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Sifu Henry Moy has dedicated over 50 years to mastering and teaching various styles of Chinese Kung Fu, including Ving Tsun (commonly referred to as "Wing Chun"), Tai Chi, Shaolin Fist and others.
"If you're looking for exceptional martial arts training in traditional Shotokan Karate, contact us today at Flatbush Shotokan Karate Dojo. For more than 44 years, we've practiced our discipline and offered its gifts to students of all ages. Acquire poise, strength, discipline, and focus through the practice of this ancient and honorable art form."
Karate has become a popular form of self-defense and the workout of preference for many health-minded individuals. The recent proliferation of schools across the country has been staggering, the sheer numbers make it difficult for a prospective student to choose the school that suits his or her needs. Gene Dunn's Shotokan Karate Dojo is unique in many ways, and this section is designed to set those unique qualities forth in order to aid you in deciding if this school is right for you.
Offering specialized adults, teens, childrens and little_dragons classes that range from traditional form, kicking and sparring classes to cardio workouts and body toning for beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
Regulation Size Ring, professional trainers & coaches, heavy-bags, speed-bags, bikes, treadmills, elipticals, free-weights, lockers, showers.
Masters Program - Training for Golden Gloves, Metro Games, Ringside, Professional, Management and Promotion. |
Dedicated to providing our students with the highest quality facility and experience possible. Various age specific programs are designed to help students maximize their potential and reach their individual goals. Whether it is to increase your own level of fitness or self-defense, or help your child better focus in school, develop self-confidence, or increase their level of fitness Costanzo's Martial Arts can help.
Programs are affordable and all inclusive so you never have to worry about hidden costs and fees such as test fees, class material fees, or association dues. Schedule of classes is accommodating, and most importantly the staff is committed to your success! |
In 1963 Professor Bill Mcloud's martial arts training started when he began boxing at the "Police Athletic League" (PAL). He boxed in various PAL's learning the fundamentals of the art of boxing, but one of the places he enjoyed going to box was at St. John's recreation center in Brooklyn.
Providing Karate based Martial Arts and fitness programs since 1988. The Budokai has influenced and enriched the lives of thousand of members throughout the years. Programs focused on but are not limited to respect, honor, perseverance, self discipline and self control.
The Only Professional Hapkido, Chun Kuhn DoTM & Miyama Ryu Ju JutsuTM School in Queens!
Omni Martial Arts offers classes in an eclectic style of self defense for children and adults.
The OMNI ADULTS program makes getting in shape fun and exciting. The curriculum focuses on grappling, striking and no-nonsense self defense techniques from Jiu Jitsu, Judo, kickboxing and Israeli martial arts while emphasizing physical fitness through cardiovascular and resistance exercises. There is no belt system or gi worn, but adults will work their way from novice to intermediate, advanced, and finally expert level, each denoted by a different color t-shirt. OMNI KIDS was developed with assistance from a licensed children's therapist and emphasizes discipline, respect and self control while focusing on Judo and kickboxing techniques. Children will learn how to fall, roll, throw, punch, kick and grapple in a safe, nurturing environment. Kids wear a judo gi (traditional uniform) and will earn colored belts to help measure progress and encourage them to be their best. |
Isshin-ryu Karate for self-defense, fitness, health, well-being, and sport.
Beginners and students with prior experience in the martial arts are welcome.
Louis Neglia Martial Arts Academy, teaching the finest in Karate. Kickboxing and Ju Jitsu in the same location for over 25 years.
There is over 4000 square feet and three floors of space with all the equipment you will ever need in order to meet your goal of becoming the best that you can be. Facilities include five hanging heavybags, without which you can't perfect your punches and kicks. The bags also build and tone muscles as well as condition your heart and lungs-a must for any serious martial artist. Wight training, a boxing ring, mats for Jiu Jitsu train-ing, gloves, headgear, and all safety equipment necessary to develop the important three ranges of distance fighting (hand range, kicking range, and self-defense grappling range) which is essential to develop one's complete martial arts skills. |
Localizada em um dos pontos mais nobres da Barra da Tijuca, a Akxe Jiu-Jitsu Brasil oferece bem mais que infra-estrutura de altíssimo nível. O espaço dos treinos conta com mais de 300 metros quadrados de tatames instalados no campus da Estácio de Sá e ao lado da academia Akxe. Sem precisar ir muito longe, o aluno de jiu-jitsu pode malhar com equipamento moderno, nadar em uma piscina de 25 metros, curtir uma sauna e estudar em uma das universidades mais conhecidas do Rio de Janeiro.
Master Vincent A. Affatigato is a 7th degree black belt with 30 years of martial arts experience. He is a Certified International Instructor with the International Taekwon-do Federation, has been teaching as a head instructor for 20 years, and has been an officer of the United States Taekwon-do Federation since 1996.
Chintokan teaches Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do which originated in Okinawa, Japan. The documented history of current Shorin-Ryu karatedo tradition begins in Shuri, Okinawa, at some point in the 1800s by Sokon Matsumura (1809~1899), a leading Shuri-Te (one of three original Ryukyu Kenpo) master of his time. Beyond that, the unbroken lineage of Shorin-Ryu can be traced all the way back to the Okinawan lords, nobles and bodyguards of the Ryukyu Kingdom era in the 16th century. However, in those days, Shorin-Ryu karate was simply known as "Tea," or "Hand." Tea is Okinawa pronounciation for hand(s).
Unified Martial Art Academy is one fo the most popular and oldest martial arts schools in Miami. No matter what your interest, Unified Martial Art Academy is an irresistible offer to test-drive some of the best martial arts training and the best Jeet Kune Do classes available in Miami.
A Registered Metro club located in Ridgewood NY. Founded by Boxing Master Ray Cuadrado, the NY Boxing staff is dedicated to teaching fundamentals, proper technique, and extreme conditioning routines.
With a proud history of champion fighters, Brotherhood offers specialized training that includes olympic style boxing, extreme conditioning, tournament training, as well as pro training camps. |
One of the premier boxing clubs on the East Coast, Mendez boxing trains professionals and amateurs, "white collar" boxers and individuals looking to get and stay in shape. All of our trainers are skilled professional and amateur trainers with over 30 years of fight experience. All clients will 4receive carefully supervised instruction.
In the past, you would mostly find only professional fighters training in a boxing gym; but that landscape has changed dramatically. Nowadays you are likely to also find fitness enthusiasts in a boxing gym, and not only men. Women, more and more, are enjoying the great conditioning benefits that boxing affords them. Children are also welcome to train. |
The Society for Martial Arts Instruction is a non-profit organization
located at 4 West 18th Street, NYC, NY 10011. Shihan Alfred trained
for years with many of the World Kanreikai karate instructors and
students and has maintained a warm and mutually respectful
relationship with them. We have been invited to their in-house
tournament which features small divisions, reasonable registration
fees and many awards for the junior participants.
Adults will be welcome this year to do kata and fight semi-knockdown.
k2 boxing club is well known for our established boxing program. we have many champions from different competitions such as the metro state and golden gloves. we are always looking for serious fighters to join our family.
Karate, the weaponless techniques of fighting and self-defense had its early beginnings in Okinawa. Okinawa being the main land of the Ryuku Islands chain, stretching from Japan to Taiwan, (about 300 miles from mainland Japan). There is evidence of Karate recorded in Okinawan history dating back more than 1000 years. However, the ancient history of Karate in different locations such as Naha, Tomari and Shuri later led to the different styles. Our style of Karate, Shima Ha Shorin Ryu, was developed from the ancient Tomari-Te and Shuri-Te. Goju-Ryu evolved from what was known as Naha-Te, the founder being Chojin Miyagi.
Fabrício Martins desenvolveu seu jiu jitsu na Escola do Mestre Oswaldo Alves, vindo a se tornar um dos melhores lutadores da história do jiu jitsu brasileiro. Seu ápice, na década de 80, antes mesmo de se tornar faixa preta, se deu nas faixas roxa e marron, onde, conquistou sucessivos campeonatos. A subida para a faixa preta se deu a pedido do lendário Mestre Hélio Grace, sugerindo ao Mestre Oswaldo, graduar Fabrício por mérito, justificando que o lutador praticamente não tinha adversários na marron
Providing quality martial arts instruction to each and every student. Gotham Taekwon-Do places a strong emphasis on improving mind and body. Learning and self-discipline are very important. Anyone who has the desire to become a good martial artist and a better individual is welcome.
Boxe chinês, bike, yoga, abs, mat pilates.
Como o Judo, o Karate também chegou ao Brasil com os imigrantes japoneses no ano de 1908 e instalou-se primeiro em São Paulo, principalmente nas cidades do interior.
Criado por nativos e monges da antigüidade instintivamente e desenvolvido por samurais, o Karatê é uma arte marcial oficial folclórica ritualista tradicional da Ilha de Okinawa (Japão), linha zen, inspirada pelos fenômenos da natureza e observações dos animais, com finalidades educacionais, terapêuticas, defesa pessoal, ética, estética e uma proposta estilística de vida.
Muito apreciado em todas as camadas sociais é hoje esporte olímpico praticado em mais de 150 países. Seus preceitos incluem respeito, cortesia, paz, fraternidade, dedicação, harmonia, justiça, união, humildade, paciência, otimismo, bom-senso, prudência, controle da violência e disciplina. Efeitos imediatos são elasticidade, reflexo,auto-confiança, controle do stress, bem-estar, sensibilidade, percepção, intuição, criatividade e segurança pessoal. |
A Academia Gala é uma empresa voltada à área de fitness, saúde e bem estar.
Tem como suas principais atividades aulas de ginástica (diversas modalidades – ver grade de horários), danças, yoga, pilates, lutas e musculação, além de oferecer serviços de massagem, nutricionista, shiatsu, e uma série de convênios, proporcionando aos seus alunos conforto e praticidade.
Localizada na Rua Dr. João Simplício Alves de Carvalho, 551, Bairro Jardim Ipiranga, Porto Alegre/RS, conta com 1000 m2, equipamentos profissionais, salas com ar condicionado e uma equipe de professores formados, periodicamente treinados, e credenciados ao CREF – Conselho Regional de Educação Física.
Venha fazer parte do nosso quadro de alunos e descobrir as inúmeras vantagens que a GALA possui há mais de 17 anos!
Modalidades: abdominal, alongamento, bike indoor/spinning, escolinhas esportivas, ginástica localizada, hidroginástica, krav maga, musculação, natação, pilates, power jump/jump, squash, step.
Francisco Toco, responsável pela Nova Geração, foi introduzido ao jiu-jitsu por seu amigo Rodrigo Medeiros, que já praticava há 6 meses e insistia para que ele treinasse. Através de seu incentivo, começou a praticar o esporte com o professor Maneco. Desde então, não parou mais.
Consagrado na formação de atletas campeões de judô, Leonardo Lara, faixa preta 5° DAN e criador do Judô Clube que leva o seu nome, fez constar em seu currículo graduação pelo Curso de Educação e Treinamento pela Federação Internacionao de Judô.
Aulas com boa freqüência para crianças de 3 a 5 anos, judô infantil para crianças de 6 a 10 anos, estimulando a disciplina e a auto confiança. Judô feminino com excelente procura. Endereços: Sede Rua Alfredo Pinto, 4-B - Tijuca Núcleo 1 Academia Pro Trainer - Tijuca Núcleo 2 Colégio Batista - Tijuca Núcleo 3 Colégio Braga Carneiro Tijuca Núcleo 4 Academia KDM Vila Isabel |
A Academia nasceu por volta de 1987, no bairro da Barra da Tijuca, na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os primeiros alunos a rolar e se queimar nos tapetes foram: Paulo Nardy, Rogério Poggio, entre outros iniciando assim, o que é hoje a academia.
A Academia Infight cresceu muito, tendo hoje várias filiais no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e ainda uma unidade no Japão. Unidades RJ: Alfabarra, Barra Sul, Taquara, Cidade de Deus, Pedra de Guaratiba 1, 2 e 3, Gardênia Azul, Recreio dos Bandeirantes e Academia Hiper Fórmula. |