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O Clube Kanji de jiu-jitsu ressurgiu no segundo semestre do ano de 2003, apos uma reunião entre a antiga Equipe Elos representada na época pelos professores Vanessa Barradas e Fabricio Rodrigues e a Equipe Manager Representada pelo Professor Evilasio Velloso apos muitas idéias renasce o Clube Kanji de Jiu-Jitsu, que já havia existido, mas estava desativado.
O mesmo voltou com força total com uma nova formação e com uma sede no SESC São Gonçalo e uma filial primeiramente no CESSERJ e mudando para o 5 de julho ambos no Barreto em Niterói.
A formação na época da equipe de era Faixa Preta 3 Graus responsável pela equipe Evilasio Velloso Ribeiro e mais 2 faixas pretas Julio Cesar e Luis Fernando Rachide, esse eram responsáveis pelo SESC são Gonçalo e no 5 de julho o Faixa Marrom Fabricio Rodrigues e a Faixa Roxa Vanessa Barradas.
Após algumas mudanças o Clube Kanji saiu do SESC São Gonçalo um tempo depois também saiu do 5 de julho e passou a para uma nova sede onde se encontra ate hoje na ONG NÚCLEO BARRETO no bairro do Barreto em Niterói.
Após alguns estudos e por questões de Marketing passou e se chamar Clube Kanji de Lutas (C.K. L), e como os professores também tem formação em outras artes marcias alem do jiu-jitsu o judô, Wrestling e Grappling.
A Champions Factory é liderada pelo Mestre Artur Mariano, invicto no Muay-Thai desde 1985. Hoje é representada por campeões em todo o mundo. A Champions Factory tem a metodologia de ensino, totalmente diferenciada dos padrões existentes. A programação de treinamento é toda baseada em técnicas holandesas, tailandesas e cubanas. Dentro desse contexto, tecnicamente, a Champions Factory está entre as melhores do mundo.
Mestre Artur Mariano é formado como Mestre de Muay Thai, Professor de Boxe, Professor de Jiu Jitsu e Professor de MMA. Filiais RJ: Itanhangá Center - Barra da Tijuca Clube Six Gym - Tijuca |
Núcleo de excelência, onde a experiência de mais de vinte anos no Taekwondo (1 Olimpíada, 6 Mundiais, 4 Copas do Mundo, 4 Sulamericanos e 3 Panamericanos), aliada ao conhecimento científico, adquirido na graduação e pós-graduação em Educação Física, proporcionam aulas e treinamento de alto nível, priorizando valores como: ética, conduta, respeito, educação, saúde e qualidade de vida. Oferecendo também iniciação e prática em outras artes marciais: Aikido, Kung Fu e Ninjutsu.
"A special place dedicated to fitness, family and education. The emphasis of our training is based on setting and attaining goals, and reaching your maximum potential. Grandmaster Kim emphasizes the importance of internal change as well as external changes to the body from physical training.
Thinking positively, avoiding negative thinking and speech, doing good deeds everyday, drinking green tea, beginning each day with meditation. By practicing these things daily, we can keep our bodies, minds and spirits in good health and harmony." |
America Martial Arts Academy offers Kenpo Karate martial arts classes for the whole family ages 5 to 95, as well as an MMA program for ages 12 and up.
Youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Tiger Schulmann seeks to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
The adult program is designed to help one achieve self-confidence through physical conditioning and mastering the art of self-defense. Striving to train as many adults as possible to be physically fit and relieved of everyday stress and adept in practical martial arts skill, which will assist them in becoming more confident and successful in every aspect of their lives. |
Tremont School of Judo, Ju Jutsu & Karate has been teaching Martial Arts to men, women, children and law enforcement since 1960.
Tremont School is also known as the Miyama Ryu Hombu Dojo.
Upcoming events, our instructors, programs and much more.
Joe and Trisha are the owners and operators of CKO Brooklyn. Joe began taking classes at CKO in Hoboken nearly 3 years ago, and it immediately changed his body and his outlook on training. "I felt as if I had finally accomplished something in the gym"
Trisha was also impressed at the immediate results that she felt after just a few classes.
When the opportunity came up to purchase the very first franchise in CKO history, we jumped on it, knowing that we can finally give back what has been given to us-a great,fun ,yet very effective way to workout at high intensity. |
A partnership between the client and the trainer, based on trust and mutual interests.
The youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. Helping to build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life.
Founded and developed by SAIKO SHIHAN is a combination of styles such as Shotokan, Kyokushinkai, Tae Kwon Do and many other styles, emphasizing only the better, more practical techniques of each style, incorporated so that "AMERICAN KARATE" proves to be more modern, updated and efficient.
Teaching style, knowledge and talent draws from several disciplines of martial arts. By combining different aspects of it, Karate Staten Island has developed an effective Martial Arts System based on fundamentals of Russian Real Hand to Hand Military Combat, RyuKyu Kempo(Okinawan form of Karate), Brazilian JiuJutsu, Sambo and Judo.
Dedicated to providing our students with the highest quality facility and experience possible. Various age specific programs are designed to help students maximize their potential and reach their individual goals. Whether it is to increase your own level of fitness or self-defense, or help your child better focus in school, develop self-confidence, or increase their level of fitness Costanzo's Martial Arts can help.
Programs are affordable and all inclusive so you never have to worry about hidden costs and fees such as test fees, class material fees, or association dues. Schedule of classes is accommodating, and most importantly the staff is committed to your success! |
One of the premier boxing clubs on the East Coast, Mendez boxing trains professionals and amateurs, "white collar" boxers and individuals looking to get and stay in shape. All of our trainers are skilled professional and amateur trainers with over 30 years of fight experience. All clients will 4receive carefully supervised instruction.
In the past, you would mostly find only professional fighters training in a boxing gym; but that landscape has changed dramatically. Nowadays you are likely to also find fitness enthusiasts in a boxing gym, and not only men. Women, more and more, are enjoying the great conditioning benefits that boxing affords them. Children are also welcome to train. |
Today, Master Delgado’s students are known for their agility, power, and fearless tactics when they compete at in-house and outside tournaments. At Delgado Karate Sports we are not just an ordinary martial arts school, we’re a karate school with attitude- Winning attitude! Our focus is to make a legitimate winner out of everyone whether at the dojo, school, work, or in the community.
Kenshinkai is located right in the heart of Manhattan. Although it is a relatively new dojo, having celebrated its fifth year in 2007, it has many dedicated members who are pursuing both their individual and common goals through the practice of Kendo. If you happen to be in New York, the Kenshinkai team would be glad to welcome you to the dojo anytime.
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. T. Alan rmstrong
Whether you're a new student or a Bujinkan veteran, we have easy options for you to get started at Muzosa. Pick a class, have fun, and see what happens. Your first class is always free, and there's never any pressure to join.
Bronx classes are easily accessible from both the east and west sides of the Bronx. Take the 2/4/5 trains to 149th St. / Grand Concourse and walk north to 153rd and Grand Concourse. |
Providing quality martial arts instruction to each and every student. Gotham Taekwon-Do places a strong emphasis on improving mind and body. Learning and self-discipline are very important. Anyone who has the desire to become a good martial artist and a better individual is welcome.
Sucgang Karate envisions well-enhanced communities by helping people get in shape, be safe and at the same time instill the life skills and character of a true martial artist. Upholding important values like courtesy, patience, respect, self-control and integrity. We will also help our students to achieve self-discipline, high self-esteem, a positive outlook, a spirit of constant improvement, and an attitude that refuses to give up. These values and life skills will lead to remarkable improvements in academics, careers, and relationships, literally making a better community one black belt at a time. The use of force is condoned only in self-defense or in the defense of those who are defenseless. http://sucgangkarate.org
Kyoshi Paul Sookdar, a Fifth-Degree Black Belt and co-founder of the Kenshikai Karate Association, has been studying martial arts for over thirty years and teaching for over twenty. He began training at the age of six at Jerome Mackie’s school in New York City, and after two years moved to the Kyokushin school of Kaicho (Grandmaster) Tadashi Nakamura at 14th Street in Manhattan. Here, he first found his love of traditional Japanese style karate based upon the principles of discipline, self-respect, and courtesy.
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Master Vincent A. Affatigato is a 7th degree black belt with 30 years of martial arts experience. He is a Certified International Instructor with the International Taekwon-do Federation, has been teaching as a head instructor for 20 years, and has been an officer of the United States Taekwon-do Federation since 1996.
"O maior propósito do Aikido é o desenvolvimento espiritual do ser humano como um todo." Kisshomaru Ueshiba
"Já estudei muitos tipos de artes marciais - Yagyu Ryu, Shinyo Ryu, Kito Ryu, Daito Ryu, Shinkage Ryu e outras mais -, mas o Aikido não é uma combinação dessas artes. Todas as técnicas do Aiki funcionam por meio do ki." Morihei Ueshiba, fundador do Aikido. http://www.aikidoshikanai.com.br
O Rio-Aikido Dojo tem sua sede no Rio de Janeiro, dentro do condomínio Novo Leblon na Barra da Tijuca. Tem como objetivo colocar em prática os princípios do Ki-Aikido como são ensinados pelo Sensei Kenjiro Yoshigasaki. A prática do Aikido está intimamente ligada ao entendimento e ao uso da percepção da mente/corpo. É parte integral de nossas aulas, o treino de unificação mente e corpo.
Na manhã de 11 de março de 1972 realizava-se a primeira reunião oficial pró-fundação da entidade Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro.
Formalmente a Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro é uma entidade, pessoa jurídica de direito privado, sem fins econômicos, constituída pela união de número ilimitado de pessoas físicas ou jurídicas, sem distinção de nacionalidade, religião ou raça, que apóiem os propósitos sociais, e regido por Estatuto próprio de 7 de dezembro de 2003 e pela legislação em vigor. A associação funciona em sede própria, no desenvolvimento da cultura física e atividades esportivas. Promovemos atividades educativas, culturais, beneficentes e sociais e de intercâmbio cultural entre povos do Brasil e outros países. |
Espaço real de 600m2 divididos em salas de ginástica, dança, musculação e
artes marciais, incluindo luta livre, vale tudo, muay thai, karatê e capoeira, com uma estrutura moderna e planejada. A meta da academia é criar um ambiente descontraido, aliado a uma completa aparelhagem para cada grupo muscular. http://www.academiabudokan.com.br/
O Grupo Capoeira Brasil, criado em 1989, foi fundado pelo Mestre Boneco (Beto Simas), Mestre Paulão e Mestre Paulinho Sabiá. Desde sua fundação, o Grupo Capoeira Brasil vem crescendo tanto em quantidade como em qualidade. A organização Capoeira Brasil já alcança quase a totalidade dos estados brasileiros e encontra-se presente em mais de 15 países nos cinco continentes. Ao mesmo tempo, o Grupo Capoeira Brasil tem uma preocupação fundamental com o corpo de educadores, pois tem a consciência do quanto é importante um bom educador na formação da criança e do adolescente. Dispõe de 10 Mestres, dezenas de Contra-Mestres e centenas de professores e instrutores. Onde praticar no Rio de Janeiro: Academia Estilo Saúde e Academia Rio Swim, ambas em Jacarepaguá
Missão: "Promover saúde através das artes marciais e atividades esportivas, proipiciando o bem-estar e qualidade de vida em abiente saudável e seguro com preços justos e acessíveis."
Introdução: Atualmente o homem tornou-se um ser sedentário. Este sedentarismo já é considerado a doença do próximo milênio, decorrente dos hábitos, ou conforto da vida moderna.
A prática de algumas artes marciais ou musculação que podem ser úteis tanto como meios de defesa como para o bem da mente e do corpo, resgatando a auto-confiança do individuo, consequentemente levando-o ao relaxamento e ao preparo psíquico-motor.
"Através do caminho do corpo, chegamos à nossa mente e a nossa saúde mental. Um corpo sólido e saudável vai proporcionar uma mente saudável, sólida e equilibrada".
Nós da WadoKan acreditamos que esse tipo de comportamento traduz uma vida melhor e mais sadia para todos que fazem exercício físico.