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Three years after Brigham Young led Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, the first issue of the Deseret News was pulled off a small hand-cranked press. This eight-page newspaper was the first published in what was then called the territory of Deseret.
Although the state of Utah has long-since replaced the old territory, the Deseret News retained its original name. In 2003 the paper switched to morning delivery and today the Deseret News is published daily as Utah's oldest — but most modern — newspaper. Over the years, the Deseret News has earned hundreds of awards for writing, reporting, design and community service, including the Pulitzer Prize. |
Established in 1884 as the first public college for women in the United States, MUW is proud of its tradition of excellence for women and men.
It's not easy for busy attorneys to keep up with all the new developments and trends in New York's fast-paced legal scene. That's why, every day, thousands of New York lawyers take time from their hectic schedules to read the New York Law Journal.
In just a few minutes each business day, readers get not only the latest news -- they find court information, decisional law, and advance word on new statutes and regulations, coupled with the useful and practical analysis, scholarly insight, and professional perspective they need to make sense of it all. Our reporters know all the right sources to get the behind-the-scenes news -- on firms, on judicial appointments, on upcoming professional requirements -- that you need. You'll get the inside story on what prosecutors, judges, legislators and law firms are up to -- and how it's likely to affect your practice. |
O Correio do Brasil é um jornal diário, fundado na internet, em 01 de janeiro de 2000, pelo jornalista Gilberto de Souza, no Rio de Janeiro, onde circula nas versões impressa, para assinantes, e online, sempre no horário vespertino. O CdB tem a proposta de levar aos seus leitores notícias do Rio de Janeiro, do Brasil e do mundo nas editorias de Política, Economia, Esportes, Metrópoles, Nacional, Internacional e Opinião; além dos cadernos Cultura & Artes, Conexão Hightech, Energia & Meio Ambiente, Mulher, Saúde e Educação. Fonte
The Courier-Journal has been part of the fabric of Louisville life since 1868. Every day, nearly half a million adults throughout Kentucky and Southern Indiana read The Courier-Journal, and more than 617,000 read the Sunday Courier-Journal. Since 1987, The Courier-Journal has been part of Gannett Co., Inc., a Fortune 500 company that publishes 103 daily newspapers worldwide, including USA Today.
Bulletin Board, Jobs, Movies, Obituaries, Special Editions, Books, Sports and more.
Maringá, Paraná, Geral, Política, Economia, Polícia e Esportes.
Editorias, Brasil, Cidade, Cultura, Economia, Educação, Emprego
Esportes, Mundo, Municípios, Política, Saúde, Segurança e Veículo.
Every day thousands of readers click on Bronx News for breaking news, politics, crime, sports (including the NY Yankees), real estate and the issues affecting your neighborhood.
The first issue of the San Diego Reader came out on October 4, 1972. The 12-page black-and-white tabloid was laid out on the dining room table of a 1-bedroom apartment on Mission Boulevard in Mission Beach, and 20,000 copies were printed at Western Offset on State and Market streets.
News, Health & Fitness, Politics & Government, Sports, Money, Real Estate, Small Business, Entertainment and more.
West Virginia News and Sports
News, sports, business, politics, opinion, entertainment, lifestyles, outdoors and more.
"The Campus Times is the student newspaper of the University of Rochester. The CT is printed weekly on Thursdays throughout the academic year, except around and during University holidays. The Campus Times Online is published on the World Wide Web at www.campustimes.org and is updated Thursdays following publication.
We have a weekly circulation of 4,500 print copies and over 8,000 e-mail subscribers. Copies of the Campus Times are available at locations around the River Campus, Strong Memorial Hospital, UR Medical Center, Eastman School of Music and at the Memorial Art Gallery. The CT contains sections covering University news and sports, as well as features, opinions and arts and entertainment sections." |
O Jornal do Commercio, fundado em 1827 pelo francês Pierre Plancher, é considerada a mais antiga folha de circulação diária ininterrupta da América Latina desde a fundação, em suas páginas têm colaborado as mais eminentes personalidades do primeiro e do segundo Império bem como da República até os dias presentes. O seu comentário sóbrio, dentro de uma linha de austeridade e de defesa dos interessesnacionais, levou-o a assumir papel importante no cenário jornalístico do país
News, Police, Sports, Classifieds, Community, Local Jobs and more.
The paper of record for the Temple University community since it first printed as Temple University Weekly on Sept. 19, 1921. The award-winning student publication, editorially independent of Temple, now publishes every Tuesday. The Temple News distributes 8,000 printed copies, free of charge, to the university’s five primary locations in the Delaware Valley, including Main Campus, Center City, Health Sciences, Ambler, and the Tyler School of Art.
Politics, sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle, travel and more.
Cidades onde circula Barra do Piraí; Eng.Paulo de Frontin; Japeri, Mendes; Miguel Pereira; Paracambi; Paty do Alferes; Valença; Vassouras.
The Brazilian é um dos melhores jornais brasileiros fora do Brasil, com noticias brasileiras e independentes em português.
The award-winning Jewish Community Voice is the newspaper of record for Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester counties in Southern New Jersey. Since its first issue on Sept. 19, 1941, the Voice has featured the best in local, national, and international news coverage. Today, Jewish Federation Publications (JFP) produces the Voice, a biweekly paper; Attitudes, a lifestyle magazine published twice a year; and Connect, an annual guide to the Jewish Federation agencies, synagogues and organizations serving the Jewish community
News, sports, classifieds and more.
The first issue of the Tulsa Daily World appeared on the afternoon of Sept. 14, 1905. The banner across the top of the front page declared: “Tulsa, Chosen Home of Prosperity and Opportunity, is a Busy City in a Busy Universe.” The paper cost 5 cents per copy.
Kansas.com is the Web site of The Wichita Eagle, the largest newspaper in Kansas, serving Wichita, the largest city in Kansas, and the surrounding area.
Today, Kansas.com reaches, on average, about 800,000 unique visitors who view more than 9 million pages on the site each month. That makes it the leading local information Web site in Kansas, and the preferred medium for businesses trying to reach local consumers online. Combined, The Wichita Eagle and Kansas.com reach eight out of 10 Wichita-area adults every week. |
O jornal O Dia, um dos maiores diários da imprensa carioca, pertence ao grupo EJESA - Empresa Jornalística Econômico S.A, que publica também o diário popular carioca Meia Hora e o jornal especializado em economia Brasil Econômico. A Ejesa é controlada pela acionista majoritária Maria Alexandra Mascarenhas Vasconcellos, presidente do Conselho de Administração, que detém mais de 70% da participação da empresa, e conta com uma participação minoritária, de menos de 30%,da Ongoing Participações S.A., subsidiária da Ongoing, grupo de mídia português.
Durante os chamados Anos de Chumbo no país, foi o principal periódico que se posicionou contra o golpe de estado militar.
É tradicionalmente voltado para as classes média e alta que se concentram na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, uma elite diminuta mas com altíssimo poder de formação de opinião, a nível nacional.
Em 2005, o JB instalou-se na Casa do Bispo, imóvel histórico e representativo do colonial luso-brasileiro, datado do início do século XVII, que já serviu de sede à Fundação Roberto Marinho. A partir de 16 de Abril de 2006 começou a circular nas bancas no chamado "formato europeu", um formato maior que o tablóide e menor que o convencional, seguido por diversos jornais daquele continente.Fonte |
O portal definitivo que mostra os bastidores
dos museus, a criatividade dos profissionais
da área e seus projetos inovadores,
divulgando a cultura no Brasil e no mundo.
Diretor de Redação - Murillo de Aragão, é radialista, publicitário, jornalista e advogado, é mestre em Ciência Política e doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Brasília. É sócio e editor de política do site desde a sua fundação em 1999. É ainda Presidente da Arko Advice – Pesquisas e Análise Política. Foi editor de política do jornal A Notícia (DF), articulista do Diário do Comércio (BH). É ainda Colunista da revista Imprensa, dos jornais O Liberal (PA) e O Tempo (BH) e do Blog do Ricardo Noblat.