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Denise e Vera Casoni Jazz - Ballet é uma escola de dança, que vem realizando um trabalho de qualidade, seriedade e sucesso há 25 anos. Em junho de 1981, Vera Casoni abria sua academia ao lado de suas filhas Denise e Christine, que hoje, são as coordenadoras da escola. Sua sede, uma casa de três andares, está localizada entre os bairros de Ipanema e Copacabana, Zona Sul do Rio deJaneiro.
Vera dirige a escola e cuida da parte administrativa. Denise cuida da direção artística e é professora das turmas mais avançadas e Christine coordena o balé clássico e dá aulas para as turmas infantis. Além delas, uma equipe de professores garante a excelência no ensino dos vários estilos e técnicas oferecidos pela escola, que vão desde as aulas de balé clássico até o jazz dance, street, sapateado e contemporâneo, entre outros. "Nosso objetivo é oferecer cursos de qualidade, onde cada professor tem o compromisso de priorizar o aluno, em relação à faixa etária, o corpo físico, o ritmo de aprendizagem, a sociabilidade no grupo, a parte cognitiva e motora. A escola pretende esquematizar os programas de aula de forma a levar ao aluno um conhecimento mais amplo. O público-alvo, em sua maioria, ainda não vê a dança como importante processo educativo no desenvolvimento psicomotor e é evidente a necessidade de se imbuir esta concepção sobre a dança,” diz Christine Escolas em Ipanema e Barra da Tijuca |
Dance Classes For Fun, Fitness & Inspiration!
As a small studio Dance Centre was able to provide individual attention to each dancer. Currently with 400 students and 4 teaching rooms, we are still dedicated to each student, both as a dancer and a person.
As diverse as the art of dance itself, our faculty is made up of instructors who specialize in teaching specific forms of dance to specific age groups. Our teachers have danced on Broadway, in movies and in music videos. Their one common philosophy is that teaching the love of dance is as important as teaching the technique of dance. |
Founded under the basis of love and adoration for dance. From the very first class taught in 2003, each studio room, faculty member, and student wreaked the passion for dance. Owner Stefanie Salaman has devoted herself to building a studio of excellence and pure respect to the dance education. The dance educators at Performers Edge are dedicated to giving each and every student the personal attention they deserve and support they need to continue as well as enjoy their dance experience.
Performers Edge is located in the heart of Throgs Neck where there is much of a family oriented environment. Our waiting room and office are located in the front of the building so help can always be attained and a family, fun atmosphere set. |
A Cia Khoros, tem sua trajetória traçada a partir de fevereiro de 2000, quando sua diretora sentiu a necessidade de fundar na Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro, uma companhia de dança que levaria não só a comunidade local, mas também a diversas regiões do Brasil a arte tão peculiar que ali brotava.
Demonstrando a seriedade dos trabalhos realizados e a direção em que caminha, a Cia criou o projeto Social “Meninos de Asas” que oferece aulas gratuitas de dança desde abril de 2004, para alunos da rede municipal de ensino. |
Devoted to the education of children and adults in the art of dance. Classes are designed to encourage self expression, inspire, improve self discipline, technique, and provide an alternative for youth in a positive environment.
Cathy's Dance Studio was founded in 1956 by Miss Cathy Dooley and has carried out one tradition for over the past 53 years - a mission of sharing the art of dance with children of all ages and adding the excitement of cutting edge dance techniques.
Miss Cathy had a vision of bringing quality dance instruction at affordable prices to every student who had the desire to dance. And she shared that vision with the people of Astoria for over 26 years. Today, Miss Michelle continues Cathy's Dance Studio's mission by fostering the arts in our community and attracting dancers from all of New York City's five boroughs, as well as Long Island, upstate New York, and New Jersey. Whether it's traditional tap or pointe ballet, cutting edge jazz or hoofer-style tap, lyrical, rhythm tap, acrobatics, or modern ballet, Cathy's Dance Studio's talented and energetic teaching staff delivers the best instruction money can buy! |
"We are now beginning our 4th year.
Everyday, we put our collective
heart and soul into everything we do
to give you a rewarding dance experience.
Our excellent staff is comprised of professional,
caring, and motivated individuals.
If you are interested in any of our classes,
you are welcome to drop in anytime.
We strive to provide a warm atmosphere, a positive environment for all dancers, and a studio where you will be challenged and encouraged to find your own artistic style." |
A studio with the most energetic and creative dance classes! Acclaimed choreographers and owners - Lori Barone and Michele Cuccaro - have set Long Island on fire with their two beautiful JAM locations in Great Neck and Dix Hills. Known for its electrifying choreography and vibrant, professional staff, JAM is the ultimate in dance experience!
Dedicated to strengthening family connections by providing creative, nurturing, and meaningful experiences that allow children to grow as active learners while engaging the whole family in this process.
Rebecca Kelly creates abstract and narrative ballets which convey her humanistic outlook. The works features Kelly's vibrant expression, fusing classical dance with modern forms resulting in an arresting lyrical yet earthy quality. Kelly brings out strong individuality with a culturally diverse group of dancers. Themes range from topical issues about the environment and astute social commentary, to poetical works involving the sheer energy and beauty of the highly skilled dancer and the complex use of the body. Classical line and touching performance, coupled with intense musicality and energy distinguish each of Kelly's works. No matter what topic, Kelly reveals provocative and compelling images, with a directness of expression which easily engages the audience. The Company spends a portion of its summer in a second home in the Adirondack Mountains, where as artists-in-residence in Lake Placid, NY since 1987, it has developed many new ballets.
We strive to afford all of our students an opportunity for creative self-expression without the unnecessary pressure of professional "competition." We believe that the confidence, poise, and enrichment dance provides is valuable to the development of all children, and that, above all, it should be a positive, rewarding, and fun learning experience. We believe that dance is an art form. It is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.
Dancing is a great source of fun and relaxation available to everyone.
Anyone can learn to dance if they so desire; for great dancers are not born, they need only be taught. Succesful learning can bring you grace, poise and dignity and a wonderful sense of self esteem.
Ballroom Legacy's highly qualified professionals will guide you not into a pattern of rhythmic steps; but into the real magic of dance; A rhapsody of motion between partner and music. Our most treasured dreams have been made possible through dancing. |
A studio with the most energetic and creative dance classes! Acclaimed choreographers and owners - Lori Barone and Michele Cuccaro - have set Long Island on fire with their two beautiful JAM locations in Great Neck and Dix Hills. Known for its electrifying choreography and vibrant, professional staff, JAM is the ultimate in dance experience!
"Concentrating on Clasical Ballet R.A.D style. We work on students technique, style, flexibility, and stage presence. We offer small personalized classes so your children get the attention they deserve! We do not offer Ballet/Jazz. Just strickly Classical Ballet and Pointe work."
State of the art Dance Studio, in the Swan Commons Shopping Center, just west of McDonalds on Montauk Highway. The parking is unlimited and the oversized waiting areas have flatscreen tv monitors for viewing. The dance floors are specially designed and sprung for protection from injury while jumping or leaping.
Directors Michelle Gural & Michael Cardascia haved created a dance studio with a program that is positive for both serious competitive students and students who request lessons purely for the enjoyment and recreation.
No matter what you choose to achieve in your future, dancing will enrich your life by developing a sense of balance, timing, coordination, expression, teamwork and self discipline, as a basis for lifelong self expression |
"We offer dance classes for all ages and levels. Our classes include ballet, tap, jazz, irish step, cheerleading, musical theatre, hip-hop, and more. There is something for everyone at dancehampton. Do something great for yourself or your child...experience the magic of dance."
Striving to assist the developing dancer to reach their potential through a safe and progressive approach. Rhythm Central focus on proper dance technique while also allowing our students to express themselves in an artistic way at any age. Encouraging healthy self esteem, inner discipline, and to respect one-self and others.
Rhythm Central dance studios have new sprung dance floors. The quality of the floor that a student dances on is of utmost importance. This flexible flooring is designed to absorb energy, provide resiliency and prevent injuries. Floating on foam blocks, studios have the proper floors, critical to a dancer's safety. |
The launching of a dance company in 2004 and expansion into the beautiful, spacious studios on Prospect Avenue is a longtime goal realized. These seven years of extraordinary growth, since June of 2002, are a testament to Ms. King's dedication to creating an atmosphere that provides a fertile training ground for dancers and a place for teachers/choreographers to present new and original works. Her innovative curriculum embraces traditional to emerging styles, inspiring dancers to strive for both technical excellence and meaningful artistry.
"Our mission is to provide a supportive and FUN environment for our students to learn to dance. Whether one wants to dance competitively, just for fun, or at their wedding, we strive to fulfill all desires.
We believe that great dancing begins with knowing and understanding the fundamentals, such as technique, line of dance, knowing the names of the steps, etc. We continuously stress the importance of the basics and work with all students to improve these aspects." |
"Our Ballroom and Latin Dance Studios specialize in private dancing lessons & classes for all the popular dances including Waltz, Fox Trot, Swing, Salsa, Hustle, Argentine Tango, Country Western, Ballroom Dancing, and more.
Nobody makes learning to dance easier than Arthur Murray®. Our trained professionals can make you feel at home in the friendly atmosphere of an Arthur Murray Dance Studio so you can feel comfortable on any dance floor and with any dance partner. Arthur Murray® offers convenient times and enrollments that allow you to take lessons in any of our franchised dance studios worldwide. |
A studio with the most energetic and creative dance classes! Acclaimed choreographers and owners - Lori Barone and Michele Cuccaro - have set Long Island on fire with their two beautiful JAM locations in Great Neck and Dix Hills. Known for its electrifying choreography and vibrant, professional staff, JAM is the ultimate in dance experience!
Criada em 1985, a Escola recebeu, inicialmente, o nome de Escola de Dança Chiquinha Gonzaga. Posteriormente, mudou de nome, em homenagem a Maria Antonieta, professora de Jaime Arôxa. Em 1986, já com 800 alunos, tornou-se oficialmente a Escola de Dança e Centro Cultural Jaime Arôxa, de acordo com alguns, um pequeno paraíso no meio da selva de pedra carioca
Pioneiro na arte de ensinar Dança de Salão, Jaime Arôxa formou dezenas de professores e milhares de alunos, além de atuar em todas as áreas da dança (cinema, teatro, coreografia e eventos). Na Escola, se respira dança e alegria, faz-se amigos, e aprimora-se gestual e sensibilidade. Studio recomendado. Capacitadíssima equipe de professores. Outros endereços: Tijuca - Rua Almirante Cochrane, 162 Niterói - Rua Estado de Israel, 14 Icaraí. Barra da Tijuca - Academia de Dança Ramalho's - Condomínio Riviera Dei Fiori Ipanema - Rua Farme de Amoedo, 75/203 Cia Carioca de Dança e Arte - Rua Vilela Tavares, 45 - Méier |
A Academia Equilibrium começou suas atividades no ano 2000, especializada em hatha yoga para jovens, adultos e melhor idade. As aulas são lecionadas por professores graduados em Educação Física, com o conhecimento necessário para o aprendizado correto da prática.
Também são oferecidas aulas de Dança do Ventre,Dança do Ventre Kids (aula especial para crianças),Ginástica e Pole Dance, que ajudam no fortalecimento muscular e coordenação motora.
A Academia Equilibrium tem o ambiente ideal para estas práticas que exigem dedicação e concentração para um aprendizado completo.
A Luna Llena Danças, foi fundada em 1999 por Suraya Helayel, bailarina, professora e coreógrafa de Flamenco, a partir do grupo Luna Llena. Vem difundindo a cultura flamenca em Niterói, apresentando suas músicas, ensinando suas danças e mantendo vivos estilos e tradições.
A Escola Carioca de Dança tem como principal atividade a Dança de Salão e seus vários ritmos. Dirigida por Marcelo Martins, profissional formado pelo professor-coreógrafo Jaime Arôxa, Marcelo possui vasta experiência na formação de novos dançarinos, realização de espetáculos, workshops, trabalhos de animação cultural, além da montagem de coreografias. Como integrante da Companhia de Dança Jaime Arôxa até 2001 e também com membro da companhia franco-brasileira La Salsamba, já se apresentou em muitos estados brasileiros e no exterior.
A Escola também oferece eventos semanais com muita dança em sua sede, eventos externos com bailes, passeios e viagens. É um espaço completo onde se encontra um salão refrigerado com 120 m2, loja com artigos para dança, Bar & Café, "Lounge" com TV, 3 salas refrigeradas para aulas particulares, em grupo e ensaios, Espaço Arte & Luz com Shiatsu, Reike e Acupuntura, Sala de Arteterapia. Boutique loja Dance + com calçados e roupas par danças |
Cursos na ABM Associação Bosque Marapendi, Turmas no Atlântico Sul, Dança de Salão Carioca na Barra da Tijuca, Samba de Gafieira
Professor de Dança de Salão formado pela Cia. Aérea de Dança, onde atuou como professor e dançarino até 1993, passou a dirigir espaço próprio, o Studio Marcello Moragas - Dança de Salão. Integra, também, a Cia. de Dança Carlinhos de Jesus onde desenvolve atividades como dançarino, ensaísta, coreógrafo e diretor artístico