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It's true! Washington made his headquarters here at the Mansion during the fall of 1776. It was during this period that the General's troops forced a British retreat at the Battle of Harlem Heights. The house was built eleven years before the Revolution, in 1765, by British Colonel Roger Morris and his American wife, Mary Philipse. The breezy hilltop location proved an ideal location for the family's summer home. Known as Mount Morris, this northern Manhattan estate stretched from the Harlem to the Hudson Rivers and covered more than 130 acres. Loyal to the crown, the Morrises were eventually forced to return to England as a result of the American victory.
The Children’s Museum of Wilmington stimulates children’s imagination, curiosity and love of learning.
The Children’s Museum of Wilmington celebrates the joys of childhood by providing magical and playful experiences for children of all ages. The Museum serves children ages 1-8 and their adult company. Learn amazing things about themselves and the world where we live, through informal, playful hands-on and child-directed experiences. In our warm and inviting environment, children and the adults who bring them find ample opportunities to explore and better understand the arts, sciences, culture and more, through engaging exhibits and programs. |
One of Manhattan’s most breathtaking displays is located at the Frick Collection. Before you even step foot inside the museum, you are greeted by the house built by Henry Clay Frick reflecting a sense of excellence and exuberance unlike anything else. The real treasures of the Frick Collection lie inside as the museum plays host to some of the most wonderful pieces of artwork every collected from the Gilded Age. Visitors can set out by themselves or join a guided tour in order to experience fully the vast treasure of wealth in the collection. Summer 2012 sees artists such as Renoir and Antico predominantly featured throughout the exhibits, capturing a sense of awe from all who gaze upon the work. The Frick Collection is also privy to a great many guest lecturers who specialize in this artwork and are sure to enlighten and inform those lucky enough to be in the room. An added attraction to the Frick Collection is the frequent concerts that are played on the grounds featuring classical ensembles. Manhattan’s Frick Collection is a symbol of culture that transcends generations and offers an opportunity for all New Yorkers to experience the true meaning of the word class.
A volunteer run, non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve Indiana's railroad history, educate the public in the history of the railroad, and provide our visitors with an opportunity to experience railroad travel as it used to be. We operate on 38 miles of track once known as the Indianapolis & Peru, and more recently, as the Nickel Plate Road.
The Museum and restoration facilities are located in Noblesville, Indiana, only 20 miles north of downtown Indianapolis. The Museum is located in Forest Park which is less than 1 mile north of State Route 32 on State Route 19, North and West of downtown Noblesville. Enter at the South entrance and follow the main road to the Museum. |
The Idaho Military History Museum has been established for the purpose of "preservation, display and interpretation of military history and artifacts that have a geographical tie to the history of the people and state of Idaho".
The Idaho Military History Museum was opened in 1995 by the Idaho Military Historical Society. |
Thannhauser Collection - February 1, 2011 – January 25, 2013
Justin K. Thannhauser was the son of renowned art dealer Heinrich Thannhauser, who founded the Galerie Moderne in Munich in 1909. From an early age, Thannhauser worked with his father, building an impressive program of exhibitions of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism and the art of the contemporary French and German avant-gardes. The Thannhausers’ commitment to promoting artistic progress paralleled the vision of Solomon R. Guggenheim. In recognition of this shared spirit, Justin Thannhauser ultimately bequest a significant portion of his art collection—including masterpieces by Cézanne, Gauguin, Manet, Monet, Picasso, Pissarro, Renoir, and Van Gogh—which is on view in a dedicated gallery, to the Guggenheim Museum.
The mission of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is to promote the understanding and appreciation of art, architecture, and other manifestations of modern and contemporary visual culture; to collect, preserve, and research art objects; and to make them accessible to scholars and an increasingly diverse audience through its network of museums, programs, educational initiatives, and publications. |
Amidst the hustle and bustle of busy midtown Manhattan lays a tribute to the history of television and radio known as the Paley Center for Media (formerly known as The Museum of Television and Radio). Far from your typical museum, you will not find artifacts hidden behind glass enclosures or many “do not touch signs” here. Instead you will be delighted to find screening rooms, and a vast media collection from which you can choose an actual program and view it. Visitors are allowed to a selection of up to four programs per visit. There are also two, full-sized theatres which often feature public programs, so check the schedule and make sure you time your visit to catch one. This Manhattan museum also offers many family and educational programs. The “Re-Creating Radio Workshop”, teaches children (over 9) and adults to produce and re-create old time radio dramas, with the use of scripts, music and a variety of sound effects. This is a fun way for parents and children to experience media in the way that their grandparents used to enjoy the new world of multi-media. And if you remember the early days of broadcasting, come and reminisce the magic of your youthful imagination. The Paley Center really has something for everyone!
The mission of the Bennington Museum is to celebrate the history and heritage of the southern Vermont region, as well as serve as a venue for visual and performing arts that enrich our community and our world. Incorporated in 1852 as the Bennington Historical Association, the Bennington Museum is one of only a few accredited museums in the state of Vermont. The Association was founded to commemorate the pivotal 1777 Revolutionary War battle fought near the town. Following the dedication of the 306-foot-tall Bennington Battle Monument in 1891, the Association turned its attention to a more comprehensive preservation of history, art and material culture in southern Vermont and nearby areas.
After years of searching for a permanent home, the Association in 1923 acquired the beautiful, native stone structure that had served as the first St Francis De Sales Catholic Church from 1855 to 1892. Following some functional renovations, the museum opened to the public in 1928 as the Bennington Historical Museum. |
Located in the historic district of Goldsboro, the Wayne County Museum strives to educate and entertain people of all ages by offering varied and diverse exhibits. The aim of the museum is to collect, preserve, study, and exhibit objects illustrating the history, science and cultural heritage of Wayne County and Central Eastern North Carolina.
The Wayne County Museum was founded in 1986 when the Goldsboro Woman’s Club graciously donated its classical Jeffersonian style building to the Wayne County Historical Association. The building constructed in 1927, and the home of the U.S.O. in the 1940’s, is filled with the rich history of Wayne County. The museum officially opened in 1988 and sponsors several special exhibits each year. |
Displaying more than 30 authentic Winston Cup race cars, the Winston Cup Museum chronicles RJ Reynolds Tobacco's 33-year sponsorship of the NASCAR Winston Cup Series. The museum also displays a extensive variety of racing artifacts.
Programa educativo com atendimento dirigidos a professores, estudantes e grupos em geral.
The Carolinas Historic Aviation Commission was founded in 1992 with the purpose of preserving the aviation heritage of North and South Carolina. The Commission operates the Carolinas Aviation Museum , the Carolinas Aviation Hall of Fame, and the Dolph Overton Aviation Library as part of it mission.
The Museum and the Library are located at the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, in Charlotte, North Carolina. |
The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum is a nonprofit organization. The museum was founded in 1996, by the San Diego Chinese Historical Society under the leadership of its first three presidents: Sally Wong, Tom Hom, and Dr. Alexander Chuang. Charles Tyson donated the museum's current building, originally a Chinese mission located at 645 First Avenue, and in 1991, the City of San Diego graciously provided a piece of land in the original Chinatown area where the museum now resides.
Since opening in 1996, the museum has presented more than 47 exhibits highlighting the rich tradition of Chinese culture and history in San Diego and the world. The Museum also features a library of books on Chinese culture and a tranquil garden with koi pond. |
Kirkland Museum has a nationally important display of 20th-century decorative arts, with more than 3,300 works on view of Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau, Glasgow Style, Wiener Werkstätte, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Art Deco, Modern and Pop Art.
The Rosenbach Museum & Library was the home of two brothers, Dr. A.S.W. and Philip Rosenbach. A.S.W. Rosenbach was a legendary dealer and collector of rare books and manuscripts, while Philip's expertise encompassed the fine and decorative arts. Founded in 1954 to preserve the two brothers' personal collections and company archive, the Rosenbach's holdings have continued to grow. The Rosenbach is a major cultural destination—a research center that is home to one of the nation's great collections of rare books and manuscripts, as well as a beautiful, historic townhouse filled with fine art and antiques.
O Museu da Casa Brasileira guarda e conserva objetos, móveis e equipamentos de várias épocas da história da moradia no Brasil. Construído entre 1942 e 1945, o antigo Solar Prado, implantado em um terreno de aproximadamente 15.000 m², é uma réplica do Palácio Imperial de Petrópolis, no Rio de Janeiro. O Museu é um importante núcleo de pesquisa, discussão de arquitetura e design. Sua biblioteca foi organizada e formaram-se uma vioteca e um acervo de documentação contemporânea brasileira e internacional.
O Paço Imperial é um Centro Cultural com rica programação artística, localizado na Praça XV de Novembro, no centro histórico da cidade, no prédio considerado o mais importante dos edifícios civis coloniais do Brasil. Foi primeiro a residência dos governadores da Capitania do Rio de Janeiro e depois passou a ser a casa de despachos, sucessivamente, do Vice-Rei do Brasil, do Rei de Portugal Dom João VI e dos imperadores do Brasil. Em sua restauração, na reconstituição da fachada, optou-se pela feição colonial, adquirida particularmente no período da ocupação pela Família Real Portuguesa, mas foram preservadas marcas e formas de vários outros momentos históricos. O Paço Imperial conta com uma diversificada programação de artes plásticas, cinema, teatro, música, biblioteca, atividades educativas, seminários, serviços de lojas e restaurantes.
Percorrê-lo é fazer uma releitura do tempo inscrito em seus espaços, relacionando-os com épocas e fatos ocorridos. As exposições permanentes também são um ótimo programa cultural.
Formado inicialmente ao longo dos anos 40 e 50 por inúmeras doações de artistas, empresários e algumas instituições oficiais, o acervo do Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro constituiu-se uma das coleções de arte do século XX mais importantes no país. Apresentando um panorama completo e sofisticado da evolução artística de nosso século, dentro e fora do Brasil.
O Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil (CCBB) do Rio de Janeiro é um dos quatro CCBBs do país, que também existem nas capitais Brasília, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Os Centros são espaços multidisciplinares com programação regular (seis dias por semana), nas áreas de artes cênicas, cinema, exposição, ideias (palestras, debates, seminários etc), música e programa educativo.
O CCBB oferece ao público uma programação cultural que é referência no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil. Com projetos nas mais diversas áreas, o Centro tem um volume de freqüentadores comparável ao de outras grandes instituições culturais do mundo.
Nos vários campos da arte, a programação procura oferecer obras que vão do clássico ao experimental, do erudito ao popular, dos grandes mestres aos talentos iniciantes. Esses critérios de seleção permitem ao CCBB alcançar freqüentadores com os mais abrangentes níveis de interesse. Instalado no número 66 da Rua Primeiro de Março, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil é uma das jóias arquitetônicas da Cidade. Seus espaços, organizados e adornados com elementos neoclássicos, abrigam três teatros, sala de cinema, sala de vídeo, cinco salas de exposições, biblioteca com 140 mil títulos, museu e arquivo histórico, videoteca e salão para conferências e palestras. O freqüentador dispõe ainda de restaurante, casa de chá, bombonière e loja de produtos culturais. |
Construído em 1914, com o objetivo de reforçar a defesa da Baía de Guanabara, o Forte de Copacabana oferece aos seus visitantes muitas curiosidades e atrações. No Museu Histórico do Exército, fatos marcantes estão registrados através de exposições, exibições de vídeo, maquetes e, até, um setor interativo, original e bastante visitado pelos freqüentadores do Forte. Tudo com direito a uma vista panorâmica de um dos pontos mais belos de toda a nossa Costa. Crédito: acervo riotur.
O Arquivo Histórico Judaico de Pernambuco instalou-se, em dezembro de 2001, no Museu Sinagoga Kahal Zur Israel. Responsável pelas ações museológicas do espaço, constituiu-se como uma associação civil de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos, filiado à Federação Israelita de Pernambuco.
É parceiro também das unidades do Museu Judaico do Rio de Janeiro , Arquivo Histórico Judaico Brasileiro em São Paulo, Instituto Histórico Israelita Mineiro em Belo Horizonte-MG , Instituto Marc Chagal em Porto Alegre –RS, entre outros. |
Considerado, ainda em vida, o maior compositor das Américas, Heitor Villa-Lobos compôs cerca de 1.000 obras e sua importância reside, entre outros aspectos, no fato de ter reformulado o conceito de nacionalismo musical, tornando-se seu maior expoente. Foi, também, através de Villa-Lobos que a música brasileira se fez representar em outros países, culminando por se universalizar.
Uma das atrações de Paty do Alferes é o Museu da Cachaça, o primeiro no gênero no país. No Museu da Cachaça também estão instaladas uma indústria artesanal de aguardente, duas adegas e um bar para degustação gratuita.
A cachaça que já foi a mais popular de todas as nossas bebidas, é hoje conhecida internacionalmente como o produto tipicamente brasileiro. Ao servir de base para aperitivos como a caipirinha, traduzindo o paladar nacional, ganhou status de produto de exportação e tornou-se mais um símbolo do Brasil para o mundo, tal qual o samba e o futebol. |
O ano de 2006 celebra o cinquentenário do governo daquele que foi considerado "O Brasileiro do Século", o presidente Juscelino Kubitschek. No dia 31 de maio, no Salão Nobre do Palácio do Catete, personalidades e instituições foram homenageadas com a condecoração Cruz do Mérito Empreendedor Juscelino Kubitschek pelo Centro de Integração Cultural e Empresarial de São Paulo, inclusive o Museu da República, junto a Ronaldinho Gaúcho, Fernanda Montenegro, Silvio Santos e outros.
O Museu de Ciências da Terra - MCTer possui um dos acervos de geologia e paleontologia mais ricos da América Latina. São cerca de 7 mil amostras de minerais brasileiros e estrangeiros, além de 12 mil rochas, meteoritos e fósseis, que somam mais de 100 mil espécimes. O Museu pertence ao Serviço Geológico do Brasil, antiga Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM).
O Museu do Índio, órgão científico-cultural da Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai), foi criado por Darcy Ribeiro, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1953. É a única instituição oficial no país exclusivamente dedicada às culturas indígenas. Seu objetivo é divulgar uma imagem correta, atualizada e sem preconceitos dessas sociedades junto a variados públicos, despertando, assim, o interesse pela causa indígena. Realiza, também, estudos e pesquisas para ampliar e aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre esses povos..
O edifício da Bolsa Oficial do Café passou por restauração, concluída em 1998, realizada com muita competência pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, tornou o prédio um monumento de grandiosa imponência histórica, oferecendo instalações muito adequadas para o funcionamento do Museu do Café, dentro de uma concepção moderna e versátil. No mesmo ano foi concedido à Associação dos Amigos dos Cafés do Brasil, através do Decreto Estadual n° 43.389, de 18 de agosto de 1998, a Permissão de Uso, com o propósito bem definido de ser instituído o Museu do Café.
The DOCKYARD MUSEUM in the Naval Officer's House interprets the story of English Harbour and of the people that toiled in this famous Georgian Royal Naval Yard. It also explains the 20th century return of sailing ships and the aims and aspirations of Nelson's Dockyard National Park. There is also a small "Nelson's Room" with a life sized portrait of Nelson researched through archaeological means.