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New York's other Luxury Fitness Club. Over 100 Exercise Stations,
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Chintokan teaches Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do which originated in Okinawa, Japan. The documented history of current Shorin-Ryu karatedo tradition begins in Shuri, Okinawa, at some point in the 1800s by Sokon Matsumura (1809~1899), a leading Shuri-Te (one of three original Ryukyu Kenpo) master of his time. Beyond that, the unbroken lineage of Shorin-Ryu can be traced all the way back to the Okinawan lords, nobles and bodyguards of the Ryukyu Kingdom era in the 16th century. However, in those days, Shorin-Ryu karate was simply known as "Tea," or "Hand." Tea is Okinawa pronounciation for hand(s).
Professional, courteous, and always willing to help you.
With members in over 100 countries, the Japan Karate Association (JKA), is the world's largest and most prestigious karate organization, and the only legal karate entity officially recognized by the Japanese government as an association of members for the promotion of karate. More importantly though, we are The Keeper of Karate's Highest Tradition, the preserver of the soul and spirit of the art of karate in line with the tradition of Bushido (the way of the samurai). Our mission is to promote the way of karate throughout the world, while ensuring that it remains true to the philosophical precepts upon which it was founded. This has been the mission of Japan Karate Association since its establishment in 1949.
First Coast Tae Kwon Do is dedicated to Black Belt Excellence!
Teammates, training partners and instructors all have adopted our strict “no-ego” policy. Evolution Martial Arts & Fitness has been the school of choice for many law enforcement officials, military personnel, professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and educators.
Kioto Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is owned & operated by Grand Master Francisco Mansor, who has dedicated 46 years of his life to the practice, study and teaching of Jiu-Jitsu. He is the founder and owner of "Academia Kioto de Jiu-Jitsu," one ofadmin the most traditional and successful Jiu-Jitsu schools in Rio de Janeiro, "Brasil." He is very proud to be one of the six men outside of the Gracie family to be granted a professor's diploma by Grand Master Helio Gracie.
5 Star Martial Arts' goal is to provide individuals with the most complete and effective system of self defense while maintaining high instructional and professional standards.
Karate has become a popular form of self-defense and the workout of preference for many health-minded individuals. The recent proliferation of schools across the country has been staggering, the sheer numbers make it difficult for a prospective student to choose the school that suits his or her needs. Gene Dunn's Shotokan Karate Dojo is unique in many ways, and this section is designed to set those unique qualities forth in order to aid you in deciding if this school is right for you.
The Martial Way Self-Defense Center, with locations in Colchester, Milton, and Saint Albans, has been teaching martial arts in the Vermont area since 1988. There are many programs for several styles of martial arts at martial way for students of all ages to find interest in.
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
Since 2000, Daddis Mixed Martial Arts in Philadelphia, PA (also known as Philly MMA™) has transformed thousands of students’ lives by empowering them with the tools to succeed, regardless of gender, age or athletic ability. Daddis develops and nurtures a lifestyle in students that brings about a positive change for the rest of their lives. Daddis Mixed Martial Arts teaches the most effective martial arts the world has ever known - modern, battle tested self-defense techniques that are unrivaled in the ring, cage or in the street. It has also opened up a brand new academy in Hamilton, NJ!
Zaragoza Boxing is a place where everybody takes their job seriously mainly amateurs and professionals that compete in tournaments as a golden glove and prize fights. This is a classic gym where everybody feels comfortable. We have a big ring, heavybags, speedbags, no machines. We offer a full service of sport massages.
Com uma estrutura completa e bem organizada, orientada por profissionais especializados em diversas modalidades de treinamento, a 3 Figueiras Fitness Club jamais perdeu sua característica acolhedora. É o local perfeito para você se conhecer e ainda fazer grandes amizades, em um clima tranqüilo e longe da agitação dos grandes complexos de fitness. Com objetivos voltados para o atendimento individual das necessidades do aluno, a 3 Figueiras Fitness Club tem um cuidado todo especial ao promover a melhoria de sua estética e saúde.
A family owned and operated Martial Arts School that was founded in 1996 based on Traditional Family Values and committed to developing and teaching children and adults in the arts of Sansei (3rd Generation) Goju-Ryu Karate, which was founded by Hanshi Manny Saavedra in the United States in 1980.
At Robaina’s Mushin Academy of Martial Arts, you’ll learn one of the most complete martial arts systems in the world: Mushin Aikibudo The curriculum consists of the following arts: aikijujutsu, aikido, jujitsu, hapkido and Jiyu Ken Do. It emphasizes practical self defense, physical and mental conditioning with forging of the human spirit. With Kyoshi Robaina’s Aikibudo, a student at any belt level will learn not only various kicks and punches, but defenses against punching, kicking, and grabbing so that in a very short amount of time they will be able to apply what they have learned and begin to be able to defend themselves. We cater to men, women and children in a family atmosphere where the student comes first.
Gabriel Sensei lived and trained in Japan from 1973-1978. While in Japan, he trained at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo under the direction of Kishomaru Ueshiba. Gabriel Sensei also studied privately with Masuda Shihan at this time. He has been a self-defense instructor to supreme court justices in Beirut, Lebanon. Gabriel Sensei is the founder of Aikikai in Lebanon with headquarters in Beirut as well as the official Aikikai representative for that region.
Welcome to Busto's Karate and Fitness, where you can experience training in the art of karate with the best instructors, and enjoys all the benefits that come from mastering karate.
Specializing on teaching teens and adults. Offering the following classes: Russian Sambo, Military Training/ Take Down Techniques
Hand to Hand Combat and Disarming Weapon Training.
These skills include different aspects of Punching, Kicking, Throwing, Joint Locking, Ground Grappling and Pressure Point Techniques.
Karate Brooklyn classes are structured based on students age and experience. Separate beginner, intermediate and advance classes. |
Tae Kwon Do is considered to be the most effective fighting art ever developed. It is a physical science, where each move carries maximum power, speed, accuracy and balance. Literally translated from Korean, Tae means “foot” or “to strike with the foot,” Kwon means “fist” or “to strike with the hand,” and Do means “discipline” or “art.” Therefore, taken together Tae Kwon Do means “foot, fist, art” or “the art of kicking and punching.” Modern Tae Kwon Do is a unique form of martial arts that combines the flowing movements of numerous Chinese styles with the quick movements of various Japanese systems.
Casquinha, já revelou grandes nomes do cenário da luta como o bicampeão mundial André Mendes e o treinador de Jiu-Jitsu da Chute Boxe, Cristiano Marcello, antes deste ir treinar com Royler Gracie. Hoje, Casquinha conta com filiais da sua equipe nos Estados Unidos, Panamá, Japão, Israel, Colômbia, Aruba e México, esse último, Casquinha ministrou aulas para os seguranças do ex-presidente mexicano, Vicente Fox. O trabalho social desenvolvido pelo Mestre Cézar Guimarães, o Casquinha, nas comunidades do Méier e Lins de Vasconcellos, no Rio de Janeiro, foi reconhecida pela Câmara dos Vereadores da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, tendo recebido na ocasião a Medalha de Mérito Esportivo, comenda conferida a poucos desportistas desta cidade. Fonte: www.tatame.com.br/
O Diretor Técnico Paulo Albuquerque, (responsável pelo treinamento na Marinha do Brasil, Aeronáutica, Rede Globo de Televisão, Polícia Militar) seleciona através de rigorosos critérios quem pode usar o nome Kombato, como Professor , Instrutor ou Monitor.
Outros endereços: Academia By Fit – Tijuca, HM4 Wellness Center – Humaitá, Academia XGYM – Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Niterói (Consulte site) |
VFitness is a 5-year old personal training service in New York City. The company was started by Head Trainer, Victor Rojas from his passion in weight lifting, power lifting, healthy eating and boxing.
Victor, himself, created a customized program to help himself and started his journey for physical fitness at the age of 15, losing over 100 pounds in one year. Since then, he has spent the last 15 years studying weight lifting, power lifting, boxing and various martial arts in which he developed an eclectic form of training which has proven to be the best form of losing weight, improving athleticism, and overall optimal physical health. |
A Academia nasceu por volta de 1987, no bairro da Barra da Tijuca, na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os primeiros alunos a rolar e se queimar nos tapetes foram: Paulo Nardy, Rogério Poggio, entre outros iniciando assim, o que é hoje a academia.
A Academia Infight cresceu muito, tendo hoje várias filiais no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e ainda uma unidade no Japão. Unidades RJ: Alfabarra, Barra Sul, Taquara, Cidade de Deus, Pedra de Guaratiba 1, 2 e 3, Gardênia Azul, Recreio dos Bandeirantes e Academia Hiper Fórmula. |
A academia de jiu jitsu mais tradicional do mundo se sagrou penta campeã Internacional de Másteres e Seniores, com um numero de pontos superior a soma das academias concorrentes. Aos atletas que levaram nossa bandeira ao topo mais uma vez, nosso mestres Rolker e Royler Gracie agradecem mais uma vez a garra e a determinação de todos.
A academia Oficina da Luta foi criada com intuito de desenvolver a cultura das artes marciais de diversos pontos do mundo. Sua sede tem como histórico uma antiga oficina mecânica, por isso o nome escolhido.
Seu fundador Ivan Baptista, praticante de artes marciais a 10 anos, filho de um grande lutador de jiu-jitsu da década de 60, tem como essência familiar, a vocação ao treinamento técnico especializado. Aprimorando a qualidade de serviços, a Academia da Luta, estabeleceu convênio com o consultório de Fisioterapia da Drª Ana Póvoa, possibilitando aos alunos, desfrutar de tratamentos terapêuticos e estéticos a preços mais acessíveis. http://www.oficinadaluta.com.br/ |
Fabrício Martins desenvolveu seu jiu jitsu na Escola do Mestre Oswaldo Alves, vindo a se tornar um dos melhores lutadores da história do jiu jitsu brasileiro. Seu ápice, na década de 80, antes mesmo de se tornar faixa preta, se deu nas faixas roxa e marron, onde, conquistou sucessivos campeonatos. A subida para a faixa preta se deu a pedido do lendário Mestre Hélio Grace, sugerindo ao Mestre Oswaldo, graduar Fabrício por mérito, justificando que o lutador praticamente não tinha adversários na marron
Missão: "Promover saúde através das artes marciais e atividades esportivas, proipiciando o bem-estar e qualidade de vida em abiente saudável e seguro com preços justos e acessíveis."
Introdução: Atualmente o homem tornou-se um ser sedentário. Este sedentarismo já é considerado a doença do próximo milênio, decorrente dos hábitos, ou conforto da vida moderna.
A prática de algumas artes marciais ou musculação que podem ser úteis tanto como meios de defesa como para o bem da mente e do corpo, resgatando a auto-confiança do individuo, consequentemente levando-o ao relaxamento e ao preparo psíquico-motor.
"Através do caminho do corpo, chegamos à nossa mente e a nossa saúde mental. Um corpo sólido e saudável vai proporcionar uma mente saudável, sólida e equilibrada".
Nós da WadoKan acreditamos que esse tipo de comportamento traduz uma vida melhor e mais sadia para todos que fazem exercício físico.
Segundo alguns historiadores o Jiu-jitsu ou "arte suave", nasceu na Índia e era praticado por monges budistas. Preocupados com a auto defesa, os monges desenvolveram uma técnica baseada nos princípios do equilíbrio, do sistema de articulação do corpo e das alavancas, evitando o uso da força e de armas. Com a expansão do budismo o jiu-jitsu percorreu o Sudeste asiático, a China e, finalmente, chegou ao Japão, onde se desenvolveu e popularizou-se.
A partir do final do século XIX, alguns mestres de jiu-jitsu migraram do Japão para outros Continentes, vivendo do ensino da arte marcial e das lutas que realizavam. A história da Gracie Barra, fundada e dirigida por Carlos Gracie Jr. está diretamente relacionada com história do próprio masters. Nascido de uma família de lutadores liderada pelo seu pai Carlos Gracie, um espiritualista por natureza, que tinha por finalidade, difundir o jiu-jitsu, já que o aprendizado dessa arte lhe trouxera enormes benefícios na vida. A primeira sede da Gracie Barra foi em uma casa na Olegário Maciel 484 - começando com aproximadamente 20 alunos e após um ano 200 alunos praticavam jiu-jitsu no local. Mudaram então para a academia Espaço Vital (atual ByFit). Desde então começaram a projetar a Gracie Barra em competições esportivas e hoje formam a maior equipe de Jiu-Jitsu de mundo. A Grace Barra conta com 13 Unidades no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.