World Bookstores+

    Bookcourt, North America

  163 Court St - Brooklyn, NY           
All BookCourt Best Sellers — Discounted 20% * All Hardcover Books — Discounted 10% * All Audio Books — Discounted 15% * All Boxed Sets — Discounted 10%
    Levine J. Co. Books & Judaica, North America
  5 West 30th Street - New York, NY            
Serving the Jewish community for over 100 years from the Lower East Side to Midtown Manhattan.
    Drama Book Shop, North America
  250 W. 40th Street - New York, NY             
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Your source for materials on all aspects of the performing arts. Two levels of books including more space for reading and browsing. Located southeast of the Port Authority Bus Terminal.
    Polish Bookstore & Publishing, North America
  161 Java St. - Brooklyn, NY           
"We started in 1990 as a traditional bookstore offering Polish language literature on the American market. Very soon we realized how important it is to reach people that cannot just visit Polish neighborhoods in New York and Chicago to purchase books. We quickly turned into a mail order company producing book catalogs reaching the whole country and some Polish-Canadian readers. We also kept enlarging our offer: adding videos, CD's, multimedia, audio books. In 1999 we made our first catalog named “Poland Sweet Poland” where we for the first offered Polish gourmet products. It was a huge success! And it also gave us an idea for a creation of"
    Jim Hanley's Universe, North America
  325 New Dorp Lane - Staten Island, NY           
Since 1985, Jim Hanley's Universe has been one of America's best and most progressive comic book stores. At Jim Hanley's Universe, we work extra hard to stock the full range of comic titles and related merchandise that is available today. We carry mainstream comics from DC and Marvel as well as Kids Comics, International Comics, Manga, Graphic Novels, Small Press, Indie, and Mini Comics. We have an extensive back issue collection and we also carry Statues, Toys, T-shirts, DVDs, Trading Cards, Books and more!!
    Blooks Livraria, South America
  Praia de Botafogo, 316 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Blooks Livraria foi batizada assim em maio de 2009, pela dona, Elisa Ventura, que procurava um nome capaz de traduzir o espírito da Blooks, uma livraria completamente plugada nos tempos atuais, capaz de unir mundos reais e virtuais, blogs e books, sem sucumbir à histeria da rede, é claro. Afinal, como quem frequenta sabe, a Blooks Livraria é, antes de tudo, cool. Low profile. Discreta. Super atenta!
Mais do que oferecer o catálogo na loja virtual, a versão online Blooks Livraria quer ter o mesmo bom gosto e oferecer a mesma experiência prazerosa de quem frequenta a loja real. Passar os olhos nos livros, ver as novidades, fazer descobertas, conhecer pessoas que tenham interesses comuns, ter dicas de quem trabalha e conhece a Blooks, dar um tempo lendo ou vendo alguma coisa interessante e até comprar livros, CDs, DVDs, gravuras e objetos.
    Laselva Bookstore, South America
  Praça Senador Salgado Filho s/nº - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Laselva Bookstore começou como uma banca de jornais, em 1947, no Aeroporto de Congonhas, em São Paulo, e durante muito tempo teve suas operações centradas em aeroportos e shoppings centers.
A rede dispõe atualmente de mais de 50 lojas, estando posicionada como uma das maiores redes de livrarias do país, com presença nas principais cidades e capitais, oferecendo ao público leitor brasileiro o acesso a informação, cultura e entretenimento através dos diversos produtos que comercializa.
Duas livrarias no Rio de Janeiro: Aeroporto Santos Dumont e Aeroporto Internacional Tom Jobim (Galeão)
    Pageant Book & Print Shop, North America
  Canel Street Sta. - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Pageant Book Shop was founded in 1946 by Sidney B. Solomon and Henry "Chip" Chafetz as a used and rare book shop in New York City. Pageant had its home in several locations along Fourth Avenue, known as “Book Row of America”, for 35 years before moving around the corner to East 9th Street. During that time, Mr. Solomon and Mr. Chafetz branched out into several additional areas which included selling prints and maps, reprinting scholarly and important works such as Henry Roth’s “Call It Sleep” and publishing the award winning Pageant Facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible.
    Livraria Vozes, South America
  Rua Sete de Setembro, 132 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Conhecida também como "Vozes de Petrópolis", existe há mais de 100 anos, sendo a mais antiga casa editora do Brasil em funcionamento.
Atua no mercado livreiro publicando e comercializando obras que privilegiam especialmente três grandes áreas: Cultural, Religiosa e Catequética, podendo ser definida como a editora da educação. Dentre seus autores, intelectuais de renome como Darcy Ribeiro, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Martha Suplicy, Leonardo Boff, Arnaldo Niskier, Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, Frei Beto, Ronaldo Rogério de Freitas Mourão, Ester Pilar Grossi, Márcia Peltier, Junito Brandão, Mário Curtis Giordani, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Alain Touraine, Jean-Yves Leloup, Régis Debret, Michel Foucault, só para citar alguns nomes, além de estar permanentemente abrindo as portas para novos autores.
A relevância dos serviços prestados pela editora é, de fato, inegável. A Vozes tem sido, desde seus primeiros tempos, o maior veículo de divulgação de cultura religiosa do Brasil, fomentando os movimentos intelectuais católicos, donde surgiram figuras do porte de Tristão de Athayde e Gustavo Corção, entre tantos outros. Muitos dos mais importantes livros escritos no mundo sobre temas cristãos foram, como a Imitação de Cristo, traduzidos pela empresa franciscana.
    Livraria Galileu, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 207 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Fundada em agosto de 1991, a Livraria Galileu prontamente se estabeleceu como uma referência na venda de livros didáticos, paradidáticos e dos mais variados assuntos. Hoje, a Livraria Galileu reconhecida como uma das mais completas livrarias do Rio, dispõe de três lojas bem equipadas, além do serviço de tele-vendas e da livraria virtual.
Três lojas físicas no Rio de Janeiro: Ipanema, Tijuca e Largo do Machado
    Labyrinth Books, North America
  122 Nassau St - Princeton, NJ           
Serving a growing number of colleges and universities for their course-book needs, taking a hands-on approach to assuring that students get their books. Labyrinth Books stores are as densely packed as is the knowledge in the books. These are places in which to get lost in the best of ways: so you can find what you didn't know you were looking for. The stores are conceived as sites for an ongoing exchange of ideas with a full program of author-events.
    Written Words Bookstore, North America
  194 Leavenworth Road - Shelton, CT           
Shelton's own independent, community bookstore. A full-service, general bookstore with new books for all ages and interests.
    Paranormal Books & Curiosities, North America
  627 Cookman Avenue - Asbury Park, NJ           
From birthday parties to corporate functions, the bookstore combines elegance with the extraordinary, all in one beautiful setting. Invite your guests to explore the unknown with a haunted cocktail brunch, a murder mystery dinner or afternoon tea complete with tea leaf readings. Everything from decor, invitations, entertainment and catering can call be arranged with us to custom create your perfectly paranormal party.
    Got Judaica, North America
  1265 Coney Island Ave. - Brooklyn, NY           
"A division of Hecht’s religious articles that was established by Rabbi Sholom Hecht in 1961, he is the youngest of six brothers, all Rabbis, American born to an American born father who’s father arrived to the shores of the United States in 1880.
We are a wholesale/retail Judaica supply house serving individual people, Synagogues, schools, Chabad Houses, etc. worldwide with all their needs. It is a family run business with Rabbi Hecht’s wife Joan, her sister Harriet, and Rabbi Hecht’s son Shea."
    Bank St. Book Nook, North America
  50 Bank St. - New Milford, CT           
Story Time every Tuesday at 10:30 am and Saturday at 2:00 pm
    Saint Petersburg Trade House, North America
  230 Brighton Beach Avenue - Brooklyn, NY             
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Huge selection of Russian, American and Ukrainian books, CDs, DVDs and souvenirs.
    Academy Records & CDs, North America
  12 West 18th Street - New York, NY           
We purchase many large collections and always strive to pay the highest price possible for quality merchandise. Rare or unusual titles are always of interest. We deal exclusively in used titles, and do not order titles from the catalogs of record labels, manufacturers, distributors, etc. For more information regarding specific items, please call and ask to speak to one of our courteous and knowledgeable buyers.
    New Jersey Books, North America
  59 Market Street - Newark, NJ           
"Inside you will find various offerings for College Bookstores, College Students, and Faculty. We offer specials on various items every month, so make sure you visit us often. New Jersey Books also operates several retail bookstores serving local universities. If you are a student or faculty member at one of these schools, or just curious about this month's specials, please click on the appropriate university link."
    Labyrinth Books, North America
  536 West 112 Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
New releases, discounted remainder-titles, and used books, specializing in academic and serious general-interest books in all areas of the humanities and social sciences, and in literature, art, architecture, and photography. We regularly carry a vast selection of sale books in these same areas of specialization at 20-90% off.
Labyrinth serves a growing number of colleges and universities for their course-book needs, taking a hands-on approach to assuring that students get their books.
    ComicLink, North America
  189 Montague St # 915 - Brooklyn, NY           
"A full-service, auction house and automated exchange for investment-quality Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and CGC Graded comic books and Original Comic Art. We specialize mainly in vintage comic books from the 1930's through the 1970's and original comic art. Launched on the Web in early 1996, we have established the strongest network of buyers and sellers both on and off of the Internet, leading to the widest selection of listings for our buyers and frequent sales at record-breaking prices for our sellers. Our Auction and Exchange services are used by many of the top buyers and sellers of vintage comics and art. New item listings and bids are posted in real-time, and Wantlist notifications are sent out to aggressive buyers."
    Zakka Corp, North America
  155 Plymouth St - Brooklyn, NY           
A shop and artists' space, where you can find graphic art-related books, as well as other select items boasting unique design, including clothing, music, and stationery. With a branch office in Japan, Zakka highlights some of the latest Japanese subcultures and art scenes through its acclaimed selection of unusual merchandise.
    Ultramarine, North America
  44 South Portland Avenue - Brooklyn, NY           
An online/mail-order bookdealer located in Downtown Brooklyn's Fort Greene neighborhood. We have been dealing in books since 1995 and living happily in Fort Greene since 1972.
Downtown Brooklyn is a fascinating place with a wealth of historical and cultural interest. It was the focal point of the Battle of Brooklyn (or, as some have it, the Battle of Long Island) and the departure point of Washington's famous retreat that saved American forces. The landmark Martyrs' Monument., which honors the more than 10,000 victims of British prison ships during the War for Independence sits in Fort Greene Park at the end of our street. At the other end of our street each November the runners in the New York City Marathon will pass along Lafayette Avenue. A bit further down Lafayette Avenue is BAM, the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Fort Greene is and has long been home to numerous artists and musicians.
    McGraw-Hill Book Store, North America
  1221 Avenue Of The Americas - New York, NY             
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McGraw-Hill Professional helps individuals excel in their learning and occupations by providing timely and authoritative knowledge to professionals around the world.
    Livraria Martins Fontes, South America
  Av. Rio Branco, 122 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em regiões tradicionais do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, a Martins Editora Livraria oferece ao público consumidor seis endereços de livrarias: quatro na capital paulista, um em Santos-SP e um na carioca.
A Martins Editora Livraria é representante exclusiva de editoras como a Dantes, a alemã Daab, a espanhola EnClave e as portuguesas IST Press, Antígona e Tinta da China.
    Livraria Folha Seca, South America
  Rua do Ouvidor 37 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Livraria e edições.
    Paulus, South America
  Rua México, 111-B - Castelo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em 21 de janeiro de 1938 a Paulus inicia suas atividades no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1996, a livraria passou por uma reforma radical e em 30 de Julho de 1996, a celebração de inauguração com a presença do clero, religiosos, religiosas e clientes.
Com a reforma, a livraria ampliou seu espaço. Nos 170 metros quadrados estão distribuídos mais de 16 mil títulos das diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, tais como: comunicação, antropologia, sociologia, psicologia, educação, teologia, bíblia, CDs, DVDs, CDRom, mini mídia, vídeos, dentre outras.
    TASCHEN New York, North America
  107 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
TASCHEN is happy to announce the opening of our second store in Los Angeles at the historic Farmers Market. This store follows the opening of Beverly Hills location in 2003. The new store is located inside the historic Clock Tower on the threshold of The Grove and the world-famous Farmers Market. A wide range of TASCHEN books will be for sale. Philippe Starck has designed the space – as he has done with all TASCHEN Stores in New York, Paris, and Beverly Hills.
    Librería Lectorum, North America
  137 West 14th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
The oldest and largest Spanish-language bookstore in the U.S. Over 10,000 books in all subjects for every type of reader. Frequent Readers Rewards. Special orders for Universities
    Livraria RT, South America
  Rua da Assembléia, 83 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Contando com a experiência da Editora Revista dos Tribunais, editora jurídica presente há quase cem anos no mercado editorial, a Livraria RT é a mais completa livraria brasileira especializada em livros e periódicos para estudiosos e profissionais do Direito.
São 41 lojas distribuídas em 8 estados brasileiros com estrutura adequada para atender ao padrão de exigência do seu público.
Além de comercializar produtos jurídicos, a Livraria RT é um ponto de encontro entre especialistas das diferentes área do Direito, palco de sessões de autógrafos e eventos congêneres em todas as cidades onde está instalada.
    SBS Livraria International, South America
  Rua São Clemente, 258 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
"Atuar como produtores e distribuidores, de forma a facilitar o acesso dos nossos clientes aos conteúdos disponibilizados através de qualquer mídia, abrangendo as mais diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, expresso em qualquer idioma. O exercício da missão deverá ser realizado com o máximo de qualidade na prestação de serviços, através da identificação e satisfação das necessidades de nossos clientes, do trabalho em parceria com os fornecedores e do desenvolvimento de nossos funcionários."
A SBS foi fundada em 1985, no Brasil. Conta hoje com mais de 50 mil Clientes cadastrados e 35 Livrarias nas cidades de Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Niterói, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Santo André, Santos, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Uberlândia, Vitória, Salvador, Fortaleza, Juiz de Fora, Goiânia, Florianópolis.