World Colleges & Universities

    Lehman College CUNY, North America

  250 Bedford Park Boulevard West - Bronx, NY            
With more than 60,000 alumni and 12,000 students, Lehman College serves the Bronx and our surrounding region as an intellectual, economic, and cultural center. The College is named after Herbert H. Lehman, who was governor of New York State, a U.S. Senator, and an internationalist. His values of dedicated public service continue to guide the College today.
    University of North Florida, North America
   - Jacksonville, FL             
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The University of North Florida?s primary focus is on instruction, informed by scholarly activity and a commitment to community involvement. The University provides a comprehensive array of degree programs, with a targeted emphasis on select programs where the University can be a national leader.
    Faculdade Saberes, South America
  Avenida César Hilal, 1180, 2o andar - Praia do Suá - Vitória, ES           
A Faculdade Saberes tem um projeto político-pedagógico que se fundamenta em princípios educacionais, filosóficos, psicológicos, sociológicos, lingüísticos e culturais que sinalizam uma educação voltada para o desenvolvimento/aprimoramento de um ser humano capaz de perceber o momento que está vivendo e agir, individual e coletivamente em pro do ser humano.
    Capitol College, North America
   - Laurel, MD           
Capitol College is the only independent college in Maryland dedicated to engineering, computer sciences, information technologies and business. Founded in 1927, Capitol College is a regionally accredited institution offering associate, bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as professional development training and certificates. The college's 52-acre campus is located in Laurel, Maryland, a suburban setting midway between Washington, DC and Baltimore. Full-time undergraduate students are eligible for a five-year tuition lock and a job guarantee. All graduate-level degrees are available online, supported by software that delivers live, real-time lectures.
    Thomas University, North America
  1501 Millpond Road - Thomasville, GA           
Thomas University is a four-year coeducational university that serves the post-secondary educational needs of south Georgia and north Florida. The university is located in Thomasville, Georgia, a relatively small town of over 18,000 people in rural southwest Georgia. The town is 35 miles north of Tallahassee, Florida, 55 miles south of Albany, Georgia, and 45 miles west of Valdosta, Georgia.
    New York Theological Seminary, North America
  475 Riverside Dr. Ste 500 - New York, NY              
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New York Theological Seminary began its life in 1900 with the founding of the Bible Teachers’ College in Montclair, New Jersey by Wilbert Webster White. A gifted scholar and teacher, President White was a leading proponent of the inductive Bible study method, and believed that the Bible ought to occupy the central position in the theological curriculum. The inductive method emphasizes three steps in biblical interpretation: observe, interpret and apply. It lent itself easily to an emphasis on practical training for ministry
    Cumberland University, North America
   - Lebanon, TN             
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Cumberland University is located in Lebanon, Tennessee, 30 miles east of Nashville. Founded in 1842, Cumberland University offers a variety of educational, athletic, and social experiences to enhance the learning opportunities of the current student body. The university has an exceptional academic program steeped in the liberal arts. Athletic teams regularly compete for conference and national championships.
Over 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled in over forty majors. A variety of clubs and organizations enhance the social opportunities for students. Honor societies recognize student achievers in a variety of disciplines.
    United States Military Academy, North America
  Bldg 600 Taylor Hall - West Point, NY             
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The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
    LaGuardia Community College, North America
  31-10 Thompson Ave. - Queens - Long Island City, NY             
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Standing as an example of the power of ordinary individuals to make extraordinary things happen. Every college has something special to brag about.
    University of Nevada, North America
   - Las Vegas, NV             
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The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is a premier metropolitan research university. UNLV demonstrates how the traditional values of higher education can be adapted to conditions and needs of individuals and communities in the 21st century. The university concentrates its resources on instructional and research programs that are student-centered, demonstrably excellent, and responsive to the needs of local, regional, national, and international communities.
    University of California - UCLA, North America
   - Los Angeles, CA             
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The University of California, Los Angeles, generally known as UCLA, is a public, coeducational university whose main campus is in the residential area of Westwood, Los Angeles, California. Established as a branch of the state university in 1919, it is the second-oldest general-purpose campus in the University of California system and has the largest enrollment of any university in the state.
The university is one of the most selective universities in the nation, accepting 11,750 students of the more than 47,000 who applied for admission as freshmen in Fall 2005. More people applied for admission to UCLA than to any other university in the country in that semester. Source
    University of South Florida SUSF, North America
   - Tampa, FL             
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The USF System welcomes more than 47,000 students from across the country and around the globe and is recognized as one of the nation’s top 63 public research universities.
At USF, students are encouraged to participate in meaningful research that seeks to change lives for the better, to collaborate across fields of study, and to connect to local and global communities through service learning, activism and volunteerism.
    Universidade Federal do Amazonas, South America
   - Amazonas, AM           
A PRIMEIRA UNIVERSIDADE BRASILEIRA, pois originou-se da Escola Universitária Livre de Manáos, criada em 17 de janeiro de 1909. Mesmo com a extinção da Escola, permaneceu a Faculdade de Direito, que deu continuidade ao modelo da atual UFAM. O fato foi registrado em 1995 no "Guinness Book", o livro dos recordes.
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine, North America
  1 Gustave L Levy Place - New York, NY           
Over the years, Mount Sinai had built up a tremendous, and well deserved, reputation for the excellence of its patient care and clinical research programs. Many contributions were made by Mount Sinai physicians regarding the basic underpinnings and actions of various diseases.
    Edward Waters College, North America
  1658 Kings Road - Jacksonville, FL            
Would you like to be a part of an academic family who strives to create a culturally sensitive academic environment for you to thrive in? If so, choose Edward Waters College (EWC). EWC is a private Historically Black College (HBCU) in Jacksonville, Florida. We offer small class sizes, individual attention, diverse social activities, and a rolling enrollment policy, which encourages our students to see the possibilities in their future. Recognizing and practicing national academic standards is imperative for the educational process. EWC is no exception to those philosophies. However, EWC avoids utilizing test scores as the main focus to determine a student's academic potential. The college has an assessment program, which enables it to ascertain the level students need to begin their college career here at EWC. Not only do we offer different degree programs, we also offer the type of environment that is unique to an urban student. There are a variety of student activities to be involved in outside of the classroom, such as the Student Government Association or one of the Greek Fraternities and Sororities.
    University of Delaware, North America
   - Newark, DE            
The University of Delaware has grown from its founding as a small private academy in 1743 to a major university. As one of the oldest land-grant institutions, as well as a sea-grant, space-grant and urban-grant institution, Delaware offers an impressive collection of educational resources. Undergraduates may choose to major in any one or more of over 100 academic majors.
    Stony Brook University, North America
   - Stony Brook, NY              
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Stony Brook’s reach extends from its 1,039-acre campus on Long Island’s North Shore – encompassing the main academic areas, an 8,300-seat stadium and sports complex, a performing arts center, Stony Brook University Medical Center, the Health Sciences Center, and the Veterans Home – to Stony Brook Manhattan, a new Research and Development Park, three business incubators including one at Calverton, New York, and the Stony Brook Southampton campus on Long Island’s East End. Stony Brook also co-manages Brookhaven National Laboratory, joining Princeton, the University of Chicago, Stanford, and the University of California as the only major institutions involved in a research collaboration with a national lab.
    Jewish Theological Seminary, North America
  3080 Broadway - New York, NY             
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The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) was founded in 1886 through the efforts of two distinguished rabbis, Dr. Sabato Morais and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, along with a group of prominent lay leaders from Sephardic congregations in Philadelphia and New York. Its mission was to preserve the knowledge and practice of historical Judaism. In 1887, JTS held its first class of ten students in the vestry of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue, New York City's oldest congregation.
    St. Joseph's College, North America
  245 Clinton Avenue - Brooklyn, NY              
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Since 1916, thousands of men and women have found a place at St. Joseph's College. Today, on our two campuses, in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn and Patchogue, Suffolk, students find an affordable college of academic excellence, real-life learning, personal attention and a vibrant, caring community. Our students discover what moves them, develop their skills and prepare themselves for their careers. Now it's your turn!
    Teachers College, Columbia University, North America
  525 West 120th St. - New York, NY             
Teachers College, Columbia University is an institution with a rich and distinguished record in the field of education. Decade after decade, since its founding in 1887, the College has anticipated concerns and acted with initiatives to advance educational reforms and issues. With its tradition of innovation and insights, the College is one of the leading schools of education in the country, if not the world, embracing three fields: education, psychology and health.
    Bennett College, North America
  900 E. Washington Street - Greensboro, NC           
Bennett's fifty-five acre campus is located in Greensboro, North Carolina. Greensboro boasts a number of cultural, social activities and venues just a short distance from the campus. Conveniently located near The Piedmont-Triad International Airport, the campus is easily accessible from Interstates 40 and 85.
    Berkley University of California, North America
   - Berkeley, CA             
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The University of California, Berkeley (also known as UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, and by other names, see below) is the oldest and flagship campus of the ten-campus University of California system. Founded in 1868, the campus is located in Berkeley, California, occupying about 200 acres on a wooded slope, plus an additional 1000 acres (4 km²) of largely undeveloped land in the Oakland hills overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Berkeley still enjoys a certain notoriety for its history of student activism. The Free Speech Movement (1964), a protest that began when the university tried to remove political pamphleteers from campus[1], and the People's Park riots (1969) were part of a wave of international student protest that took place during the 1960s, associated with an accompanying "hippie" counterculture. For all of its student activism and rebellious history, however, the Berkeley campus is remarkably serene, with numerous quiet, green areas on campus and many architecturally distinguished buildings. Source
    Virginia Tech, North America
   - Blacksburg, VA             
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, better known as Virginia Tech, is a public land grant polytechnic university in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Although it is a comprehensive university with many departments, the agriculture, engineering, architecture, forestry, and veterinary medicine programs are considered to be among its strongest. It is also one of the few public universities in the United States, along with Texas A&M University, which continues to maintain a corps of cadets (a full-time military training component within a larger civilian university).
In addition to its research and academic programs, Virginia Tech is known for its campus and location in the New River Valley of southwestern Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a part of the Appalachian Mountains. The university's public profile has also been raised significantly in recent years by the success of its football program. Source
    Centro de Educação da UFES, South America
  Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras - Vitória, ES           
Tem como responsabilidade a formação dos profissionais da educação, em todos os níveis, bem como o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa e de extensão universitária no campo educacional.
    La Salle Institutos Superiores, South America
  Rua Gastão Gonçalves, 79 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Seleção La Salle: Consiste numa Redação, na mesma data do concurso vestibular, cuja nota final para aprovação deverá ser igual ou superior a 50 e a análise de Histórico Escolar, também com nota final para aprovação igual ou superior a 50, respeitando os seguintes critérios: Português e Literatura = 30 pontos e Objetivas (Matemática, Física, Química, Biologia, História e Geografia) = 20 pontos, perfazendo um total de 100 pontos conforme determina o Regimento Interno da instituição.
    Centro de Ciências Exatas da UFES, South America
  Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras - Vitória, ES           
Missão: "Gerar, difundir e divulgar o conhecimento em ciências exatas, tecnologia e inovação, aliado à formação de recursos humanos e às demandas da sociedade."
    Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFES, South America
  Av. Marechal Campos, 1468 - Maruípe - Vitória, ES           
O CCS oferece à sociedade os únicos cursos de graduação totalmente gratuitos de Enfermagem, Farmácia, Medicina e Odontologia no Estado do ES. Esses cursos têm recebido bons conceitos nas avaliações do MEC, destacando-se como os melhores do Estado, cumprindo assim um importante papel como referência para cursos semelhantes oferecidos por instituições privadas. No ano de 2009, serão abertos dois novos cursos de graduação: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional. Para o ano de 2010, estão previstas as aberturas dos novos cursos em Fonoaudiologia e Nutrição. Os cursos de Pós-Graduação do CCS também recebido conceitos muito bons da CAPES e vêm cumprindo sua função na formação de mão de obra especializada para o ensino e pesquisa no estado, tanto para a própria UFES como para outras instituições. Destaca-se também a função social que estes Programas, em especial os de Ciências Fisiológicas e o de Doenças Infecciosas, com diagnóstico, atendimento e tratamento de pacientes de diversas doenças de alta incidência e importância na saúde publica como hipertensão, tuberculose, hanseníase, sífilis e AIDS. Dentro desse enfoque social, destaca-se também o fato de que o CCS é o maior prestador de serviços da UFES para a sociedade, através de diferentes projetos e programas de extensão e, principalmente, através da assistência médica e odontológica prestada nas dependências do HUCAM e do IOUFES
    Faculdade COTEMIG, South America
  Rua Santa Cruz, 546 - Barroca - Belo Horizonte, MG           
Iniciou suas atividades em 1999, oferecendo o Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação, dando continuidade a uma história de mais de 35 anos de experiência no ensino especializado em tecnologia. Desde então, a faculdade se preocupa em oferecer programas que possibilitem a formação do profissional competente e do cidadão para atuar em sua área e nos processos de transformação social, criando alternativas com potencial para enfrentar os problemas do mundo contemporâneo.
    Fundação Souza Marques, South America
  Av. Ernani Cardoso, 335/345 - Cascadura - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O desafio maior que elege a missão das Souza Marques, Faculdades é o constante aprimoramento do processo ensino-aprendizagem como meio para formação humana e intelectual, permitindo que nossos alunos sejam capazes de enfrentar o trabalho intelectual através do crescimento da dimensão do pensamento, da crítica, da justiça, da solidariedade e da ética.
Sonhar com o amanhã abre caminhos, amplia limites e supera o existente, permitindo a produção do novo, o que deverá ser criado através da gestão do conhecimento desenvolvida nas instituições de Ensino Superior
    Universidade Gama Filho, South America
  Centro - Candelária - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Localizada no coração financeiro e comercial da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Universidade Gama Filho, Unidade Centro-Candelária, dispõe de mais de cinco mil metros quadrados, onde o estudante pode desfrutar de uma infra-estrutura adequada e favorável ao seu melhor desenvolvimento. A Unidade Candelária é divida em salas de orientação pedagógica, biblioteca, secretaria, espaços equipados para videoconferências, laboratórios de informática, auditório com 130 lugares e um anexo para recepções e eventos.