris, and Beverly Hills.
O primeiro distribuidor europeu de produtos culturais e de lazer, exemplo único da aliança entre comércio e cultura, ambicionando oferecer aos seus clientes a mais vasta seleção em literatura, música e em novas tecnologias.
Tanto na loja virtual, como nas lojas físicas, a Fnac propõe ainda que o cliente descubra o que existe de mais inovador e se reencontre com a cultura. Centro cultural ativo que dispõe de uma programação diária, oferecendo eventos de qualidade, permitindo o contato do cliente com personalidades da vida cultural, política e econômica, além de favorecer a formação e a descoberta de novos talentos para literatura, música e demais tipos de arte. |
BookWeb New York area.
Since 1985, Jim Hanley's Universe has been one of America's best and most progressive comic book stores. At Jim Hanley's Universe, we work extra hard to stock the full range of comic titles and related merchandise that is available today. We carry mainstream comics from DC and Marvel as well as Kids Comics, International Comics, Manga, Graphic Novels, Small Press, Indie, and Mini Comics. We have an extensive back issue collection and we also carry Statues, Toys, T-shirts, DVDs, Trading Cards, Books and more!!
Part of the history of Greenwich Village is it's authors. From Melville to Cather they've been writing here and buying their books here for centuries. In the Village the hunt for a good book is part of the life of a reader or a writer. And that's why we're here. We enjoy tracking down, buying and selling interesting, esoteric and weird books. You'll be amazed! We're in our second decade.
Offering competitive pricing on both new and used textbooks. Also offering a book buy-back program. Manhattan Books is located near the Borough of Manhattan Community College, The College of Insurance, College of New Rochelle-D.C. 37 campus, Pace University, and Stuyvesant High School.
Having spent my first career in education and been a lover of good books, I hoped my next career would include books. I have always believed every town should have their own community bookstore, a place filled with good books, the type that get people to feel, to think, discuss, laugh and enjoy. To prepare for this goal, I worked part-time at a bookstore and learned the day to day operations. I took a course on the essentials of opening a quality bookstore and visited as many bookstores in New Jersey as I could. I found many bookstore owners to be both warm and generous with their time. Many of these owners have become close colleagues and remain a strong network helping my own bookstore, thrive and grow.
Fundada em 1893, a Casa Cruz conta com 7 lojas no Grande Rio, distribuídas pelo Centro, Campo Grande, Copacabana, Madureira, Tijuca, Niterói e Nova Iguaçu.
Considerada referência em variedade e atendimento por seus clientes, dispõe de mais de 60.000 produtos, incluindo livraria, material de escritório, escolar, suprimentos de informática, desenho técnico e artístico, pintura. Loja Virtual. |
Books of Wonder is your source for the finest in children's books -- both new and old. We offer a wide range of services via our New York City bookstore, our extensive mail order service, and now a fully functional e-commerce web site.
Founded in 1980, Books of Wonder is New York City's largest and oldest children's bookstore and the city's leading specialist in children's literature. Among the various departments in our store are sections devoted to children's classic and contemporary picture books, board books for infants and toddlers, foreign language children's books, reference books for children (dictionaries, atlases, etc.), non-fiction, and chapter books and novels for children from beginning readers to teens. And, of course, there is our world famous Oz section - a whole bookcase devoted to the many Oz books by L. Frank Baum and his successors. Of special interest to collectors is our wall of old, rare, and collectible children's books and original children's book art. |
Encore College Bookstores, Inc., our parent corporation was founded in September 1988, with the acquisition of Zavelle's Bookstore in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zavelle's Bookstore has served the community of students at Temple University for over 60 years. The operation of Zavelle's fits the profile of our philosophy in that all students should have the opportunity to buy and sell books at the best possible prices.
"Specialized in Used, Rare and New books on Contemporary Art, Architecture and various Design fields, with an emphasis on Imported or hard-to-find — but we also hand pick thousands of good books every month for our voracious clientele. We stock Literature, Philosophy, Cinema, Magazines and even baby-books, but the most significant factor here is the element of serendipity: you never know what you might find."
"A full-service, auction house and automated exchange for investment-quality Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and CGC Graded comic books and Original Comic Art. We specialize mainly in vintage comic books from the 1930's through the 1970's and original comic art. Launched on the Web in early 1996, we have established the strongest network of buyers and sellers both on and off of the Internet, leading to the widest selection of listings for our buyers and frequent sales at record-breaking prices for our sellers. Our Auction and Exchange services are used by many of the top buyers and sellers of vintage comics and art. New item listings and bids are posted in real-time, and Wantlist notifications are sent out to aggressive buyers."
New and Used Books for Everyone. Book Trade on Sunday. Please bring less than 20 books. Store Credit for Used Books available.
Always happy to help ou make a personal selection for yourself or as a gift!
From birthday parties to corporate functions, the bookstore combines elegance with the extraordinary, all in one beautiful setting. Invite your guests to explore the unknown with a haunted cocktail brunch, a murder mystery dinner or afternoon tea complete with tea leaf readings. Everything from decor, invitations, entertainment and catering can call be arranged with us to custom create your perfectly paranormal party.
One of the oldest mystery specialist book stores in America, the Mysterious Bookshop is now in its 26th year. It is a two-story bookstore, with paperbacks on the ground floor (with a few new arrivals in Hardcover) and Hardcovers on the second floor. A spiral staircase connects the two floors. The shop is open six days a week, Monday through Saturday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
The Town Book Store has been serving Westfield and neighboring communities since 1934. According to the American Booksellers Association, we are the last independent book store located in Union County, New Jersey. In today’s rapidly changing retail environment, The Town Book Store remains one constant where shoppers can find a first-rate literary selection with friendly, personalized service in an attractive, convenient setting. Whether you are reading for escape, for comfort, to gain knowledge, for pure pleasure or as a source of lively conversation, visit or call us at The Town Book Store and we can match you up with the right book.
"A division of Hecht’s religious articles that was established by Rabbi Sholom Hecht in 1961, he is the youngest of six brothers, all Rabbis, American born to an American born father who’s father arrived to the shores of the United States in 1880.
We are a wholesale/retail Judaica supply house serving individual people, Synagogues, schools, Chabad Houses, etc. worldwide with all their needs. It is a family run business with Rabbi Hecht’s wife Joan, her sister Harriet, and Rabbi Hecht’s son Shea." |
CarmelJudaica.com aims to deliver total satisfaction when communicating with our customers. There are many convenient ways for you to reach us, either to make an inquiry, place or track an order, give us valuable feedback about improving our service on this web site, or if there's something you are interested in and haven't found it on our site.
A Pallas Editora apresenta em seu site, o seu acervo editorial que privilegia a discussão sobre nossas origens étnicas e culturais.
São vários títulos sobre religiosidade e cultura afro-brasileira, nas palavras não apenas de antropólogos, etnólogos, historiadores e cientistas sociais, mas também de autoridades religiosas, analisando o universo cultural, político, estético, religioso e ético do "Povo do Santo" e da população afrodescendente |
Incorporada à vida cultural da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Livraria Argumento surgiu na década de setenta, no número 199 da Rua Dias Ferreira, atualmente, número 417. Inicialmente, oferecia ao seu público, livros dos autores 'proibidos' pela repressão da ditadura militar. Autores como Miguel Arraes, Celso Furtado, Paulo Freire, Dias Gomes, Érico Veríssimo, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Chico Buarque e Barbosa Lima Sobrinho, entre outros - que assinavam artigos no jornal semanal alternativo Opinião e na revista Argumento. Ambas as publicações tiveram a circulação suspensa por imposição da censura e encerraram suas atividades na década de 70.
Foi com o espírito de oposição ao governo que a revista mensal emprestou seu nome e conceito à livraria, que recebeu exilados e importantes pensadores da questão nacional. No início da década de oitenta, com os primeiros ensaios de uma abertura política, o conceito se consolidou, e nos anos noventa incorporou a atual idéia de aliar a leitura e o consumo de livros ao consumo de Cd's, gastronomia, e eventos, sendo pioneira neste conceito. Hoje, a Livraria Argumento disponibiliza aos seus leitores três endereços: Leblon, Copacabana e Barra da Tijuca |
Shelton's own independent, community bookstore. A full-service, general bookstore with new books for all ages and interests.
Singularity&Co. is a team of time traveling archivists longing for futures past.
Each month, bookstore members help choose a vintage, out of print sci-fi book to rescue (with the rightsholders' permission). Help bring forgotten 20th century scifi into the 21st! |
Collected Stories Bookstore specializes in rare and out-of-print books with a specialty in local history, nautical, literature and poetry as well as nature and history.
Em 21 de janeiro de 1938 a Paulus inicia suas atividades no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1996, a livraria passou por uma reforma radical e em 30 de Julho de 1996, a celebração de inauguração com a presença do clero, religiosos, religiosas e clientes.
Com a reforma, a livraria ampliou seu espaço. Nos 170 metros quadrados estão distribuídos mais de 16 mil títulos das diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, tais como: comunicação, antropologia, sociologia, psicologia, educação, teologia, bíblia, CDs, DVDs, CDRom, mini mídia, vídeos, dentre outras. |
Throughout our more than 1,000 stores, Borders is finding new ways to help our customers create richer and more satisfying lives through knowledge and entertainment.
Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Borders Group, Inc., is a publicly held company with 2008 consolidated sales of $3.2 billion. Our stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BGP. Borders Group operates over 515 Borders superstores in the U.S.; three stores in Puerto Rico; and approximately 377 stores in the Waldenbooks Specialty Retail segment, including Waldenbooks, Borders Express, Borders airport stores, and Borders Outlet. Borders Group owns London-based Paperchase Products Limited, a retailer of stationery, cards and gifts with 124 locations outside the U.S., including stand-alone stores and concessions. There are also 337 Paperchase shops located within U.S. |
A primeira livraria Paulinas , foi inaugurada em 1976, com sede à Rua Sete de setembro, 55 - Centro. Porém logo tornou-se demasiadamente pequena, e assim, aconteceu o inesperado. Em 1980, na mesma rua, a pouca distância, estavam a venda, os três primeiros andares de um edifício, que em seguida se transformaria na atual sede. Em 2003 foi inaugurada a filial de Madureira.
Paulinas Livraria presta serviço a todas as linhas de pastoral da Arquidiocese através de encontros de animação e formação, propostas de material para estudo e aprofundamento dos temas, organiza e ministra cursos de animação e formação bíblica e catequética, nas Paróquias da Arquidiocese e comunidades e promove diversos serviços à pastoral da comunicação. Rua Dagmar da Fonseca, 45 A/B - Madureira |
Contando com a experiência da Editora Revista dos Tribunais, editora jurídica presente há quase cem anos no mercado editorial, a Livraria RT é a mais completa livraria brasileira especializada em livros e periódicos para estudiosos e profissionais do Direito.
São 41 lojas distribuídas em 8 estados brasileiros com estrutura adequada para atender ao padrão de exigência do seu público. Além de comercializar produtos jurídicos, a Livraria RT é um ponto de encontro entre especialistas das diferentes área do Direito, palco de sessões de autógrafos e eventos congêneres em todas as cidades onde está instalada. |
A Livraria Rio Antigo é um somatório de velhas e novas experiências profissionais e comerciais no mercado de livros raros, antigos e usados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, constituindo variado acervo de títulos, hoje considerado entre os melhores da cidade.
Localizada no coração do velho centro comercial do Rio, à Rua do Rosário, 155, ocupa cinco pavimentos do prédio, ao lado das antigas instalações, da também tradicional, Livraria Universal. |
Fundada em agosto de 1991, a Livraria Galileu prontamente se estabeleceu como uma referência na venda de livros didáticos, paradidáticos e dos mais variados assuntos.
Hoje, a Livraria Galileu reconhecida como uma das mais completas livrarias do Rio, dispõe de três lojas bem equipadas, além do serviço de tele-vendas e da livraria virtual.
Três lojas físicas no Rio de Janeiro: Ipanema, Tijuca e Largo do Machado |