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The Martial Way Self-Defense Center, with locations in Colchester, Milton, and Saint Albans, has been teaching martial arts in the Vermont area since 1988. There are many programs for several styles of martial arts at martial way for students of all ages to find interest in.
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
Whether you're a new student or a Bujinkan veteran, we have easy options for you to get started at Muzosa. Pick a class, have fun, and see what happens. Your first class is always free, and there's never any pressure to join.
Central Park classes are near the B/C trains at 72nd St., or near the 1/2/3 trains at 72nd St. Walk into Central Park from 72nd St. and follow the road down the hill as it enters the main loop. Cross into the park at the traffic light at the main loop. From the street you can see students training. Try to show up on time, since it can sometimes be difficult to find the class if students are moving around a lot during that class. |
Teammates, training partners and instructors all have adopted our strict “no-ego” policy. Evolution Martial Arts & Fitness has been the school of choice for many law enforcement officials, military personnel, professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and educators.
Tremont School of Judo, Ju Jutsu & Karate has been teaching Martial Arts to men, women, children and law enforcement since 1960.
Tremont School is also known as the Miyama Ryu Hombu Dojo.
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life. "
Vladimir Borodin was born in Russia city of Odessa. He started his martial arts carrier at age 7, at age 15 became Junior National Champion in boxing. At age 18 became Soviet Army Champion in karate. In 1980 became 11th USSR National Champion in karate. From 1984 to 1991 trained in kickboxing and Muaythai. Vladimir Borodin trained in Amsterdam, Netherlands, London, England and Bangkok, Changmai, Uttradit, Thailand under supervision of Great Muaythai Masters like Master Pimu, Tom Harinck, Tony Moore. Vladimir is one of the New York's latest instructors for Muaythai fighters. After opening his Gym in Brooklyn, New York he raised many National, International and World Champions in kickboxing and Muaythai divisions.
United Martial Arts Centers offers a variety of programs that will fit your family needs. Our Moms and Dads are getting in the best shape of their lives while having a great time learning valuable and practical Self-Defense. Kids ages 4 years & older are taught life skills that will give them a great start in life.
For over 20 years, we have been building and developing Black Belt Champions, strengthening the Mind, Body and Spirit of each individual. Ultimately we're building greater unity in families, workplaces and in the communities we serve. Vital benefits in today's society! |
Boxing Ring on Premises. One-on-one with Pro Boxer 7 Certified Fitness Trainer. http://www.demarcosgym.com
Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
Tessa Gordon,Chief Instructor Originally from Toronto, Canada, Tessa Gordon holds a 5th degree black belt in the Korean art of Tae Kwon Do. Gordon was a member of the 1988 Canadian Olympic Team, nine-time Canadian National Champion, World Championship Medalist and Pan American Champion. Today, Gordon has been practicing Tae Kwon Do for over 35 years. As a young child, Gordon began training in basic kicking and punching techniques at home. As her progress and enjoyment of the art became evident, her parents enrolled her in the Jong Park Institute of Tae Kwon Do. She found the discipline required for traditional training incredibly demanding both emotionally and physically. Yet with the encouragement of her parents, she continued to train.
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. T. Alan rmstrong
Tae Kwon Do is considered to be the most effective fighting art ever developed. It is a physical science, where each move carries maximum power, speed, accuracy and balance. Literally translated from Korean, Tae means “foot” or “to strike with the foot,” Kwon means “fist” or “to strike with the hand,” and Do means “discipline” or “art.” Therefore, taken together Tae Kwon Do means “foot, fist, art” or “the art of kicking and punching.” Modern Tae Kwon Do is a unique form of martial arts that combines the flowing movements of numerous Chinese styles with the quick movements of various Japanese systems.
A traditional Japanese contact style of karate. It focuses on strengthening the mind, body, and spirit through hard, intense training. World Oyama Karate style emphasizes contact training using target pads rather than just punching and kicking the air. World Oyama Karate is for anyone who wants to become stronger, both physically and mentally. Relieve stress in a positive way and develop your self-confidence!
Master Tom Curry has been in the martial arts for 36 years. A lifetime student of the Arts, Master Curry is forever training and researching to stay on the cutting edge, 100% of the time. "I will never walk onto the floor without giving my students my very best". Master Curry is currently endorsed by local law enforcement, special education instructors, school teachers, psychiatrist, and medical doctors. Master Curry Karate Jujutsu is a great environment for making you and your families life happier, healthier and safe.
Master Curry started training in 1971. His first instructor was Sensei Art Campbell who operated the Jackson Jujutsu Kai in Jackson, New Jersey. Learning both Kodakan Judo and Jujutsu was an excellent introduction into this fascinating world. “Sensei Campbell was a real gentleman, excellent technician and a good role model.” |
Karate, the weaponless techniques of fighting and self-defense had its early beginnings in Okinawa. Okinawa being the main land of the Ryuku Islands chain, stretching from Japan to Taiwan, (about 300 miles from mainland Japan). There is evidence of Karate recorded in Okinawan history dating back more than 1000 years. However, the ancient history of Karate in different locations such as Naha, Tomari and Shuri later led to the different styles. Our style of Karate, Shima Ha Shorin Ryu, was developed from the ancient Tomari-Te and Shuri-Te. Goju-Ryu evolved from what was known as Naha-Te, the founder being Chojin Miyagi.
Welcome to Busto's Karate and Fitness, where you can experience training in the art of karate with the best instructors, and enjoys all the benefits that come from mastering karate.
At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
"Aikido Of Westchester was founded in 1997. We are affiliated with The United States Aikido Federation and The Aikikai World Headquarters in Japan. Our purpose is to provide instruction in the martial art of Aikido according to the principles of the founder, Morihei Ueshiba."
"A special place dedicated to fitness, family and education. The emphasis of our training is based on setting and attaining goals, and reaching your maximum potential. Grandmaster Kim emphasizes the importance of internal change as well as external changes to the body from physical training.
Thinking positively, avoiding negative thinking and speech, doing good deeds everyday, drinking green tea, beginning each day with meditation. By practicing these things daily, we can keep our bodies, minds and spirits in good health and harmony." |
A typical Karate class normally lasts about one hour up to juniors and one and half hour for adults. A class always begins in respect and ends in respect. To start the class, Shihan and his Senseis line up the student according to rank. Shihan than takes the seiza position, a kneeling position. Everyone in the class follows. After a few bows, Shihan orders the mokuso, a short medition. Only after this routine does the training begin
A Academia Gala é uma empresa voltada à área de fitness, saúde e bem estar.
Tem como suas principais atividades aulas de ginástica (diversas modalidades – ver grade de horários), danças, yoga, pilates, lutas e musculação, além de oferecer serviços de massagem, nutricionista, shiatsu, e uma série de convênios, proporcionando aos seus alunos conforto e praticidade.
Localizada na Rua Dr. João Simplício Alves de Carvalho, 551, Bairro Jardim Ipiranga, Porto Alegre/RS, conta com 1000 m2, equipamentos profissionais, salas com ar condicionado e uma equipe de professores formados, periodicamente treinados, e credenciados ao CREF – Conselho Regional de Educação Física.
Venha fazer parte do nosso quadro de alunos e descobrir as inúmeras vantagens que a GALA possui há mais de 17 anos!
Fabrício Martins desenvolveu seu jiu jitsu na Escola do Mestre Oswaldo Alves, vindo a se tornar um dos melhores lutadores da história do jiu jitsu brasileiro. Seu ápice, na década de 80, antes mesmo de se tornar faixa preta, se deu nas faixas roxa e marron, onde, conquistou sucessivos campeonatos. A subida para a faixa preta se deu a pedido do lendário Mestre Hélio Grace, sugerindo ao Mestre Oswaldo, graduar Fabrício por mérito, justificando que o lutador praticamente não tinha adversários na marron
Mestre Paulinho Sabiá.
O Instituto Maruyama tem por objetivo a divulgação do Aikido de acordo com técnicas e orientações da Fundação Aikikai do Japão (Hombu Dojo) liderada pelo atual Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba, para a melhoria da saúde, recursos para preservação da integridade individual e melhoria da qualidade de vida.
No Brasil o Instituto faz parte da Confederação Brasileira de Aikido, Brazil Aikikai, fortalecendo o seu propósito em se comprometer a manter um padrão de nível internacional em suas Unidades, bem como propiciar a seus alunos a participação ativa nos Seminário promovidos no território nacional. Para acessar o site http//aikido.dojo-guanumbi.com.br/ será necessário contatar a secretaria do Instituto para obtenção da senha. |
O Ganseki Dojo é uma associação sem fins lucrativos que, desde 2005, divulga a prática de Aikido. Também promove e apoia encontros de praticantes em todas as atividades que se julguem importantes para o desenvolvimento dos seus associados, dentro desta arte marcial. Os treinos no Ganseki Dojo são conduzidos por Walter Amorim Sensei, 2o Dan com 18 anos de prática continua dentro do aikido, filiado a União Sul Americana de Aikido.
A Associação TKDRIO de Taekwondo, ou simplesmente, TKDRIO como é comumente conhecida, surgiu pela iniciativa de um grupo de faixas pretas que preocupados com o desenvolvimento da arte marcial Taekwondo, resolveram juntar esforços para melhor compreenderem e se aprimorarem dentro desta arte marcial coreana, bem como, propiciar a todos direta ou indiretamente a eles vinculados à mesma oportunidade de crescimento.
A proposta da TKDRIO está voltada a atender as necessidades de seus três “pilares fundamentais”: alunos – atletas – professores.
O Instituto Reação é uma associação sem fins lucrativos que atua em comunidades de baixa renda no Rio de Janeiro, tendo como objetivo a promoção do desenvolvimento humano e da inclusão social por meio do judô e de atividades complementares — passeios culturais, atendimento fisioterapêutico, aulas de inglês e reforço escolar, entre outras.
A ONG, criada em 2003 pelo medalhista olímpico Flávio Canto (bronze no judô em Atenas/2004), atende cerca de mil crianças e jovens, entre quatro e 25 anos de idade. A filosofia do Projeto está baseada na força do esporte como elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento humano, despertando as potencialidades de crianças e adolescentes nas dimensões cognitiva, produtiva, social e pessoal. O judô, esporte utilizado para atingir tais objetivos, é uma modalidade olímpica, com componentes educacionais baseados na disciplina, respeito ao próximo e não-violência. A prática do esporte devolve aos jovens a auto-estima, a determinação e a autoconfiança. Hoje, com quatro pólos no Rio de Janeiro, aproximadamente mil crianças e jovens praticam diariamente judô nas Unidades Rocinha, Tubiacanga, Cidade de Deus e Pequena Cruzada. |
Boxe chinês, bike, yoga, abs, mat pilates.
Modalidades: jiu jitsu, musculação, power jump/jump, step, muay-thai, ginástica localizada, gap, energy ball, danças, circuito, bike indoor/spinning.