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"Pretzel's Yoga & Pilates is dedicated to the study of Yoga and Pilates. The school was established in 1996 and is warm and welcoming. Sunlight streams down from overhead skylights, and neighborhood artists have added beauty to the studio. Parking is plentiful, classes are heated, and the teachers are friendly and experienced.
Pretzel has been practicing Yoga for thirty years. Her instructional style is Vinyasa Flow, with an emphasis on strength, flexibility, and the breath."
"The original Pilates studio of the Hamptons, is a state-of-the-art space by the water in Sag Harbor village. Our staff—comprised of the area's most experienced and qualified instructors—tailors your sessions to your needs. At In Balance, we believe that Pilates is exercise for everyone. Our youngest client is 15, our oldest 85. We'll teach you to stretch, strengthen, and lengthen your body. We'll show you how to work out intelligently, how to achieve maximum results in minimum time. We'll help you improve your posture, prevent injury, and move harmoniously. Simply put, we'll get you back in balance."
Boxe chinês, bike, yoga, abs, mat pilates.
A Academia Bio Fitness abriu suas portas em janeiro de 2003 e desde o início de suas atividades destacou-se por oferecer a seus clientes uma estrutura moderna, profissionais qualificados e atenção no atendimento aos alunos, primando sempre pela saúde e bem estar dos mesmos. O que fez com que muitos além de clientes se tornassem amigos da academia, participando de todas as atividades promovidas pela Bio Fitness e ainda colaborando com a realização das mesmas.
Nestes dois anos de funcionamento, já passaram pela academia mais de 1700 alunos, o que nos deixa muito orgulhosos e felizes por saber que as pessoas estão apreciando e reconhecendo o trabalho desenvolvido por nossos colaboradores, que estão sempre a disposição para atender e ajudar os alunos na realização de suas atividades físicas.
Estamos esperando você de portas abertas para que venha conhecer e malhar em uma das umas das melhores academias de Porto Alegre.
A mulher moderna hoje em dia divide seu tempo entre a rotina do lar, as obrigações familiares, o trânsito, o curso de especialização e ainda precisa responder a tudo isso com dinamismo e eficiência. Mas, onde encontrar aquele tempo só dela, tão importante para ter mais disposição e enfrentar bem o dia-a-dia? Esse é um desafio e tanto! Pensando em tudo isso, a Contours se coloca ao lado das mulheres e as convida a virar este jogo, dedicando 30 minutos diários de seu tempo aos exercícios físicos e à sua saúde. E os resultados são surpreendentes: energia renovada, bem-estar e uma vida mais feliz!
Procuramos uma abordagem inteligente que possa capacitar um profissional que compreenda, esteja preparado para entender a particularidade de cada aluno no equilíbrio, funcionalidade de seu corpo e, a partir disto, dar as respostas adequadas para sua harmonia e seu desenvolvimento.
"Most yoga focuses on the physical and is more complicated. Dahn Yoga® is a unique type of yoga that features simple exercises for the conditioning of the body and mind, starting with the core, that is suitable for people of all body types and ages.
With over 30 years in the yoga business, Dahn Yoga® has nearly 1,000 centers worldwide with over 2,000 employees. Besides the U.S., Dahn Yoga® is located in South Korea, Japan, Canada, U.K., Germany, Russia, Sweden, Brazil, and South Africa.
Over the past 30 years, Dahn Yoga® has positively impacted the lives of millions of people in schools, community centers, camps, parks, businesses and governments worldwide. "
The Pilates Place is a fully equipped Pilates studio located on Miami Beach, Florida, right in the heart of South Beach.
The Pilates Place offers a variety of both group and private Pilates classes. |
Celebrating our 3rd summer as, now, the only Yoga studio in the village of Westhampton Beach. Offering a full schedule of Yoga classes with the best teachers. Assure you place in class, and avoid conjestion at the front desk, Reserve your space.
PRIVATE YOGA, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Acutonics, Sound Healings, Reiki, Thai Yoga Bodywork, in our private treatment room. Drum Circles, delivered to you. Sessions sell out on weekends in summer season. |
"Pilates Plus provides unique individual and group pilates programs in a caring and fun environment for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Our clients range from children to seniors, from athletes working on a specific sport to people undergoing rehabilitation and chronic disease control. We help our clients achieve their fitness goals, pain-free daily life and whole body health."
A Associação Nacional de Yoga Integral – ANYI, há 12 anos, divulga no Brasil o Yoga Integral ( Purna Yoga ) e os ideais de Sri Aurobindo e de Mirra Alfassa, A Mãe.
São objetivos da ANYI: Reunir as pessoas interessadas na Filosofia e Prática do Yoga Integral e de Terapias e Filosofias Indianas. Divulgar e desenvolver os conhecimentos do Yoga Integral , podendo organizar e patrocinar palestras, cursos, simpósios, congressos e, além disso, editar jornais, livros e quaisquer outras publicações associando-se, caso precise, a outras instituições. Incentivar de modo permanente o intercâmbio de informações e de experiências entre seus associados e com entidades congêneres no âmbito nacional e internacional. Promover a formação de regionais da ANYI nas capitais e seccionais nas principais cidades. Conheça as instituições acessando o site. Para efetivar o seu ingresso na Associação, após a aprovação de sua proposta de filiação, a entidade envia para a sua residência a carteirinha de associado. Com ela você terá direito a descontos em todos os eventos promovidos pela ANYI, além de benefícios junto aos parceiros da associação como livrarias, lojas de produtos naturais, restaurantes e diversos profissionais de Yoga , Ayurveda , Meditação, Astrologia e Quiromancia Védicas. |
Fundada em 1994 com o objetivo de oferecer na área de fisioterapia os mais variados tratamentos a CIR é coordenada pela Dr. Ana Rita Pinheiro Gorito, graduada em fisioterapia pela Faculdade de Reabilitação da ASCE, Pós-graduada em Fisioterapia neurológica, com formação em Pilates,Terapia Corporal, Kabat, Reeducação do Movimento e fisioterapia estética.
O CIR atua com profissionais graduados em fisioterapia e nutrição e especializados em Traumato-ortopedia, Geriatria, Reumatologia, Neurologia, Dermato-funcional e Acupuntura com formação em Pilates, Shiatsu, Educação Somática, Terapias Manuais e Yoga, visando a reabilitação a prevenção e a estética unindo saúde e beleza. O profissional especializado do CIR é responsável por explicar o funcionamento e o objetivo de cada método trabalhado na clínica, a partir de então o cliente é orientado e direcionado para a terapia mais indicada para o seu caso. |
ta is a way of life. It is positive. It is natural. It is healthy. It is authentic.
It is a style of living that incorporates mind, body and spirit practices, such as meditation, yoga, and healthy eating, combined with the power of Thought and Expression to create a “whole” approach to life.
Seja bem vindo ao nosso site!
Estamos sempre buscando uma maneira de aproximarmos de você. Esperamos atender todas as suas dúvidas e sugestões para tornar a academia uma extensão de sua casa.
Evolução, a academia aonde você não precisa estar em forma para entrar!
OM yoga is a juicy blend of flowing yoga asanas informed by precise attention to alignment and supported by the relaxed wakefulness of Buddhist mindfulness meditation. The practice of OM yoga is a lively dance of awakening that leads to a deeper understanding of yourself and a more personal connection with your world.
"Our services benefit people with current injuries, individuals seeking to return to fitness after an injury, and those who want to improve their overall fitness level to optimize performance in a specific sport or activity."
Orlando Cani conheceu o Yoga aos 16 anos através do professor e mestre Jean-Pierre Bastiou, com quem praticou ginástica corretiva. Aos 20 anos se formou em educação física e transformou-se num atleta de alta performance, vencendo diversas competições nas mais variadas modalidades. Foi condecorado com a “Cruz do Mérito Desportivo” pelo então Presidente da República Castelo Branco. Em 1973 especializou-se no Yoga Institute of Bombay. Voltando ao Brasil, treinou atletas do nível de Rickson Gracie, as seleções brasileiras de voleibol, convidado pelo técnico Bernardinho, triatletas e surfistas de circuito profisssional. É palestrante em congressos nacionais e internacionais de atividade física desde 1979.
"Your journey begins the moment you walk through our doors. Fab Pilates is a Polestar certified studio. We uphold the highest quality of personal Pilates service and offer the most complete Pilates training available. We begin with a personalized Pilates assessment. This includes a complete health analysis that determines your fitness goals, history, and road to success. "
All of Laughing Lotus’ Spirited Vinyasa Yoga Classes and Teachers create a Mystical environment where the Soul can Dance through the many landscapes of Being and experience Cosmic ONENESS! Through togetherness, chanting, breathing, praying, laughing and moving the body temple, we arrive at a state where we dissolve into ecstatic harmony with the Universe.
Integrated Movement Xercise
Nosso espaço se propõe a trazer um pouco do conhecimento da ciência milenar do Yoga e do Ayurveda. Através dessas descobertas, fica mais fácil você se perceber podendo começar a criar metas para um aperfeiçoamento da sua natureza.
"Our studio is designed as a respite from a hurried, fast-paced life so you may pursue your yoga practice and allow for personal reflection. Breath is the core of our practice. We harness the power of breath to initiate conscious movement – awareness of the breath leads to mindfulness. Yoga allows us to observe ourselves in challenge…we discover…we appreciate…we connect with something more profound within ourselves – this is the gift of yoga."
Equilíbrio Pilates oferece um ambiente tranqüilo e confortável com atendimento personalizado e bons equipamentos. O espaço dispõe de fisioterapeutas e instrutores para montar o programa mais adequado às necessidades de cada aluno, criando um ambiente adequado e harmonioso para o equilíbio entre corpo e mente.
"Check out our NEW expanded studio on Main Street in the heart of downtown Sag Harbor! We are now located above the Paradise Café in a spacious loft with hardwood floors, high ceilings with exposed beams and a gorgeous view of Main Street. Offering the best classic Pilates training in the Hamptons, our modern studio is fully equipped with Reformers, Towers, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector and other equipment built by Peak Pilates."
Margaret Velez is a former professional dancer with over 15 years experience in the fitness industry. Her dancing has been praised in the New York Times, Backstage (“..by far the best dancer in the Company..”), and the Washington Post (“Ms. Velez has an abundance of stage presence..”). She appears in the book Dance Ink with some of the world’s greatest living dancers and choreographers. Margaret has taught dance history at Columbia University’s LEAD program. She has also taught dance at Towson University.
Formed by a dedicated and inspired group of teachers and practitioners in 1987 as a regional arm of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States. Iyengar Yoga aims were threefold: to support the teaching of Iyengar yoga throughout our four-state area, to establish a central place for study and teaching that would embody the highest standards of a transformational practice of yoga, and to connect our practitioners with others in the United States and throughout the world and to the source of our inspiration, B.K.S. Iyengar, our teacher.
New York's other Luxury Fitness Club. Over 100 Exercise Stations,
10,000 LBS. of Weights,
Ellipticals by Precor,
Group Exercise Classes,
Luxuy Locker-rooms,
Juice Bar,
Cardio Theater,
Personal Training,
Kick Boxing,
Tai Chi,
Free Towels.
Sandy Godina is a former attorney who received her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1997. She was introduced to Pilates while practicing law and enjoyed it so much that she changed careers. Sandy received her certification from Romana’s Pilates, where she trained with Joseph Pilates’ world-renowned protégé, Romana Kryzanowska, and master instructor Sari Mejia Santos.
Joseph Pilates created original pieces of equipment for his exercise system that he called “Contrology.” His studio in New York City had a workshop where he created his designs. Today, there are many different companies that now manufacture Pilates equipment.
The Pilates Movement uses equipment produced by Gratz Industries. Gratz Industries is one of the only manufacturers that produces equipment closest to the original designs. Pilates equipment is different than your typical gym equipment. The equipment has springs, leather straps, wooden and leather handles, and fuzzy foot straps. Through the use of springs, instead of weights, the equipment helps to show you where the muscles are and how they work within the movement. Performing a series of controlled movements that work against the resistance of springs is unlike using your average machine in a gym. |
Jacksonville’s first fully equipped Pilates Studio! Synergy's beautiful facilities provide a space for Certified Instructors and Physical Therapists, students and clients to practice Pilates in an environment committed to the holistic approach to movement and health. Whether you’ve been practicing Pilates for years or you have just begun your journey, Synergy Studio can help you achieve your fitness goals!