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The Taking Care Center is a state-of-the-art fitness center located at 90 State House Square next to the Old State House lawn in downtown Hartford, CT. The center consists of 48,000 square feet of fitness, aquatics, and group activity spread over two levels.
Unique and private environment enables us to focus on individual clients in a way that many larger facilities cannot. One-on-one approach and our semi private training programs allows us to design integrated, challenging fitness programs which address the specific needs of our clients.We ensure that you are getting a comprehensive workout that is specific to your goals, guaranteed to be safe, efficient and most of all effective. http://www.30inahurryfitness.com
Feeling good is about more than physical outcomes. It's about emotional victories.
Achieving an inner confidence that you can do the things you didn't think you could do before. Whether that means losing ten pounds or running ten miles - no matter what age you are or shape you're in - ZUM gives you the support and coaching you need to reach a new level of vitality. Inside and out. Join today. |
The Fitness Studio believes fitness is important for everyone, on many levels. The variety of classes and services are designed to reach every member personally. Whether you are a first time exerciser, or a seasoned fitness participant, the goal to make you feel at home in our facility.
Kickboxing classes, boxing equipment, personal training and fitness programs in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Koi Fitness is an ongoing, year-round outdoor exercise program in the Bay Area that is divided into six-week sessions that meet four days a week. More than just a typical boot camp workout, we combine outdoor fitness and exercise instruction with nutritional guidance and healthy lifestyle education to get to the results you want.
Definition, LLC is a registered health studio with the state of Florida; it is distinctive from most gyms. Located in historic San Marco, we provide the highest quality of professional training to our clients, including individual fitness evaluations and customized exercise plans - all without the hassles of a traditional membership. Our private, non-intimidating facility allows us to monitor your progress in a more personal workout space.
Body & Soul Workout was named Best Natural Fitness Studio by Los Angeles Magazine and has been defined as a "fitness sanctuary". Offering clients an alternative to factory-style gyms, Body & Soul focuses on the mind-body connection.
Curves é a maior franquia de fitness do mundo. Suas mais de 10.000 unidades operam em diversos países e ainda continuam em expansão. Atualmente podem ser encontradas nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa, América do Sul, Caribe, México, Austrália e Nova Zelândia.
Trabalhando exclusivamente com o universo feminino, a Curves foi o primeiro centro de cultura física e perda de peso dedicado a oferecer recursos acessíveis e eficazes em atividade física e informação nutricional para mulheres. Outras Unidades na Zona Oeste:Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Lgo.Pechincha e Autódromo-Jacarepaguá, Jardim Oceânico - Barra da Tijuca e Campo Grande. |
Knockout Zone specializes in all the training areas and also every age group. Discover Knockout Zone's excellently trained group of professionals & enjoy the brand new facilities made for your best workout!
As you strive to give your children the best foundation for success, The Little Gym® is here to help you along the way. After decades of research and hands-on experience, The Little Gym has more than 300 locations in 21 countries; all focused on helping children achieve a lifetime of success.
Offering pilates, acupuncture, massage, and physical therapy. Apex Wellness also offers martial arts training.
Barão da Torre: 780m2 divididos em 2 andares de sala de musculação, área de aparelhos cardiovasculares, parque aquático, sala de ginástica, quiosque para lanche e córner Mizuno.
VISCONDE DE PIRAJÁ: 1.100m2 dividida em duas salas de atividades coletivas, área de musculação, sala para exercícios cardiovasculares, sala de Indoor cycle, quiosque para lanches, Córner Mizuno, sauna a vapor e o Espaço Mind (centro de massagens). |
Permanentemente atenta a modernidade e aos novos métodos de atividade física, a Academia Cripaul vem garantindo através da seriedade de sua equipe de profisssionais composta de fisioterapeutas e orientadores qualificados, o merecido reconhecimento na região em que atua. A academia recebeu o credenciamento Platinum para o Programa Body Systems e, recentemente, reinaugurou sua sala de ergometria e musculação com modernos aparelhos trazendo um universo mais variado e melhor performance aos seus alunos. A piscina da academia recebe tratamento salinizado, mais saudável e atóxico, cobertura retrátil e aquecimento proporcionando segurança e conforto para as modalidades ali praticadas.
Welcome to Fit 'N Firm, a local women's fitness center located in Hillsborough New Jersey. The center offers a 30-minute circuit program (PACE), exercise equipment, and yoga, pilates. Zumba and body sculpting classes. Hours are designed to fit your busy schedule. The center opens at 6:30am Monday through Friday and at 8:00am on Saturday.
Fit 'N Firm provides a fun, non-intimidating, safe, and motivating atmosphere where you can build a support team, meet new people, and join together in achieving your fitness goals. |
It's never too late to get in shape and the best place to start is at your local Synergy Fitness Center. Visit and check Synergy out. You will find the facilities are state-of-the-art, well maintained and easily accessible.
Jazz, ballet, street, country, forró, axé, dança de salão e dança do ventre.
Welcome to M•A•C Fitness, Morris County's only award-winning health club and New Jersey's leader in sports training for over 17 years. Graduating 100 scholarship-awarded athletes, and still counting!
Beverly Hills Health and Fitness was founded in 1985. The club was purchased by Lisa and Peter Nault in April of 2005. The Naults have a special love of the gym. It is where they met in 1999 (when Peter was Lisa’s trainer), and seven years later they are married, and have two children to show for their efforts, Victor, 4 and Stevie, 2.
The club has a long history of membership loyalty – most of them enjoy the ambience which has been described as “New York” style. The club’s landmark art-deco building also helps set the mood. |
A Filosofia Zen está baseada na saúde do corpo e da mente, buscando o equilíbrio.
Para funcionar adequadamente, o corpo precisa de movimento e a atividade física aumenta a taxa de renovação dos tecidos, retardando o envelhecimento, além de diminuir as taxas de gordura, melhorar a circulação sangüínea, o condicionamento cárdio respiratório e fortalecer a estrutura óssea e muscular, gerando bem-estar e qualidade de Vida.
A Academia Zen disponibiliza aos seus alunos diversificadas atividades com profissionais preparados visando proporcionar segurança em todas as modalidades do espaço. |
Missão: "Promover saúde através das artes marciais e atividades esportivas, proipiciando o bem-estar e qualidade de vida em abiente saudável e seguro com preços justos e acessíveis."
Introdução: Atualmente o homem tornou-se um ser sedentário. Este sedentarismo já é considerado a doença do próximo milênio, decorrente dos hábitos, ou conforto da vida moderna.
A prática de algumas artes marciais ou musculação que podem ser úteis tanto como meios de defesa como para o bem da mente e do corpo, resgatando a auto-confiança do individuo, consequentemente levando-o ao relaxamento e ao preparo psíquico-motor.
"Através do caminho do corpo, chegamos à nossa mente e a nossa saúde mental. Um corpo sólido e saudável vai proporcionar uma mente saudável, sólida e equilibrada".
Nós da WadoKan acreditamos que esse tipo de comportamento traduz uma vida melhor e mais sadia para todos que fazem exercício físico.
Welcome to Studio G Pilates, where you can experience the best Pilates has to offer. Studio G strives to provide members with the ultimate in equipment, environment, and service.
Somerset Pool & Fitness Club offer personal training, aqua aerobics, cardiovascular & weight lifting equipment, 70-foot lap pool, swimming classes, Rock Climbing & Cross trainers.
As the most innovative health club brand in the United States, Planet Fitness is known for a lot of things – absurdly low prices, Lunk™ Alarm, and most of all perhaps, for our Judgement Free Zone® philosophy, which means members can relax, get in shape, and have fun without being subjected to the hard-core, look-at-me attitude that exists in too many gyms.
Offering a distinctive and rewarding fitness club experience. Serving your fitness needs by offering exceptional staff, state-of-the-art equipment and programs, and an inviting and refreshing environment.
Opened in 1974 and using the old Wildwood Acme building at home. With over 17,00 square feet of work-out space and a private Aerobic Studio, it offers over 125 pieces of work-out equipment. Many of the top body builder's called Atilis Gym home in the 70's and 80's. Atilis Gym was featured in several National books and desplayed in magazines. Original owners Mike and Brian sold the gym to the current owner Chris Lambert in 1996.
Fitness Clubs come in a variety of styles and sizes. But, like a pair of shoes, you need to look for the style, comfort and style that fits your own personality. Body & Soul's goal is to fit your body and comfort your goal, catering to people who truly care about their own physical & mental health.
Uma academia que proporciona a todas as pessoas, mais qualidade de vida, através de atividades aquáticas e de solo com excelência, adequadas às necessidades de cada aluno. Para esta busca de resultados, contamos com uma equipe multidisciplinar, para o melhor diagnóstico e direcionamento.
Na Saga, crianças, jovens , adultos, pessoas da melhor idade, pessoas com deficiência, tem a oportunidade de desenvolver o seu melhor potencial. Presente no bairro do Campo Belo desde 1982, a Saga é reconhecida como divulgadora de informações sobre saúde e bem estar. |
A fit4 é uma rede especializada em equipamentos de ginástica. Possui a revenda exclusiva das melhores marcas de equipamentos de fitness do mundo, o que garante a excepcional qualidade dos produtos.
A franquia fit4 atua em 3 segmentos de mercado. Residencial: equipamentos e acessórios destinados a suprir as necessidades de pessoas que buscam exercitar-se no conforto de suas residências. Corporativo: equipamentos e acessórios destinados ao uso coletivo em condomínios, clínicas, spas, empresas e hotéis. academias: equipamentos e acessórios para academias de ginástica. |
Um lugar descontraído, em que a saúde e o bom desempenho dos alunos são tratados com a devida seriedade. A academia dispõe de professores especializados e experientes. São profissionais preparados buscando a melhor maneira de compartilhar as técnicas recomendáveis e necessárias para promover a saúde física e o bem estar dos alunos. http://www.shoppingdocorpo.com.br/