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2013 Winter/Spring Season. Based on The Suit by Can Themba, Mothobi Mutloatse, and Barney Simon Direction, adaptation, and music by Peter Brook, Marie-Hélène Estienne, and Franck Krawczyk
The renowned Peter Brook—whose 1987 production of The Mahabharata inaugurated the BAM Majestic Theater (now the BAM Harvey Theater)—returns with a music-filled adaptation of South African writer Can Themba’s piercing tale of simmering resentment and tragedy, The Suit.
A wife caught in the act, her lover fleeing the scene, a suit left behind. It’s the perfect recipe for a husband’s punishing, humiliating decree: go on with business as usual, he says to his spouse, but take your lover’s suit everywhere you go as a ghostly reminder of your betrayal. Using an innovative staging that integrates live musicians directly into the action, Brook makes Themba’s volatile work sing. A hummed “Strange Fruit,” African melodies, and Schubert lieder thicken the tense, poisoned air of this apartheid-era summer in which a shared wound was not allowed to heal.
Dating from its first performance in 1861, BAM has grown into a thriving urban arts center that brings international performing arts and film to Brooklyn. The first BAM facility at 176-194 Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights was originally conceived by the Philharmonic Society of Brooklyn as a home for its concerts. It housed a large theater seating 2,200, a smaller concert hall, dressing and chorus rooms, and a vast "baronial" kitchen. BAM presented both amateur and professional music and theater productions. Performers included Ellen Terry, Edwin Booth, Tomas Salvini, and Fritz Kreisler. |
Os personagens foram criados especialmente para o Parque, com base no tema, que é a cultura brasileira e suas origens: indígena, africana e européia. Aproveitando a beleza e a força da nossa natureza, tiveram destaque alguns animais ameaçados de extinção - como o mico leão dourado, a arara azul e o boto cor-de-rosa -, que conseguiram se salvar e foram viver na Terra Encantada.
At the beginning of the 2009 Major League Baseball season the new Yankee Stadium opened its doors when the Yankees hosted a workout day in front of fans from the Bronx community. The first game at this brand new ballpark was a pre-season exhibition game against the Chicago Cubs, played on April 3, 2009, which the Yankees won 7-4.
The new Yankee Stadium is located in the Bronx, across the street from the original Yankee Stadium. It is built on a 24 acre area and has a price tag of $1.5 billion, which makes it not only the most expensive baseball stadium ever built but also the third-most expensive stadium of any kind.
Have the time of your life when you participate on the Yankee Inside Experience program, where fans are treated to a game day like never before. Guests attending the program are provided with an opportunity to meet with a player on the Yankees current roster followed by a guided stadium tour and buffet lunch. |
A distinguished Smithsonian Affiliate, is Staten Island's premier destination for culture and entertainment. Set within a stunning 83-acre park-like setting, Snug Harbor presents a unique blend of gardens, museums, theaters, educational opportunities, and seasonal festivals.
Snug Harbor's historic grounds and Greek Revival buildings house arts organizations with the area's most vibrant and intriguing activities, providing numerous ways for visitors of all ages and backgorunds to explore. The richness of this captivating environment truly makes Snug Harbor the heart of Staten Island's social life and a must-see destination in the region. |
The massive stone bridge arch - the largest marble cave entrance in the east - dominates this spectacular display of ancient Adirondack geology from rock over one billion years old. Take a walking stick, map, and camera and set out on a self-guided, above-ground, natural stone step nature trail and experience up-close the many unique rock features, such as potholes, grottos, a gorge and mill site waterfalls. Descend into lighted surface caves with raging waterfalls or tranquil dark pools. To learn more, see the Adirondack memories display or view a free PBS video describing the history and geology of the caves.
Located in the northern catskills in beautiful East Durham. This is the largest water park in the catskills. Waterslides, pools, lazy river, picnic areas, group rates and specials.
O Complexo Esportivo de Deodoro é um dos locais de competições dos Jogos Olímpicos 2016. O espaço conta com cinco instalações esportivas diferentes. São elas: o Centro Olímpico de BMX, o Centro Olímpico de Hóquei, o Estádio de Canoagem Slalom, a Pista de Mountain Bike e a Arena da Juventude.
Após a competição, parte do palco das disputas por medalhas olímpicas se transformará na segunda maior área de lazer da cidade, batizado de Parque Radical. Nele, o estádio de canoagem volta a ser uma piscina pública e o Centro Olímpico de BMX será novamente aberto à população.
Prospect Park is a public park located in Brooklyn, New York. The park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, who also designed Central Park in Manhattan. Prospect Park covers 526 acres and offers a wide range of recreational opportunities for visitors.
The park features several notable attractions, including the Long Meadow, a 90-acre meadow that is popular for picnics and sunbathing; the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a 52-acre garden that features a variety of plants, flowers, and trees; and the Prospect Park Zoo, which is home to over 300 species of animals. The park also has several lakes and ponds, including the Lullwater, which is popular for boating and fishing.
Prospect Park also offers a variety of recreational activities for visitors, including bike and boat rentals, horse-drawn carriage rides, and ice skating in the winter. The park is also home to several playgrounds, sports fields, and courts for basketball, soccer, and handball.
The park is also home to several cultural institutions such as the Lefferts Historic House, the Prospect Park Carousel and the Brooklyn Museum, which is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the country. The park also hosts various events throughout the year, including concerts, festivals, and outdoor movie screenings.
Prospect Park is easily accessible by public transportation, with several subway and bus lines stopping at the Prospect Park station, which is located at the park's main entrance. The park also has several parking lots for those who choose to drive. Prospect Park is a great place to spend a day with family and friends, with something for everyone to enjoy, and is considered as one of Brooklyn's most popular and important public spaces. |
O Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil (CCBB) do Rio de Janeiro é um dos quatro CCBBs do país, que também existem nas capitais Brasília, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Os Centros são espaços multidisciplinares com programação regular (seis dias por semana), nas áreas de artes cênicas, cinema, exposição, ideias (palestras, debates, seminários etc), música e programa educativo.
O CCBB oferece ao público uma programação cultural que é referência no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil. Com projetos nas mais diversas áreas, o Centro tem um volume de freqüentadores comparável ao de outras grandes instituições culturais do mundo.
Nos vários campos da arte, a programação procura oferecer obras que vão do clássico ao experimental, do erudito ao popular, dos grandes mestres aos talentos iniciantes. Esses critérios de seleção permitem ao CCBB alcançar freqüentadores com os mais abrangentes níveis de interesse. Instalado no número 66 da Rua Primeiro de Março, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil é uma das jóias arquitetônicas da Cidade. Seus espaços, organizados e adornados com elementos neoclássicos, abrigam três teatros, sala de cinema, sala de vídeo, cinco salas de exposições, biblioteca com 140 mil títulos, museu e arquivo histórico, videoteca e salão para conferências e palestras. O freqüentador dispõe ainda de restaurante, casa de chá, bombonière e loja de produtos culturais. |
Fundado em 1932, o Jockey Club Brasileiro teve como primeiro presidente Linneo de Paula Machado, que foi o responsável pela construção do Hipódromo da Gávea, a maior obra da cidade na época. Lá é realizado anualmente o Grande Prêmio Brasil, a prova de maior expressão do turfe nacional, também famosa pela elegância dos trajes dos visitantes da festa. O Jockey Club também possui uma sede social no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, localizada num prédio de 12 andares, projeto assinado pelo arquiteto Lúcio Costa. As dependências são amplas e espaçosas, contando com 363 salas para escritórios, sete lojas, um auditório servido por elevadores especiais, 13 andares de estacionamento para 800 carros. No 11º e 12º andares, os jardins são de Burle Marx e os interiores do arquiteto Jorge Hue. Atividades: piscina, hidroginástica, saunas, massagiata, estética, quadra poliesportiva, ginástica.
The HBO Shop is an exciting extension of the HBO® brand, offering new products from HBO’s line of award-winning programming, including Entourage®, The Sopranos®, Sex and the City®, The Pacific® the hit HBO series True Blood and more. Selling items range from a variety of commemorative T-shirts and Hoodie Sweatshirts, collectible items like Sopranos Coasters; Game of Thrones paper-weights, laptop skins, pint glasses; Boardwalk Empire cigarette case, Nucky Thompson hat, playing cards; Entourage cap, King Ari mug; Eastbound & Down baseball hat, water bottle, to the entire collection of the HBO shows and series.
Now you can deepen your experience with your favorite show by taking an actual bus tour of the Sopranos locations and following in the foot steps of Tony & Family, or by following in the footsteps of Carrie & Co as they conquer New York City! Drink where they drink, shop where they shop, and gossip where they gossip. Both tours visit more than 40 locations where the series where filmed and are organized and operated by On Location Tours, with a final stop at the HBO Shop in NYC at 42nd Street and 6th Avenue. Tour visitors will receive 10% off all purchases at the NYC Shop. Subway Stop: Times Square, 42nd Street. TRAINS: N-R-Q-S-1-2-3-7. |
Beto Carrero, nasce um herói
Não existe no Brasil um exemplo melhor para ilustrar a máxima “Não sabendo que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez” do que a história de João Batista Sérgio Murad, o nosso Beto Carrero.
Menino pobre, nascido no interior do estado de São Paulo, o menino João Batista sonhava em ser o Zorro brasileiro e trabalhar em um parque de diversões. Mal sabia ele que seus humildes sonhos se transformariam com os anos, e que ele construiria o maior parque multi-temático do mundo! |
The Fuller Building or as it is better known, the Flatiron Building, is located in the borough of Manhattan, and was one of the tallest buildings in New York City upon its completion in 1902. The building was designed by Chicago's Daniel Burnham with John Wellborn Root in the Beaux-Arts style on a triangular island block at 23rd Street, Fifth Avenue, and Broadway, facing Madison Square.
From its inception over 50 years ago, a cornerstone of Brooklyn Center's mission has been a proactive community out-reach, bringing the Brooklyn Community into the Brooklyn College environment....letting the public experience a part of our campus. What better way than to open the Center's doors to the public with a standing invitation to experience the many hundreds of performances offered every season, but also, as a good neighbor, making the facilities of a great Performing Arts Center available to the Brooklyn community at large.
The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
Impossível não esticar o pescoço em direção à janela do avião quando a aeronave se prepara para aterrissar no Aeroporto Santos Dumont. Mais do que ver a pista de pouso, turistas e cariocas querem apreciar de perto os belos detalhes de um castelinho verde, salpicado de coqueiros e palmeiras, construído numa pequena ilha na Baía de Guanabara. Cenário do último grande baile do Império, realizado em 09 de novembro de 1889, a Ilha Fiscal chama a atenção na paisagem e, o que é melhor, está aberta para visitação pública.
Nasceu de uma idéia no ano de 1994, de duas irmãs que tinham como objetivo principal proporcionar à criança urbana um contato com a vida rural, resgatando, de uma maneira lúdica, a infância perdida de quem vive nos grandes centros. Animais de porte pequeno e médio, bem próximos de se habitat natural, fazem a alegria da criançada. A Fazendinha recebe até visita de índios de verdade. Jogos e pinturas são ingredientes importantes do passeio. Programa imperdível.
From Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day, Bahama Beach offers the best family waterpark value in the metroplex. Conveniently located only ten minutes south of downtown Dallas, you can get away from it all without ever leaving town. We have everything from 45 foot tall slides for the big kids and adults who are young at heart, to an interactive water playground with a 1000 gallon dumping bucket for the little ones. And for those who want to kick back and relax, grab a tube, wade into one of two zero depth entry beaches, and take a float down the lazy river. Plenty of shade, reservable private cabanas, and a concession stand to satisfy all of your summertime cravings tops it all off. So bring the whole family and make a day of it at Bahama Beach Waterpark!
The Doctor dares you to take his tour of horror! Learn why he became known as the Mad Wax Maker.
Localizada entre Piratininga e Camboinhas é de pequena extensão e bastante freqüentada pelos que vem pelo mar em lanchas e iates, pois seu difícil acesso, através de uma trilha, não é muito conhecido. É um dos mais belos recantos da cidade
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America's Longest Watercoaster, "Black Anaconda", The Worlds Largest Bowl Ride "Time Warp" and the ONLY 4D Dive-In Theater in the world, featuring the SpongeBob SquarePants™ 4D Movie. NEW for 2009 is "Curse of the Crypt" a haunting new adventure! Noah's Ark features, 49 waterslides, 2 huge wave pools, 2 endless rivers, 4 childrens water play areas, Paradise Lagoon activity pool, 3 large group tube rides, 18-hole mini golf, 3 arcades, shopping, gourmet desserts and much more! Noah's Ark is continually evolving, offering the most variety of water rides anywhere in the nation. New in 2008 wasTadpole Bay, An island of fun for everyone! This very popular interactive kiddie playzone features a giant 8-foot dump bucket, 4 kiddie waterslides, and a variety of swings and dancing springs!
A nonprofit education and research facility with focus on the social behavior of captive pack, as well as foxes, coyotes and bison.
O Barra Bowling conta hoje com 20 modernas pistas de boliche, elaborada nos moldes dos boliches internacionais e, possui uma equipe de jovens treinada para oferecer os melhores serviços. Oferece tênis especiais, próprios para as pistas em regime de aluguel. Completam e complexo; bar e restaurante. http://www.barrabowling.com.br/
"Franciscan Monastery, this century-old monastery is one of Washington's hidden delights. The garden, set on a hillside and reached by winding paths, is full of big trees and places to sit quietly among the flowers and small outdoor shrines. The public is allowed to view the upper church's full-scale replicas of Holy Land shrines. In the lower church, visitors will find a replica of the Roman catacombs, which can only be seen on scheduled tours. Guided tours last about 45 minutes."
Tree-top adventure for the entire family, 5 courses, 79 obstacles, zip lines, rope bridges, swings, slides, nets & ladders. Winter, spring, fall by reservation.
Start 2025 in style with hot new end-of-year releases at the NBA Store.
GET IN THE GAME!!! The NBA Store in Manhattan is your one stop shop for everything related to the NBA and provides fans with one of the most fulfilling shopping and entertainment experiences available in New York City. Whether you are a Knick fan, a Laker fan or any fan, the NBA store has your team’s gear at great prices. The sprawling 35,000 square foot store doesn’t just do team licensed gear but also has all of the basketball shoes you need to lace up and head to the court. Of course, if you are in the Manhattan store you don’t have to go far as part of the experience involves trying out your gear on the indoor half-court officially endorsed by the NBA. The fun doesn’t stop there - the store also has a consistent array of multimedia presentations that take you away from a basic shopping experience and instead puts you in front of 50,000 screaming fans on the court of your dreams. For a shopping experience like no other and a chance to look exactly like your favorite basketball heroes, look no further than the NBA Store in Manhattan! |
Swimming is a lifelong sport. It can improve your health; provide entertainment, confidence, and skills that can improve your life. Here at H2Oasis we understand the value of basic water safety and swimming essentials. Our staff is dedicated to water instruction that will provide the public with an exceptional grasp of the aquatic environment.
The orchestra performs more than 200 concerts each year, with its main subscription series augmented by pops series, family concerts, and a full summer schedule including classical, pops, and free parks concerts. Its educational concerts for young people are consistently sold out and, along with outreach initiatives in schools and community centers, serve more than 50,000 youngsters annually.
Music Director since 2001, Maestro Robert Spano has led an innovative period for the ASO that has included commissions for video and animated installations in the concert hall as well as video interviews with living composers and a greater emphasis on contemporary repertoire. |
A Confeitaria Cavé ou, simplesmente, Cavé, data de 1860. É a mais antiga confeitaria do Rio de Janeiro. Foi fundada por Charles Auguste Cavé, francês que ficou a frente do negócio até 1922. Entrar nela é voltar ao passado, reviver um pouco do Rio Antigo. A arquitetura marcante da Cavé possui influências de diversos países. Lustres, vitrais e vidros em geral eram franceses; as cadeiras e mesas foram projetadas por Cólon, um espanhol que residia no Brasil.