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Journey began in 2001 in the heart of New York City’s bustling Hell’s Kitchen district and quickly blossomed into a mecca for NYC’s theatre-set and others looking for a super-friendly place to come together and practice yoga. Since them, Sonic Yoga has welcomed more than 15,000 students into the family and trained hundreds of teachers, from nearly every continent on Earth.
"Our mission is to create a space for exploring the splendor and grace of the Self. When one opens to their inner beauty and acts as a form of the divine, everyone grows brighter. We believe in the beauty and needs of the individual within the passion and intimacy of the group. Yoga allows us to experiene our body fully so that we may also experience grace."
"Yoga at the Village is committed to providing invaluable, life improvement tools for seniors, adults, kids, teens, computer geeks, the yoga challenged and the skeptical! We’re confident the above group includes you! You’re neither too young nor too old…we promise! Demystifying the cynic is our goal.
Our principle? If you introduce your mind to your body, they just might like each other.
Classes are a fusion of several styles and geared toward whomever walks in the door. Anyone is welcome to any class no matter what 'level' the class is labeled. Our teachers are there to guide you. We’re skilled, compassionate and possess the gifts of laughter and joy. Challenge yourself. We’ll help you do that. At the same time, find satisfaction and patience with where you are right now. We’ll help you do that too.
Have fun. Be creative and joyful. Find patience for you!"
"The Harbor Bay Club is proud to offer Pilates Reformer training in both private and small group sessions with highly trained certified Pilates Instructors. Our Small Group Reformer classes provide an affordable way to gain the benefits of the work performed on the Pilates Reformer. With focused attention and guidance from our qualified instructors, Pilates provides a gentle, yet challenging way to strengthen and lengthen your body.
Pilates Mat Classes are offered throughout the week and are free to members. Pilates Small Group Reformer classes are offered weekday mornings, afternoons and evenings for a fee and are open to members and non-members."
"Nestled in the foothills of Glendale, within the historic Kenneth Village, The Pilates Body is a fully equipped Pilates studio with a quaint, neighborhood charm. The Pilates Body will provide you with a challenging, yet pleasing fitness session in an intimate and peaceful space. We maintain a stress-free environment where you can unwind from the day by enjoying a revitalizing work-out.
You and your instructor will develop a personalized program to address your goals and bring you to optimal health and fitness. In a group class setting, The Pilates Body limits the number of participants; so that you receive more personalized attention if necessary. The Pilates Body focuses on your needs and desires, and will bring you to a more healthful state of physical and mental well-being."
"We intend to provide a friendly, positive environment for you to grow and develop as a yoga student. Mary Angela Buffo and Andrew Cohen started Ananda Yoga Center seven years ago with a vision of wellness for the community. While all our classes teach the physical aspects of yoga, it is our hope that our students learn greater self awareness and in the process become better, more loving people."
For over 20 years, Daniel Loigerot has been shaping Professional Athletes, Principal Dancers, A-List Celebrities, Wall Street Bankers, CEOs and Equestrians by enhancing their strength, flexibility, positive balance and focus through Pilates. Daniel has made a name for himself throughout the world as a renowned wellness instructor and holds an elite certification in the Pilates Method for Body Conditioning from Master Teacher Romana Kryzanowska, the last remaining Pilates disciple who was personally trained by Joseph Pilates. Daniel fell in love with the precision, control and effectiveness of Pilates the very first time he practiced, finding it an exercise that refreshes and energizes your body. Born and raised in Marseille, France, Daniel always believed that the key to success was focus, drive and commitment.
Patricia Moya, Certified Pilates Instructor. Patricia Moya is a dedicated fitness educator, specializing in the art of movement. Her background includes over 20 years practicing Pilates, Dance and Yoga. She received her Pilates certification under the tutelage of Master Teacher Romana Kryzanowska. She has taught private Pilates instruction at Grasshopper Pilates, NYC, The Art of Control, Mt. Kisco and Can Do Health Club, Short Hills, NJ. Since then she has focused on teaching exclusively with Daniel Loigerot at The DL FIT Pilates Wellness Studio, formerly The Pilates Edge Studio. Patricia trains a wide variety of clients and designs specific fitness programs to fit the needs of each individual. Blending cardiovascular, strength and endurance training, with an emphasis in core conditioning, flexibility and balance work, Patricia thoroughly enjoys her calling: helping people reach their fitness goals and find freedom through movement. |
Located on Main Street, nestled in the Konner Court Building in the heart of Bridgehampton, exhale's new 1,600 square foot studio offers a wellness haven for Hamptonites. During the spring and summer months, guests are welcome to enjoy our transformational Core Fusion® and Core Energy Flow® classes to energize or relax before or after a day on the beach.
Directed by Colleen Saidman, Yoga Shanti is a full-time, year-round, East End Yoga studio in the Hamptons offering opportunities for every kind of student, and a multitude of different yoga classes. We are located at 23 Washington Street off of Main Street, in the heart of Sag Harbor.
Yoga Shanti is long established as the place to practice yoga in the Hamptons, and has been featured in The New York Post, Dan's Hampton Style, The New York Times and New York Magazine. A recent review called Yoga Shanti, “The Hamptons yoga studio. You will never waste your time at Yoga Shanti. No matter if the class is Hatha or Astanga, beginner or open, the teachers are always amazing.” |
The Willow was founded by Jennifer Shea in 2002 with the hlep of Gina Addeo. Jenna moved to Staten Island in December 2001 from East Hampton, NY where she worked full time as a Pilates/Dance teacher at the reknowned Gurneys Inn Resort and Spa. Following September 11, 2001, Jenna wanted to use her expertise to help heal victims of this tragedy but found that nowhere on Staten Island was a facility for her to find employment.
All of Laughing Lotus’ Spirited Vinyasa Yoga Classes and Teachers create a Mystical environment where the Soul can Dance through the many landscapes of Being and experience Cosmic ONENESS! Through togetherness, chanting, breathing, praying, laughing and moving the body temple, we arrive at a state where we dissolve into ecstatic harmony with the Universe.
"Check out our NEW expanded studio on Main Street in the heart of downtown Sag Harbor! We are now located above the Paradise Café in a spacious loft with hardwood floors, high ceilings with exposed beams and a gorgeous view of Main Street. Offering the best classic Pilates training in the Hamptons, our modern studio is fully equipped with Reformers, Towers, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector and other equipment built by Peak Pilates."
Joseph Pilates created original pieces of equipment for his exercise system that he called “Contrology.” His studio in New York City had a workshop where he created his designs. Today, there are many different companies that now manufacture Pilates equipment.
The Pilates Movement uses equipment produced by Gratz Industries. Gratz Industries is one of the only manufacturers that produces equipment closest to the original designs. Pilates equipment is different than your typical gym equipment. The equipment has springs, leather straps, wooden and leather handles, and fuzzy foot straps. Through the use of springs, instead of weights, the equipment helps to show you where the muscles are and how they work within the movement. Performing a series of controlled movements that work against the resistance of springs is unlike using your average machine in a gym. |
Integrated Movement Xercise
"Your journey begins the moment you walk through our doors. Fab Pilates is a Polestar certified studio. We uphold the highest quality of personal Pilates service and offer the most complete Pilates training available. We begin with a personalized Pilates assessment. This includes a complete health analysis that determines your fitness goals, history, and road to success. "
"At yourPilates we infuse Joseph Pilates classical training with the most current techniques to provide you a method with an evolved repertoire of full body conditioning. Training in studio can include work on the Mat Reformer, Wall Tower, Barrel, Chair, Foot Corrector and other simple yet effective equipment."
"Our purpose is to develop a community in which individuals from all backgrounds are supported on their individual paths toward wholeness and healing. We offer a diverse approach to yoga, embracing a variety of philosophies and techniques. The benefits of yoga are available to everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. PRY welcomes all practitioners, from beginner to experienced. PRY hopes to become a meeting place for the Riverhead area’s yoga and spiritual communities."
Formed by a dedicated and inspired group of teachers and practitioners in 1987 as a regional arm of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States. Iyengar Yoga aims were threefold: to support the teaching of Iyengar yoga throughout our four-state area, to establish a central place for study and teaching that would embody the highest standards of a transformational practice of yoga, and to connect our practitioners with others in the United States and throughout the world and to the source of our inspiration, B.K.S. Iyengar, our teacher.
"The basis of pilates is the belief that our mental and physical are intertwined, so this exercise program is built around principles that include concentration, precision, control, breathing, and flowing movements.
Anyone can do pilates, and people love it, because the exercises are diverse and interesting!"
OM yoga is a juicy blend of flowing yoga asanas informed by precise attention to alignment and supported by the relaxed wakefulness of Buddhist mindfulness meditation. The practice of OM yoga is a lively dance of awakening that leads to a deeper understanding of yourself and a more personal connection with your world.
The Upper Eastside Studio is located on the corner of East 76th Street and 1st Avenue. The studio entrance is located on the northeast corner of East 76th Street and 1st Avenue above the 3 Star Diner. Follow the stairs up the first stairway to the second floor. Please note that the buzzer is outside the first door but opens the inner door.
Nirvana é um centro de bem-estar onde se aprende a viver melhor.
Pioneiro no Brasil, o Nirvana é voltado às pessoas que procuram equilíbrio e bem-estar através de práticas físicas e cuidados com o corpo e a mente. Um verdadeiro templo de paz e harmonia, onde é possível diminuir o ritmo do dia-a-dia e recarregar as energias.
Fundada em 1994 com o objetivo de oferecer na área de fisioterapia os mais variados tratamentos a CIR é coordenada pela Dr. Ana Rita Pinheiro Gorito, graduada em fisioterapia pela Faculdade de Reabilitação da ASCE, Pós-graduada em Fisioterapia neurológica, com formação em Pilates,Terapia Corporal, Kabat, Reeducação do Movimento e fisioterapia estética.
O CIR atua com profissionais graduados em fisioterapia e nutrição e especializados em Traumato-ortopedia, Geriatria, Reumatologia, Neurologia, Dermato-funcional e Acupuntura com formação em Pilates, Shiatsu, Educação Somática, Terapias Manuais e Yoga, visando a reabilitação a prevenção e a estética unindo saúde e beleza. O profissional especializado do CIR é responsável por explicar o funcionamento e o objetivo de cada método trabalhado na clínica, a partir de então o cliente é orientado e direcionado para a terapia mais indicada para o seu caso. |
A Uni-Yôga Downtown, dirigido por Julieta Chuairy, é um espaço de cultura e prática de Yôga, situado no Shopping Downtown. No estúdio da Barra da Tijuca você vai aprender a respirar melhor, a relaxar, a concentrar-se e cultivar a qualidade de vida através de técnicas corporais fortes, porém, respeitando o ritmo biológico do praticante.
Desde 1993, o Saraswati Studio de Yoga, ocupa no Leblon, lugar de destaque na preferência dos praticantes da nobre tradição milenar. Local preferido por intelectuais e gente do meio artístico, o Studio, é considerado um dos endereços de melhor conceito para a prática de Yoga. Ligue para a Ione e agende uma aula experimental.
O Uni-Yôga Copacabana utilizando-se do Método de Rose, ensina a respirar melhor, como relaxar, como concentrar-se e cultivar a qualidade de vida através de técnicas corporais fortes, porém, respeitando o ritmo biológico, promovendo um aperfeiçoamento multilateral do praticante. No espaço o aluno poderá participar de palestras, cursos, workshops sobre comportamento, gastronomia, etiqueta, história e filosofia oriental. Prática em grupos ou com personal trainer.
A Associação Nacional de Yoga Integral – ANYI, há 12 anos, divulga no Brasil o Yoga Integral ( Purna Yoga ) e os ideais de Sri Aurobindo e de Mirra Alfassa, A Mãe.
São objetivos da ANYI: Reunir as pessoas interessadas na Filosofia e Prática do Yoga Integral e de Terapias e Filosofias Indianas. Divulgar e desenvolver os conhecimentos do Yoga Integral , podendo organizar e patrocinar palestras, cursos, simpósios, congressos e, além disso, editar jornais, livros e quaisquer outras publicações associando-se, caso precise, a outras instituições. Incentivar de modo permanente o intercâmbio de informações e de experiências entre seus associados e com entidades congêneres no âmbito nacional e internacional. Promover a formação de regionais da ANYI nas capitais e seccionais nas principais cidades. Conheça as instituições acessando o site. Para efetivar o seu ingresso na Associação, após a aprovação de sua proposta de filiação, a entidade envia para a sua residência a carteirinha de associado. Com ela você terá direito a descontos em todos os eventos promovidos pela ANYI, além de benefícios junto aos parceiros da associação como livrarias, lojas de produtos naturais, restaurantes e diversos profissionais de Yoga , Ayurveda , Meditação, Astrologia e Quiromancia Védicas. |
Um espaço destinado ao bem-estar do indivíduo como um todo, utilizando-se de técnicas que objetivam o tratamento tanto físico como emocional. A clínica dispõe de equipe de fisioterapeutas especializados e técnicos nas áreas de acupuntura estética, auriculopuntura, reflexologia podal, Reiki, drenagem linfática, massagem modeladora, peeling, regeneração de estrias, shiatsu, RPG e Pilates.
Orlando Cani conheceu o Yoga aos 16 anos através do professor e mestre Jean-Pierre Bastiou, com quem praticou ginástica corretiva. Aos 20 anos se formou em educação física e transformou-se num atleta de alta performance, vencendo diversas competições nas mais variadas modalidades. Foi condecorado com a “Cruz do Mérito Desportivo” pelo então Presidente da República Castelo Branco. Em 1973 especializou-se no Yoga Institute of Bombay. Voltando ao Brasil, treinou atletas do nível de Rickson Gracie, as seleções brasileiras de voleibol, convidado pelo técnico Bernardinho, triatletas e surfistas de circuito profisssional. É palestrante em congressos nacionais e internacionais de atividade física desde 1979.
A Filosofia Zen está baseada na saúde do corpo e da mente, resultando no equilíbrio de energias proporcionado uma vida mais saudável em todos os sentidos.
A Zen Academia dispõe de professores treinados e preparados para fazer funcionar adequadamente o corpo com movimentos corretos. A prática regular de atividade física aumenta a taxa de renovação dos tecidos, retardando o envelhecimento, além de diminuir as taxas de colesterol, teor de gordura corporal, melhorar a circulação sangüínea, o condicionamento cardio respiratório e fortalecer a estrutura óssea e muscular, gerando bem estar e qualidade de vida. |