World Newspapers

    Folha Dirigida, South America

   - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
    Daily News, North America
  4 New York Plaza - New York, NY             
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The Daily News of New York City is the fifth most-widely circulated daily newspaper in the United States with a daily circulation of 703,137, as of March 30, 2008. The first U.S. daily printed in tabloid form, it was founded in 1919, and as of 2007 is owned and run by Mortimer Zuckerman. It has won ten Pulitzer Prizes.
The News carried the slogan "New York's Picture Newspaper" from 1920 to 1991, for its emphasis on photographs, and a camera has been part of the newspaper's logo from day one. The paper's later slogan, developed from a 1985 ad campaign, is "New York's Hometown Newspaper", while another has been "The Eyes, the Ears, the Honest Voice of New York"). The Daily News continues to include large and prominent photographs, for news, entertainment and sports, as well as intense city news coverage, celebrity gossip, classified ads, comics, a sports section, and an opinion section. Source
    Courier-Post, North America
  P.O. Box 5300 - Cherry Hill, NJ           
Established in 1875, the Post moved to Camden in 1879. It merged with The Telegram in 1899 to become The Post & Telegram. In 1926, The Post & Telegram and the Camden Courier consolidated. The Courier-Post joined the Gannett family in 1959.
    Hartford Courant, The, North America
   - Hartford,            
Business, Connecticut, Investing, Nation & World, Politics, Sports , Technology and more.
    Haitian Times, North America
   - Brooklyn, NY            
The Haitian Times is a weekly newspaper for Haitians living in the wider area of New York City, New York, United States. The newspaper is printed in English, as opposed to French or Haitian Creole, and is based in Brooklyn. According to the website of the newspaper, the total weekly circulation is 30,000, Brooklyn circulation is 18,000, Queens, New York City circulation is 6,000, Long Island circulation is 4,000, New Jersey circulation is 1,000, and circulation beoynd greater metropolitan New York City is 1,000. Source
    Topeka Capital-Journal, North America
   - Topeka, KS           
News, sports, life, opinion and more.
    Amsterdam News, North America
  2340 Frederick Douglass Blvd - New York, NY            
A $10 Investment 95 years ago turned the Amsterdam News into one of New York's largest and most influential Black-owned and operated business institutions.
On December 4, 1909, the late James H. Anderson put out the first issue of the Amsterdam News. He had $10 in his pocket, six sheets of paper, a lead pencil and a dressmaker's table.
The newspaper was one of only 50 Black papers in the United States at that time, and it was sold for 2 cents a copy from Anderson's home at 132 W. 65th St., in the San Juan Hill section of Manhattan. With the spread of Blacks to Harlem and the growing success of the paper, Anderson moved the Amsterdam News uptown to 17 W. 135th St. in 1910. In 1916, it moved to 2293 Seventh Ave., and in 1938, it moved again, to 2271 Seventh Ave. In the early 1940s, the paper relocated to its present address at 2340 Eighth Ave.
    New Orleans Times-Picayune, North America
   - New Orleans, LA           
" is pleased to announce a brand new look and design for our home page. We've been listening to your feedback for some time now and have created a new home page that is designed to make it easier for you to discover all the great content our Web site offers, and continue to easily find the content you've come to depend on from"
    Virginian-Pilot, North America
   - Norfolk, VA   and are Web sites produced by The Virginian-Pilot, which is owned by Landmark Media Enterprises L.L.C., based in Norfolk, Va. The Web sites serve the greater Hampton Roads metro area, stretching from Williamsburg to the north, Virginia Beach to the east, and the Outer Banks of North Carolina to the south.
    Gary Post-Tribune, North America
   - Gary,            
The Post-Tribune had its beginnings in 1907, when The Gary Weekly was established to serve the brand-new steel industry rising on the shores of Lake Michigan.
    Washington City Paper, North America
   - Washington, DC           
The Washington City Paper is a U.S. alternative weekly newspaper serving the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
Founded in 1981, and published for its first year under the masthead 1981, taking the City Paper name in volume 2, by Russ Smith, it shared ownership with the Chicago Reader from 1982 until July 2007, when both papers were sold to the Tampa-based Creative Loafing chain. The former Chicago Reader Corp., now named Quarterfold, still owns the buildings that house the papers and minority stakes in other alternative newsweeklies. Source
    Toledo Blade, North America
  541 N. Superior St. - Toledo, OH           
Sports, business, entertainment and more.
    Groton Independent, North America
   - Groton, SD           
News, community, business, local forecast and more.
    Diário do Nordeste, South America
  Praça da Imprensa - Fortaleza, CE           
Automóvel, Colunas, Cultura, Empregos, Eva, Gente, Infantil, Turismo e muito mais.
    New York Post, North America
  210 South Street - New York, NY            
The New York Post is the 13th-oldest newspaper published in the United States and generally acknowledged as the oldest to have been published continually as a daily, although -- like most other papers -- its publication has been interrupted by labor actions.[2] Since 1993, it has been owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. It is the 6th-largest newspaper in the U.S. by circulation.[3] Its editorial offices are located at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, in New York City, New York. Source
    Billboard, North America
  BPI Communications - 1515 Broadway - New York, NY           
    The Brazilians, North America
  21 46th Street - New York, NY           
The Brazilian é um dos melhores jornais brasileiros fora do Brasil, com noticias brasileiras e independentes em português.
    New York Press, North America
  295 Lafayette Street - New York, NY            
The New York Press has remained true to its identity, an alternative to the established weeklies, with a clear sense of independence and identity, committed to the cause of narrative journalism at its best. With an average age of 39.7 and average income of $130,000, the New York Press captures an intelligent, well-read audience that works hard and has the disposable income to enjoy the city and all it has to offer. The Press not only covers controversial issues and tackles edgy topics, it also tells stories of people and institutions with a point of view. With thorough coverage of New York's cultural life and columns devoted to sex and politics and cutting-edge cartoons that have helped define the Press' visual appeal, the New York Press cuts through the thicket of newsprint to present a view of New York unlike any other available.
    Brooklyn Daily Neagle, North America
   - Brooklyn Heights, NY           
The only daily in New York devoted exclusively to Brooklyn.
    Queens Tribune, North America
  174-15 Horace Harding Expwy - New York, NY            
The Queens Tribune is a free weekly newspaper founded as the monthly Flushing Tribune in February 1970 by Gary Ackerman. It is based in Fresh Meadows. The Tribune is a member of the New York Press Association.
Every month, the newspaper issues a special edition that focuses on a given topic. Recurring examples include the Best of Queens, Arts & Culture, Blue Book, Gay Pride, and Community Characters editions. Source
    Irish Echo, North America
  309 5th Avenue - New York, NY            
The largest circulation Irish American weekly newspaper, with a 50-state subscription base. Founded in 1928, the national tabloid is on newsstands in major American cities every Wednesday.
    Bronx News, North America
  135 Dreiser Loop - Bronx, NY           
Every day thousands of readers click on Bronx News for breaking news, politics, crime, sports (including the NY Yankees), real estate and the issues affecting your neighborhood.
    Staten Island Advance, North America
  950 Fingerboard Road - New York, NY           
The Staten Island Advance is a daily newspaper published in the borough of Staten Island in New York City. It is the only daily newspaper published in the borough and the largest by circulation, covering news of local and community interest in the borough, including borough politics.
The Advance was created in 1886 by printer John J. Crawford and businessman James C. Kennedy as the Richmond County Advance. The name was changed to the Daily Advance before the current name. When the Advance began there were nine competing daily newspapers in Staten Island. The circulation of the Advance surpassed its early competitors, and the circulation grew from 4,500 in 1910, to over 80,000 by the mid 1990s. Source
    Gazeta de Alagoas, South America
   - Alagoas, AL           
A Gazeta de Alagoas, conhecida apenas como Gazeta, é um jornal impresso editado na cidade de Maceió, Alagoas, com circulação em todo o Estado. Pertencente à Organização Arnon de Mello, que leva o nome do ex-governador e ex-senador, o jornal é o mais influente e mais vendido de Alagoas, com circulação diária (não circula às segundas - feiras, com eventuais exceções). Atualmente, o jornal é ligado ao senador e ex-presidente da República Fernando Collor de Mello. Fonte
    O Brejo, South America
  Rua Edivardo Toscano, 120 Bela Vista - Guarabira, PA           
Cidades, Ciência, Concursos, Cultura, Economia, Educação, Empregos, Esporte, Gente & TV, Guarabira, Justiça, Paraíba, Policial, Política e muito mais.
    Panorama Regional, South America
  Rua Zélia, 183, sala 01 - Centro - Miguel Pereira, RJ           
Cidades onde circula Barra do Piraí; Eng.Paulo de Frontin; Japeri, Mendes; Miguel Pereira; Paracambi; Paty do Alferes; Valença; Vassouras.
    Jornal da Barra, South America
  Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
14 anos em destaque.
    O Dia, South America
  Rua Riachuelo, 359 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O jornal O Dia, um dos maiores diários da imprensa carioca, pertence ao grupo EJESA - Empresa Jornalística Econômico S.A, que publica também o diário popular carioca Meia Hora e o jornal especializado em economia Brasil Econômico. A Ejesa é controlada pela acionista majoritária Maria Alexandra Mascarenhas Vasconcellos, presidente do Conselho de Administração, que detém mais de 70% da participação da empresa, e conta com uma participação minoritária, de menos de 30%,da Ongoing Participações S.A., subsidiária da Ongoing, grupo de mídia português.
    Diário do Litoral, South America
   - Santa Catarina, SC           
Cadernos, Colunistas, Polícia, Economia, Política, Entrevistão, Esporte, Empregos, Veículos, Imóveis e mais.
    The News, South America
   - Jacarepaguá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ