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Housed aboard the 1914 Lehigh Valley Barge #79, a visit to this New York City museum will definitely leave you standing on your sea legs. Take a step into a little slice of history. Learn about maritime heritage and the importance of the great water highway for commerce. With public access to waterfront piers and recreational activities a plenty, there is never a dull moment here, you might even catch a show. Admission is free! This great place strives to make things available free and low cost to the public. With the amount of amazing art, community support, involvement and opportunities that this Brooklyn museum provides, you might consider giving a donation. Across the way, at the nearby Redhook Homeport, stands a beautiful garden, a stunning pier where the ocean seems never ending and the most picturesque view of the sunset over Lady Liberty that you will find anywhere. A must for summer 2012 travelers. Vacation photos will make you the envy of all your friends. So come down today and experience the wonder that is the Waterfront Museum of Brooklyn. On your way home, do not forget to stop by Steve's Authentic Key Lime Pie, a true treat just one tenth of a mile away and an easy walk after a beautiful day.
The mission of the Denver Firefighters Museum is to preserve the history of the Denver Fire Department and firefighting through the collection and preservation of artifacts, documents and photographs. The purpose of the Museum is to educate the public about fire safety and the history of firefighting in Denver from its inception to the present. This is accomplished through interpretive exhibits, educational programming and scholarly research.
The origin of the National Railroad Museum dates to 1956, when local individuals advanced the concept of a national museum dedicated to the American rail road history. Two years later, a joint resolution of Congress recognized the Museum as the National Railroad Museum. Since then, the Museum has operated as a privately funded 501 (c) (3) educational organization with a mission to foster an understanding of railroading and its significance to American Life. What began as an effort to acquire a single steam locomotive for a city park has grown into one of the largest rail museums in the nation. It now serves over 75,000 visitors annually. Today, a professional staff of 12 and over 100 unpaid staff members welcome visitors from all over the world. http://www.nationalrrmuseum.org/
From the first run in 1873 to the present. Learn about the inventor, technologies, builders, rapid expansion, near loss and the ongoing efforts to save and rebuild the cable cars of San Francisco.
Houses a collection of historic cable cars, photographs, mechanical displays and gift shop run by the Friends of the Cable Car Museum - a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of cable car history. |
George Bellows - November 15, 2012–February 18, 2013. Accompanied by a catalogue and an Audio Guide. Gallery 999. George Bellows (1882–1925) was regarded as one of America's greatest artists when he died, at the age of forty-two, from a ruptured appendix. Bellows's early fame rested on his powerful depictions of boxing matches and gritty scenes of New York City's tenement life, but he also painted cityscapes, seascapes, war scenes, and portraits, and made illustrations and lithographs that addressed many of the social, political, and cultural issues of the day. Featuring some one hundred works from Bellows's extensive oeuvre, this landmark loan exhibition is the first comprehensive survey of the artist's career in nearly half a century. It invites the viewer to experience the dynamic and challenging decades of the early twentieth century through the eyes of a brilliant observer.
Once you step between the doors of this monumental edifice of man’s artistic achievement, you enter into a living body of culture and civilization collected from the four corners of the earth. Ancient Egyptian artifacts, Japanese silk tapestries, Mediaeval Chess pieces, oils and watercolors of Van Gogh, Turner, Rembrandt and Chagal, Collections of Native American art and crafts through the centuries, the opportunities are endless for seeing the wonders of man’s imagination and creative genius. The MET is a NY tourist attraction that holds tours for school classes, seminars on the restoration of ancient shards of daily life, and places you in the midst of cultures from around the world without ever having to step foot on a plane. Where else can you go and enjoy scrumptious art like Faberge eggs, the celebration of baseball in the collection of player cards or imagine yourself wrapped in a mummy cloth. Open every day but Monday and easy to get to, there is every reason in the world to come to the MET, the center of Manhattan museums and culture, spend the day and even eat some of the most delicious food in The City. The main building, often referred to simply as "the Met," is one of the world's largest art galleries, and has a much smaller second location in Upper Manhattan, at "The Cloisters," which features medieval art. |
The first of its kind, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum paved the way for many to follow. Slated to be New York City’s first “green” museum, it integrates environmentally responsible building materials. Actively engaging in the education of sustainability and energy conservation, a fair amount of the hands-on exhibits encourage the appreciation of the bounty of plants and animals that surround the Brooklyn area and beyond. In addition, some of the green features of this NYC children’s museum also make for awesome visual appeal and presentations. Focusing on energy efficiency and a reduction in waste by using many recycled building materials, the grounds are awe inspiring. While browsing around, be sure to check out all of the interesting exhibits where a substantial amount are also made of recycled materials; also, here you will find Indian artifacts, a weapons and armor collection, and a doll collection that any little princess would be sure to enjoy. A little bit of something for everyone. Grab the family and head on down for a day of learning and culture, and then head on over to one of the many nearby parks for some relaxation. Nearing the end of your fun-filled day you might want to head over to the Brower Park Branch Library for some family reading.
Nothing says New York City more than a museum dedicated to what New York is all about. At the Museum of the City of New York, patrons are allowed to link the past, present and future of NYC through a variety of presentations and exhibits designed to show the timeline of what New York’s evolution. When stepping through its doors on Manhattan’s famous Museum Mile, you will notice that an extensive remodeling and expansion project is under way. Several floors of memorabilia ranging from photographs, prints, theater mementos, costumes, and more are displayed in such a way as to show the affluent history of New York and to instill a sense of grandeur the city represents. Through Summer2012, the museum is continuing to offer state-of-the-art exhibitions including demonstrations on the social and economic growth of NYC. Visitors are encouraged to look at the projects including “Capitol of Capitol” which deals directly with New York banks and their effect on the global economy and “From Farm to City” which showcases Staten Island and its change from rural farmland to an urban center. The Museum of the City of New York is a phenomenal experience and a treasured look at one of the most fascinating cities in the world.
Since opening, the Wisconsin Veterans Museum has attracted more than 11,000 visitors per month. Over 3,000 objects are on display in a very modern exhibit environment. Continued growth in visitorship is anticipated, particularly as an outreach effort is underway to advertise the facility. The unique characteristics of the old museum-its legislatively established mission to recognize the role of Wisconsin citizen-soldiers in the Civil War and “any subsequent war,” its fortuitous administrative position as part of a dynamic state agency, its programmatic link to some of the important events of history, its impressive and long established collection of historical materials, the emotional association with Wisconsin’s tradition of service to the nation, and the high regard accorded to veterans by a grateful citizenry continue to be embodied in this living memorial.
A very intriguing throwback to the past is the Queens County Farm Museum. Located on the largest undisturbed tract of farmland, the museum is the only continuously worked farm site left in New York City. Visitors have an opportunity to forget the busy life of the city and instead enjoy the rural atmosphere through a variety of activities designed to give patrons an idea of how farm life used to be in New York. The museum itself is rich in activities, as visitors can do just about anything involving farm life. Interacting with livestock, a working greenhouse and guided exploration of the historic farm buildings are all part of the experience. The museum also plays host to many guest presentations, including representatives of the Native Americans originally in New York, the Queens County Fair and several antique car and motorcycle road shows. Starting in Spring 2012, the farm is offering hayrides which encompasses the entire compound and make you feel like one of the farmers back in the agricultural heyday. For a chance to experience New York’s past in one of the most beautiful parts of New York City, plan a visit to the Queens County Farm Museum.
Liberty Science Center is the most visited museum in New Jersey and one of the most intensively used in the country. Since opening in 1993, we have introduced nearly nine million people to the wonder and awe of hands-on science discovery.
Our distinctive experiences engage, educate and inspire and we support economic growth in the region by connecting with businesses, working with planning authorities, and helping to prepare the workforce that industry needs
The mission of the Quonset Air Museum (QAM) is to preserve, interpret and prsent Rhode Island's aviation through thorugh collections, research, education and exhibits.
The San Diego Air & Space Museum celebrates aviation and space flight history through preservation of significant artifacts, presentation of dynamic exhibits, and commemoration of the men and women who forged aerospace history, educating the public about the social and historical significance of aerospace technology and its promise for the future and inspiring students to excel in technology, mathematics and the sciences, and encourage all visitors to become life-long learners in support of aerospace advancement.
Detentor de expressivo acervo da memória audiovisual do Estado, o Museu da Imagem e do Som do Ceará (MIS-CE), criado e implementado pela Secretaria da Cultura (Secult), desenvolve uma diversidade de atividades museológicas: ensino, pesquisa, antropologia cultural, cultura popular e expressões audiovisuais. Além do acervo disponibilizado ao usuário, o MIS possui biblioteca especializada (em fase de reorganização), sala de projeção multimídia e espaços expositivos.
The Hudson River Maritime Museum is the only museum in New York State exclusively preserving the maritime history of the Hudson River, its tributaries, and the industries dependent on the river. Founded in 1980 by members of the "Steamship Alexander Hamilton Society," the National Maritime Historical Society, and local historians, the Museum is located in the Historic Rondout Waterfront at Kingston, NY, once the major port between New York City and Albany.
A large regional science museum located on the banks of the Mississippi River in downtown St. Paul. The Science Museum's programs combine research and collection facilities, a public science education center, extensive teacher education and school outreach programs, and an Imax Convertible Dome Omnitheater to provide science education to our audience of more than a million people per year.
O museu foi a residência do fundador da República brasileira, Benjamin Constant, adquirido pelo patrimônio público logo após o seu falecimento, em 1891. Está localizado em uma área verde de 10.500m², no bairro de Santa Teresa. Possui uma exposição permanente de objetos, obras de arte e mobiliário que recriam o modo de vida do final do Século XIX e início do Século XX, época em que viveu Benjamin Constant.
Instalado em Ipanema, o Museu Amsterdam Sauer de Pedras Preciosas e Minerais Raros é uma preciosidade no bairro mais fashion do Rio de Janeiro. Num cenário típico das regiões produtoras de gemas, pode-se observar réplicas de minas de esmeraldas, águas-marinhas e turmalinas, pedras típicas do Brasil. Estão em exibição mais de três mil pedras brutas e lapidadas - esmeraldas, rubilitas, águas-marinhas (incluindo um exemplar de 635 quilates), turmalinas, topázios imperiais... Algumas delas são destaques no Guiness Book - O Livro dos Recordes. O Museu Amsterdam Sauer faz parte do roteiro dos mais importantes pontos turístico-culturais do Rio.
O Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo (lO-USP) foi fundado em 1946, como Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia. Em 1951, mudou para seu nome atual quando foi incorporado à USP. Na época de fundação, os objetivos de seus idealizadores apontavam para a necessidade de uma instituição que fornecesse bases científicas à pesca e, numa concepção mais ampla, à exploração de todos os recursos disponíveis ao longo do litoral paulista.
O Museu Oceanográfico "Prof. Eliézer de Carvalho Rios" deu origem ao Complexo de Museus e Centros Associados da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.
Fundado em 8 de setembro de 1953, mantém uma exposição pública sobre a vida e a dinâmica dos oceanos, apresentada em painéis, maquetes, aquários e diversos equipamentos utilizados em pesquisas oceanográficas.
Nos painéis das salas do Museu são apresentadas várias conchas, que enriquecem a sua coleção de moluscos (atualmente com 51.000 lotes).
Esta coleção, considerada a mais importante da América do Sul, foi organizada pelo Diretor Fundador do Museu Oceanográfico, o Professor Eliézer de Carvalho Rios.
Construído em 1914, com o objetivo de reforçar a defesa da Baía de Guanabara, o Forte de Copacabana oferece aos seus visitantes muitas curiosidades e atrações. No Museu Histórico do Exército, fatos marcantes estão registrados através de exposições, exibições de vídeo, maquetes e, até, um setor interativo, original e bastante visitado pelos freqüentadores do Forte. Tudo com direito a uma vista panorâmica de um dos pontos mais belos de toda a nossa Costa. Crédito: acervo riotur.
O Museu da Maré é o primeiro museu do país localizado dentro de uma favela, e foi criado pela própria comunidade, com o apoio do Ministério da Cultura, através do programa Cultura Viva. Inaugurado no dia 8 de maio de 2006. Seu acervo, em construção permanente, é formado por fotografias, documentos, objetos do cotidiano dos moradores da favela e por documentos e objetos históricos sobre a Maré, pesquisados em arquivos públicos da cidade. Sua exposição permanente é dividida em doze “tempos” não-cronológicos, onde os espaços contam a história dos moradores, imigrantes do Nordeste em sua maioria, e episódios da resistência social das comunidades.
Criado em 1982, o Espaço Ciência Viva é o primeiro museu participativo de Ciências do Brasil. Foi fundado por um grupo de cientistas, pesquisadores e educadores interessados em tornar a Ciência mais próxima do cotidiano do cidadão comum.
O Espaço é um centro cultural-artístico científico que irradia energia inovadora e criativa e propõem novas formas de divulgar a ciência, influenciando e gerando conceitos em educação e popularização da ciência, que aproxima sociedade e cientista. Várias atividades estão programadas ao longo do ano, a fim de proporcionar visitas divertidas e reveladoras. Todo último sábado de cada mês, o museu abre das 14 horas às 17 horas para o ‘Sábado da Ciência’, com entrada gratuita. Uma equipe de cientistas, professores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação estarão apresentando oficinas, que levem os visitantes a descobrirem uma maneira feliz de fazer ciência. |
A visita ao Museu inicia-se no Centro de Recepção, destinado a orientar e informar os visitantes. Esta estação é o ponto de embarque do Trenzinho da Ciência, o início da aventura. Espaço de integração entre ciência, cultura e sociedade, o Museu da Vida tem por objetivo informar e educar em ciência, saúde e tecnologia de forma lúdica e criativa, através de exposições permanentes, atividades interativas, multimídias, teatro, vídeo e laboratórios. Por ser vinculado à Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, o Museu assume características únicas, refletindo a cultura, a missão e o compromisso social da instituição. Seus temas centrais são a vida enquanto objeto do conhecimento, saúde como qualidade de vida e a intervenção do homem sobre a vida.
Empresário bem-sucedido, Raymundo Ottoni de Castro Maya (1894-1968) soube conciliar atividades empresariais muito bem sucedidas com as de realização de projetos culturais. A sua atividade como colecionador que nos legou os registros materiais desse esforço. O apoio a valores artísticos nacionais e a busca do acesso público às suas coleções tornavam-no um tipo de mecenas moderno e urbano, comprometido com a cidade em que vivia É igualmente importante destacar a sua participação na fundação do Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, em 1948, do qual foi o primeiro presidente.
Criada no ano de 1984, durante a 50ª Exposição Nacional de Gado Zebuíno - EXPOZEBU, dentro do Parque Fernando Costa em Uberaba - MG, na antiga casa pertecente ao Ministério da Agricultura.
O Museu de Ciências da Terra - MCTer possui um dos acervos de geologia e paleontologia mais ricos da América Latina. São cerca de 7 mil amostras de minerais brasileiros e estrangeiros, além de 12 mil rochas, meteoritos e fósseis, que somam mais de 100 mil espécimes. O Museu pertence ao Serviço Geológico do Brasil, antiga Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM).
O Museu do Índio, órgão científico-cultural da Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai), foi criado por Darcy Ribeiro, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1953. É a única instituição oficial no país exclusivamente dedicada às culturas indígenas. Seu objetivo é divulgar uma imagem correta, atualizada e sem preconceitos dessas sociedades junto a variados públicos, despertando, assim, o interesse pela causa indígena. Realiza, também, estudos e pesquisas para ampliar e aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre esses povos..
The DOCKYARD MUSEUM in the Naval Officer's House interprets the story of English Harbour and of the people that toiled in this famous Georgian Royal Naval Yard. It also explains the 20th century return of sailing ships and the aims and aspirations of Nelson's Dockyard National Park. There is also a small "Nelson's Room" with a life sized portrait of Nelson researched through archaeological means.