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Faulkner University has been a part of Montgomery, Alabama since its beginnings on Ann Street as Montgomery Bible School in 1942. Joe Greer served as the first chairman of the Board of Trustees. Drs. Rex Turner and Leonard Johnson served as the co-founding presidents of the school.
Yale’s roots can be traced back to the 1640s, when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New World. This vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school “wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences [and] through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church and Civil State.” In 1718 the school was renamed “Yale College” in gratitude to the Welsh merchant Elihu Yale, who had donated the proceeds from the sale of nine bales of goods together with 417 books and a portrait of King George I.
JU combines the advantages of a liberal arts college with the strengths of an urban comprehensive university. Its academic programs and resources prepare students for success in their chosen careers and for advanced study at the graduate level. Connections with area businesses and civic organizations provide meaningful internships and educational opportunities outside of the classroom.
Goddard College was chartered in 1938 as successor to Goddard Seminary, a Universalist preparatory school, which had operated in Barre, Vermont since Civil War times. The Universalists, a controversial "liberal" sect, started the seminary as an alternative to the Baptists' Colby Academy and the Methodists' Montpelier Seminary. It served as a feeder school to Tufts University. In 1929 the Seminary became Goddard School for Girls, and in 1935 became a junior college for women.
The School’s mission is to train students from middle school through graduate school for professional careers in the performing, visual, and film and television arts. Performance is an integral part of the training program, and students, faculty and guest artists present more than 400 public performances and screenings annually in the School’s facilities in Winston-Salem, as well as across the state and the Southeast, in major U.S. cities and overseas. Source
Why do they choose Empire State College?
Because Empire State College is the SUNY solution for working adults. It is a more flexible way to take the courses you need – wherever, however, whenever. From distance learning via the web to faculty mentoring outside the traditional classroom, we do whatever it takes for you to learn, earn credits and earn a degree. We promise a more personalized experience than any other college ... and greater satisfaction when you finish.
Parsons, an internationally recognized design school, focuses on creating engaged citizens and outstanding artists, designers, scholars and business leaders through a design-based professional and liberal education.
Parsons students learn to rise to the challenges of living, working and creative decision making in a world where human experience is increasingly designed. The school embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology, collaborative methods and global perspectives on the future of design. Parsons offers both graduate and undergraduate programs in all aspects of design. It also offers continuing education classes, a pre-college academy, and summer intensive programs -- in New York and Paris -- for college, adult, and high school students 16 and older. |
It's a long tradition that Clarck's students, faculty continue in their work--inside and outside the classroom--every day. At Clark, students and faculty are encouraged to follow their intellectual curiosity beyond the boundaries of traditional scholarship, to seek innovative solutions to real-world problems and to create positive change in the world through social action.
Thomas University is a four-year coeducational university that serves the post-secondary educational needs of south Georgia and north Florida. The university is located in Thomasville, Georgia, a relatively small town of over 18,000 people in rural southwest Georgia. The town is 35 miles north of Tallahassee, Florida, 55 miles south of Albany, Georgia, and 45 miles west of Valdosta, Georgia.
Located in the heart of TriBeCa, the New York Academy of Art, a not-for-profit educational and cultural institution, is dedicated to the advancement of figurative painting, sculpture and drawing. The only graduate school in the United States devoted exclusively to the study of the human figure, the Academy fosters values and skills intrinsic to the creation of significant contemporary art.
The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
The University of Connecticut is the state's flagship institution of higher learning. Founded in 1881, the University of Connecticut has grown to include 10 Schools and Colleges at its main campus in Storrs, separate Schools of Law and Social Work in Hartford, five regional campuses throughout the state and Schools of Medicine and Dentistry at the UConn Health Center in Farmington.
Missão: "Gerar, difundir e divulgar o conhecimento em ciências exatas, tecnologia e inovação, aliado à formação de recursos humanos e às demandas da sociedade."
The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) was founded in 1886 through the efforts of two distinguished rabbis, Dr. Sabato Morais and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, along with a group of prominent lay leaders from Sephardic congregations in Philadelphia and New York. Its mission was to preserve the knowledge and practice of historical Judaism. In 1887, JTS held its first class of ten students in the vestry of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue, New York City's oldest congregation.
From its beginnings in a schoolhouse in lower Manhattan, Columbia University has grown to encompass two principal campuses: the historic, neoclassical campus in the Morningside Heights neighborhood and the modern Medical Center further uptown, in Washington Heights. Today, Columbia is one of the top academic and research institutions in the world, conducting pathbreaking research in medicine, science, the arts, and the humanities. It includes three undergraduate schools, thirteen graduate and professional schools, and a school of continuing education.
The Pennsylvania State University (commonly known as Penn State) is a state-related land-grant university with a central campus located in State College, Pennsylvania, mailing address University Park, Pennsylvania. The University contains 23 additional campuses located throughout the state, including a virtual World Campus. The enrollment at Penn State is over 84,000 students, placing it among the ten largest public universities in the United States. Penn State offers over 160 majors and administers a $1.2 billion endowment. Source
Shepherd University, a fully accredited public institution of higher education founded in 1871 and located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, offers a wide variety of distinguished degree programs and other learning opportunities to both traditional and nontraditional students. Our University attracts students from the region, the nation, and beyond. Understanding the importance of diversity, we continue to work toward recruiting and retaining a multicultural student body, faculty, and staff.
A leading national public research university and the state’s preeminent, comprehensive public institution of higher education. Rutgers is dedicated to teaching that meets the highest standards of excellence; to conducting research that breaks new ground; and to turning knowledge into solutions for local, national, and global communities.
Founded in 1890 as the State College for Colored Students, DSU began as land grant college for agriculture and mechanical arts.
Over the last 115 years, it has evolved into a fully accredited, comprehensive university with a main campus and two satellite sites that encompass six colleges and a diverse population of undergraduate and advanced degree students. |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, better known as Virginia Tech, is a public land grant polytechnic university in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Although it is a comprehensive university with many departments, the agriculture, engineering, architecture, forestry, and veterinary medicine programs are considered to be among its strongest. It is also one of the few public universities in the United States, along with Texas A&M University, which continues to maintain a corps of cadets (a full-time military training component within a larger civilian university).
In addition to its research and academic programs, Virginia Tech is known for its campus and location in the New River Valley of southwestern Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a part of the Appalachian Mountains. The university's public profile has also been raised significantly in recent years by the success of its football program. Source |
Nearing 50 years of age, the University of Hartford is young as universities go. Yet its roots go back some 130 years, when Hartford city residents with famous last names like Stowe, Clemens, and Colt founded the Hartford Society for Decorative Art. That society later evolved into the Hartford Art School, one of the three founding colleges incorporated as the University of Hartford in 1957.
Boston University is one of the leading private research and teaching institutions in the world today, with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University was chartered in 1869 by Lee Claflin, Jacob Sleeper, and Isaac Rich, three successful Methodist businessmen whose abolitionist ideals led them to envision and create a university that was inclusive—that opened its doors to the world—and engaged in service to and collaboration with the city of Boston. |
O CCS oferece à sociedade os únicos cursos de graduação totalmente gratuitos de Enfermagem, Farmácia, Medicina e Odontologia no Estado do ES. Esses cursos têm recebido bons conceitos nas avaliações do MEC, destacando-se como os melhores do Estado, cumprindo assim um importante papel como referência para cursos semelhantes oferecidos por instituições privadas.
No ano de 2009, serão abertos dois novos cursos de graduação: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional. Para o ano de 2010, estão previstas as aberturas dos novos cursos em Fonoaudiologia e Nutrição.
Os cursos de Pós-Graduação do CCS também recebido conceitos muito bons da CAPES e vêm cumprindo sua função na formação de mão de obra especializada para o ensino e pesquisa no estado, tanto para a própria UFES como para outras instituições. Destaca-se também a função social que estes Programas, em especial os de Ciências Fisiológicas e o de Doenças Infecciosas, com diagnóstico, atendimento e tratamento de pacientes de diversas doenças de alta incidência e importância na saúde publica como hipertensão, tuberculose, hanseníase, sífilis e AIDS.
Dentro desse enfoque social, destaca-se também o fato de que o CCS é o maior prestador de serviços da UFES para a sociedade, através de diferentes projetos e programas de extensão e, principalmente, através da assistência médica e odontológica prestada nas dependências do HUCAM e do IOUFES
Iniciou suas atividades em 1999, oferecendo o Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação, dando continuidade a uma história de mais de 35 anos de experiência no ensino especializado em tecnologia.
Desde então, a faculdade se preocupa em oferecer programas que possibilitem a formação do profissional competente e do cidadão para atuar em sua área e nos processos de transformação social, criando alternativas com potencial para enfrentar os problemas do mundo contemporâneo.
O desafio maior que elege a missão das Souza Marques, Faculdades é o constante aprimoramento do processo ensino-aprendizagem como meio para formação humana e intelectual, permitindo que nossos alunos sejam capazes de enfrentar o trabalho intelectual através do crescimento da dimensão do pensamento, da crítica, da justiça, da solidariedade e da ética.
Sonhar com o amanhã abre caminhos, amplia limites e supera o existente, permitindo a produção do novo, o que deverá ser criado através da gestão do conhecimento desenvolvida nas instituições de Ensino Superior |
Localizada no coração financeiro e comercial da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Universidade Gama Filho, Unidade Centro-Candelária, dispõe de mais de cinco mil metros quadrados, onde o estudante pode desfrutar de uma infra-estrutura adequada e favorável ao seu melhor desenvolvimento. A Unidade Candelária é divida em salas de orientação pedagógica, biblioteca, secretaria, espaços equipados para videoconferências, laboratórios de informática, auditório com 130 lugares e um anexo para recepções e eventos.
Atualmente, são oferecidos os cursos de Administração, Arquitetura, Ciência da Computação, Ciências Biológicas (Biomedicina), Ciências Contábeis, Comunicação Social, Direito, Enfermagem, Farmácia, Fisioterapia, Letras, Medicina Veterinária, Nutrição, Serviço Social e Turismo, além dos Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental, Design de Moda, Gestão Desportiva e de Lazer, Gestão de Turismo e Gestão de Comunicação e Marketing.
A Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro é uma instituição de direito privado sem fins lucrativos que prima pela produção e transmissão do saber, baseando-se no respeito aos valores humanos e na ética cristã, visando acima de tudo o benefício da sociedade.
Clique e conheça a história dos 60 anos da PUC-RioA PUC-RIO busca a excelência na pesquisa, no ensino e na extensão para a formação de profissionais competentes, habilitados ao pleno desempenho de suas funções. |
Ao completar 100 anos, a SBI pode dar o balanço do que é a sua vida como instituição, no que marca a sua diferença, a sua "idéia de obra" ou a sua imagem, de um país de memória fraca e de imaginário estereotipado. Até os anos 20, a SBI - mantenedora da Universidade Candido Mendes - se identificava, na prática com o desenvolvimento da Academia de Comércio do Rio de Janeiro, ou, na corruptela em que chegava ao povo a "Esculimia do Candido Mendes ". Nasciam as duas entidades em 1902, ambas pioneiras. Uma, a desdobrar pela primeira vez no país e para as classes médias em começo de expansão, a idéia de um curso profissional. Fugia-se ao padrão das clássicas carreiras liberais do amadorismo das atividades clássicas de balcão de mercancias no Rio de Janeiro ainda mofino, às vésperas da grande explosão urbana do Prefeito Passos.
Tem como responsabilidade a formação dos profissionais da educação, em todos os níveis, bem como o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa e de extensão universitária no campo educacional.