World Colleges & Universities

    Stony Brook University, North America

   - Stony Brook, NY              
Stony Brook’s reach extends from its 1,039-acre campus on Long Island’s North Shore – encompassing the main academic areas, an 8,300-seat stadium and sports complex, a performing arts center, Stony Brook University Medical Center, the Health Sciences Center, and the Veterans Home – to Stony Brook Manhattan, a new Research and Development Park, three business incubators including one at Calverton, New York, and the Stony Brook Southampton campus on Long Island’s East End. Stony Brook also co-manages Brookhaven National Laboratory, joining Princeton, the University of Chicago, Stanford, and the University of California as the only major institutions involved in a research collaboration with a national lab.
    New York Institute of Technology, North America
  1855 Broadway - New York, NY             
Master's Colleges and Universities I - These institutions typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, and they are committed to graduate education through the master's degree. They award 40 or more master's degrees per year across three or more disciplines.
    William Carey University, North America
   - Gulfport, MS           
Founded in 1906 and operating for decades as Mississippi Woman's College, William Carey College was renamed in honor of the founder of modern missions in 1954 when the school became coeducational. In 2006, the College's board of trustees renamed the institution William Carey University.
    St. John's University, North America
  8000 Utopia Parkway - Jamaica, NY             
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St. John's is one of America's leading Catholic universities – recognized for its superb academic programs, diverse student life, Big East excitement and New York vitality. Founded in 1870 by the Vincentian Community, St. John’s has distinguished itself by giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to serve others while achieving lasting success – personally, professionally and spiritually.
With three friendly residential campuses in New York City, St. John’s is the perfect choice for an affordable, high-quality private education that blends academic study, service opportunities, professional training and real-world experience within a diverse and highly supportive community.
    Centro de Educação da UFES, South America
  Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras - Vitória, ES           
Tem como responsabilidade a formação dos profissionais da educação, em todos os níveis, bem como o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa e de extensão universitária no campo educacional.
    University at Albany SUNY, North America
  1400 Washington Avenue - Albany, NY              
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Strategically located in the state capital of New York, the University at Albany is an internationally recognized public research institution that brings "The World Within Reach" to nearly 18,000 students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The varied perspectives and life experiences of a student body and faculty that represent more than 100 nations provide a diversity that enriches learning at UAlbany.
    EMESCAM, South America
  Av. N. S. da Penha, 2190 - Santa Luiza - Vitória, ES           
A Escola Superior de Ciências da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória (EMESCAM) iniciou suas atividades em março de 1968, revolucionando o ensino de Medicina e a formação de Médicos no Espírito Santo. Hoje, com mais de três mil médicos formados atuando em vários Estados brasileiros, a EMESCAM é uma das mais respeitadas Faculdades de Medicina do Brasil, se tornando não mais uma alternativa, mas uma referência para aqueles que pretendem seguir a carreira Médica.
    City College of New York / CUNY, North America
  138th Street & Convent Avenue - New York, NY           
Founded in 1847 as The Free Academy, The City College of New York (CCNY) was one of the great experiments of the young American democracy. At the urging of School Board President Townsend Harris, New York established a school to provide access to higher education for bright young men from working class and immigrant families who could not afford private college. More than 158 years later, the experiment remains an overwhelming success.
    Fundação Souza Marques, South America
  Av. Ernani Cardoso, 335/345 - Cascadura - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O desafio maior que elege a missão das Souza Marques, Faculdades é o constante aprimoramento do processo ensino-aprendizagem como meio para formação humana e intelectual, permitindo que nossos alunos sejam capazes de enfrentar o trabalho intelectual através do crescimento da dimensão do pensamento, da crítica, da justiça, da solidariedade e da ética.
Sonhar com o amanhã abre caminhos, amplia limites e supera o existente, permitindo a produção do novo, o que deverá ser criado através da gestão do conhecimento desenvolvida nas instituições de Ensino Superior
    Parsons School of Design, North America
  66 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY           
Parsons, an internationally recognized design school, focuses on creating engaged citizens and outstanding artists, designers, scholars and business leaders through a design-based professional and liberal education.
Parsons students learn to rise to the challenges of living, working and creative decision making in a world where human experience is increasingly designed. The school embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology, collaborative methods and global perspectives on the future of design.
Parsons offers both graduate and undergraduate programs in all aspects of design. It also offers continuing education classes, a pre-college academy, and summer intensive programs -- in New York and Paris -- for college, adult, and high school students 16 and older.
    Mississippi State University, North America
   - Starkville, MS             
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Mississippi State University is a comprehensive, doctoral-degree-granting university offering to a diverse and capable student body a wide range of opportunities and challenges for learning and growth; to the world of knowledge, vigorous and expanding contributions in research, discovery, and application; and to the State and its people in every region, a variety of expert services. Mississippi State University is designated as a Doctoral/Extensive institution by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
    University of Nevada, North America
   - Las Vegas, NV             
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The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is a premier metropolitan research university. UNLV demonstrates how the traditional values of higher education can be adapted to conditions and needs of individuals and communities in the 21st century. The university concentrates its resources on instructional and research programs that are student-centered, demonstrably excellent, and responsive to the needs of local, regional, national, and international communities.
    Universidade Unigranrio, South America
  Rua da Lapa, 86 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A história da Unigranrio começou em 1970, ano em que o professor José de Souza Herdy criou a Associação Fluminense de Educação (AFE), entidade mantenedora das então Faculdades Unidas Grande Rio. Em 1972, foram implantados os primeiros cursos superiores – Ciências Contábeis e Administração. Os cursos de Pedagogia e Letras começaram a funcionar no ano seguinte, sendo criado, em 1974, o Centro Educacional de Duque de Caxias (CEDUC) para atuar como Colégio de Aplicação.
A década de 80 registrou a criação dos primeiros cursos da área de Saúde — Odontologia, Enfermagem e Farmácia —, seguidos dos cursos de Ciências Biológicas, Matemática e Química. Quando o professor José de Souza Herdy faleceu, em 1989, deixou montada toda uma estrutura que possibilitou a continuidade da obra educacional. Assumiu a direção geral da instituição o seu filho, Arody Cordeiro Herdy, que coordenou todo o processo de reconhecimento das Faculdades Unidas Grande Rio como Universidade.
    Sierra Nevada College, North America
   - Incline Village, NV            
Located near the shores of scenic Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada College is Nevada's only private residential four-year liberal arts college.
SNC provides students a high-quality education in a personalized environment designed to prepare them for successful lives and careers.
SNC values the uniqueness of the individual within a greater community and the spirit of entrepreneurship in itself and its students.
    New York Theological Seminary, North America
  475 Riverside Dr. Ste 500 - New York, NY              
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New York Theological Seminary began its life in 1900 with the founding of the Bible Teachers’ College in Montclair, New Jersey by Wilbert Webster White. A gifted scholar and teacher, President White was a leading proponent of the inductive Bible study method, and believed that the Bible ought to occupy the central position in the theological curriculum. The inductive method emphasizes three steps in biblical interpretation: observe, interpret and apply. It lent itself easily to an emphasis on practical training for ministry
    Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis, South America
   - Petrópolis, RJ           
Além de oferecer ensino de graduação de excelência, a Fundação Octacílio Gualberto também mantém programas de pós-graduação nas áreas de seus cursos, como os Programas de Residência Médica, os cursos de Especialização em Nutrição Humana e em Educação em Saúde, dentre outros.
Afirmando o seu compromisso com a comunidade, a Fundação Octacílio Gualberto implantou e garante o funcionamento de várias unidades de saúde, podendo assim proporcionar diversidade de cenários para o ensino e a prática profissional. O Ambulatório Escola, os Postos de Saúde da Família e o Serviço de DIP (Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias) estão integrados à rede pública de saúde, prestando serviços inteiramente gratuitos à população.
A mais recente conquista da FOG é o novo campus da FMP/FASE. Inaugurado em agosto de 2007, foi construído em área de 85.000m² e está situado no Centro Histórico de Petrópolis. O campus conta com as mais modernas e adequadas instalações físicas e recursos tecnológicos, estando plenamente integrado à Mata Atlântica
    FACHA Faculdades Integradas Hélio Alonso, South America
  Rua Lucido Lago, 345 - Méier - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
FACHA surgiu em 6 de dezembro de 1971, quando o ensino superior era dominado pelas universidades públicas, com poucas vagas para atender ao grande número de pessoas que queriam estudar, e o governo não apresentava verbas para construir mais universidades.
Em meio a uma época de repressão política e censura da imprensa, o professor Hélio Alonso decidiu dar início à primeira faculdade particular de Comunicação Social, com a filosofia de formar profissionais capazes de "pensar" e "agir" e com o intuito de democratizar o ensino de comunicação no Rio de Janeiro. A FACHA começou a funcionar em duas salas alugadas no Colégio Imaculada.
    PUC-Rio, South America
  Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro é uma instituição de direito privado sem fins lucrativos que prima pela produção e transmissão do saber, baseando-se no respeito aos valores humanos e na ética cristã, visando acima de tudo o benefício da sociedade.
Clique e conheça a história dos 60 anos da PUC-RioA PUC-RIO busca a excelência na pesquisa, no ensino e na extensão para a formação de profissionais competentes, habilitados ao pleno desempenho de suas funções.
    Berkley University of California, North America
   - Berkeley, CA             
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The University of California, Berkeley (also known as UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, and by other names, see below) is the oldest and flagship campus of the ten-campus University of California system. Founded in 1868, the campus is located in Berkeley, California, occupying about 200 acres on a wooded slope, plus an additional 1000 acres (4 km²) of largely undeveloped land in the Oakland hills overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Berkeley still enjoys a certain notoriety for its history of student activism. The Free Speech Movement (1964), a protest that began when the university tried to remove political pamphleteers from campus[1], and the People's Park riots (1969) were part of a wave of international student protest that took place during the 1960s, associated with an accompanying "hippie" counterculture. For all of its student activism and rebellious history, however, the Berkeley campus is remarkably serene, with numerous quiet, green areas on campus and many architecturally distinguished buildings. Source
    Barnard College, North America
  3009 Broadway - New York, NY              
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Baccalaureate Colleges--Liberal Arts - These institutions are primarily undergraduate colleges with major emphasis on baccalaureate programs. They award at least half of their baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts fields.
    Universidade Candido Mendes, South America
  Rua Luiz Leopoldo Fernandes Pinheiro, 517 - Centro - Niterói, RJ           
Ao completar 100 anos, a SBI pode dar o balanço do que é a sua vida como instituição, no que marca a sua diferença, a sua "idéia de obra" ou a sua imagem, de um país de memória fraca e de imaginário estereotipado. Até os anos 20, a SBI - mantenedora da Universidade Candido Mendes - se identificava, na prática com o desenvolvimento da Academia de Comércio do Rio de Janeiro, ou, na corruptela em que chegava ao povo a "Esculimia do Candido Mendes ". Nasciam as duas entidades em 1902, ambas pioneiras. Uma, a desdobrar pela primeira vez no país e para as classes médias em começo de expansão, a idéia de um curso profissional. Fugia-se ao padrão das clássicas carreiras liberais do amadorismo das atividades clássicas de balcão de mercancias no Rio de Janeiro ainda mofino, às vésperas da grande explosão urbana do Prefeito Passos.
    New York University, North America
  70 Washington Square South - New York, NY             
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Founded in 1831, New York University is one of the largest private universities in the United States. The University, which includes 14 schools and colleges, occupies six major centers in Manhattan.
The center of NYU is its Washington Square campus in the heart of Greenwich Village. One of the city's most creative and energetic communities, the Village is a historic neighborhood that has attracted generations of writers, musicians, artists, and intellectuals. Beyond the Village, New York City becomes an extension of the University's campus.
    Universidade Federal do Ceará, South America
  Av. da Universidade, 2853 - Benfica - Fortaleza, CE           
Uma conquista histórica do povo cearense. Nos últimos anos, cresceu, consolidou-se como Universidade de grande porte e tornou-se referência regional em termo qualitativo.
Conheça a Universidade Federal do Ceará, um inalienável patrimônio científico e cultural com extraordinária contribuição prestada ao desenvolvimento socio-econômico do Ceará e do Nordeste.
    Universidade de Fortaleza, South America
   - Fortaleza, CE           
A idéia da criação da Universidade de Fortaleza, concebida pelo industrial Edson Queiroz, empresário já estabelecido no ramo da agropecuária, gás, indústria metalúrgica e telecomunicações, deu-se em um contexto de expectativas e apreensão nos idos de 1970, quando o Brasil enfrentava uma das maiores crises no ensino superior devido à reduzida oferta de vagas.
No Ceará o quadro não era diferente: o número de vagas nos poucos cursos universitários era ofertado apenas por duas instituições públicas. A evasão de muitos jovens para outros estados, em busca da complementação de seus estudos, era inevitável, pois nos grandes centros urbanos outras instituições de ensino superior acenavam com acolhida às suas aspirações.
    United States Military Academy, North America
  Bldg 600 Taylor Hall - West Point, NY             
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The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
    Fordham University, North America
  113 West 60th Street - New York, NY             
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Enrollment at Fordham University includes more than 8,000 undergraduate students and 7,000 graduate students spread over three campuses in New York State: Rose Hill in The Bronx, Lincoln Center in Manhattan, and Marymount in Tarrytown. The University also offers programs in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom. Fordham awards bachelor's (BA, BFA, and BS), master's, and doctoral degrees.
Fordham University is composed of four undergraduate colleges and six graduate schools, including the tier-1 Fordham Graduate School of Social Service and the particularly selective tier-1 Fordham School of Law. The University offers a BA/BS engineering program in cooperation with Columbia University and a BFA degree program for dance in partnership with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Source
    University of West Florida SUSF, North America
  11000 University Parkway - Pensacola, FL             
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A creative, student-centered state institution focused on excellence. At UWF, our highest priorities are our students and the academic programs that serve them. The faculty, staff and students at UWF are not here to merely do what's been done before. Individual attention from a world-class faculty in a warm and caring environment is the essence of UWF.
    Virginia Tech, North America
   - Blacksburg, VA             
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, better known as Virginia Tech, is a public land grant polytechnic university in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Although it is a comprehensive university with many departments, the agriculture, engineering, architecture, forestry, and veterinary medicine programs are considered to be among its strongest. It is also one of the few public universities in the United States, along with Texas A&M University, which continues to maintain a corps of cadets (a full-time military training component within a larger civilian university).
In addition to its research and academic programs, Virginia Tech is known for its campus and location in the New River Valley of southwestern Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a part of the Appalachian Mountains. The university's public profile has also been raised significantly in recent years by the success of its football program. Source
    Stanford University, North America
   - Stanford, CA             
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Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions. The Introduction to Stanford website provides a guided tour of undergraduate academic opportunities, research, student life, and popular campus sights.
    Hampton University, North America
   - Hampton, VA           
Hampton University, a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, is a privately-endowed, non-profit, non-sectarian, co-educational, historically black university. It is located in southeastern Virginia and boasts one of the loveliest campuses in the nation, with a picturesque waterfront and historic buildings and landmarks. Hampton University has grown into a comprehensive university providing a broad range of technical, liberal arts, pre-professional, professional, and graduate degree programs. We also offer cultural entertainment and athletic events keep you in touch with the other students and members of the Hampton University family.