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Mestre Luiz Alves, em 1984 juntou-se a um amigo, professor de taekwondo no Grajaú e fundou a Academia Boxe Thai no mesmo endereço. A academia tornou-se uma referência nacional no mundo das lutas, pois praticamente todos os atletas que precisam afiar sua “trocação” procuram o Mestre Luiz Alves, que por sua vez os integrava à Academia Boxe Thai. Hoje a equipe, conta com vários atletas formados em MUAY THAY por Mestre Luiz Alves, alguns com suas próprias academias, outros ministrando aulas na própria Boxe Thai. A Academia conta com material de treino profissional, sacos de areia de vários tamanhos e pesos, um ringue oficial, uma área para a prática de Submission e Jiu jitsu, treinos diários de todas as modalidades.
D-Dojo is an officially recognized branch of Shotokan Karate-do International Federation, the most reputable and recognized karate organization in the world, which allows members to get
internationally certified and to be recognized by thousands of dojos
throughout the entire globe. D-Dojo has been established
by the former World and National Karate Champion Igor Dyachenko 4th Dan.
A Academia Bio Fitness abriu suas portas em janeiro de 2003 e desde o início de suas atividades destacou-se por oferecer a seus clientes uma estrutura moderna, profissionais qualificados e atenção no atendimento aos alunos, primando sempre pela saúde e bem estar dos mesmos. O que fez com que muitos além de clientes se tornassem amigos da academia, participando de todas as atividades promovidas pela Bio Fitness e ainda colaborando com a realização das mesmas.
Nestes dois anos de funcionamento, já passaram pela academia mais de 1700 alunos, o que nos deixa muito orgulhosos e felizes por saber que as pessoas estão apreciando e reconhecendo o trabalho desenvolvido por nossos colaboradores, que estão sempre a disposição para atender e ajudar os alunos na realização de suas atividades físicas.
Estamos esperando você de portas abertas para que venha conhecer e malhar em uma das umas das melhores academias de Porto Alegre.
Five Points Academy is a unique facility located in downtown New York City, on the border of Chinatown and Soho. We take our name from the historic and infamous neighborhood known as The Five Points, which was located just a few blocks away from our landmark building.
Five Points Academy is an independent, member-oriented semi-private club staffed with professional, experienced personal trainers, who recognize members by name. Fully equipped gym, yoga classes, state of the art cardio area, on site massage therapy, dedicated staff, amenities such as laundry service make Five Points Fitness the type of place that makes one actually look forward to training. |
Dedicated to providing our students with the highest quality facility and experience possible. Various age specific programs are designed to help students maximize their potential and reach their individual goals. Whether it is to increase your own level of fitness or self-defense, or help your child better focus in school, develop self-confidence, or increase their level of fitness Costanzo's Martial Arts can help.
Programs are affordable and all inclusive so you never have to worry about hidden costs and fees such as test fees, class material fees, or association dues. Schedule of classes is accommodating, and most importantly the staff is committed to your success! |
New York's other Luxury Fitness Club. Over 100 Exercise Stations,
10,000 LBS. of Weights,
Ellipticals by Precor,
Group Exercise Classes,
Luxuy Locker-rooms,
Juice Bar,
Cardio Theater,
Personal Training,
Kick Boxing,
Tai Chi,
Free Towels.
k2 boxing club is well known for our established boxing program. we have many champions from different competitions such as the metro state and golden gloves. we are always looking for serious fighters to join our family.
A Champions Factory é liderada pelo Mestre Artur Mariano, invicto no Muay-Thai desde 1985. Hoje é representada por campeões em todo o mundo. A Champions Factory tem a metodologia de ensino, totalmente diferenciada dos padrões existentes. A programação de treinamento é toda baseada em técnicas holandesas, tailandesas e cubanas. Dentro desse contexto, tecnicamente, a Champions Factory está entre as melhores do mundo.
Mestre Artur Mariano é formado como Mestre de Muay Thai, Professor de Boxe, Professor de Jiu Jitsu e Professor de MMA. Filiais RJ: Itanhangá Center - Barra da Tijuca Clube Six Gym - Tijuca |
Providing quality martial arts instruction to each and every student. Gotham Taekwon-Do places a strong emphasis on improving mind and body. Learning and self-discipline are very important. Anyone who has the desire to become a good martial artist and a better individual is welcome.
Regulation Size Ring, professional trainers & coaches, heavy-bags, speed-bags, bikes, treadmills, elipticals, free-weights, lockers, showers.
Masters Program - Training for Golden Gloves, Metro Games, Ringside, Professional, Management and Promotion. |
Unlike other gyms Church Street is the only gym in the area that has a coaching staff completely comprised of competitive (or formally competitive) athletes who have the experience and "know how" to ensure that you will benefit from working with the best.
Whether you are a complete novice or a professional fighter the Church Street Boxing Gym has a program, the expertise and facilites to help you attain your goals. |
A academia de jiu jitsu mais tradicional do mundo se sagrou penta campeã Internacional de Másteres e Seniores, com um numero de pontos superior a soma das academias concorrentes. Aos atletas que levaram nossa bandeira ao topo mais uma vez, nosso mestres Rolker e Royler Gracie agradecem mais uma vez a garra e a determinação de todos.
A Long Island staple since 1986, Ultimate Gym has provided the essentials you need to get the body you want! Known for its blue collar atmosphere and hard-core training, Ultimate Gym has seen fitness and diet fads of the past twenty years come and go, maintaining the philosophy that old-fashioned hard work still gets the best results! With outstanding hours to fit any schedule, over 200 pieces of free weights and machines, and a newly expanded cardio area, you'll have everything you need to get in shape.
A Registered Metro club located in Ridgewood NY. Founded by Boxing Master Ray Cuadrado, the NY Boxing staff is dedicated to teaching fundamentals, proper technique, and extreme conditioning routines.
With a proud history of champion fighters, Brotherhood offers specialized training that includes olympic style boxing, extreme conditioning, tournament training, as well as pro training camps. |
Valente Brothers is the official representation of Grandmaster Hélio Gracie in Florida. Professors Pedro, Gui and Joaquim Valente started training directly under the Grandmaster at the age of 2 years old and were his loyal disciples and protégés until he passed away in January of 2009. Fully committed to preserving Hélio Gracie’s vision, teaching method, and ideals both on and off the mat.
"Our school teaches a hybrid curriculum utilizing aspects of many systems to provide our students with the both an interesting and effective system. The bulk of our instruction Kids Classesis Jujitsu, a system that is well rounded and provides very effective techniques to protect yourself.
Regardless of your size or strength you can protect yourself and others with confidence and ease. Many other arts are then blended in based upon their various strengths. For example, Tae Kwon Do is known for its excellent kicking skills and is used as the basis for our kicks." |
Capoeira Angola, an ancient martial art of African origin, is one of the many cultural weapons used to break the chains of enslavement in Brazil. Played close to the ground, Capoeira Angola combines fluid, dance-like movements with kicks, head butts, tripping sweeps and the appearance of playfulness or vulnerability. Music is played on traditional instruments to accompany the players, to teach the rhythmic heart of the art, and also to mask its power. In the eyes of the enslavers it appeared to be a joking and playful acrobatic dance, but eventually its power was realized and Capoeira was outlawed. Death was the penalty paid by those caught playing Capoeira during the slavery era. For almost 400 years Capoeira Angola was taught and practiced in secret, and only in the 1930's did this African martial art become legal to teach and practice.
Omni Martial Arts offers classes in an eclectic style of self defense for children and adults.
The OMNI ADULTS program makes getting in shape fun and exciting. The curriculum focuses on grappling, striking and no-nonsense self defense techniques from Jiu Jitsu, Judo, kickboxing and Israeli martial arts while emphasizing physical fitness through cardiovascular and resistance exercises. There is no belt system or gi worn, but adults will work their way from novice to intermediate, advanced, and finally expert level, each denoted by a different color t-shirt. OMNI KIDS was developed with assistance from a licensed children's therapist and emphasizes discipline, respect and self control while focusing on Judo and kickboxing techniques. Children will learn how to fall, roll, throw, punch, kick and grapple in a safe, nurturing environment. Kids wear a judo gi (traditional uniform) and will earn colored belts to help measure progress and encourage them to be their best. |
Come take an experimental class at Victor Huber Jiu Jitsu!
Louis Neglia Martial Arts Academy, teaching the finest in Karate. Kickboxing and Ju Jitsu in the same location for over 25 years.
There is over 4000 square feet and three floors of space with all the equipment you will ever need in order to meet your goal of becoming the best that you can be. Facilities include five hanging heavybags, without which you can't perfect your punches and kicks. The bags also build and tone muscles as well as condition your heart and lungs-a must for any serious martial artist. Wight training, a boxing ring, mats for Jiu Jitsu train-ing, gloves, headgear, and all safety equipment necessary to develop the important three ranges of distance fighting (hand range, kicking range, and self-defense grappling range) which is essential to develop one's complete martial arts skills. |
Kokushi Budo Institute of New York, Inc. - Professor Nobuyoshi Higashi, B.A., M.A.
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. T. Alan rmstrong
A typical Karate class normally lasts about one hour up to juniors and one and half hour for adults. A class always begins in respect and ends in respect. To start the class, Shihan and his Senseis line up the student according to rank. Shihan than takes the seiza position, a kneeling position. Everyone in the class follows. After a few bows, Shihan orders the mokuso, a short medition. Only after this routine does the training begin
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
Kioto Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is owned & operated by Grand Master Francisco Mansor, who has dedicated 46 years of his life to the practice, study and teaching of Jiu-Jitsu. He is the founder and owner of "Academia Kioto de Jiu-Jitsu," one ofadmin the most traditional and successful Jiu-Jitsu schools in Rio de Janeiro, "Brasil." He is very proud to be one of the six men outside of the Gracie family to be granted a professor's diploma by Grand Master Helio Gracie.
A Academia Gala é uma empresa voltada à área de fitness, saúde e bem estar.
Tem como suas principais atividades aulas de ginástica (diversas modalidades – ver grade de horários), danças, yoga, pilates, lutas e musculação, além de oferecer serviços de massagem, nutricionista, shiatsu, e uma série de convênios, proporcionando aos seus alunos conforto e praticidade.
Localizada na Rua Dr. João Simplício Alves de Carvalho, 551, Bairro Jardim Ipiranga, Porto Alegre/RS, conta com 1000 m2, equipamentos profissionais, salas com ar condicionado e uma equipe de professores formados, periodicamente treinados, e credenciados ao CREF – Conselho Regional de Educação Física.
Venha fazer parte do nosso quadro de alunos e descobrir as inúmeras vantagens que a GALA possui há mais de 17 anos!
A Luta nasceu em cada lugar onde o homem apareceu. E junto com ele se desenvolveu. Ela nasce “livre” como diz o próprio nome sem adereços ou complementos, em consonância com a própria natureza. O homem sempre lutou, e continuará lutando até o fim dos séculos.
”A Luta Livre nestes últimos 10 anos cresceu em técnica, reduzindo o impacto da força e condicionamento físico, conseqüentemente aumentando o seu refinamento, exatamente no sentido contrário do que aconteceu com outras modalidades, especialmente praticada com kimono.” o Brasil se tornou uma força na Luta Mundial, embora até hoje sem a organização que se faria necessário. Japão e Estados Unidos, caminharam juntos também, sem entretanto atingir o nível do Brasil. Um dos fatores que mais alavancaram a Luta, foi o ressurgimento do “Vale Tudo” (“No Holds Barred” ou “Mixed Martial Arts”) com diversos eventos importantes no Brasil, Estados Unidos e Japão. |
Na manhã de 11 de março de 1972 realizava-se a primeira reunião oficial pró-fundação da entidade Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro.
Formalmente a Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro é uma entidade, pessoa jurídica de direito privado, sem fins econômicos, constituída pela união de número ilimitado de pessoas físicas ou jurídicas, sem distinção de nacionalidade, religião ou raça, que apóiem os propósitos sociais, e regido por Estatuto próprio de 7 de dezembro de 2003 e pela legislação em vigor. A associação funciona em sede própria, no desenvolvimento da cultura física e atividades esportivas. Promovemos atividades educativas, culturais, beneficentes e sociais e de intercâmbio cultural entre povos do Brasil e outros países. |
O Grupo Capoeira Brasil, criado em 1989, foi fundado pelo Mestre Boneco (Beto Simas), Mestre Paulão e Mestre Paulinho Sabiá. Desde sua fundação, o Grupo Capoeira Brasil vem crescendo tanto em quantidade como em qualidade. A organização Capoeira Brasil já alcança quase a totalidade dos estados brasileiros e encontra-se presente em mais de 15 países nos cinco continentes. Ao mesmo tempo, o Grupo Capoeira Brasil tem uma preocupação fundamental com o corpo de educadores, pois tem a consciência do quanto é importante um bom educador na formação da criança e do adolescente. Dispõe de 10 Mestres, dezenas de Contra-Mestres e centenas de professores e instrutores. Onde praticar no Rio de Janeiro: Academia Estilo Saúde e Academia Rio Swim, ambas em Jacarepaguá