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A fun, convenient, comfortable environment where you will find all the support you need to meet your goals. The Curves Work-out takes just 30 minutes and includes all the components needed for a complete exercise program - warm-up, cardiovascular, strength training, cool down, and stretching.
At Energy, the goal is to create a fitness experience like no other. By combining a team of caring professionals, a motivational atmosphere and our proven Interactive Training approach, Energy customizes programs to help members achieve their fitness goals.
Curves is the largest fitness franchise in the world with 10,000 locations worldwide. Curves Clubs can be found in 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, The Caribbean, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan.
Curves is the first fitness and weight loss facility dedicated to providing affordable, one-stop exercise and nutritional information for women. |
Providing the Washington Heights community with a medium sized state-of-the-art fitness center and the highest quality of customer service in a non-intimidating, family environment.
"As the most innovative health club brand in the United States, Planet Fitness is known for a lot of things – our absurdly low prices, our Lunk™ Alarm, and most of all perhaps, for our Judgement Free Zone® philosophy, which means members can relax, get in shape, and have fun without being subjected to the hard-core, look-at-me attitude that exists in too many gyms."
Platinum Health Club is well equipped, state-of-the-art cardiovascular and free weights center offers a wide variety of exercise options, ellipticals and treadmills, steppers and free weights.
Platinum Health Club is working hard to provide customers with the best training equipment, personal training and a large variety of classes. |
Invivo offers an alternative to high-traffic gyms. Our unique fitness center overlooking the Milwaukee River offers a variety of cardio and strength training equipment to help you achieve your fitness goals.
South Bay Sports & Physical Therapy has been providing comprehensive physical therapy for over 20 years specializing in pain relief, improvement of mobility, function and development of maximum performance.
Heavy Hitters Boxing & Fitness is the biggest boxing gym in Long Island, with the most experienced training staff in Long Island.
MPower Project strives to provide you with a balanced approach to fitness and in an environment which is conducive to exercising comfortably and at your own pace. Joining brings you many excellent benefits such as access to the entire facility including pilates, aerobics and yoga classes. http://www.mpowerproject.com/
"We provide our members with a fun, convenient, comfortable environment where you will find all the support you need to meet your goals. The Curves Work-out takes just 30 minutes and includes all the components needed for a complete exercise program - warm-up, cardiovascular, strength training, cool down, and stretching. Give us a call to learn more"
Parkchester, the best place for weight loss, fitness and workouts for women. Across the street from the # 6 train on Hugh Grant Circle in the community of Parkchester.
"Join us at Jamaica the best place for weight loss, fitness and workouts for women. Located on the busy shopping area of Jamaica Ave, close to all buses, E, F, J trains and the LIRR. Parking lots available with in one block."
Curves é a maior franquia de fitness do mundo. Suas mais de 10.000 unidades operam em diversos países e ainda continuam em expansão. Atualmente podem ser encontradas nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa, América do Sul, Caribe, México, Austrália e Nova Zelândia.
Trabalhando exclusivamente com o universo feminino, a Curves foi o primeiro centro de cultura física e perda de peso dedicado a oferecer recursos acessíveis e eficazes em atividade física e informação nutricional para mulheres. Outras Unidades Centro: R. México, Cruz Vermelha, Cinelândia, Praça Mauá e Teleporto.
Healthworks Fitness Centers for Women, Inc. is the Boston area's premier group of fitness centers for women.
Founded in 1977, with a single location in Salem, MA on the North Shore of Boston, Healthworks has been operating women-only facilities for almost three decades. Healthworks provides its members with a supportive, progressive environment in which to meet their fitness and wellness goals. Healthworks currently operates five locations in Back Bay, Brookline, Cambridge, Chestnut Hill, and Salem, Massachusetts. In 2002, The Healthworks Foundation opened a free, non-profit fitness center in Dorchester, which currently serves hundreds of homeless and low-income women in the community. |
Valencia Street Muscle's goal is to provide an unique workout environment that caters to the diverse residents of San Francisco's mission district.
Features a 7,000 sq. ft. fitness area, fully equipped with Magnum Selecterized Training Equipment, Dumbbells, Barbells, Benches and Plate-Loaded Equipment.
Gold's Gym is the largest co-ed gym chain in the world, recognized for our passion, unique heritage, and experience as the authority in fitness. Our Mission is "To positively change people's lives by providing the ultimate fitness experience."
Located right in the heart of South Beach, Gold's Gym has something for everyone. Come visit us today and tour the Club! Gold's Gym South Beach, "Change Your Body. Change Your Life" TM |
"We at Planet Fitness are here to provide a unique environment in which anyone – and we mean anyone – can be comfortable. A diverse, Judgement Free Zone® where a lasting, active lifestyle can be built. Our product is a tool, a means to an end; not a brand name or a mold-maker, but a tool that can be used by anyone. In the end, it’s all about you. As we evolve and educate ourselves, we will seek to perfect this safe, energetic environment, where everyone feels accepted and respected. We are not here to kiss your butt, only to kick it if that’s what you need. We need you, because face it, our planet wouldn’t be the same without you. You belong! "
HGC’s growth culminated with the opening of the Southampton Gym in January of 2009. Another long operating club, The Omni Health and Racket Club, was given a major makeover by HGC. The result was HGC’s largest (21,000 sf) and most modern club yet. Southampton Gym is now our ultimate showcase for our friendly staff, professional trainers, and rocking instructors.
Curves is the largest fitness franchise in the world with 10,000 locations worldwide. Curves Clubs can be found in 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, The Caribbean, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan.
Curves is the first fitness and weight loss facility dedicated to providing affordable, one-stop exercise and nutritional information for women. |
Join us at Delran the best place for weight loss, fitness and workouts for women. Conveniently located on Route 130 in the new Hartford corners shopping center. Easily accessible from the route 295, NJ Turnpike, Rte 73 and Rte 38. Close to major bus route and the river line.
Localizado na Tijuca, a Academia Body Limits oferece aos usuários musculação, pilates solo, yoga, aulas de abdominal, alongamento, ritmos quentes, GAP, ginástica, trabalho de glúteo, jazz, jiu-jitsu, kung fu, lamba eróbica e spinning. Serviços de avaliação física, nutricionista e personal.
A Ipanema Sports Fitness Club nasceu em outubro de 2004 com o objetivo de oferecer uma nova opção em ftness na zona sul carioca. Hoje, a vida é bastante agitada e com isso o tempo fica mais reduzido, inclusive para a prática de atividades físicas. Foi aí que a Ipanema Sports Club inovou e se tornou a primeira no segmento de fitness no Rio de Janeiro, funcionando 24 horas por dia, 07 dias por semana, inclusive feriados. Com estacionamento próprio e um ambiente de 1.000m2 linear, climatizado, com um sistema de controle de umidade, tudo isso, unindo tecnologia, conforto e comodidade para seus alunos.
Atividades: musculação, localizada, spinning, alongamento, mat pilates, flex fit, abs local, dance mix, swásthya yoga, hatha yoga, power yoga, running class, step, fit ball, RCJ jiu jitsu, muay thai, correct fit |
Com uma das melhores estruturas físicas de Jacarepaguá, a Academia Água Viva com 1.400 metros quadrados total de área, construída em 3 andares, é o lugar ideal para a prática esportiva. Além da qualidade, a Água Viva possui uma equipe de trabalho do mais alto nível na área de Educação Física. Os alunos são orientados por profissionais especializados nas áreas de natação, hidroginástica, natação infantil, musculação, ginástica localizada, entre outras atividades.
Fundada em 1982 e procurou estar sempre a frente na conduta, qualidade de vida e manutenção da saúde de seus alunos. Na direção eu, José Antonio Carmona professor-proprietário, oriento minha equipe e acompanho o desenvolvimento dos alunos em todos períodos. Para manter a qualidade do atendimento de meus profissionais, faço treinamento personalizado mantendo sempre a mesma filosofia de trabalho: Respeitar a individualidade do aluno. Hoje com mais de 20 anos de experiência em fitness, nas diversas áreas que vão, desde a adolescência à melhor idade, tornando-os aptos para atividades diárias e especifícas. A Training Center possui instalações agradáveis, modernas, amplo estacionamento. Estamos de portas abertas à pessoa como você, que procura competência e seriedade com o seu bem estar físico e emocional. Venha conhecer nosso time e sentir a verdadeira diferença do trabalho em equipe.
Ginástica, artes marciais(kick boxing e jiu jitsu) e musculação.
"Nosso corpo técnico está sempre a sua disposição para orientá-lo em seu treinamento. Se você precisar de algum esclarecimento especial, tiver uma sugestão ou uma crítica, procure por um de nossos consultores na recepção da academia, ou fale com o gerente ou com o coordenador técnico."
Considerada uma das melhores academias da região, a Academia Lopes oferece aos seus alunos orientadores capacitados e aparelhagem moderna para a prática de ginástica e piscina para a prática de hidroginástica.
Em 15 de setembro de 1983, a Ginasticlube iniciou suas atividades no centro da cidade. No decorrer desses anos cresceram e evoluiram. Acompanhou e se adequou a marcante evolução do mercado fitness. Ocupando 3 pavimentos na Travessa do Comércio no Arco do Telles, pólo cultural e turístico, que abriga também excelentes restaurantes e os melhores happy hours do bairro. Fácil acesso, com grande quantidade de linhas de ônibus, vans para todos os pontos do Rio de Janeiro, proximidade com a estação das barcas, de estações do metrô e de diversos locais para estacionamento de automóveis. http://www.ginasticlube.com.br/