World Dance Schools

    dancehampton, North America

  514 Three Mile Harbor Road - East Hampton, NY           
"We offer dance classes for all ages and levels. Our classes include ballet, tap, jazz, irish step, cheerleading, musical theatre, hip-hop, and more. There is something for everyone at dancehampton. Do something great for yourself or your child...experience the magic of dance."
    Destination Dance Studios, North America
  207-20 Northern Boulevard - Bayside, NY           
Singles and couples - men and women - join us every day for the fun and excitement of dancing. We specialize in the instruction of all ballroom, latin, disco and club style dancing, including Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, Salsa, Mambo, Rumba, Samba, Merengue, Cha Cha, Swing, Lindy, and Hustle, and teach both American and International style dancing.
    South Shore Dance Studio, North America
  249 West Main Street - Sayville, NY           
"Entering their 32nd successful season in Sayville. We offer classes in Tap, Rhythm Tap, Ballet, Pointe, Jazz Lyrical, Hip Hop, Ballroom, Pre-school (3 & 4 year olds), combo 5 & 6 year olds and adult classes, and mommy & me classes, and Tumbling for Tots 3-6 years old. We would love for you to join our South Shore Dance Studio family and become part of a success story."
    Capoeira Angola, North America
  104 West 14th St. - New York - New York, NY            
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Capoeira Angola, an ancient martial art of African origin, is one of the many cultural weapons used to break the chains of enslavement in Brazil. Played close to the ground, Capoeira Angola combines fluid, dance-like movements with kicks, head butts, tripping sweeps and the appearance of playfulness or vulnerability. Music is played on traditional instruments to accompany the players, to teach the rhythmic heart of the art, and also to mask its power. In the eyes of the enslavers it appeared to be a joking and playful acrobatic dance, but eventually its power was realized and Capoeira was outlawed. Death was the penalty paid by those caught playing Capoeira during the slavery era. For almost 400 years Capoeira Angola was taught and practiced in secret, and only in the 1930's did this African martial art become legal to teach and practice.
    S Factor, North America
  235 W 23rd St - New York, NY           
The original and most popular pole dancing and striptease workout designed by a woman for women. This radically wild workout combines ballet, yoga and striptease to nurture a woman's natural S shape, promoting health, confidence and empowerment for all ages and body types. S Factor has been featured on Oprah, 20/20, 48 Hours, The View, Late Night With Conan O'Brien and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, as well as in magazines including US Weekly, People and In Touch. Studios offering pole dancing classes are located in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Encino and Orange County. DVDs and books extend S Factor to homes around the world.
    Academia do Tap, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 235 sala 101 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Muito bem montada por seu idealizador e diretor, Fávio Salles, a Academia do Tap, inaugurada em 12 de março de 1992, o Rio de Janeiro ganhou a única escola especializada em ensino do sapateado norte-americano do Rio de Janeiro.
São diversos níveis de aprendizado: o baby class, a partir de quatro anos, e do básico ao profissional, para crianças, adolescentes e adultos de qualquer idade.
    Sauer Danças, South America
  Rua Lopes Quintas, 576 - Jardim Botânico - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Studio Sauer Danças, um dos mais respeitados no universo da dança e do ballet clássico e moderno em todo o Brasil, é responsável pela formação de diversos profissionais que trabalham nas melhores Companhias do país e do mundo. O corpo docente do Studio é composto por nomes consagrados na arte da dança.
O ballet clássico do studio é dirigido pelo Professor Jean-Marie Dubrul, francês, ex-coreógrafo do corpo de baile do Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro e um dos precursores no ensino de balé para adultos no país há 30 anos. Entre as suas alunas mais assíduas, estão as atrizes Alinne Moraes, Letícia Spiller, Luana Piovani, Paula Burlamaqui e Carolina Dieckmann, que descobriram o poder da prática no condicionamento físico. .
    Bronx Dance Theatre, North America
  585 E 187th St # 2 - Bronx - Bronx, NY           
Students learn discipline while experiencing the joy of dance. Preparing Bronx youth to become independent and productive citizens. Strong emphasis on classical dance techniques distinguishes Bronx Dance Theatre from all the other dance programs in the Bronx. Students have the opportunity to participate in professionally staged shows, an experience that informs their life (and delights their families).
Bronx Dance Theatre offers quality professional training in Classical Ballet (Russian technique), Lyrical and Broadway Jazz, Tap, Contemporary (Horton and Graham techniques), Acrobatics, Hip-Hop, Flamenco, and Belly Dance.
    Jam Dance & Fitness Center, North America
  227 Bedford Avenue - Bellmore, NY           
A studio with the most energetic and creative dance classes! Acclaimed choreographers and owners - Lori Barone and Michele Cuccaro - have set Long Island on fire with their two beautiful JAM locations in Great Neck and Dix Hills. Known for its electrifying choreography and vibrant, professional staff, JAM is the ultimate in dance experience!
    BodiBalance - Dance Forum NY, North America
  20 East 17th Street, Second Floor - New York, NY           
BodiBalance™ is a system of dance training, body conditioning and kinesthetic awareness all in one. It was created especially for dancers by New York dancer/choreographer Carol Fonda. It gives you a clear physical understanding of how freely and spontaneously your body is designed to move, no matter what style you dance.
Every BodiBalance class contains aspects of the uniquely designed Floor WarmUp and the Movement Principles that make up the BodiBalance experience. Apply these tools to dance exercises and choreography and take your dancing to heights of free and energetic flow.
    Academia Rose Mansur, South America
  Rua Álvares de Azevedo, 182 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
A Academia Rose Mansur foi inaugurada em 1985. e nesses seus 23 anos de existência tem procurado sempre manter seus objetivos: “integrar a arte ao processo educacional, a fim de manter o mais alto padrão de ensino de dança”.
    Espaço Flamenco Natércia Loureiro, South America
  Rua Álvaro Alvim, 48 sala 307 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Nascida em Olinda-PE, Natércia Loureiro cursou ballet clássico dos 4 aos 15 anos, destacando-se o Teatro Municipal de Recife. Radicada no Rio de Janeiro desde 1977, cursou moderno e jazz, com o mestre Nino Giovannetti.
Iniciou os estudos do flamenco na Casa de España em 1994, aprimorando seus estudos com Yuri Ganko e Túlio Cortez.
Em agosto de 1998 fez extensivos em Jazz e Tap Dance no programa Steps on Broadway em Nova Yorque.
Em dezembro do mesmo ano esteve em Madrid, onde tomou aulas de dança flamenca com Lucya Real, Yara Castro, Cristóbal Reyes, Domingo Ortega, Mercedez Ruiz e “La Tati”.
Como resultado da concentração de seus esforços na cultura flamenca fez nascer em 2002 a Companhia Ballet Flamenco Centauros dando ao Espaço Flamenco Natércia Loureiro nova diretriz.
O ideal da Companhia, cujo corpo de baile é constituído de profissionais graduados no Espaço Flamenco, é levar ao público o verdadeiro espírito espanhol, rico em temperamento e precisão técnica, elaborando de forma respeitosa a cultura espanhola, mais precisamente da região de Andaluzia, onde o flamenco se firmou desde os meados do século XVII, com a fusão dos povos andaluz, israelita, árabe e principalmente cigano.
    Cia da Dança, South America
  Rua Curitiba, 1994, s/lj - Lourdes - Belo Horizonte, MG           
Fundada há onze anos, a Companhia da Dança vem conquistando o seu espaço, buscando inovar com originalidade nas diversas modalidades de expressão da dança. Localizada num ambiente confortável no bairro de Lourdes em Belo Horizonte, a Academia possui três salas amplas para aulas e dois vestiários. Em parceria com o SESC – Serviço Social do Comércio, a Companhia oferece aulas em duas unidades de Belo Horizonte. Por acreditar no poder libertador da arte, desenvolve há 4 anos, o Projeto Minarte, com integrantes com idades entre cinco e quinze anos. Mas a academia oferece aulas para alunos de todas as idades.A proposta é ensinar a dançar, oferecendo momentos agradáveis nas aulas e nos eventos. Proporciona através da dança; técnica, beleza e elegância nos movimentos. Se preocupa também em fazer novas amizades nos espaços de convívio.
    Ryan Irish Dance Academy, North America
  29 Shelter Rock Road - Manhasset, NY           
Champion Irish dancer and former lead of Riverdance, Kathleen Ryan, has expanded Ryan Irish Dance Academy to five locations across Nassau County.
Miss Kathleen has been dancing for more than 25 years, launching her international career with Riverdance on Broadway in 2000 and touring widely across North America with the iconic Celtic company until April 2005.
    East End Ballroom, North America
  16 West Main Street - Riverhead, Ne           
"Our mission is to provide a supportive and FUN environment for our students to learn to dance. Whether one wants to dance competitively, just for fun, or at their wedding, we strive to fulfill all desires.
We believe that great dancing begins with knowing and understanding the fundamentals, such as technique, line of dance, knowing the names of the steps, etc. We continuously stress the importance of the basics and work with all students to improve these aspects."
    Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance Studios, North America
  425 County Road 39A - Suite 1 - Southampton, NY            
"Our Ballroom and Latin Dance Studios specialize in private dancing lessons & classes for all the popular dances including Waltz, Fox Trot, Swing, Salsa, Hustle, Argentine Tango, Country Western, Ballroom Dancing, and more.
Nobody makes learning to dance easier than Arthur Murray®. Our trained professionals can make you feel at home in the friendly atmosphere of an Arthur Murray Dance Studio so you can feel comfortable on any dance floor and with any dance partner. Arthur Murray® offers convenient times and enrollments that allow you to take lessons in any of our franchised dance studios worldwide."
    New York Crystal Dance Studio, North America
  282-D Higbie Lane - West Islip, NY           
Teaching people to dance since 1984. A combination of well-trained, professional staff, and a warm, comfortable studio environment have helped thousands of students learn to dance. Whether it's a basic Fox Trot for your first dance as bride and groom, a Swing for all those great rock-n-roll and country tunes, or Hustle and Hip-Hop to take to the clubs, our friendly staff can have you dancing well and feeling great in no time.
    Top Dance, South America
  Rua Angustura,143 - Serra - Belo horizonte, MG           
A Top Dance já está em atividade há 10 anos, sendo 7 anos sob a direção de Denílson Silva e contando agora também com a unidade do bairro Serra, graças ao reconhecimento dos alunos e colaboradores. O nosso propósito é difundir a Dança de Salão com profissionalismo, ética e respeito em um ambiente saudável, familiar e acolhedor, com professores capacitados e bem qualificados. Assim os praticantes podem se beneficiar dos prazeres da dança: combater o estresse, fazer novas amizades, fazer uma atividade física, desinibir-se, divertir-se, enfim, mais felicidade e qualidade de vida.
    Steps on Broadway, North America
  2121 Broadway # 3 - New York, NY            
Founded in 1979, is more than a dance school. It is an internationally recognized community of artists committed to the cultivation of individuality and talent, and to the joy and toil of dance. It is home to some of the finest and most passionate dance teachers in the world. It is a celebrated space set amid t he Beaux Arts grandeur of Manhattan's Upper West Side, blending old-world ambience with modern facilities — male and female dressing rooms and showers, a theater, a café, and a dance wear boutique. Above all, the ten fully-mirrored, sprung-floored, climate-controlled studios are filled with natural light-and limitless inspiration.
On any given day, casual enthusiasts and aspiring professionals may take class alongside seasoned veterans from Broadway, the opera, and the major dance companies, including New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theater, Paris Opera, Kirov and Royal Ballets, Boston Ballet, Alvin Ailey American Dance, Complexions and Martha Graham. The place teems with energy and verve. Steps in essence, is a cultural hub and a cosmopolitan treasure.
    Deborah Colker Cia. de Dança, South America
  Rua Benjamin Constant, 30 - Glória - Rio de Janeio, RJ            
Fazendo os espetáculos pelas estradas afora, comecei a perceber que precisávamos poder estabelecer outras formas de comunicação com o público: formas de conhecimento, de troca de experiência. Precisávamos de uma escola. Nesta escola queremos pensar movimento, experimentar movimento, disciplinar, conscientizar, respirar e sensibilizar o corpo que pensa, muda, sente; que dança. Sempre acreditei na criatividade e irreverência. A concentração, disciplina, formação e o foco são a base e a possibilidade criativa de qualquer indivíduo.
A escola oferece cursos em todas as áreas relacionadas ao movimento, além das aulas de teatro, filosofia, anatomia, história da dança e eventos como exposições de artes visuais, leituras e recitais de música, integrados a dança num esforço de ampliar o horizonte dos nossos alunos.
Todo mês de janeiro e julho o Centro de Movimento Deborah Colker inclui em sua grade uma colônia e cursos especiais. A intenção da colônia de férias é ser uma escolinha de arte, oferecemos diversas atividades corporais integradas ao teatro, a dança, a música e as artes plásticas.
Debora Colker
    Rhythms & Soul Dance Studio, North America
  16 Wolcott Rd. - Levittown, NY           
A user friendly dance studio whose goal is to teach students the art of social partner dancing by perfecting their basic steps and technique in a non-competitive, positive atmosphere. Our objective is not only to teach dance but to build the students's confidence by implementing a step by step program which allows participants to experience a sense of accomplishment as well as expand their dance skills and fulfill their desired aspirations.
    Time 2 Dance Academy, North America
  2505 3rd Avenue - Floor 3 - 3rd Avenue - Bronx, NY            
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Time 2 Dance Academy inspires a life-long love of dance in each student. the dance instructors are experienced professionals who are innovative, motivational and caring, and belive that every student can enjoy the spirit and soul of dance.
    Dance Times Square, North America
  156 West 44th Street, 3rd Floor - New York, NY           
New York City’s premiere Latin and Ballroom Dance Studio. Created and developed by United States Professional Latin Champions and "So You Think You Can Dance" Choreographers Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin, the studio is conveniently located in the heart of Times Square.
Dance Times Square has assembled many of the finest instructors and performers from all over the world. Whether you are looking to feel natural and comfortable in a nightclub, seeking to compete at the highest level of competitive dancesport, or simply desiring a new dynamic way to stay in shape and relieve stress, we invite you to join us in our exquisite ballroom to explore the passion, grace, and fun of partner dancing.
    Esther Weitzman Cia. de Dança, South America
  Rua Major Rubens Vaz, 436 - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A elaboração de um nítido desenho espacial, aliado a um entendimento temporal não restritivo, conduz a uma outra relação, esta especialmente constitutiva dos trabalhos da Esther Weitzman Companhia de Dança: a utilização do peso e da leveza e o jogo de oposições e contrastes que daí nasce. O Studio Casa de Pedra - Centro de Educação e Arte do Movimento tem como objetivo principal desenvolver um trabalho voltado para o conhecimento do corpo, com uma proposta pedagógica que visa a expansão das possibilidades expressivas de cada indivíduo.
    American Dance & Drama Studio, North America
  188-22 Union Tpke - Flushing, NY           
The original neighborhood school, established over 30 years at the same location. Offering quality teaching and an extremely professional staff, while maintaining a fun and exciting environment. Come visit and see the new multi-level hi-tech studios, the largest in Queens!! Offering classes from ages 2 through adults in all types of dance, gymnastics, drama and singing.
    Step By Step, North America
  449 Main St. - Farmingdale, NY           
We strive to afford all of our students an opportunity for creative self-expression without the unnecessary pressure of professional "competition." We believe that the confidence, poise, and enrichment dance provides is valuable to the development of all children, and that, above all, it should be a positive, rewarding, and fun learning experience. We believe that dance is an art form. It is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.
    Sayville Dance Theatre, North America
  186 West Main Street - Sayville, NY           
"We are now beginning our 4th year. Everyday, we put our collective heart and soul into everything we do to give you a rewarding dance experience. Our excellent staff is comprised of professional, caring, and motivated individuals. If you are interested in any of our classes, you are welcome to drop in anytime.
We strive to provide a warm atmosphere, a positive environment for all dancers, and a studio where you will be challenged and encouraged to find your own artistic style."
    Luna Llena Danças, South America
  Rua Lopes Trovão 52 sala 705, Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
A Luna Llena Danças, foi fundada em 1999 por Suraya Helayel, bailarina, professora e coreógrafa de Flamenco, a partir do grupo Luna Llena. Vem difundindo a cultura flamenca em Niterói, apresentando suas músicas, ensinando suas danças e mantendo vivos estilos e tradições.
    L.A. Dance, North America
  24 Ellis Street - Great Kills - Staten Island, NY           
When you enter the doors of this 5000 square foot studio, you are taken back by the interior décor. Not expecting a dance studio to look like this, the interior boasts leather walls, fabric cushions, sconces, slate floors, zebra carpet and an array of vivid colors that move everyone to want to dance. The décor alone makes you want to jump. Each dance room is equipped with floating floors - two hard wood and one Mylar : 3000 square foot of pure dance space; two lobbies, four bathrooms, vending machines, an office, 10 foot mirror walls, incredible sound, warehouse style ceilings, lighting and funky brick walls to top off this real live Manhattan style space. L.A. Dance is not just a fun place to learn to dance; it’s the hottest thing in town. It’s the coolest place to be and it’s totally up with the times. The students are proud to call this home.
    Jam Dance & Fitness Center, North America
  375 Great Neck Road - Great Neck, NY           
A studio with the most energetic and creative dance classes! Acclaimed choreographers and owners - Lori Barone and Michele Cuccaro - have set Long Island on fire with their two beautiful JAM locations in Great Neck and Dix Hills. Known for its electrifying choreography and vibrant, professional staff, JAM is the ultimate in dance experience!