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Aulas de: Aikido, Flexionamento, Jiu-Jitsu, Karatê, Hung-Fu, Ninjutsu, Thai Boxing
Taekwondo, Karate, Aikido, Tai Chi and Jiu Jitsu. Training for the betterment of the individual.
Tae Kwon Do is a native korean form of unarmed combat that orginated in response to primitive man's need to protect himself from marauding contemporaries. it is a martial art that employ kicking, punching, jumping, blocking, dodging and deflecting blowa as fundamental techniques, utilizing the feet and hands as weapons. To some, Tae Kwon Do is known Karate.
Aikido of Jacksonville teaches the Japanese martial art of aikido which is often referred to it as "Shinzui Aikido", essentially meaning "Quintessential Aikido" or "True Essence Aikido".
"A special place dedicated to fitness, family and education. The emphasis of our training is based on setting and attaining goals, and reaching your maximum potential. Grandmaster Kim emphasizes the importance of internal change as well as external changes to the body from physical training.
Thinking positively, avoiding negative thinking and speech, doing good deeds everyday, drinking green tea, beginning each day with meditation. By practicing these things daily, we can keep our bodies, minds and spirits in good health and harmony." |
A Luta nasceu em cada lugar onde o homem apareceu. E junto com ele se desenvolveu. Ela nasce “livre” como diz o próprio nome sem adereços ou complementos, em consonância com a própria natureza. O homem sempre lutou, e continuará lutando até o fim dos séculos.
”A Luta Livre nestes últimos 10 anos cresceu em técnica, reduzindo o impacto da força e condicionamento físico, conseqüentemente aumentando o seu refinamento, exatamente no sentido contrário do que aconteceu com outras modalidades, especialmente praticada com kimono.” o Brasil se tornou uma força na Luta Mundial, embora até hoje sem a organização que se faria necessário. Japão e Estados Unidos, caminharam juntos também, sem entretanto atingir o nível do Brasil. Um dos fatores que mais alavancaram a Luta, foi o ressurgimento do “Vale Tudo” (“No Holds Barred” ou “Mixed Martial Arts”) com diversos eventos importantes no Brasil, Estados Unidos e Japão. |
Specializing on teaching teens and adults. Offering the following classes: Russian Sambo, Military Training/ Take Down Techniques
Hand to Hand Combat and Disarming Weapon Training.
These skills include different aspects of Punching, Kicking, Throwing, Joint Locking, Ground Grappling and Pressure Point Techniques.
Karate Brooklyn classes are structured based on students age and experience. Separate beginner, intermediate and advance classes. |
Hamilton Martial Arts invites you to tour their website and to become acquainted with what the school has to offer. You are also encouraged to visit their facility in Hamilton Square, NJ, and observe or participate in a wide variety of programs and classes. Hamilton Martial Arts teaches adult and children’s classes and specializes in many different training styles in our 3000 square-foot, fully equipped facility.
For real results Normandy Gym offers expert one-on-one personal training that will help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Normandy's trainers have a wide range of experience with all ages including men, women, children, and seniors, using a wide variety of the latest exercise techniques to specifically target your problem areas. Normandy Gym can help you reduce weight; tone and strengthen muscle; improve nutrition and health; reduce stress; and ENJOY your exercise routine!
Founded and developed by SAIKO SHIHAN is a combination of styles such as Shotokan, Kyokushinkai, Tae Kwon Do and many other styles, emphasizing only the better, more practical techniques of each style, incorporated so that "AMERICAN KARATE" proves to be more modern, updated and efficient.
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Fabrício Martins desenvolveu seu jiu jitsu na Escola do Mestre Oswaldo Alves, vindo a se tornar um dos melhores lutadores da história do jiu jitsu brasileiro. Seu ápice, na década de 80, antes mesmo de se tornar faixa preta, se deu nas faixas roxa e marron, onde, conquistou sucessivos campeonatos. A subida para a faixa preta se deu a pedido do lendário Mestre Hélio Grace, sugerindo ao Mestre Oswaldo, graduar Fabrício por mérito, justificando que o lutador praticamente não tinha adversários na marron
Welcome to American Samurai Ju Jitsu Center, where Shihan Joseph DellaPace Ju-Jitsu & his staff teach Karate, Aikido, Judo, Grappling Kick Boxing, Self-Defense, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Stick & Knife Fighting, Body Toning & Weight loss and Child Safety & Activity Classes.
Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
The adult program is designed to help one achieve self-confidence through physical conditioning and mastering the art of self-defense. Striving to train as many adults as possible to be physically fit and relieved of everyday stress and adept in practical martial arts skill, which will assist them in becoming more confident and successful in every aspect of their lives. |
A Associação TKDRIO de Taekwondo, ou simplesmente, TKDRIO como é comumente conhecida, surgiu pela iniciativa de um grupo de faixas pretas que preocupados com o desenvolvimento da arte marcial Taekwondo, resolveram juntar esforços para melhor compreenderem e se aprimorarem dentro desta arte marcial coreana, bem como, propiciar a todos direta ou indiretamente a eles vinculados à mesma oportunidade de crescimento.
A proposta da TKDRIO está voltada a atender as necessidades de seus três “pilares fundamentais”: alunos – atletas – professores.
Na manhã de 11 de março de 1972 realizava-se a primeira reunião oficial pró-fundação da entidade Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro.
Formalmente a Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro é uma entidade, pessoa jurídica de direito privado, sem fins econômicos, constituída pela união de número ilimitado de pessoas físicas ou jurídicas, sem distinção de nacionalidade, religião ou raça, que apóiem os propósitos sociais, e regido por Estatuto próprio de 7 de dezembro de 2003 e pela legislação em vigor. A associação funciona em sede própria, no desenvolvimento da cultura física e atividades esportivas. Promovemos atividades educativas, culturais, beneficentes e sociais e de intercâmbio cultural entre povos do Brasil e outros países. |
Offering a refreshingly modern approach to martial arts instruction. Urban Martial Arts classes are fast-paced, active, and full of practical moves that you can use to defend yourself in real life situations.
When you join our core program, you will be trained in the fundamentals of karate. But the more advanced you become, the more you will incorporate elements of other martial arts forms into your training, such as grappling, boxing, and kickboxing. By the time you receive your black belt, you will have achieved your full potential and have been transformed into a powerful, complete martial artist. |
A academia de jiu jitsu mais tradicional do mundo se sagrou penta campeã Internacional de Másteres e Seniores, com um numero de pontos superior a soma das academias concorrentes. Aos atletas que levaram nossa bandeira ao topo mais uma vez, nosso mestres Rolker e Royler Gracie agradecem mais uma vez a garra e a determinação de todos.
Five Points Academy is a unique facility located in downtown New York City, on the border of Chinatown and Soho. We take our name from the historic and infamous neighborhood known as The Five Points, which was located just a few blocks away from our landmark building.
Five Points Academy is an independent, member-oriented semi-private club staffed with professional, experienced personal trainers, who recognize members by name. Fully equipped gym, yoga classes, state of the art cardio area, on site massage therapy, dedicated staff, amenities such as laundry service make Five Points Fitness the type of place that makes one actually look forward to training. |
Shidogakuin is a Kendo organization that includes many affiliated dojos along the east coast, including: New York City, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey and Washington, DC. Its members include a number of accomplished practitioners in both kendo and iaido.
Shidogakuin welcomes both novices and experienced students. The dojo believes in emphasizing the fundamentals that will enable practitioners to continuously develop their skills and hone their spirit for a lifetime of rewarding practice. Shidogakuin has classes specifically geared toward beginners to ease them into advanced practice. Come visit and develop yourself and your skills through the art of Kendo. |
Thump Fight Gym, formerly known as Thump Boxing gym, was born out of passion. Boxing has been part of the lifeblood of American culture for over a hundred years, and has recently become increasingly popular with Hollywood movies and reality shows portraying the toughness and the passion that is synonymous with boxing, and more recently Mixed Martial Arts as well with the growing popularity of Ultimate Fighting Championships. As America and the rest of the world gather around to watch individuals in the ring pour out heart and sweat for their dreams, you realize that your own dreams of losing weight and accomplishing undeniable better health are also being shown.
All of our programs are based on a professional boxer's training regimen, with some modifications. These are not aerobic or circuit boxing classes. Our philosophy is that in order to get the full benefits of boxing, your training should reflect that of a professional fighter. This does not mean you will be drinking raw eggs and hitting sides of beef. It does mean that we hold you to the same standards we do a professional fighter. When you train, train to win.
Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
Wuwei Tai Chi teaches Taijiquan (Taichi-chuan, Taichi) in the Chen, Yang, and Wu styles. Teacher Won Park specializes in the barehand forms, pushhands, swords and spears.
World Martial Arts Jax has been Jacksonville’s most cutting edge martial arts school for over a decade. WMA is also the Southeast Headquarters for Erik Paulson’s Combat Submission Wrestling.
Casquinha, já revelou grandes nomes do cenário da luta como o bicampeão mundial André Mendes e o treinador de Jiu-Jitsu da Chute Boxe, Cristiano Marcello, antes deste ir treinar com Royler Gracie. Hoje, Casquinha conta com filiais da sua equipe nos Estados Unidos, Panamá, Japão, Israel, Colômbia, Aruba e México, esse último, Casquinha ministrou aulas para os seguranças do ex-presidente mexicano, Vicente Fox. O trabalho social desenvolvido pelo Mestre Cézar Guimarães, o Casquinha, nas comunidades do Méier e Lins de Vasconcellos, no Rio de Janeiro, foi reconhecida pela Câmara dos Vereadores da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, tendo recebido na ocasião a Medalha de Mérito Esportivo, comenda conferida a poucos desportistas desta cidade. Fonte: www.tatame.com.br/
The World Martial Arts Center in New York City - Union Square and Brooklyn. We specialize in kickboxing, modern self defense, korean karate, Mixed Martial Arts (mma), and martial arts for children.
O treinamento de Karate é sistematizado e dividido em três componentes: Kihon, Katas e Kumite.
"O Karate-Dô Tradicional é muito mais do que um esporte de combate competitivo, pois o espírito que o norteia não é apenas a busca de vitórias em competições, mas acima de tudo, a auto-superação. Seu praticante visa vencer a si mesmo e as suas imperfeições. Neste sentido, não há vitória exterior sem vitória interior, no Karate-Dô Tradicional." Sensei Yasutaka Tanaka 9º Dan http://www.kobukan.com.br/ |
Missão: "Promover saúde através das artes marciais e atividades esportivas, proipiciando o bem-estar e qualidade de vida em abiente saudável e seguro com preços justos e acessíveis."
Introdução: Atualmente o homem tornou-se um ser sedentário. Este sedentarismo já é considerado a doença do próximo milênio, decorrente dos hábitos, ou conforto da vida moderna.
A prática de algumas artes marciais ou musculação que podem ser úteis tanto como meios de defesa como para o bem da mente e do corpo, resgatando a auto-confiança do individuo, consequentemente levando-o ao relaxamento e ao preparo psíquico-motor.
"Através do caminho do corpo, chegamos à nossa mente e a nossa saúde mental. Um corpo sólido e saudável vai proporcionar uma mente saudável, sólida e equilibrada".
Nós da WadoKan acreditamos que esse tipo de comportamento traduz uma vida melhor e mais sadia para todos que fazem exercício físico.