World Martial arts

    Instituto Maruyama de Aikido, South America

  Estrada do Guanumbi, 501 - Freguesia - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Instituto Maruyama tem por objetivo a divulgação do Aikido de acordo com técnicas e orientações da Fundação Aikikai do Japão (Hombu Dojo) liderada pelo atual Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba, para a melhoria da saúde, recursos para preservação da integridade individual e melhoria da qualidade de vida.
No Brasil o Instituto faz parte da Confederação Brasileira de Aikido, Brazil Aikikai, fortalecendo o seu propósito em se comprometer a manter um padrão de nível internacional em suas Unidades, bem como propiciar a seus alunos a participação ativa nos Seminário promovidos no território nacional.
Para acessar o site http// será necessário contatar a secretaria do Instituto para obtenção da senha.
    Nintai Ryu Aikijutsu Buraziru, South America
   - Santa Cruz - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Instituto Cultura Brasil Japão de Aikijutsu ButokukaI,foi fundado em 04 de dezembro de 1999, no bairro de Santa Cruz no Rio de Janeiro , pelo sensei Nilson José Bispo de Souza e Dr. Carlos Antonio Fernandes do Couto, advogado especialista em desporto, endossado pela sua real alteza Higashi Fujimi Jiai sendo Adashi do Daí Nippon Butokukai , em Kyoto no Japão e o presidente internacional Hiroyuki Tensshin Hamada 9 º Dan. Foi a primeira instituição desta modalidade no Brasil com o sério propósito de divulgar o Aikijujutsu e suas escolas e confraternizar com outras organizações.
    Tessa Gordon's Pure Energy, North America
  548-550 Union Street (near 3rd Ave.) - Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY           
Tessa Gordon,Chief Instructor Originally from Toronto, Canada, Tessa Gordon holds a 5th degree black belt in the Korean art of Tae Kwon Do. Gordon was a member of the 1988 Canadian Olympic Team, nine-time Canadian National Champion, World Championship Medalist and Pan American Champion. Today, Gordon has been practicing Tae Kwon Do for over 35 years. As a young child, Gordon began training in basic kicking and punching techniques at home. As her progress and enjoyment of the art became evident, her parents enrolled her in the Jong Park Institute of Tae Kwon Do. She found the discipline required for traditional training incredibly demanding both emotionally and physically. Yet with the encouragement of her parents, she continued to train.
    Academia Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, South America
  Rua Humaitá, 52 - Humaitá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A academia de jiu jitsu mais tradicional do mundo se sagrou penta campeã Internacional de Másteres e Seniores, com um numero de pontos superior a soma das academias concorrentes. Aos atletas que levaram nossa bandeira ao topo mais uma vez, nosso mestres Rolker e Royler Gracie agradecem mais uma vez a garra e a determinação de todos.
    Iron Eagle Hapkido, North America
  26 Lakeside Ave. (Rear) - Pompton Lakes, NJ           
Iron Eagle offers the finest instruction Hapkido, the Korean martial art of self-defense. It is based upon three principles: Harmony (Hwa), Circle (Won), and Dynamic (Lyu). Iron Eagle Hapkido offers family discounts, and visitors are always welcome.
    Academia Mehdi Judô, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 411 sl.201 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Professor Georges K. Mehdi, começou a praticar judô aos nove anos de idade na França, onde nasceu, e depois percorreu o mundo buscando aperfeiçoar sua invejável técnica. Há mais de 40 anos em sua Academia em Ipanema, com a filosofia voltada para o respeito e disciplina, vem formando atletas e vários campeões, tanto no Brasil como no exterior. Considerado nos EUA, um dos melhores judocas do mundo, é convidado anualmente para ministrar cursos para professores e atletas.
    Escola de Artes Marciais Hodory, South America
  Rua Raul Travassos, 188 - Piratininga - Niterói, RJ             
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O Hodory iniciou suas atividades como uma "escolinha" implantada numa das salas de um Colégio em Piratininga - Niterói - RJ, em 8 junho 1998, com a finalidade de oferecer a arte marcial através de uma proposta totalmente diferenciada da que já existia no mercado. O nome Hodory foi inspirado numa personagem da cultura coreana, muito presente nas lendas locais. Ho (é oriundo da palavra Horangi, tigre em coreano) e Dory (diminutivo masculino coreano). Portanto Hodory significa Pequeno Tigre.
    Academia Nikon Karate Kyokai, South America
  Rua Félix da Cunha, 65 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O surgimento da academia NKK na cidade do Rio de Janeiro está intrinsecamente ligado à vinda do Shihan Sadamu Uriu para esta cidade. Formado em economia, mas especialista na área de Artes Marciais, desenvolveu o Karate estilo Shotokan no Brasil.
Em meados de 76, sensei Uriu, estabeleceu-se na Tijuca, na Rua Félix da Cunha, 65, até os dias atuais, sendo que a academia passara a denominar-se NKK, em virtude do estreito relacionamento do sensei Uriu com os mestres da então Nihon Karate Kyokai (sensei Nakayama fora seu professor na Universidade Takudai, de onde saíram os maiores e melhores Karatecas do Mundo).
A NKK se tornou uma referência para todos os que praticam Karate no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil e conserva a aparência e o espírito dos Dojos japoneses tradicionais. Lá é a segunda casa de Mestre Uriu, que está sempre aberta a todos que se interessam pelo Karate
    Academia Tatá Fight Team, South America
  Av. Canal de Marapendi, 3007 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
A Academia Tatá Fight Team funciona nas instalações do Clube Oásis em parceria com a Academia Barra Gym, com estrutura adequada composta de tatame de 70 m2, ringue de boxe de 5 m x 5 m. e jaula de 30 m2.
A Academia Tatá Fight Team, foi fundada pelo professor Otávio “Tatá” Duarte, há cerca de 15 anos. Sua sede principal fica na Barra da Tijuca. As atividades oferecidas são: Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Boxe, Judô, Submission e MMA.
Otávio " Tatá " Duarte, faixa preta 3° grau formado pelo grande mestre Jorge Pereira Pinto, começou a treinar há 18 anos. Tem em seu currículo vários títulos, dentre eles, sete campeonatos brasileiros, cinco terceiros lugares em mundiais, quatro campeonatos pan-americanos, além de duas participações no Abbu-Dabhi.
    Akxe Jiu-Jitsu Brasil, South America
  Av. Prefeito Dulcídio Cardoso, 2900 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Localizada em um dos pontos mais nobres da Barra da Tijuca, a Akxe Jiu-Jitsu Brasil oferece bem mais que infra-estrutura de altíssimo nível. O espaço dos treinos conta com mais de 300 metros quadrados de tatames instalados no campus da Estácio de Sá e ao lado da academia Akxe. Sem precisar ir muito longe, o aluno de jiu-jitsu pode malhar com equipamento moderno, nadar em uma piscina de 25 metros, curtir uma sauna e estudar em uma das universidades mais conhecidas do Rio de Janeiro.
    Boom Fitness, North America
  1438 3rd Avenue - Upper West Side - New York, NY
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New York's other Luxury Fitness Club. Over 100 Exercise Stations, 10,000 LBS. of Weights, Ellipticals by Precor, Treadmills, Lifecycles, Group Exercise Classes, Spinning, Yoga, Pilates, Luxuy Locker-rooms, Juice Bar, Cardio Theater, Personal Training, Kick Boxing, Tai Chi, Free Towels.
    Original Taekwon-Do, North America
  505 Ovington Avenue - Brooklyn, NY           
Master Vincent A. Affatigato is a 7th degree black belt with 30 years of martial arts experience. He is a Certified International Instructor with the International Taekwon-do Federation, has been teaching as a head instructor for 20 years, and has been an officer of the United States Taekwon-do Federation since 1996.
    Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu, North America
  1008 Grand Blvd - Deer Park, NY           
Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu has been offering instruction and training in Ju-Jitsu since 1994. Located in Selden, NY, Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu has produced champions in life as well as in the martial arts.
Headed by Phil Theodorou (5th degree black belt/Master) and a staff of expert instructors, Theodorou Academy Jiu-Jitsu offers a number of programs for physical fitness and instruction in Ju-Jitsu.
    Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts, North America
  290 Larkin Dr. Ste. 102 - Monroe, NY             
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"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
    Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, North America
  38-46 Bell Boulevard - Bayside - Bayside, NY             
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Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
The adult program is designed to help one achieve self-confidence through physical conditioning and mastering the art of self-defense. Striving to train as many adults as possible to be physically fit and relieved of everyday stress and adept in practical martial arts skill, which will assist them in becoming more confident and successful in every aspect of their lives.
    Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts, North America
  222 E. Main Street - Mount Kisco, NY             
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At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
    Thump Fight Gym, North America
  8100 SW 81st Drive - Miami, FL           
Thump Fight Gym, formerly known as Thump Boxing gym, was born out of passion. Boxing has been part of the lifeblood of American culture for over a hundred years, and has recently become increasingly popular with Hollywood movies and reality shows portraying the toughness and the passion that is synonymous with boxing, and more recently Mixed Martial Arts as well with the growing popularity of Ultimate Fighting Championships. As America and the rest of the world gather around to watch individuals in the ring pour out heart and sweat for their dreams, you realize that your own dreams of losing weight and accomplishing undeniable better health are also being shown.
    Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts, North America
  428 Nanuet Mall South - Nanuet, NY             
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"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life. "
    Toshindo Karate and Fitness Center, North America
  196 Maple Ave  - White Plains, NY           
A typical Karate class normally lasts about one hour up to juniors and one and half hour for adults. A class always begins in respect and ends in respect. To start the class, Shihan and his Senseis line up the student according to rank. Shihan than takes the seiza position, a kneeling position. Everyone in the class follows. After a few bows, Shihan orders the mokuso, a short medition. Only after this routine does the training begin
    Brotherhood Boxing Club, North America
  333 St. Nicholas Avenue - Ridgewood - Ridgewood, NY           
A Registered Metro club located in Ridgewood NY.  Founded by Boxing Master Ray Cuadrado, the NY Boxing staff is dedicated to teaching fundamentals, proper technique, and extreme conditioning routines.
With a proud history of champion fighters, Brotherhood offers specialized training that includes olympic style boxing, extreme conditioning, tournament training, as well as pro training camps.
    Baxter Karate Dojo, North America
  156 Mount Vernon Ave. - Mount Vernon, NY           
Karate, the weaponless techniques of fighting and self-defense had its early beginnings in Okinawa. Okinawa being the main land of the Ryuku Islands chain, stretching from Japan to Taiwan, (about 300 miles from mainland Japan). There is evidence of Karate recorded in Okinawan history dating back more than 1000 years. However, the ancient history of Karate in different locations such as Naha, Tomari and Shuri later led to the different styles. Our style of Karate, Shima Ha Shorin Ryu, was developed from the ancient Tomari-Te and Shuri-Te. Goju-Ryu evolved from what was known as Naha-Te, the founder being Chojin Miyagi.
    Brasa Clube de Jiu Jitsu, South America
  Praça Santos Dumont, 62-A - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Nascido no Rio de Janeiro, Muzio De Angelis começou a treinar Jiu-Jitsu aos 5 anos, por iniciativa de seu pai Pierino De Angelis, faixa preta formado pelo mestre João Alberto Barreto. Foi aluno do Mestre Sylvio Bhering e Roberto Traven. Foi campeão diversas vezes em todas as faixas e em agosto de 2005 alcançou um de seus maiores objetivos, o de chegar às 100 medalhas, tornando-se um dos maiores competidores com mais títulos no Jiu-Jitsu. Atualmente se dedica a desenvolver sua equipe, na Academia Gávea Gym, onde é o Coordenador de Artes Marciais.
    United Fighting Arts Institute, North America
  1891 Williston Road, Suite #3 - South Burlington, VT           
UFAI is the largest multi-style martial arts training facility in Vermont. It boasts very knowledgeable and caring instructors, a youth enrichment center, top of the line training equipment, high speed internet access, electronic attendance tracking and much, much more!
    Us Kenpo Kai, North America
  1890 SW 57th Avenue Suite 106 - Miami, FL           
Professional, courteous, and always willing to help you.
    Vermont Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, North America
  55 Leroy Road, Suite 35 - Williston, VT           
Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, aka VT BJJ, offers outstanding programs dedicated to quality and professionalism. VT BJJ offers traditional, legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction in a friendly and positive environment. All are welcome. There are also programs for men, women and children, as well as seminars and private lessons. Specialized curriculum for police and military training also available. Located conveniently in Williston, part of the greater Burlington area in Chittenden County.
    Vermont Kung Fu Academy, North America
  167 Pearl Street - Essex Junction, VT           
Welcome to the Vermont Kung Fu Academy, one of the most traditional Chinese Martial Arts academies in the United States. The program offered at the Academy incorporates the best of internal and external martial arts, Qi Cultivation and natural healing. The Academy also serves as a bridge crossing a vast ocean, bringing history, traditions and people of diverse cultures together.
    Vermont Taekwon-Do, North America
  401 Patchen Road - South Burlington, VT           
Vermont Taekwon-Do Academy nurtures the positive attitudes and spirits of its students while addressing individual physical challenges. Students are taught to continually strive to uphold the five tenets of Taekwon-Do (courtesy, integrity, perserverence, self control, and indomitable spirit) while they are at the Dojang, as well as during their every day lives. Vermont Taekwon-Do Academy services the student as a whole regardless of age, ability or background.
    Associação Lagoa Azul Capoeira RJ, South America
  Av. Borges de Medeiros - Parque dos Patins - Lagoa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Fundada na década de 90 no Rio, a Associação Lagoa Azul Capoeira tem como fundador João José da Silva, mais conhecido como Mestre João do Pulo. Ao longo de mais de 10 anos, o resultado do crescimento do Grupo possibilitou a expansão de novos núcleos espalhados pelo Rio e exterior.
A Associação tem como objetivo trabalhar com base no aspecto, prático, físico, disciplinar; na saúde física e mental, na vivência da capoeira e na formação do caráter. Trabalha o intelecto e o comportamento de cada indivíduo, despertando nos jovens a auto-estima e resgatando seus valores, a fim de obter, assim, grandes resultados.
O grupo visa a divulgação da nossa cultura, através de vídeos, CDs e palestras em escolas e universidades. Para isso, vem qualificando seus profissionais para a execução de seus trabalhos de cidadania.
Além disso, tem como filosofia, a difusão e a proteção de manifestações culturais brasileiras sempre trazendo uma nova dinâmica à Capoeira, através da formação de novos valores, capazes de transformar uma sociedade através da cultura, esporte e educação.
Por fim, a Associação está, sobretudo, trabalhando para que os jovens sejam bons cidadãos dentro e fora da comunidade onde vivem.
Fonte: Professor Mazinho - Professor de Capoeira pelo Grupo Lagoa Azul.
Locais de aulas do Grupo Lagoa Azul:
Parque dos Patins - Lagoa, Fonte da Saudade - Lagoa, Academia Local Ipanema, Quintal das Belas Artes - Botafogo, Escola Nova - Jardim Botânico, Stella Maris Vidigal, Creche Florescer - Rio Comprido, Praça dos Cavalinhos e Estrada Velha da Tijuca - Tijuca, Academia Ginasticlube e City Gym - Centro, Estúdio Volorarte - Copacabana, Teresópolis e Guapimirim
    Sword Class NYC, North America
  520 8th Ave. (at 36th St.), 16th Floor - Ripley Gier Studios - New York, NY             
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Sword Class NYC was founded in 2009, as a satellite school of the Sung Moo Kwan Kendo Academy, the largest school of its type in the United States. Sword Class NYC is the only school in the United States that offers both eastern and western sword styles side-by-side, encouraging exploration and discourse between the divergent forms. The official name of Sword Class NYC is Sung Do Kwan (in Korean – Seitokan in Japanese), which means ‘Academy of the Sacred Sword.’ Feel free to contact the academy if you have any questions about the school, the sword styles offered, or just want to talk about swords!
    Phoenix Martial Arts, North America
  344 Jericho Turnpike - Long Island - Floral Park, NY           
If you are searching for a new and exciting way to stay fit and learn valuable life enhancing skills, look no further, at Phoenix Martial Arts you will be able to reach your ultimate potential by connecting your mind to your body through the most complete of all Martial Arts disciplines, Jeet Kune Do and other related Arts.
You will be taught the most practical, efficient, highly sophisticated skills which expand your outlook on life. You will also learn philosophy, biomechanics, psychology, culture, history, tradition and human behavior.