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Northeast Academy of Martial Arts provides superior instruction in the martial arts in New Jersey.
Karate has become a popular form of self-defense and the workout of preference for many health-minded individuals. The recent proliferation of schools across the country has been staggering, the sheer numbers make it difficult for a prospective student to choose the school that suits his or her needs. Gene Dunn's Shotokan Karate Dojo is unique in many ways, and this section is designed to set those unique qualities forth in order to aid you in deciding if this school is right for you.
For real results Normandy Gym offers expert one-on-one personal training that will help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Normandy's trainers have a wide range of experience with all ages including men, women, children, and seniors, using a wide variety of the latest exercise techniques to specifically target your problem areas. Normandy Gym can help you reduce weight; tone and strengthen muscle; improve nutrition and health; reduce stress; and ENJOY your exercise routine!
For Best Results: -Students must arrive 10 minutes before class -Never disturb or interrupt class -Consult the instructor when your attendance, techniques, and attitude are deemed commensurate with the next level.
Sucgang Karate envisions well-enhanced communities by helping people get in shape, be safe and at the same time instill the life skills and character of a true martial artist. Upholding important values like courtesy, patience, respect, self-control and integrity. We will also help our students to achieve self-discipline, high self-esteem, a positive outlook, a spirit of constant improvement, and an attitude that refuses to give up. These values and life skills will lead to remarkable improvements in academics, careers, and relationships, literally making a better community one black belt at a time. The use of force is condoned only in self-defense or in the defense of those who are defenseless. http://sucgangkarate.org
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
World Martial Arts Jax has been Jacksonville’s most cutting edge martial arts school for over a decade. WMA is also the Southeast Headquarters for Erik Paulson’s Combat Submission Wrestling.
Aikido of Jacksonville teaches the Japanese martial art of aikido which is often referred to it as "Shinzui Aikido", essentially meaning "Quintessential Aikido" or "True Essence Aikido".
The World Martial Arts Center in New York City - Union Square and Brooklyn. We specialize in kickboxing, modern self defense, korean karate, Mixed Martial Arts (mma), and martial arts for children.
"A special place dedicated to fitness, family and education. The emphasis of our training is based on setting and attaining goals, and reaching your maximum potential. Grandmaster Kim emphasizes the importance of internal change as well as external changes to the body from physical training.
Thinking positively, avoiding negative thinking and speech, doing good deeds everyday, drinking green tea, beginning each day with meditation. By practicing these things daily, we can keep our bodies, minds and spirits in good health and harmony." |
Zaragoza Boxing is a place where everybody takes their job seriously mainly amateurs and professionals that compete in tournaments as a golden glove and prize fights. This is a classic gym where everybody feels comfortable. We have a big ring, heavybags, speedbags, no machines. We offer a full service of sport massages.
This is the last Kickboxing workout you will ever need! Shirley Kickboxing is great for fitness, self defense, cardio fitness and muscle toning. No other workout burns more fat, more calories or builds and tones muscle as well. It's truly the best fat burning exercise.
If you live in Shirley, Mastic, Mastic Beach, Yaphank, Ridge, Manorville, Moriches, Center Moriches, East Moriches or Suffolk County then you are close enough to come train with us! |
Com uma estrutura completa e bem organizada, orientada por profissionais especializados em diversas modalidades de treinamento, a 3 Figueiras Fitness Club jamais perdeu sua característica acolhedora. É o local perfeito para você se conhecer e ainda fazer grandes amizades, em um clima tranqüilo e longe da agitação dos grandes complexos de fitness. Com objetivos voltados para o atendimento individual das necessidades do aluno, a 3 Figueiras Fitness Club tem um cuidado todo especial ao promover a melhoria de sua estética e saúde.
Why New Generation Karate? Imagine there were a physical activity, that you liked doing, that you could still do and get better at as you got older, that would give you energy, confidence, and focus, that you could do a couple times a week, that would get you off the couch, out of the house. Would you do it?
Hamilton Martial Arts invites you to tour their website and to become acquainted with what the school has to offer. You are also encouraged to visit their facility in Hamilton Square, NJ, and observe or participate in a wide variety of programs and classes. Hamilton Martial Arts teaches adult and children’s classes and specializes in many different training styles in our 3000 square-foot, fully equipped facility.
Aikido of Champlain Valley is a 501(c)(3) federal non-profit educational institution committed to teaching traditional Aikido in Vermont by providing safe, focused and enjoyable training. Aikido of Champlain Valley schedules weekend seminars in Aikido and Iaido with guest instructors from around the world. We also offer classes in zazen (Zen meditation), Iaido (sword arts) and Aiki-weapons (sword and staff). An intensive training program is also available for qualifying students.
For centuries millions of people have benefited from the teachings of the martial arts — techniques of self-defense created in the Orient. The martial arts do not advocate the use of weapons. Instead, they strengthen the mind and body through self-discipline, fitness and awareness. The Mormando Martial Arts System teaches the fundamentals of the martial arts by combining the time-tested Eastern philosophy with the modern approach of Western teaching methods.
CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical teams, firemen, military special operations units, champion martial artists and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. However, it is designed for universal adaptability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of age, gender or ability.
Through 35 years of teaching experience, Darwin Haynes has developed a well rounded, traditional martial arts program that is rooted in Tang Soo Do, but includes techniques and theories gathered from many different styles of Martial arts. These include Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Muy Thai, and modern Law Enforcement and Military concepts. We believe that any style may have something useful to offer, and because we do not limit ourselves to one small minded curriculum our style is constantly evolving and becoming even more complete.
Professional, courteous, and always willing to help you.
Taekwondo, Karate, Aikido, Tai Chi and Jiu Jitsu. Training for the betterment of the individual.
Aulas de: Aikido, Flexionamento, Jiu-Jitsu, Karatê, Hung-Fu, Ninjutsu, Thai Boxing
A Associação TKDRIO de Taekwondo, ou simplesmente, TKDRIO como é comumente conhecida, surgiu pela iniciativa de um grupo de faixas pretas que preocupados com o desenvolvimento da arte marcial Taekwondo, resolveram juntar esforços para melhor compreenderem e se aprimorarem dentro desta arte marcial coreana, bem como, propiciar a todos direta ou indiretamente a eles vinculados à mesma oportunidade de crescimento.
A proposta da TKDRIO está voltada a atender as necessidades de seus três “pilares fundamentais”: alunos – atletas – professores.
Consagrado na formação de atletas campeões de judô, Leonardo Lara, faixa preta 5° DAN e criador do Judô Clube que leva o seu nome, fez constar em seu currículo graduação pelo Curso de Educação e Treinamento pela Federação Internacionao de Judô.
Aulas com boa freqüência para crianças de 3 a 5 anos, judô infantil para crianças de 6 a 10 anos, estimulando a disciplina e a auto confiança. Judô feminino com excelente procura. Endereços: Sede Rua Alfredo Pinto, 4-B - Tijuca Núcleo 1 Academia Pro Trainer - Tijuca Núcleo 2 Colégio Batista - Tijuca Núcleo 3 Colégio Braga Carneiro Tijuca Núcleo 4 Academia KDM Vila Isabel |
O Rio-Aikido Dojo tem sua sede no Rio de Janeiro, dentro do condomínio Novo Leblon na Barra da Tijuca. Tem como objetivo colocar em prática os princípios do Ki-Aikido como são ensinados pelo Sensei Kenjiro Yoshigasaki. A prática do Aikido está intimamente ligada ao entendimento e ao uso da percepção da mente/corpo. É parte integral de nossas aulas, o treino de unificação mente e corpo.
O Instituto Maruyama tem por objetivo a divulgação do Aikido de acordo com técnicas e orientações da Fundação Aikikai do Japão (Hombu Dojo) liderada pelo atual Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba, para a melhoria da saúde, recursos para preservação da integridade individual e melhoria da qualidade de vida.
No Brasil o Instituto faz parte da Confederação Brasileira de Aikido, Brazil Aikikai, fortalecendo o seu propósito em se comprometer a manter um padrão de nível internacional em suas Unidades, bem como propiciar a seus alunos a participação ativa nos Seminário promovidos no território nacional. Para acessar o site http//aikido.dojo-guanumbi.com.br/ será necessário contatar a secretaria do Instituto para obtenção da senha. |
O Judô no Brasil foi introduzido no inicio do Século XX pelos primeiro imigrantes japoneses que vieram trabalhar na lavoura do café em fazendas localizadas nos estados de São Paulo e Paraná. O Brasil teve dois grandes mestres desse esporte que lamentavelmente passaram despercebidos diante de nosso público devido a empresa especializada dar valor apenas ao Futebol. Foram eles Ryuzo Ogawa e Sensei Ono.
Modalidades: bike indoor/spinning, musculação, ginástica, natação/hidroginástica, pilates, squash.
A Luta nasceu em cada lugar onde o homem apareceu. E junto com ele se desenvolveu. Ela nasce “livre” como diz o próprio nome sem adereços ou complementos, em consonância com a própria natureza. O homem sempre lutou, e continuará lutando até o fim dos séculos.
”A Luta Livre nestes últimos 10 anos cresceu em técnica, reduzindo o impacto da força e condicionamento físico, conseqüentemente aumentando o seu refinamento, exatamente no sentido contrário do que aconteceu com outras modalidades, especialmente praticada com kimono.” o Brasil se tornou uma força na Luta Mundial, embora até hoje sem a organização que se faria necessário. Japão e Estados Unidos, caminharam juntos também, sem entretanto atingir o nível do Brasil. Um dos fatores que mais alavancaram a Luta, foi o ressurgimento do “Vale Tudo” (“No Holds Barred” ou “Mixed Martial Arts”) com diversos eventos importantes no Brasil, Estados Unidos e Japão. |