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Welcome to Bob Malvagno's School of Self Defense! Grand Master Malvagno is a professional speaker, consultant, seminar leader, educator and entrepreneur. He reaches audiences regarding stress management, self-esteem building and motivation. He has dedicated his life to the martial arts and the enlightenment of others through his system of self defense.
At Robaina’s Mushin Academy of Martial Arts, you’ll learn one of the most complete martial arts systems in the world: Mushin Aikibudo The curriculum consists of the following arts: aikijujutsu, aikido, jujitsu, hapkido and Jiyu Ken Do. It emphasizes practical self defense, physical and mental conditioning with forging of the human spirit. With Kyoshi Robaina’s Aikibudo, a student at any belt level will learn not only various kicks and punches, but defenses against punching, kicking, and grabbing so that in a very short amount of time they will be able to apply what they have learned and begin to be able to defend themselves. We cater to men, women and children in a family atmosphere where the student comes first.
Karate, the weaponless techniques of fighting and self-defense had its early beginnings in Okinawa. Okinawa being the main land of the Ryuku Islands chain, stretching from Japan to Taiwan, (about 300 miles from mainland Japan). There is evidence of Karate recorded in Okinawan history dating back more than 1000 years. However, the ancient history of Karate in different locations such as Naha, Tomari and Shuri later led to the different styles. Our style of Karate, Shima Ha Shorin Ryu, was developed from the ancient Tomari-Te and Shuri-Te. Goju-Ryu evolved from what was known as Naha-Te, the founder being Chojin Miyagi.
Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, aka VT BJJ, offers outstanding programs dedicated to quality and professionalism. VT BJJ offers traditional, legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction in a friendly and positive environment. All are welcome. There are also programs for men, women and children, as well as seminars and private lessons. Specialized curriculum for police and military training also available. Located conveniently in Williston, part of the greater Burlington area in Chittenden County.
A partnership between the client and the trainer, based on trust and mutual interests.
Welcome to American Samurai Ju Jitsu Center, where Shihan Joseph DellaPace Ju-Jitsu & his staff teach Karate, Aikido, Judo, Grappling Kick Boxing, Self-Defense, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Stick & Knife Fighting, Body Toning & Weight loss and Child Safety & Activity Classes.
The Martial Way Self-Defense Center, with locations in Colchester, Milton, and Saint Albans, has been teaching martial arts in the Vermont area since 1988. There are many programs for several styles of martial arts at martial way for students of all ages to find interest in.
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
A Academia de Jiu Jitsu Morada do Sol está localizada no bairro de Botafogo Rio de Janeiro, bem em frente ao Shopping Rio Sul. Dispondo de professores capacitados e praticantes da modalidade por mais de 10 anos, os atuais responsáveis pela orientação dos alunos são o engenheiro de produção Beto, faixa preta exibindo um curriculum invejável, com passagens pelos Estados Unidos e Itália, ministrando aulas e proferindo palestras e seminários.
Professora Adriana, faixa preta experiente já tendo participado de diversos campeonatos a nível internacional, graduada em fisioterapia e com formação em Pilates |
Kioto Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is owned & operated by Grand Master Francisco Mansor, who has dedicated 46 years of his life to the practice, study and teaching of Jiu-Jitsu. He is the founder and owner of "Academia Kioto de Jiu-Jitsu," one ofadmin the most traditional and successful Jiu-Jitsu schools in Rio de Janeiro, "Brasil." He is very proud to be one of the six men outside of the Gracie family to be granted a professor's diploma by Grand Master Helio Gracie.
Warrior Arts opened its doors on May 2008. The school offers quality training in the arts of Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiujitsu and Muay Thai (Thai Boxing). In addition to the above arts, Personal Instruction, Women’s Self-Defense, Law Enforcement and Military Training are also available.
Although the school started in May of 2008, the chief instructor, Lee Peacock, has been involved in martial arts for over 30 years and has been teaching for over 20 years. All the instructors at Warrior Arts are well qualified and dedicated to assist each students’ martial arts and/or fitness goals in safe high-energy workouts. |
Kenshinkai is located right in the heart of Manhattan. Although it is a relatively new dojo, having celebrated its fifth year in 2007, it has many dedicated members who are pursuing both their individual and common goals through the practice of Kendo. If you happen to be in New York, the Kenshinkai team would be glad to welcome you to the dojo anytime.
Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
The adult program is designed to help one achieve self-confidence through physical conditioning and mastering the art of self-defense. Striving to train as many adults as possible to be physically fit and relieved of everyday stress and adept in practical martial arts skill, which will assist them in becoming more confident and successful in every aspect of their lives. |
Providing quality martial arts instruction to each and every student. Gotham Taekwon-Do places a strong emphasis on improving mind and body. Learning and self-discipline are very important. Anyone who has the desire to become a good martial artist and a better individual is welcome.
One of the premier boxing clubs on the East Coast, Mendez boxing trains professionals and amateurs, "white collar" boxers and individuals looking to get and stay in shape. All of our trainers are skilled professional and amateur trainers with over 30 years of fight experience. All clients will 4receive carefully supervised instruction.
In the past, you would mostly find only professional fighters training in a boxing gym; but that landscape has changed dramatically. Nowadays you are likely to also find fitness enthusiasts in a boxing gym, and not only men. Women, more and more, are enjoying the great conditioning benefits that boxing affords them. Children are also welcome to train. |
Founded and developed by SAIKO SHIHAN is a combination of styles such as Shotokan, Kyokushinkai, Tae Kwon Do and many other styles, emphasizing only the better, more practical techniques of each style, incorporated so that "AMERICAN KARATE" proves to be more modern, updated and efficient.
Sifu Henry Moy has dedicated over 50 years to mastering and teaching various styles of Chinese Kung Fu, including Ving Tsun (commonly referred to as "Wing Chun"), Tai Chi, Shaolin Fist and others.
New York's other Luxury Fitness Club. Over 100 Exercise Stations,
10,000 LBS. of Weights,
Ellipticals by Precor,
Group Exercise Classes,
Luxuy Locker-rooms,
Juice Bar,
Cardio Theater,
Personal Training,
Kick Boxing,
Tai Chi,
Free Towels.
Since 1989, East Coast Black Belt Academy/Long Island Budokai has been providing instruction in Karate and the martial arts in the Middle Island, NY area.
Upcoming events, our instructors, programs and much more.
Welcome to the Vermont Kung Fu Academy, one of the most traditional Chinese Martial Arts academies in the United States. The program offered at the Academy incorporates the best of internal and external martial arts, Qi Cultivation and natural healing. The Academy also serves as a bridge crossing a vast ocean, bringing history, traditions and people of diverse cultures together.
The youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Helping to build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
Nascido no Rio de Janeiro, Muzio De Angelis começou a treinar Jiu-Jitsu aos 5 anos, por iniciativa de seu pai Pierino De Angelis, faixa preta formado pelo mestre João Alberto Barreto. Foi aluno do Mestre Sylvio Bhering e Roberto Traven. Foi campeão diversas vezes em todas as faixas e em agosto de 2005 alcançou um de seus maiores objetivos, o de chegar às 100 medalhas, tornando-se um dos maiores competidores com mais títulos no Jiu-Jitsu. Atualmente se dedica a desenvolver sua equipe, na Academia Gávea Gym, onde é o Coordenador de Artes Marciais.
A Champions Factory é liderada pelo Mestre Artur Mariano, invicto no Muay-Thai desde 1985. Hoje é representada por campeões em todo o mundo. A Champions Factory tem a metodologia de ensino, totalmente diferenciada dos padrões existentes. A programação de treinamento é toda baseada em técnicas holandesas, tailandesas e cubanas. Dentro desse contexto, tecnicamente, a Champions Factory está entre as melhores do mundo.
Mestre Artur Mariano é formado como Mestre de Muay Thai, Professor de Boxe, Professor de Jiu Jitsu e Professor de MMA. Filiais RJ: Itanhangá Center - Barra da Tijuca Clube Six Gym - Tijuca |
Espaço real de 600m2 divididos em salas de ginástica, dança, musculação e
artes marciais, incluindo luta livre, vale tudo, muay thai, karatê e capoeira, com uma estrutura moderna e planejada. A meta da academia é criar um ambiente descontraido, aliado a uma completa aparelhagem para cada grupo muscular. http://www.academiabudokan.com.br/
Brazilian Top Team foi criada em abril de 2000 por Murilo Bustamante, Ricardo Libório, Zé Mário Sperry e Luis Roberto Duarte, ex-membros da Academia Carlson Gracie, no sentido de desenvolver e criar novas técnicas em jiu-jitsu, submission wrestling e técnicas de mixed martial arts - MMA.
Através de um rigoroso trabalho profissional e aprofundados estudos sobre artes marciais, o Brazilian Top Team, vêm-se firmado-se como uma das melhores academia em MMA no mundo. Brazilian Top Team inaugurou em abril de 2002 o seu Centro de Treinamento para profissionais lutadores na AABB, Lagoa - RJ
No novo Centro, os atletas são capazes de contar com professores de muai thai, boxe, wrestling e as já reconhecidas competências dos seus professores de mixed martial arts - MMA e jiu-jitsu. Compõem o highlights team: Ricardo Arona, Murilo Bustamante, Luis Firmino – Buscapé, Fabiano Capoani, Milton Vieira e Rousimar Palhares – Toquinho.
A Academia Life é uma empresa de atividade física que chegou no mercado com a missão de fornecer a você um trabalho de qualidade e profissionalismo que supere todas as suas expectativas.
Para isso contamos com uma equipe integrada, capaz de aplicar no dia a dia todos os esforços, visando superar todos os desafios. http://www.academialifecontagem.com.br
A Equipe Projeção foi criada em setembro de 2002, como resultado da combinação da experiência no ensino de judô pelos professores Jucinei Costa, João de Deus, Rodrigo Mulatinho e Ubirapuan Reynaldo. Dessa combinação de experiência no ensino de Judô e de Educação Física, o resultado foi o desenvolvimento de uma nova e moderna metodologia de ensino desta arte marcial aplicada a indivíduos de todas as idades possibilitando a criação de um novo espaço para o ensino desta arte marcial.
A Equipe Projeção vem trabalhando, nos últimos anos, em parceria com colégios e clubes para a prática desta arte marcial dentro de uma metodologia que possibilita a junção dos métodos do Ensino de Educação Física com a prática do judô, como esporte e como ferramenta para a formação de crianças e jovens. Segundo o Prof. João de Deus, um dos responsáveis pela Projeção, o objetivo é incentivar e divulgar a prática de judô no Rio de Janeiro. Com este objetivo, a Projeção vem desenvolvendo em parceria com instituições de ensino, clubes e academias como o Colégio Andrews, Creche Bambini, Clube Militar, Clube Gurilândia, Sauer Dance, Academia FlexGym, Cia. Athletica e West Fitness, na Zona Oeste, um circuito de torneios amistosos de judô que tem o objetivo de se constituir em um verdadeiro festival anual de judô infanto-juvenil. |
Boxe chinês, bike, yoga, abs, mat pilates.
Mestre Luiz Alves, em 1984 juntou-se a um amigo, professor de taekwondo no Grajaú e fundou a Academia Boxe Thai no mesmo endereço. A academia tornou-se uma referência nacional no mundo das lutas, pois praticamente todos os atletas que precisam afiar sua “trocação” procuram o Mestre Luiz Alves, que por sua vez os integrava à Academia Boxe Thai. Hoje a equipe, conta com vários atletas formados em MUAY THAY por Mestre Luiz Alves, alguns com suas próprias academias, outros ministrando aulas na própria Boxe Thai. A Academia conta com material de treino profissional, sacos de areia de vários tamanhos e pesos, um ringue oficial, uma área para a prática de Submission e Jiu jitsu, treinos diários de todas as modalidades.