World Department Stores

    Lojas Americanas, South America

  Av. Carioca, 353, lj 7 - Praia da Costa - Vila Velha, ES            
A Lojas Americanas S.A. é uma das mais tradicionais redes de varejo do país. Com 79 anos de vida, a empresa conta com 469 lojas nas principais cidades do país e com 3 centros de distribuição, em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Recife, atuando também no comércio eletrônico, representado pela e Shoptime. A rede comercializa mais de 60.000 itens de 4.000 empresas diferentes, o que faz com que a Lojas Americanas detenha uma grande participação do comércio brasileiro de brinquedos, bombonnière, lingerie, CD's e DVD's.
    Ricardo Eletro, South America
  Av. das Américas, 5000 lj.201-B - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Ricardo Eletro inaugurou no Rio de Janeiro lojas nos principais pontos da capital e cidades vizinhas. A grande aposta da rede é mesmo no preço baixo. As lojas de Copacabana, Duque de Caxias, Volta Redonda, Ilha do Governador, Marechal Hermes, Centro-Uruguaiana e Taquara, Madureira, Bangu, Tijuca, Niterói, Nova Iguaçu e Bonsucesso, entre outras, já estão em funcionamento. A Ricardo Eletro abre as lojas com ofertas especiais em toda linha de eletrodomésticos, incluindos refrigeradores, fogões, TVs LCD's, aparelhos celulares, etc. Linha divesificada de serviços compreendendo: Garantia estendida, Super Compra, Seguro da Sorte, Seguro Prestação, Empréstimo Pessoal e o Cartão Ricardo Eletro-Visa.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 616 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Macy's, North America
  Staten Island Mall - Staten Island, NY              
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Want to find clothing to make you look and feel great? There are some really wonderful stores that you can shop in New York, and Staten Island is certainly no exception. The name that tends to stand out well above the rest is Macy’s at Staten Island. Since its conception Macy’s has been known for finding unique ways to revolutionize not only the retail industry but also optimized the shopping experience. This can be seen with the way it has pioneered merchandising and become a true staple of the retail community in New York. Now, still going strong, there are many customers who state that they love this store because of the selection that it has and the great makeup department. The beauty department at Macy’s, Staten Island, is known for continuously upgrading the makeup brands they carry and both the women’s shoe and bags sections have been expanded. This has made a lot of returning customers happy. Located in Heartland Village off of Richmond Hill Road, Macy’s is a very busy store but there is always a large selection of items to choose from, whether it is apparel or other household items.
    C&A, South America
  Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.000, lj 04 1º/2º pisos - Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, MG            
A C&A é uma das maiores cadeias de varejo de moda no mundo. A C&A é também um dos maiores varejistas em produtos e serviços financeiros. Por meio do Banco ibi, oferece cartões de crédito, seguros, títulos de capitalização e empréstimos para pessoas físicas e jurídicas.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Rua Doutor Nilo Peçanha, 50 - São Gonçalo, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Storary, South America
  Av. José M Vivacqua dos Santos, 400 - Shopping Norte Sul - Vitória, ES           
    Ogilvy, North America
  1307 Sainte-Catherine Street West  - Montreal, QB           
"La Maison Ogilvy, commonly known as Ogilvy's (or Ogilvy in French), is a prominent department store in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where its store on Saint Catherine Street is a retail landmark. Ogilvy's is the only one of Montreal's four west-end department stores still operating under its original name, and is known as the "Grande dame of St. Catherine Street". The store was founded in 1866 by James A. Ogilvy, a pioneer in Montreal retailing, and has been located for almost a hundred years in an Romanesque Revival stone building built in 1908 in the great style of the day. In 1927, the store and the "Ogilvy's" name was acquired by Arthur J. Nesbitt, an investment banker who was a partner in Nesbitt Thomson & Co. stock brokerage and the energy conglomerate, Power Corporation of Canada. The new owner's twenty year-old son, J. Aird Nesbitt, took over management of the Ogilvy store. He created a style and personality for Ogilvy's that distinguished it from Montreal's other department stores. In 1928, Ogilvy's opened the Tudor Room, a concert hall on the store's fifth floor. The first Montreal Symphony Orchestra broadcast across Canada originated from this hall in 1931. Of Scottish ancestry, Nesbitt also initiated another Ogilvy's tradition in 1950 when he hired two bagpipers to parade through the entire store between noon and 1 o'clock every day. More than fifty years later, a piper continues to march through the store daily. After Nesbitt's retirement, Ogilvy's changed hands once more in 1985. The new owners renovated and revitalized the store interior, and a "new" Ogilvy's emerged in 1987. Ogilvy's was the first department store in Canada to adopt the "store within a store" concept, whereby the store features a collection of independent boutiques under one roof. Each boutique has its own unique character, while sharing common customer policies and standards. Ogilvy's also contains a restaurant, hair salon, florist and interior design consultants. Finally, Ogilvy's is renowned for its yearly, vintage Christmas window display, the only one of its type in downtown Montreal."
    Fnac Barra, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 loja-B 101/114 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O primeiro distribuidor europeu de produtos culturais e de lazer, exemplo único da aliança entre comércio e cultura, ambicionando oferecer aos seus clientes a mais vasta seleção em literatura, música e em novas tecnologias.
Tanto na loja virtual, como nas lojas físicas, a Fnac propõe ainda que o cliente descubra o que existe de mais inovador e se reencontre com a cultura. Centro cultural ativo que dispõe de uma programação diária, oferecendo eventos de qualidade, permitindo o contato do cliente com personalidades da vida cultural, política e econômica, além de favorecer a formação e a descoberta de novos talentos para literatura, música e demais tipos de arte.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Estrada do Galeão, 2879 - Ilha do Governador Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Extra, South America
  Av. das Américas, 900 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Você é um cliente muito especial para o Grupo Pão de Açúcar, atuante em todo o Brasil. No mundo virtual assim como no real, temos um compromisso com você: total respeito por sua privacidade e a garantia do sigilo de todas as informações que você nos fornecer. Corresponder à sua confiança é fundamental para nós. Afinal, nossa reputação de mais de 50 anos tem que ser preservada. Neste documento, explicamos porque o site precisa conhecê-lo melhor e como lidamos com as informações que nos são fornecidas.
    Taco, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível BH, lj 73 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG             
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A marca Taco® foi criada há mais de 20 anos na cidade do Rio de janeiro, tornando-se, rapidamente, um referencial de moda básica. Na década de 90 a empresa iniciou o seu processo de expansão e hoje tem 123 lojas operando em todas as regiões do Brasil, sendo 95 franquias e 28 lojas próprias. A nossa proposta é oferecer produtos de qualidade, de moda básica, buscando sempre a qualidade e o preço justo. É por isso que o nosso lema é Taco. “Todo Mundo, Todo Dia”. Outro fator importante é a exclusividade: Os produtos Taco® você só encontra nas lojas Taco® . Por isso, investimos em layouts modernos e confortáveis, procurando oferecer um ambiente agradável e um serviço eficiente. Seja navegando pelo Site, seja em uma de nossas lojas no Brasil, tenha a certeza de que estamos trabalhando para oferecer o melhor pra você. Taco. Todo mundo, todo dia.
    Insinuante, South America
  Av. Nilo Peçanha, 31  - Duque de Caxias, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos.
    Ponto Frio, South America
  Plaza Shopping - Centro - Niterói, RJ            
Em 60 anos de atuação no Brasil, completados em 2006, tornou-se uma das maiores redes de lojas de eletrodomésticos e móveis do país, e vem crescendo tanto organicamente quanto por meio de aquisições, graças à decisão de posicionar-se em mercados de maior atratividade.
O ano de 2006 trouxe muitos desafios e plenas realizações. O compromisso com os acionistas, os colaboradores, os fornecedores e, especialmente, os clientes foi avançar no processo de modernização organizacional da Companhia, iniciado nos anos anteriores.
    FastShop, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, 1o piso - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ            
As lojas da Fast Shop possuem uma série de diferenciais para atender seus clientes, desde um ambiente agradável a um atendimento diferenciado. A Fast Shop mantém uma equipe de vendas especialmente capacitada para sugerir soluções que se enquadrem nos desejos e necessidades do consumidor, oferecendo os melhores produtos e serviços inovadores que resultem numa experiência encantadora para toda a vida.
    Zara, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível NL, lj 72 E - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG            
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Através o seu modelo de negócios, Zara quer contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentado da sociedade e do ambiente com o qual interage. O seu compromisso com o meio ambiente insere-se no âmbito da política de Responsabilidade Corporativa. Todos os produtos de origem animal, incluídas peles e couros comercializados nas nossas lojas procedem exclusivamente de animais criados em quintas para alimentação, e em nenhum caso de animais sacrificados exclusivamente para venda de suas peles.
    Insinuante, South America
  Rua General Roca, 845 loja A - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos.
    Costco, North America
  32-59 Vernon Boulevard - Queens - New York, NY            
Costco is the unmistakable leader in wholesale membership stores. That’s because this is the name that was the innovator in this type of department store. In fact, this wholesale club took the idea of a department store and raised it to an entirely new level. The Costco store in Queens has a lot to offer for today’s shopper. This store is known for its bulk items and you can get great bargains on your food and groceries by purchasing them in large quantities. Browse the produce section for some of the freshest apples, watermelons, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables both out of season and in season in New York City. Sample the various demonstrations of products that this NYC department store has available to find something you like that you may have never tried before. Buy something as small as a few bunches of grapes or as large as an outdoor backyard play set for your kids, all in the same store. Costco is always renewing its inventory so if you see something you like, you should purchase it right away because it may not be there the next time you visit. That’s how the membership-only wholesale club keeps its stock fresh and its customers coming back for more.
    Ricado Eletro, South America
  Rua São Pedro, 35  - Centro - Niterói, RJ           
A Ricardo Eletro inaugurou no Estado do Rio de Janeiro 24 lojas nos principais pontos da capital e cidades vizinhas. A grande aposta da rede é mesmo no preço baixo. As lojas de Copacabana, Duque de Caxias, Volta Redonda, Ilha do Governador, Marechal Hermes, Centro-Uruguaiana e Taquara, Madureira, Bangu, Tijuca, Niterói, Nova Iguaçu e Bonsucesso, já estão em funcionamento. A Ricardo Eletro abre as lojas com ofertas especiais em toda linha de eletrodomésticos, incluindos refrigeradores, fogões, TVs lCD, aparelhos celulares, etc. Linha divesificada de serviços compreendendo: Garantia estendida, Super Compra, Seguro da Sorte, Seguro Prestação, Empréstimo Pessoal e o Cartão Ricardo Eletro-Visa.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  407 East 59th Street - Bridgemarket - New York, NY             
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You will find designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design at TJ Maxx. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Manhattan retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Manhattan.
    Century 21 Department Stores, North America
  22 Cortlandt Street (CLOSED) - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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When you are looking for a NYC Downtown department store, Century 21 is one of the more reputable Manhattan department stores for you to choose. The Century 21 stores have been specializing in high fashion and elegance for more than five decades and offer affordable prices every day. One of the specialties you will find here is a wide selection of fashionable clothing, as well as housewares, footwear and much more. Tribeca beauty products is just one of the top name brands carried Century 21 stores. Whether you are searching for quality eye shadow products, a new lotion for your skin or other beauty products with a trusted name, you can find it all in one place. Shopping for sheets and other Greenwich Village bedding items like pillows, blankets and comforters? Century 21 has several locations in the greater New York area, including stores in Lincoln Square, Brooklyn, Rego Park and Long Island. You can expect to save up to 65% off of retail on many selected items which makes it an affordable option for your shopping trip each time you visit New York City.
    Anthropologie, North America
  1230 3rd Avenue - Upper East Side - New York, NY             
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Clothing, shoes, acessories, house & home, gift and more.
    Kohls, North America
  2239 Forest Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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Although some locations are in enclosed shopping malls, the majority of stores are free-standing. Kohl’s operates differently from traditional department stores, like Macy's or Nordstrom. The most noticeable distinction is that Kohl's stores have centralized checkout aisles, where a single line is used for check-outs. Kohl's also uses a "racetrack" aisle that circles the entire store, a technique borrowed from discount stores but rarely used in department stores. In 2011, Kohl's announced plans to remodel 100 of its 1,100 locations. Changes will include redone store sections, fitting rooms, and newer merchandise displays. Source:
    TJ Maxx, North America
  6101 Junction Blvd. - Rego Park Center - Rego Park / Queens, NY             
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Looking for designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design? TJ Maxx is the Queens store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Manhattan retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Rego Park.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  1509 Forest Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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Designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design. TJ Maxx is the Staten Island store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Staten Island retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Staten Island.
    Marshalls, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 2100 Bartow Avenue - Bronx, NY             
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Marshall’s Bronx department store has much to offer today’s economy shopper. The Marshall’s name tops the list for bargain prices for family clothes and other retail items. In fact, the company traces its history all the way back to 1956 when several prominent entrepreneurs got together and formed the “Brand Names for Less” concept that has come to be so popular today in the retail industry. There are several departments in the Marshall’s stores to browse. Shopping for Wakefield footwear at a great price? There is a wide selection of designer and bargain-priced shoes when you shop at this Bronx department store. For women, you will find everything ranging from cork wedges to patent leather heels and much more. Look for bright and bold styles for spring and summer 2012 or find something that you can wear all year long and still be fashionable. Revel in Wakefield beauty products and a bounteous selection of designer fragrances from Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Estee Lauder, just for starters, as well as makeup products, accessories and much more to please your bargain-shopping urges. Be sure to visit this prominent Riverdale department store on your next trip to the Bronx.
    Target, North America
  174th St. & Vyse Avenue - New Horizons Shopping Center - Bronx, NY             
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Looking for designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design? TJ Maxx is the Bronx store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in the Bronx.
    JCPenney, North America
  140 Marsh Ave - Staten Island Mall - Staten Island, NY              
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JC Penney on Staten Island is a fantastic store that is committed to giving their customers the quality and style that they are craving for, and all at reasonable prices. They have come to be known as the place to go to find the very best in affordable clothing and home décor for not just mom, but the entire family. They have an assortment of national brands, a selection of private brands, and a variety that have actually become exclusive to JC Penney. The Staten Island store, located on Marsh Avenue, is one of New York’s very best with a notably friendly staff that is always willing to go the extra mile to help you get what you are looking for. Many people who have shopped at the Staten Island location have said that they were impressed with both the prices and the items on the shelf. In comparison to the other department and apparel stores that are in the area, it had great competitive prices yet was still very clean and looked like a new store. If you are looking for some good quality products and a helpful friendly staff, then JCPenney, Staten Island, is the store for you.
    Gracious Home, North America
  1220 3rd Avenue at 70th Street - New York, NY             
Few stories exemplify the American dream like the one behind the Gracious Home department stores. The dream began when two brothers came over to New York City from Cuba and started their own little hardware store. They focused on selling the essentials – nuts, bolts, tools and similar items. But because of their special treatment for each customer that came through their doors, they were able to grow into the huge department store that it is today. At Gracious Home, you will find everything you need for your home ranging from vacuums to bath accessories and travel items. Looking for name brand luggage at an affordable price? You can find some of the most recognized brands at Gracious Home. Choose from Tumi, Victorinox, Delsey and more. Expect high quality luggage with matching accessories so you can in style travel anywhere in the world. They also offer a variety of bedding accessories including Sferra, Yves Delorme, Matouk and even the original brand named after the Manhattan department store. Come to Gracious Home and use our gift registry for your special event or browse our sale and clearance items the next time you are shopping in the area.
    Saks Fifth Avenue, North America
  611 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
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Everyone knows Saks Fifth Avenue, but not everyone can say they have actually been there. This Manhattan department store is responsible for taking shopping to a whole new level. To visit New York City and not shop at the original Saks is next to criminal. Located at the heart of Midtown Manhattan, you must be seen toting a little black and white, signature bag even if you are on a business trip, meeting in one of the monolithic towers surrounding you. You are in Manhattan surrounded by the masters in designer fashion, so avail yourself of the convenience of Saks Fifth Avenue. Armani, Moncler, Notte by Marchesa, Jil Sander, Juicy Couture, Harrison Morgan, Yves St. Laurent …, it is all here . And, if you are looking for something for the kids, simply add another Saks shopping bag to your collection. Sumptuous jewelry and sophisticated accessories, hot shoes and silken sheets, you will find a wide selection of options at this Midtown retail store. Names like Marc Jacobs, David Yuman, Gucci and Prada are all housed in this one New York City department store. When next in Midtown Manhattan, sure you add a shopping trip for designer collections and sophisticated merchandise to your agenda.