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Frostburg State University has provided paths to success for students for over 100 years. Founded in 1898 to prepare teachers, the institution today is a public, comprehensive, largely residential regional university offering a wide array of affordable programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The only four-year institution of the University System of Maryland west of the Baltimore-Washington corridor, the University serves as the premier educational and cultural center for western Maryland.
As Faculdades Integradas Maria Thereza (FAMATh), que contam hoje com mais de trinta anos de serviços prestados à Educação de nosso país, se caracteriza por ter sido a primeira instituição privada no município de Niterói. A Instituição tem sido pioneira na criação de cursos relevantes e de imensa procura, como Psicologia, Ciências Biológicas, Biologia Marinha, Educação Física e Pedagogia, que hoje culminam com a oferta de vários cursos de pós-graduação e o projeto de sua transformação em Centro Universitário.
El Instituto Politécnico Nacional es la institución educativa laica, gratuita de Estado, rectora de la educación tecnológica pública en México, líder en la generación, aplicación, difusión y transferencia del conocimiento científico y tecnológico, creada para contribuir al desarrollo económico, social y político de la nación. Para lograrlo, su comunidad forma integralmente profesionales en los niveles medio superior, superior y posgrado, realiza investigación y extiende a la sociedad sus resultados, con calidad, responsabilidad, ética, tolerancia y compromiso social.
The School’s mission is to train students from middle school through graduate school for professional careers in the performing, visual, and film and television arts. Performance is an integral part of the training program, and students, faculty and guest artists present more than 400 public performances and screenings annually in the School’s facilities in Winston-Salem, as well as across the state and the Southeast, in major U.S. cities and overseas. Source
A UniABC entende que sua maior contribuição para o desenvolvimento e progresso do país está na sua proposta de atuação regional. Neste sentido, além de formar bons profissionais, com excelente base de conhecimento técnico e científico, contribui para a solução de problemas sociais dessa região na medida em que produz, aplica e dissemina o trabalho que é fruto do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos e professores. Dessa forma, sua missão é: produzir, organizar e disseminar conhecimento técnico-científico que contribua para o desenvolvimento regional do Grande ABC.
Além de oferecer ensino de graduação de excelência, a Fundação Octacílio Gualberto também mantém programas de pós-graduação nas áreas de seus cursos, como os Programas de Residência Médica, os cursos de Especialização em Nutrição Humana e em Educação em Saúde, dentre outros.
Afirmando o seu compromisso com a comunidade, a Fundação Octacílio Gualberto implantou e garante o funcionamento de várias unidades de saúde, podendo assim proporcionar diversidade de cenários para o ensino e a prática profissional. O Ambulatório Escola, os Postos de Saúde da Família e o Serviço de DIP (Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias) estão integrados à rede pública de saúde, prestando serviços inteiramente gratuitos à população. A mais recente conquista da FOG é o novo campus da FMP/FASE. Inaugurado em agosto de 2007, foi construído em área de 85.000m² e está situado no Centro Histórico de Petrópolis. O campus conta com as mais modernas e adequadas instalações físicas e recursos tecnológicos, estando plenamente integrado à Mata Atlântica |
The University of California, Los Angeles, generally known as UCLA, is a public, coeducational university whose main campus is in the residential area of Westwood, Los Angeles, California. Established as a branch of the state university in 1919, it is the second-oldest general-purpose campus in the University of California system and has the largest enrollment of any university in the state.
The university is one of the most selective universities in the nation, accepting 11,750 students of the more than 47,000 who applied for admission as freshmen in Fall 2005. More people applied for admission to UCLA than to any other university in the country in that semester. Source |
Mississippi State University is a comprehensive, doctoral-degree-granting university offering to a diverse and capable student body a wide range of opportunities and challenges for learning and growth; to the world of knowledge, vigorous and expanding contributions in research, discovery, and application; and to the State and its people in every region, a variety of expert services. Mississippi State University is designated as a Doctoral/Extensive institution by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Uma instituição pública de Ensino Superior com sede em Niterói, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi criada pela Lei nº 3.848, de 18 de dezembro de 1960, com o nome de Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UFERJ), a partir da integração de faculdades no município de Niterói. A Lei nº 4.831, de 5 de novembro de 1965, oficializou o nome atual, Universidade Federal Fluminense. É considerada um dos principais centros de excelência no Brasil e no mundo, com diversos cursos recebendo conceitos máximos no Provão e no Enade. Fonte: pt.wikipedia.org
Founded in 1961, The Graduate Center is the doctorate-granting institution of The City University of New York (CUNY). In this nationally unique consortium of 1700 faculty members, a core faculty of 125 Graduate Center appointments is supplemented by over 1500 additional faculty members drawn from throughout CUNY's ten senior colleges and New York City's leading cultural and scientific institutions. With 4000 doctoral students, they pursue a shared enterprise of expanding the boundaries of knowledge in over 30 doctoral programs and 6 master's programs in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Augmenting this enterprise are 28 research centers and institutes focused on areas of compelling social, civic, cultural, and scientific concerns.
Nearing 50 years of age, the University of Hartford is young as universities go. Yet its roots go back some 130 years, when Hartford city residents with famous last names like Stowe, Clemens, and Colt founded the Hartford Society for Decorative Art. That society later evolved into the Hartford Art School, one of the three founding colleges incorporated as the University of Hartford in 1957.
Seleção La Salle: Consiste numa Redação, na mesma data do concurso vestibular, cuja nota final para aprovação deverá ser igual ou superior a 50 e a análise de Histórico Escolar, também com nota final para aprovação igual ou superior a 50, respeitando os seguintes critérios: Português e Literatura = 30 pontos e Objetivas (Matemática, Física, Química, Biologia, História e Geografia) = 20 pontos, perfazendo um total de 100 pontos conforme determina o Regimento Interno da instituição.
The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
A Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA, instituição estadual de ensino superior, teve sua origem na Federação das Escolas Superiores do Maranhão - FESM.
A FESM foi criada pela Lei 3.260 de 22 de agosto de 1972, para coordenar e integrar os estabelecimentos isolados do sistema educacional superior do Maranhão. Constituída inicialmente por quatro unidades de ensino superior: Escola de Administração, Escola de Engenharia, Escola de Agronomia e faculdade de Caxias, a FESM incorporou, em 1975, a Escola de de Medicina Veterinária e em 1979, a Faculdade de Educação de Imperatriz. |
A Univap é a única instituição de ensino do Vale do Paraíba a abranger todas as etapas da formação educacional do ser humano, isto é, desde a Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental, Médio e Técnico, seguida pela Graduação, nas modalidades de Bacharelado, Licenciatura e Tecnologia, até a Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu, nas modalidades de Atualização, Extensão e Especialização e a Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu, nas modalidades de Mestrado e Doutorado.
Com sua sede principal localizada na cidade de São José dos Campos, interior de São Paulo, a FVE/Univap possui na atualidade, neste mesmo município, os campi Centro, Urbanova e Aquarius; na cidade de Jacareí, o Campus Villa Branca; em Caçapava, o campus Caçapava e em Campos do Jordão, o campus Platanus. |
The College's goal is that every student who passes through its doors acquires the intellectual, social and moral qualities that lead to personal satisfaction and exemplary citizenship. In this website, you will see how the diverse voices of Marymount Manhattan College create an environment of civility and inclusiveness that supports and enhances each student's talents. The leaders and innovators of tomorrow are finding their voices at MMC today.
Ao completar 100 anos, a SBI pode dar o balanço do que é a sua vida como instituição, no que marca a sua diferença, a sua "idéia de obra" ou a sua imagem, de um país de memória fraca e de imaginário estereotipado. Até os anos 20, a SBI - mantenedora da Universidade Candido Mendes - se identificava, na prática com o desenvolvimento da Academia de Comércio do Rio de Janeiro, ou, na corruptela em que chegava ao povo a "Esculimia do Candido Mendes ". Nasciam as duas entidades em 1902, ambas pioneiras. Uma, a desdobrar pela primeira vez no país e para as classes médias em começo de expansão, a idéia de um curso profissional. Fugia-se ao padrão das clássicas carreiras liberais do amadorismo das atividades clássicas de balcão de mercancias no Rio de Janeiro ainda mofino, às vésperas da grande explosão urbana do Prefeito Passos.
Strategically located in the state capital of New York, the University at Albany is an internationally recognized public research institution that brings "The World Within Reach" to nearly 18,000 students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The varied perspectives and life experiences of a student body and faculty that represent more than 100 nations provide a diversity that enriches learning at UAlbany.
The College offers baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts and in a variety of professional programs such as accounting, business, computer studies, education, health, and social work. It maximizes each student's intellectual, professional, and personal growth by integrating studies in liberal arts and sciences, professions, knowledge of diverse cultures, and technology. It meets changing social and intellectual needs by developing undergraduate and graduate programs from its established academic strengths. The College aims to graduate students poised to meet new demands and provide leadership for human progress.
One of the first co-educational colleges chartered by the University of the State of New York and the oldest private liberal arts university on Long Island, was founded in 1896 through the efforts of Dr. Charles H. Levermore and Timothy Woodruff. Dr. Levermore became its first president. Mr. Woodruff, a former Lieutenant Governor of New York State, served as president of the Board of Trustees.
Há 40 anos, a Universidade Ibirapuera oferece bases sólidas das experiências adquiridas no passado, práticas da realidade atual e atenção às oportunidades futuras ao formar seus profissionais. O objetivo é formar líderes: aqueles que são capazes de inventar a mudança e propor soluções.
Os anos de história revelam que os milhares de alunos, funcionários e professores estão envolvidos em um projeto educacional inovador e voltado para a formação de líderes, com base nas exigências do mercado e nos valores sociais. |
Capitol College is the only independent college in Maryland dedicated to engineering, computer sciences, information technologies and business. Founded in 1927, Capitol College is a regionally accredited institution offering associate, bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as professional development training and certificates. The college's 52-acre campus is located in Laurel, Maryland, a suburban setting midway between Washington, DC and Baltimore. Full-time undergraduate students are eligible for a five-year tuition lock and a job guarantee. All graduate-level degrees are available online, supported by software that delivers live, real-time lectures.
Wagner College prepares students for life, as well as for careers, by emphasizing scholarship, achievement, leadership, and citizenship. Wagner offers a comprehensive educational program that is anchored in the liberal arts, experiential and co-curricular learning, interculturalism, interdisciplinary studies, and service to society, and that is cultivated by a faculty dedicated to promoting individual expression, reflective practice, and integrative learning.
Boston University is one of the leading private research and teaching institutions in the world today, with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University was chartered in 1869 by Lee Claflin, Jacob Sleeper, and Isaac Rich, three successful Methodist businessmen whose abolitionist ideals led them to envision and create a university that was inclusive—that opened its doors to the world—and engaged in service to and collaboration with the city of Boston. |
Today, Pratt stands as one of the leading independent art schools in the U.S., as demonstrated by our increase in applications for admissions and the highest enrollment ever. All of our schools – Art and Design, Architecture, Information and Library Science, and Liberal Arts and Sciences – are known for faculty members who deftly combine scholarship with notable achievements in their fields. Together, they create the opportunity for our school to build upon its many accomplishments as we envision an even brighter future for our students.
The mission of Touro University is to provide quality educational programs in the fields of health care and education in concert with the Judaic commitment to social justice, intellectual pursuit, and service to humanity.
The Law School's lawyering program spans all three years of law school and is designed to prepare each student for the practice of law. Beginning in the first year, students are introduced to lawyering skills and perspectives as part of the required curriculum. In the second year, students choose from a range of lawyering seminars that strengthen skills and knowledge to use in several different public interest areas. Finally, in their third year, students select a clinical offering from the Law School's nationally-ranked clinical program.
Founded in 1866, Fisk University is one of America’s finest institutions of higher education. While the University has a strong foundation in the liberal arts, we pride ourselves in our contribution to the nation’s ranks of great scientists and businesspersons. During our 140 year legacy, we have consistently produced graduates with the intellectual and ethical aptitude to constructively engage and change the world.
With more than 60,000 alumni and 12,000 students, Lehman College serves the Bronx and our surrounding region as an intellectual, economic, and cultural center. The College is named after Herbert H. Lehman, who was governor of New York State, a U.S. Senator, and an internationalist. His values of dedicated public service continue to guide the College today.
Schools of art, music, and design - These institutions award most of their bachelor's or graduate degrees in art, music, design, architecture, or some combination of such fields.