World Bookstores+

    Livraria Siciliano, South America

  Av. das Américas, 4666 - BarraShopping 1º piso - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Livraria Siciliano, tradicional instituição do segmento livreiro no país, adquiriu respeitabilidade junto ao público leitor pela excelência de seu atendimento e pelos produtos comercializados. Fundada em 1928, mantém sua sede em São Paulo.
Em março de 2008 a Livraria Saraiva comprou a totalidade das ações da Siciliano, totalizando o novo grupo, 99 lojas em quatorze estados brasileiros.
No Rio de Janeiro a Livraria Siciliano está presente em lojas no Barra Shopping e Fashion Mall.
    Raconteur Books, North America
  431 Main Street - Metuchen, NJ           
An eclectic mix of museum, bookshop, theatre, and saloon. Filmmakers, musicians, writers, and poets all regularly rent our space for premieres, readings, and concerts. Rental is for three hours and includes 25 folding chairs, podium, music stand(s) and/or screen -- all set up by our staff prior to your event. Our digital projector is not included in the initial rental fee, but can be arranged for a small, additional cost.
    Specialty Book Marketing, North America
  443 Park Avenue South - Manhattan - New York, NY           
We provide services to International Publishers, Manufacturers, Associations, Small Presses, Desktop Publishers, Distributors, Authors and Illustrators.
We specialize in the marketing and sales of special interest nonfiction books and intellectual property rights outside the commercial book trade.
    Town Book Store, North America
  270 E. Broad St. - Westfield, NJ           
The Town Book Store has been serving Westfield and neighboring communities since 1934. According to the American Booksellers Association, we are the last independent book store located in Union County, New Jersey. In today’s rapidly changing retail environment, The Town Book Store remains one constant where shoppers can find a first-rate literary selection with friendly, personalized service in an attractive, convenient setting. Whether you are reading for escape, for comfort, to gain knowledge, for pure pleasure or as a source of lively conversation, visit or call us at The Town Book Store and we can match you up with the right book.
    Mendham Books, North America
  84 E Main St - Mendham, NJ            
Your Local, Independent Bookstore in Mendham NJ.
    Hickory Stick Bookshop, The, North America
  2 Green Hill Road - Washington Depot, CT           
The Hickory Stick Bookshop is an independent book shop which has been located in Washington Depot, CT for over 55 years. Are you looking for a particular title or are you hoping for the unexpected? The owners and staff offer over 100 years experience (collectively) in the book business to help you find that book or answer a question. You can also learn about our upcoming book signings, discover what the staff are reading, look for books by local authors, and a lot more.
    Booktrader of Hamilton, North America
  2421 Nottingham Way - Hamilton, NJ           
Selling all paperbacks for 1/2 their retail cost and hardcovers sell for $5. Some books may be priced slightly higher but will be clearly marked. A selection of bookmarks, magnets and other items, discounted 20%.
Accepting books for store credit only. You will get 20% of the retail price on paperback books in credit, and can use your store credit for 1/2 the purchase of books from the store. We accept limited hardcovers for which you will receive 20% of our sell cost.
    Argosy Book Store, North America
  116 East 59th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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80 Years in Business!
Argosy Book Store, founded in 1926, is now in its third generation of family ownership. We have an enormous stock of antiquarian and out of print items, occupying all of a seven floor building in midtown Manhattan, and a large warehouse in Brooklyn. We specialize in Americana, Modern First Editions, Autographs, Art, The History of Science and Medicine, and Antique Maps & Prints. Many thousands of books in all other fields of interest are also available. We are founding members of the ABAA and belong to the Appraisers Association of America.
    Quest Bookshop, North America
  240 East 53rd Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
The Quest Bookshop has been open for business for over 30 years; it is owned and operated by the New York Theosophical Society, which has been serving the spiritual needs of New Yorkers of all religions and creeds for well over a century.
We are an independent bookshop. This means that we are here to fit the needs of the community, not to fit the needs of some large corporation, or pressure groups from another part of the country. We pride ourselves on our independence, and stand as a barrier to those who are trying to create a monopoly on the publishing industry.
    Symposia Community Bookstore, North America
  510 Washington St. - Hoboken, NJ           
Symposia Community Bookstore, Inc. is a Public Bwnwfit nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Specifically, we operate a thrift shop consisting of books and offer our shop location to be used as a community center. Symposia Community Bookstory is the only used books store in Hoboken.
    Christian Publications Bookstore NYC, North America
  315 W. 43rd. St - Manhattan - New York, NY
And more than 120 years later, we’ve gradually grown into what we are now...the largest Christian bookstore in the Tri-State metropolitan New York City area, with over 40,000 product titles and 15,000 square feet of space! We're one large superstore, selling Bibles, books, CD's videos and tapes, Spanish language, children's literature, gift and apparel items, and much more.
    Bluestockings, North America
  172 Allen Street - Lower East Side of Manhattan - New York, NY           
Bluestockings is a radical bookstore, fair trade cafe, and activist center in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. We've recently expanded both our space and our hours. We can now fit more books and more comfortably host events.
We carry over 4000 titles on topics such as queer and gender studies, global capitalism, feminism, police and prisons, democracy studies, and black liberation. You can also find some good 'ole smutty fiction. We also carry magazines, zines, journals, alternative menstrual products and other oddly hard-to-find good things.
We host readings, workshops, performances, discussions and films almost every night. Please see our events calendar for details on upcoming events, and when visiting the store, take a look at our community bulletin board to learn about other events happening around the city.
Oh, and we run a cafe which is full of organic, vegan, fair trade goodness!
    Bookcourt, North America
  163 Court St - Brooklyn, NY           
All BookCourt Best Sellers — Discounted 20% * All Hardcover Books — Discounted 10% * All Audio Books — Discounted 15% * All Boxed Sets — Discounted 10%
    St.Mark's Comics, North America
  148 Montague Street - Brooklyn, NY            
"We also sell bulk and back issue to other stores"
    Academy Records & CDs, North America
  12 West 18th Street - New York, NY           
We purchase many large collections and always strive to pay the highest price possible for quality merchandise. Rare or unusual titles are always of interest. We deal exclusively in used titles, and do not order titles from the catalogs of record labels, manufacturers, distributors, etc. For more information regarding specific items, please call and ask to speak to one of our courteous and knowledgeable buyers.
    On Military Matters, North America
  31 West Broad St - Hopewell, NJ           
Order Department is open Monday thru Saturday 10am to 6pm. Retail Shop is open Thursdays & Fridays 10am to 6pm, Saturday 10am to 5pm on, other times by chance or appointment. Please keep in mind that if you are driving any distance, call first.
    Borders Express, North America
  2655 Richmond Ave - Staten Island, NY            
Throughout our more than 1,000 stores, Borders is finding new ways to help our customers create richer and more satisfying lives through knowledge and entertainment.
Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Borders Group, Inc., is a publicly held company with 2008 consolidated sales of $3.2 billion. Our stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BGP. Borders Group operates over 515 Borders superstores in the U.S.; three stores in Puerto Rico; and approximately 377 stores in the Waldenbooks Specialty Retail segment, including Waldenbooks, Borders Express, Borders airport stores, and Borders Outlet. Borders Group owns London-based Paperchase Products Limited, a retailer of stationery, cards and gifts with 124 locations outside the U.S., including stand-alone stores and concessions. There are also 337 Paperchase shops located within U.S.
    House Of Books, North America
  10 North Main Street - Kent, CT           
A charming, upscale bookshop in a historic building in beautiful Kent. A full selection of books on all subjects.
    Paranormal Books & Curiosities, North America
  627 Cookman Avenue - Asbury Park, NJ           
From birthday parties to corporate functions, the bookstore combines elegance with the extraordinary, all in one beautiful setting. Invite your guests to explore the unknown with a haunted cocktail brunch, a murder mystery dinner or afternoon tea complete with tea leaf readings. Everything from decor, invitations, entertainment and catering can call be arranged with us to custom create your perfectly paranormal party.
    Cranbury Book Worm, North America
  54 North Main Street - Cranbury, NJ           
"We will travel anywhere to buy your books. We regularly purchase collections from estates, libraries and people who have more books than can fit on their shelves... In many cases, a family member passes away, and relatives have no idea what to do with their books. We will come to you and buy everything sight unseen. We move the books, We will transport them and pay you on the spot. We also purchase antiques and paper ephemera."
    Poonbill & Sugartown, Booksellers, North America
  218 Bedford Avenue - Brooklyn, NY           
"Specialized in Used, Rare and New books on Contemporary Art, Architecture and various Design fields, with an emphasis on Imported or hard-to-find — but we also hand pick thousands of good books every month for our voracious clientele. We stock Literature, Philosophy, Cinema, Magazines and even baby-books, but the most significant factor here is the element of serendipity: you never know what you might find."
    Pranga Bookstore, North America
  354 Court Street - Brooklyn, NY           
Buying and selling fine books, CDs & DVDs. Thousands of new and used items to choose from!
    Jamer Books and Things, South America
  Rua Marques de São Vicente, 124 ljs.206/207 - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Jamer Books and Things é uma loja E-Commerce, voltada para a excelência em prestação de serviços na comercialização de lçivros, utilizando o que há de mais sofisticado em tecnologia B2C disponível no comércio eletrônico.
Qualidade, variedade e fidelidade são os critérios utilizados pela equipe para a seleção dos produtos, buscar os melhores fornecedores no mercado interno e externo para oferecer novidades com alto padrão de qualidade, aliado a preços competitivos.
    Casa Cruz, South America
  Rua Almerinda Freitas, 30 - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Fundada em 1893, a Casa Cruz conta com 7 lojas no Grande Rio, distribuídas pelo Centro, Campo Grande, Copacabana, Madureira, Tijuca, Niterói e Nova Iguaçu.
Considerada referência em variedade e atendimento por seus clientes, dispõe de mais de 60.000 produtos, incluindo livraria, material de escritório, escolar, suprimentos de informática, desenho técnico e artístico, pintura. Loja Virtual.
    Livraria Vozes, South America
  Rua Sete de Setembro, 132 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Conhecida também como "Vozes de Petrópolis", existe há mais de 100 anos, sendo a mais antiga casa editora do Brasil em funcionamento.
Atua no mercado livreiro publicando e comercializando obras que privilegiam especialmente três grandes áreas: Cultural, Religiosa e Catequética, podendo ser definida como a editora da educação. Dentre seus autores, intelectuais de renome como Darcy Ribeiro, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Martha Suplicy, Leonardo Boff, Arnaldo Niskier, Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, Frei Beto, Ronaldo Rogério de Freitas Mourão, Ester Pilar Grossi, Márcia Peltier, Junito Brandão, Mário Curtis Giordani, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Alain Touraine, Jean-Yves Leloup, Régis Debret, Michel Foucault, só para citar alguns nomes, além de estar permanentemente abrindo as portas para novos autores.
A relevância dos serviços prestados pela editora é, de fato, inegável. A Vozes tem sido, desde seus primeiros tempos, o maior veículo de divulgação de cultura religiosa do Brasil, fomentando os movimentos intelectuais católicos, donde surgiram figuras do porte de Tristão de Athayde e Gustavo Corção, entre tantos outros. Muitos dos mais importantes livros escritos no mundo sobre temas cristãos foram, como a Imitação de Cristo, traduzidos pela empresa franciscana.
    Fnac Barra, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 loja-B 101/114 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O primeiro distribuidor europeu de produtos culturais e de lazer, exemplo único da aliança entre comércio e cultura, ambicionando oferecer aos seus clientes a mais vasta seleção em literatura, música e em novas tecnologias.
Tanto na loja virtual, como nas lojas físicas, a Fnac propõe ainda que o cliente descubra o que existe de mais inovador e se reencontre com a cultura. Centro cultural ativo que dispõe de uma programação diária, oferecendo eventos de qualidade, permitindo o contato do cliente com personalidades da vida cultural, política e econômica, além de favorecer a formação e a descoberta de novos talentos para literatura, música e demais tipos de arte.
    DaConde Arte e Cultura, South America
  Rua Conde de Bernardotte, 26 lj.125 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Na DaConde, o leitor encontrará novidades, raridades, importados exclusivos, edições limitadas e um aconchegante e charmoso lounge, com lançamentos, apresentações artísticas e exposições, com calendário de atrações completo que pode fazer da sua visita um momento muito especial. A livraria dispõe de Internet Wi-fi para comodidade de seus clientes.
A livraria integra o Grupo Teatrali, composto pelos Teatros Das Artes, Shopping da Gávea e Dos Grandes Atores, Shopping Barra Square.
    Livraria Letras & Expressões, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 276 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Com mais de uma década de vida, a Livraria Letras & Expressões já se tornou ponto de referência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Mais do que um espaço de leitura, reune, em suas lojas nos tradicionais bairros cariocas de Ipanema e Leblon, lazer, entretenimento, cultura, música e gastronomia, nos transformando como o ponto de encontro preferido de intelectuais e apaixonados pelas artes em geral. Na Letras Expressões você encontra os principais lançamentos literários do Brasil e do exterior, além de garimpar raridades em livros, CD's, DVD's e revistas nacionais e importados.
    Paulus, South America
  Rua México, 111-B - Castelo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em 21 de janeiro de 1938 a Paulus inicia suas atividades no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1996, a livraria passou por uma reforma radical e em 30 de Julho de 1996, a celebração de inauguração com a presença do clero, religiosos, religiosas e clientes.
Com a reforma, a livraria ampliou seu espaço. Nos 170 metros quadrados estão distribuídos mais de 16 mil títulos das diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, tais como: comunicação, antropologia, sociologia, psicologia, educação, teologia, bíblia, CDs, DVDs, CDRom, mini mídia, vídeos, dentre outras.
    Livraria Universo, South America
  Av. Pasteur, 250 - Urca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Livraria já existe desde 1977, comercializando livros no Instituto de Psicologia da UFRJ, Campus da Praia Vermelha e atendendo também no Instituto de Psiquiatria.
Em julho de 1986 a empresa começou a ganhar mais espaço físico, ainda nas instalações da Praia Vermelha fundando a Livraria Universo Psi, passando a funcionar no prédio do CFCH (Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas), conseguindo ampliar todo o acervo, atendendo assim todos os cursos do Campus.
A partir de 2002, a livraria dinamizou suas atividades, alavancou suas vendas, ganhando modernidade operacional e administrativa.