World Pilates & Yoga+

    Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, North America

  6600 SW 62 Avenue - Miami, FL            
Gracie Barra Jiu Jitsu Miami is located off of US1 and Southwest 62nd Avenue in South Miami. Coconut Grove, Miami Beach, Key Biscayne and Shops of Sunset are only minutes away. Local colleges such as University of Miami, Florida International University and Miami-Dade Community College are nearby. South Miami Hospital and the Miami Metro Rail (South Miami) Station is also nearby. The Academy is a one-story building located directly in front of the J.R.E. Lee Public School.
    Healthy Habits Fitness & Yoga, North America
  2224 J Street - Sacramento, CA            
The Healthy Habits family of studios provide fitness, nutrition, and motivation to our clients through personal and group training, healthy eating and living classes, group exercise classes, and healthy supplements, clothing, and food options.
    Mahayogi Yoga, North America
  227 W Broadway - New York, NY           
At the age of eight Sadguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahamsa spontaneously entered nirvikalpa samadhi, complete absorption without any notion or concept, and realized the Atman — True Self. He awoke to Non-dual Reality. After Realization, as an adolescent, he began intensive austerities called tapasya and through these he accomplished and mastered all the branches of Yoga, proving through his own experience that they are all genuine paths to the realization of Supreme Self or God — Everlasting Oneness or Immortal Truth.
    Synergy Pilates Studio, North America
  3576 St. Johns Avenue - Avondale - Jacksonville, FL           
Jacksonville’s first fully equipped Pilates Studio! Synergy's beautiful facilities provide a space for Certified Instructors and Physical Therapists, students and clients to practice Pilates in an environment committed to the holistic approach to movement and health. Whether you’ve been practicing Pilates for years or you have just begun your journey, Synergy Studio can help you achieve your fitness goals!
    Firefly Hot Yoga Miami, North America
  7600 South Red Road (sw 57th Ave) - PH Suite 309 - Miami, FL           
Firefly Hot Yoga Miami offers Power Vinyasa Yoga classes for beginner and intermediate students. Yoga will improve every part of your body and mind. Regular practice will increase your vitality, reduce stress, build strength, improve concentration, and increase flexibility.
Classes are conducted in a comfortably heated room in order to promote weight loss, improve circulation, detoxify the body, and to relax the muscles for maximum range of motion.
    The Vertical Workshop, North America
  9012 W Olympic Boulevard - Beverly Hills, CA           
"Unlike many Beverly Hills Pilates Studios, The Vertical Workshop teaches and practices Classical Pilates, Joseph Pilates' original exercises and intentions. We are a top Los Angeles Pilates studio - intimate, experienced, and personal. You will find that it is hard work, but a lot of fun. Best of all, it changes your body... for the better! The Vertical Workshop also offers Power Pilates Teacher Trainer Certification Program."
    Inside Out Pilates Studio, North America
  4471 D Street - Sacramento, CA           
Inside Out Pilates Studio offers a variety of classes just for you. Wheter you are a beginner, older adult, have injuries, an athlete, or if you just want to push yourself physically in a different direction, Inside Out has exactly what you are looking for.
    Dahn Yoga Studio, North America
  27-18 23rd Ave. - Forest Hills, NY
Regular Dahn Yoga class includes stretching, breathing exercise and meditation. It is geared for all levels, easy for beginners to follow and challenging enough for the advanced practitioner.
Are you living your life to the fullest or is the stress in your daily life affecting you emotionally? Rediscover your inner power, fulfillment, and holistic balance with the "Shim Sung" Heart Chakra workshop. For nearly twenty years, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have taken advantage of the Shim Sung workshop to rediscover their true self. Shim Sung is a Korean phrase with deep meaning. It refers to the "root of one's heart." This workshop helps each individual connect with their core sense of being and understand their patterns of relating to others.
    Spaço Dosha, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunes, 8693 - Itaipú - Niterói, RJ           
A qualidade de vida faz crescer o número de academias de ginástica, clínicas de estética, centros de tratamentos naturais e outros estabelecimentos que prometem tornar possível o sonho da boa forma. No entanto, o Spaço Dosha traz um novo conceito de espaço onde o emagrecimento e a beleza estética são o resultado de uma abordagem integrada do ser humano. Compreende não somente o aspecto físico, mas também o emocional, o mental, o social e o ambiental do indivíduo. Um espaço feito para você se sentir bem. O ambiente e perfeito para você atingir o equilíbrio. Integra atividades físicas, Personal Power Plate, Pilates, Yoga, Terapias, massagens ayurvédica, ARYM, serviços de SPA, fisioterapia, acupuntura, medicina estética, fonoaudióloga, nutrição, psicologia.
    Academia Gala, South America
  Rua Dr. João Simplício Alves de Carvalho, 551 - Porto Alegre - Porto Alegre, RS           
A Academia Gala é uma empresa voltada à área de fitness, saúde e bem estar. Tem como suas principais atividades aulas de ginástica (diversas modalidades – ver grade de horários), danças, yoga, pilates, lutas e musculação, além de oferecer serviços de massagem, nutricionista, shiatsu, e uma série de convênios, proporcionando aos seus alunos conforto e praticidade. Localizada na Rua Dr. João Simplício Alves de Carvalho, 551, Bairro Jardim Ipiranga, Porto Alegre/RS, conta com 1000 m2, equipamentos profissionais, salas com ar condicionado e uma equipe de professores formados, periodicamente treinados, e credenciados ao CREF – Conselho Regional de Educação Física. Venha fazer parte do nosso quadro de alunos e descobrir as inúmeras vantagens que a GALA possui há mais de 17 anos!
    Divamukti, North America
   - Queens, NY            
Divamukti™ is a Sanskrit word translating to Liberation Day, meaning the day on which you attain enlightenment of the soul. Divamukti™ is owned and operated by Jessie De La Rosa, a Jivamukti Yoga® Certified Instructor who recently won 4th place in ExerciseTV's 2008 Top Trainer Competition in the yoga instructor category. Placing him among the Top 5 Yoga Instructors in this national competition.
    Contours, South America
  Rua Miguel de Frias, 154 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ            
A mulher moderna hoje em dia divide seu tempo entre a rotina do lar, as obrigações familiares, o trânsito, o curso de especialização e ainda precisa responder a tudo isso com dinamismo e eficiência. Mas, onde encontrar aquele tempo só dela, tão importante para ter mais disposição e enfrentar bem o dia-a-dia? Esse é um desafio e tanto! Pensando em tudo isso, a Contours se coloca ao lado das mulheres e as convida a virar este jogo, dedicando 30 minutos diários de seu tempo aos exercícios físicos e à sua saúde. E os resultados são surpreendentes: energia renovada, bem-estar e uma vida mais feliz!
    Five Points Academy, North America
  277 Canal Street, 3rd Floor - New York - New York, NY             
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Five Points Academy is a unique facility located in downtown New York City, on the border of Chinatown and Soho. We take our name from the historic and infamous neighborhood known as The Five Points, which was located just a few blocks away from our landmark building.
Five Points Academy is an independent, member-oriented semi-private club staffed with professional, experienced personal trainers, who recognize members by name. Fully equipped gym, yoga classes, state of the art cardio area, on site massage therapy, dedicated staff, amenities such as laundry service make Five Points Fitness the type of place that makes one actually look forward to training.
    Academia Brasileira de Yoga, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 318 loja 204 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Professora Lea Mello celebra quase meio século no mesmo endereço em Ipanema, assistindo e iniciando inúmeros alunos na prática de Yoga. Iniciou seu aprendizado com orientadores conceituados como o Prof. Caio Miranda, Hermógenes, Vayuananda, Bastiou e muitos outros. Fez várias viagens a Índia para aperfeiçoar seus conhecimentos. Participou com trabalhos em Congressos nacionais e internacionais. Desenvolveu o trabalho do Yoga Chikitsa (terapia yogui) para grupos, como método de preservação e manutenção da saúde.
    Siddha Yoga, South America
  Rua São Clemente, 421 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Siddha Yoga é um caminho espiritual de disciplina, de dominio da mente e sentidos com os ensinamentos e práticas. É também um caminho imbuído de graça. A prática e o estudo de Siddha Yoga é guiado pela meditação do mestre e professor Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. Gurumayi, chefe espiritual do Siddha Yoga ensina os alunos o verdadeiro caminho e a viver no interior de sua própria consciência, para que possam transformar a si, como também, o mundo em que vivem.
    Green Monkey, North America
  1815 Purdy Avenue - Miami Beach, FL           
Green Monkey gives you the tools to find balance in your life. Balance Living is finding a greater sense of harmony within yourself and with the world around you - and is available for everyone.
    Satori Yoga Studio, North America
  40 1st Street, 2nd Floor - San Francisco, CA           
"Satori Yoga Studio is an oasis in the heart of San Francisco's Financial District. We are devoted to helping urban professionals relax, unwind, and move in a soothing and conveniently located environment. Satori provides a wide variety of Yoga, Pilates, and meditation classes for practitioners at all levels. Because of our unique location, in the heart of the Financial District, there is an emphasis on stress reduction and relaxation in all our classes. Our mission is to give students an opportunity to look within, refocus, and regain a sometimes lost sense of perspective."
    Academia Hermógenes, South America
  Rua Uruguaiana, 118 Cobertura - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Nascido em 9 de março de 1921, em Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, José Hermógenes de Andrade Filho é considerado o pioneiro em medicina holística no Brasil, com mais de 42 anos de prática e ensino de yoga. Doutor em yogaterapia, título concedido pelo World Development Parliament, da Índia, é o criador do treinamento anti-stress. Autor de livros importantes sobre o tema, destacando-se: Autoperfeição com Hatha Yoga, Saúde na Terceira Idade e Yoga para Nervosos. O professor Hermógenes recebeu a Medalha de Integração Nacional de Ciências da Saúde e o Diploma d’Onore no IX Congresso Internacional de Parapsicologia, Psicotrônica e Psiquiatria (Milão, 1977).
    WadoKan, South America
  Rua Alvaro de Carvalho, 246  - Centro - Florianópolis, SC           
Missão: "Promover saúde através das artes marciais e atividades esportivas, proipiciando o bem-estar e qualidade de vida em abiente saudável e seguro com preços justos e acessíveis." Introdução: Atualmente o homem tornou-se um ser sedentário. Este sedentarismo já é considerado a doença do próximo milênio, decorrente dos hábitos, ou conforto da vida moderna. A prática de algumas artes marciais ou musculação que podem ser úteis tanto como meios de defesa como para o bem da mente e do corpo, resgatando a auto-confiança do individuo, consequentemente levando-o ao relaxamento e ao preparo psíquico-motor. "Através do caminho do corpo, chegamos à nossa mente e a nossa saúde mental. Um corpo sólido e saudável vai proporcionar uma mente saudável, sólida e equilibrada". Nós da WadoKan acreditamos que esse tipo de comportamento traduz uma vida melhor e mais sadia para todos que fazem exercício físico.
    Body Balance Institute, North America
  4776 Hodges Boulevard - Jacksonville, FL           
Welcome to Body Balance Institute, Jacksonville’s premier studio offering a wide variety of personal fitness and wellness services in a peaceful and convenient location. We invite you to explore our private, semi-private and group sessions in the Pilates Method, the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®, Nutrition therapy and Massage therapy. At Body Balance Institute you will receive highly individualized attention with top-notch certified instructors using the finest and fullest range of Pilates and GYROTONIC® equipment. Body Balance Institute is centrally located on Hodges Blvd. a quarter mile North of JT Butler Blvd.
    Academia Evolução, South America
  Avenida Hercilio Luz, 1209 - Centro - Florianópolis, SC           
Seja bem vindo ao nosso site! Estamos sempre buscando uma maneira de aproximarmos de você. Esperamos atender todas as suas dúvidas e sugestões para tornar a academia uma extensão de sua casa. Evolução, a academia aonde você não precisa estar em forma para entrar!
    Shri Yoga, North America
  443 Greenwich St, 2nd Floor. - New York, NY           
The SHRIYOGA philosophy is an ever evolving, deepening study into the nature of the Self and the path into the true heart of the practice. The roots of SHRIYOGA begin with the non-dualist approach of Tantric yogis and scholars, who realized that each person has the whole of the universal consciousness already inside. Nothing outside needs to be sought; there is nothing you need to complete you. True wisdom is found in your inner teacher.
    Uni-Yôga Downtown, South America
  Av. das Américas, 500 Bl. 09 Cob. 311 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Uni-Yôga Downtown, dirigido por Julieta Chuairy, é um espaço de cultura e prática de Yôga, situado no Shopping Downtown. No estúdio da Barra da Tijuca você vai aprender a respirar melhor, a relaxar, a concentrar-se e cultivar a qualidade de vida através de técnicas corporais fortes, porém, respeitando o ritmo biológico do praticante.
    Jivamukti Yoga Center, North America
  841 Broadway , 2nd floor - New York, NY           
Jivamukti locations offer regular meditation and Sanskrit classes taught and chanted in their traditional forms. All classes are open to students of all levels. The Centers also host international performers and speakers from a wide range of spiritual and artistic fields.
    Park Slope Yoga Center, North America
  792 Union Street - Brooklyn, NY           
A Vinyasa Yoga Center located at 792 Union Street. Now offering 74 classes per week at PSYC and Devi featuring both Vinyasa and Hatha yoga with basic and open level classes. Park Slope Yoga Center also has Prenatal and Parent/Baby classes along with Pilates floor classes.
    Water Mill Pilates, North America
  58 Deerfield Rd. Bldg 3 - Water Mill, NY           
Offering the finest Classical Pilates,Gyrokinesis and Yoga training in the Hamptons.
    Sangha Pilates Studio, North America
  861 Montauk Highway - Bayport, NY           
"We are a community dedicated to encourage, through the Pilates method, the nurturing of the body, mind and spirit. To affirm our purpose we use each day to discover our inner potential. In this state of harmony we assure that our capacity for love and compassion may arise and be free to thrive. It is our studio’s goal that we may all achieve these requisites of happiness: a restored physical vitality, an invigorated mind and an elevated spirit."
    Glendale Yoga, North America
  746 N Glendale Avenue - Glendale, CA           
"Glendale Yoga opened its doors in 2001. We are dedicated to providing Hatha Yoga instruction in a friendly and non-competitive environment. Our goal is to make yoga accessible to students of any level no matter their previous yoga experience, age or size. We encourage students to work at their own pace and individual ability under the watchful guidance of our instructors. Our instructors are well experienced and have completed yoga teacher- training programs that are in compliance with Yoga Alliance guidelines. Each teacher is unique and brings their own personal insight and knowledge to their classes. Glendale Yoga's studio is spacious and comfortable. The studio is carpeted in order to provide padding for sensitive knees and wrists. We provide yoga mats and a wide array of yoga props for students to use free of charge during class. Students are welcome to use the parking lots beside the studio and there is always plenty of on-street parking on both sides of Glendale Avenue."
    Studio G Pilates, North America
  114 Soundview Avenue - East Northport, NY           
Sandy Godina is a former attorney who received her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1997.  She was introduced to Pilates while practicing law and enjoyed it so much that she changed careers.  Sandy received her certification from Romana’s Pilates, where she trained with Joseph Pilates’ world-renowned protégé, Romana Kryzanowska, and master instructor Sari Mejia Santos.
    Yoga Lotus Blossom Studio, North America
  328 Montauk Highway - Wainscott, NY           
"Our mission is to create a space for exploring the splendor and grace of the Self. When one opens to their inner beauty and acts as a form of the divine, everyone grows brighter. We believe in the beauty and needs of the individual within the passion and intimacy of the group. Yoga allows us to experiene our body fully so that we may also experience grace."