North America
South America

World Attractions

    Hopi Hari, South America

  Rodovia dos Bandeirantes, Km.72,5 - Marco Zero - Vinhedo, SP             
O Hopi Hari é um dos maiores parques temáticos do Brasil, com 760 mil m². Localiza-se no município de Vinhedo, na Rodovia dos Bandeirantes, a 72km da capital do estado de São Paulo, ao lado do parque aquático Wet´n Wild. O parque é um país fictício - seus funcionários são os habitantes (hópius e hópias) - com "Presidente", capital, idioma próprio, entre outras características. O parque Hopi Hari é dividido em 5 regiões, cada qual com suas características e história, e em cada uma delas, têm suas respectivas atrações (brinquedos), são elas: Kaminda Mundi, Mistieri, Infantasia, Aribabiba e Wild West.
    Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, South America
  Av. Epitácio Pessoa e Av. Borges de Medeiros - Lagoa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Cercada pelos mais badalados bairros cariocas - Lagoa, Ipanema, Leblon, Gávea e Jardim Botânico -, emoldurada por montanhas e abraçada pelo Cristo Redentor, a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas impressiona pelo pôr-do-sol e o reflexo dourado em suas águas plácidas e silenciosas, tornando-se um grande ponto de encontro, tanto para os cariocas quanto para os visitantes. Unida ao mar pelo canal do Jardim de Alah, entre Ipanema e Leblon, sua orla abriga parques, quadras de esportes, rinque de patinação, heliporto, pista para caminhadas e corrida, ciclovia e um centro gastronômico distribuído por quiosques que oferecem de comida alemã a japonesa, além de música ao vivo a partir do anoitecer. Isso sem falar nos passeios de pedalinho que, nos domingos e feriados,
    Jockey Club Brasileiro, South America
  Praça Santos Dumont - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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Fundado em 1932, o Jockey Club Brasileiro teve como primeiro presidente Linneo de Paula Machado, que foi o responsável pela construção do Hipódromo da Gávea, a maior obra da cidade na época. Lá é realizado anualmente o Grande Prêmio Brasil, a prova de maior expressão do turfe nacional, também famosa pela elegância dos trajes dos visitantes da festa. O Jockey Club também possui uma sede social no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, localizada num prédio de 12 andares, projeto assinado pelo arquiteto Lúcio Costa. As dependências são amplas e espaçosas, contando com 363 salas para escritórios, sete lojas, um auditório servido por elevadores especiais, 13 andares de estacionamento para 800 carros. No 11º e 12º andares, os jardins são de Burle Marx e os interiores do arquiteto Jorge Hue. Atividades: piscina, hidroginástica, saunas, massagiata, estética, quadra poliesportiva, ginástica.
    Arquivo Nacional, South America
  Pça. da República, 173 - Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O Arquivo Nacional, criado em 1838, é o órgão central do Sistema de Gestão de Documentos de Arquivos-SIGA, da administração pública federal. Integrante da estrutura básica da Casa Civil da Presidência da República, está diretamente subordinado à Secretaria-Executiva.
Tem por finalidade implementar e acompanhar a política nacional de arquivos, definida pelo Conselho Nacional de Arquivos - Conarq, por meio da gestão, do recolhimento, do tratamento técnico, da preservação e da divulgação do patrimônio documental do País, garantindo pleno acesso à informação, visando apoiar as decisões governamentais de caráter político-administrativo, o cidadão na defesa de seus direitos e de incentivar a produção de conhecimento científico e cultural.
    African Safari Wildlife Park, North America
  267 Lightner Road - Port Clinton, OH             
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Drive Thru Safari Park! Tour the 100 plus acre preserve and visit hundreds of rare, exotic and some endangered animals from around the world. Animals roam, rest and play while visitors explore the grounds, snap pictures, buy snacks and have fun. Located in Port Clinton, Ohio only 17 miles West of Cedar Point.
    RockSport, North America
  138 Quaker Road - Queensbury, NY           
RockSport proudly offers 4,200 square feet of indoor rock climbing. This includes many features such as overhanging walls, bouldering caves, and beginner walls. Since opening in 1990, we have safely introduced over 13,000 people to climbing for all ages, abilities, fitness, and interest levels. We are the only indoor climbing gym located in the Queensbury area. It is just minutes from the popular Adirondack destination of Lake George and 15-20 minutes from Saratoga, NY.
    City Hall, North America
  Broadway and Park Row - New York, NY             
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The building depicted above is New York City's third City Hall. Constructed from 1803-1812, it was designed by John McComb, Jr. and Joseph-Francois Mangin. The building has undergone many restorations during its almost two hundred-year history. The original copper roof of City Hall was installed in 1811; it was replaced in 1853, and five years later, due to fire damage, replaced again. Additional work on the roof was undertaken in the early part of this century. Since that time, the last recorded work on the roof was undertaken in 1970, when roof openings were installed to accommodate new air conditioning units.
    Mississippi Petrified Forest, North America
  124 Forest Park Road - Flora, MS            
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See the world differently... Take a relaxing walking tour through the Mississippi Petrified Forest on a shady paved trail among the ancient trees. You’ll enjoy the many points of interest along the self-guided 6 block nature trail.
The Mississippi Petrified Forest is a fascinating place, located in hills with ravines hollowed out by nature during the past century. The size of the petrified logs indicates that as living trees, these stone giants were over one hundred feet tall, and perhaps a thousand or more years old.
    Parque Aquático Maria Lenk, South America
  Cidade dos Esportes - Jacarepaguá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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O Parque Aquático MariaLenk está localizado na Cidade dos Esportes, no Autódromo de Jacarepaguá, no mesmo complexo esportivo da Arena e do Velódromo.
O Parque com 42 mil m2 é composto por uma piscina olímpica, uma piscina de aquecimento e um tanque para saltos ornamentais, construídos de acordo com as normas da Federação Internacional de Natação.
As piscinas são específicas para as provas de natação, nado sincronizado, saltos ornamentais e pólo aquático.
A piscina para competições de natação e nado sincronizado tem 50m de comprimento, medidos internamente para permitir a cronometragem eletrônica e borda quebra ondas.
Maria Lenk, pioneira da natação feminina no Brasil e primeira mulher sul-americana a se apresentar em competições no exterior, foi recordista mundial nos 200 e 400 metros do nado borboleta
    Noah's Ark, North America
  1410 Wisconsin Dells Parkway - Wisconsin Dells, WI            
America's Longest Watercoaster, "Black Anaconda", The Worlds Largest Bowl Ride "Time Warp" and the ONLY 4D Dive-In Theater in the world, featuring the SpongeBob SquarePants™ 4D Movie. NEW for 2009 is "Curse of the Crypt" a haunting new adventure! Noah's Ark features, 49 waterslides, 2 huge wave pools, 2 endless rivers, 4 childrens water play areas, Paradise Lagoon activity pool, 3 large group tube rides, 18-hole mini golf, 3 arcades, shopping, gourmet desserts and much more! Noah's Ark is continually evolving, offering the most variety of water rides anywhere in the nation. New in 2008 wasTadpole Bay, An island of fun for everyone! This very popular interactive kiddie playzone features a giant 8-foot dump bucket, 4 kiddie waterslides, and a variety of swings and dancing springs!
    West Edmonton Mall, North America
  #2472, 8882 — 170 Street - Edmonton,              
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West Edmonton Mall is waiting for you! It's the world's largest entertainment and shopping centre and Alberta's number one tourist attraction, featuring over 800 stores and services, over 110 eating establishments, plus eight world class attractions. It's the only mall of its kind - both a shopper's dream and a world of excitement and adventure.

This amazing structure - often called the "8th Wonder of the World" - spans the equivalent of 48 city blocks in the prestigious west end of the City of Edmonton (metro population over 995,000), in the Province of Alberta.

Edmonton - Canada's Festival City - has a distinct personality: clean, cosmopolitan, rich in culture and renowned for its professional sports. Edmonton is known as the "Gateway to the Canadian North" and to the picture-perfect Canadian Rockies.
    Martin's Fantasy Island, North America
  2400 Grand Island Blvd - Grand Island, NY            
Experience over 100 rides, shows and attractions in a clean, park like setting. You'll enjoy rides for all ages from kiddy rides to thrill rides including the spectacular ride Full tilt, Up, Up & Away Balloon, Sea Ray, Patriot, Giant Gondola Wheel, Super Sizzler, Crazy Mouse Coaster and "The Silver Comet" ...the newest classic wooden coaster in Western New York!
    Casa França Brasil, South America
  Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 78, - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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A Casa França-Brasil é um Centro Cultural difusor de Arte Contemporânea, com Exposições, Projeto Educativo, Sala de Leitura e Bistrô. A instituição está instalada numa construção neoclássica tombada, projetada no século XIX. Em janeiro de 1816 chegou ao Rio de Janeiro uma Missão Artística Francesa chefiada pelo escritor Joachim Lebreton (1760-1819), com o objetivo de formar no Brasil o núcleo de uma Academia de Belas Artes. De suas atividades deriva o projeto do prédio que hoje abriga a Casa França-Brasil, de autoria de Grandjean de Montigny, idealizado para ser uma Praça de Comércio (inaugurada em 13/10/1820 e fechada um ano depois). Em 1824, o prédio é reaberto como alfândega. E, 1956 a 1978, sedia o II Tribunal do Júri. Fechado desde então, é reinaugurado em 29/03/1990 depois de convênio firmado entre a Secretaria Estadual de Cultural, a Secretaria de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico, a Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória, o Ministério da Cultura da França, a Fundação Roberto Marinho e a Rodhia para a execução das obras que o tornaram um centro cultural.
    Casa da Ciência, South America
  Rua Lauro Müller nº 3 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, participando do processo de valorização da cidade como centro de produção do saber inaugurou, em junho de 1995, a Casa da Ciência - Centro Cultural de Ciência e Tecnologia da UFRJ, espaço com 3 mil m2, explorando as diversas áreas do conhecimento através de linguagens variadas - teatro, música, oficinas, cursos, palestras, seminários e audiovisual.
As grandes atrações da Casa têm sido as exposições e mostras, mesclando um público bastante variado, que vai desde crianças em idade pré-escolar até grupos de terceira idade.
O visitante é atraído pela diversidade dos temas apresentados, pela beleza plástica das exposições e pela possibilidade de entrar em contato com um mundo novo, onde ele é o personagem principal.
    Polar Caves Park, North America
  PO Box 826 - Plymouth, NH             
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Fifty thousand years ago, a continental glacier moved southward over New Hampshire covering mountains and valleys. As the ice sheet thawed, great blocks of granite cracked and loosened from Hawk's Cliff.
These massive granite blocks fell at the base of the cliff forming Polar Caves, an amazing series of caves and passages through which you can walk.
    NBA Store, North America
  590 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY              
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GET IN THE GAME!!! The NBA Store in Manhattan is your one stop shop for everything related to the NBA and provides fans with one of the most fulfilling shopping and entertainment experiences available in New York City. Whether you are a Knick fan, a Laker fan or any fan, the NBA store has your team’s gear at great prices. The sprawling 35,000 square foot store doesn’t just do team licensed gear but also has all of the basketball shoes you need to lace up and head to the court. Of course, if you are in the Manhattan store you don’t have to go far as part of the experience involves trying out your gear on the indoor half-court officially endorsed by the NBA. The fun doesn’t stop there - the store also has a consistent array of multimedia presentations that take you away from a basic shopping experience and instead puts you in front of 50,000 screaming fans on the court of your dreams. For a shopping experience like no other and a chance to look exactly like your favorite basketball heroes, look no further than the NBA Store in Manhattan!
    Mirabilandia Park, South America
  Av. Agamenon Magalhães s/nº - Salgadinho - Olinda, PE            
O Mirabilandia é hoje o terceiro maior parque de diversões do Brasil, contribuindo cada dia mais no desenvolvimento turístico do Estado de Pernambuco. Com localização privilegiada, ao lado do Centro de Convenções e próximo ao Shopping Tacaruna, o parque fica numa área limite entre Recife e Olinda, duas das mais belas cidades do estado, com forte vocação turística, povo hospitaleiro, riquezas culturais e uma vasta bagagem cultural histórica.. O Mirabilandia sempre inova em suas atrações. E, é com esse pensamento que traz para Pernambuco brinquedos incríveis vindos da Itália, França e Estados Unidos. Boa diversão!
    SONY Wonder Technology Lab, North America
  550 Madison Avenue (Permanently closed) - New York, NY            
Saturday, December 29. 12:15 p.m. and 3 p.m. Every day fearless courier Wilee (Joseph Gordon Levitt) dodges death while weaving through traffic on his custom featherweight bicycle with one gear and no brakes. He always delivers his packages on time, but today's rush delivery could be his last. With a mysterious envelope clutched close and a crooked cop (Michael Shannon) chasing him through the streets of Manhattan, Wilee must pedal for his life. [PG-13] Directed by David Koepp. Running time: 91 mins
Explore exciting NEW exhibits in a dynamic, state-of the art facility that brings technology and creativity together to make learning experiential, entertaining and fun.
Located in mid-town Manhattan, SWTL inspires creativity in a high-quality, engaging, and family friendly learning environment.
    Socrates Sculpture Park, North America
  32-01 Vernon Blvd. - Long Island City, NY           
Socrates Sculpture Park was an abandoned riverside landfill and illegal dumpsite until 1986 when a coalition of artists and community members, under the leadership of artist Mark di Suvero, transformed it into an open studio and exhibition space for artists and a neighborhood park for local residents. Today it is an internationally renowned outdoor museum and artist residency program that also serves as a vital New York City park offering a wide variety of public services.
    Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, North America
  500 Wildlife Parkway - Columbia SC, SC            
From elephants and koalas to penguins and sharks, formal gardens to natural woodlands, Riverbanks Zoo and Garden promises new discoveries around every corner!
    The Historic Bozeman Crossing, North America
  675 East Hart Street - Buffalo, WY
Located in Buffalo, Wyoming at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains, The Historic Bozeman Crossing & Conference Center offers everything a traveler needs for a unique Western travel destination, family vacation stop-over between The Black Hills & Yellowstone, or a convenient business conference location! http://www.bozemancrossing.com/
    Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts, North America
  2900 Campus Road - Brooklyn, NY           
From its inception over 50 years ago, a cornerstone of Brooklyn Center's mission has been a proactive community out-reach, bringing the Brooklyn Community into the Brooklyn College environment....letting the public experience a part of our campus. What better way than to open the Center's doors to the public with a standing invitation to experience the many hundreds of performances offered every season, but also, as a good neighbor, making the facilities of a great Performing Arts Center available to the Brooklyn community at large.
    Forsyth Nature Center, North America
   - Kingston, NY            
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A quaint visitor-friendly facility in a garden setting allowing for close contact to the animals. Environment & nature programs available.
    Olentangy Indian Caverns, North America
  1779 Home Rd. - Delaware, Oh           
Olentangy Indian Caverns believes in having a fun time, so the activities are endless! Choose from a variety of fun activities to participate in individually or with the entire family!
    Washington National Cathedral, North America
  3109 Wisconsin Avenue, NW - Washington, DC            
"The idea for a national cathedral is as old as Washington itself. In 1791, when Congress selected the site to be the capital of the United States, President George Washington commissioned Major Pierre l’Enfant to design an overall plan for the future seat of government.
Since the first services were held in Bethlehem Chapel, Washington National Cathedral has opened its doors to people of all faiths as they have gathered to worship and pray, to mourn the passing of world leaders, and to confront the pressing moral and social issues of the day."
    Clearwater Marine Aquarium, North America
  249 Windward Passage - Clearwater, FL             
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Welcome to Clearwater Marine Aquarium, the world’s most-watched marine life rescue and environmental education center. The aquarium's mission is to restore and preserve marine life & environment.
    Camp Snoopy, North America
  5000 Center Court - Bloomington, MN           
Camp Snoopy, the largest indoor theme park in America!
It’s seven acres of indoor excitement, with over 30 thrilling rides and attractions, unique shops, games to test your skills, fun-filled entertainment and many places to dine or simply grab a treat.
It all adds up to a world of fun for the whole family!
    Philadelphia Zoo, North America
  3400 West Girard Ave - Philadelphia, PA             
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Home to more than 1,300 animals, many of them rare and endangered. The Zoo, fulfilling its mission of conservation, science, education and recreation, supports and engages in conservation efforts to protect endangered species around the world. Cheetahs, hippos, giraffes and much more make the Zoo Philadelphia's leading family attraction with over 1.2 million visitors last year. Like many other Philadelphia landmarks and institutions, the Philadelphia Zoo is an American first. The charter establishing the Zoological Society of Philadelphia was approved and signed on March 21, 1859. Due to the Civil War, however, it was another 15 years before America's first zoo was ready to open. The Zoo opened its gates on July 1, 1874. The Frank Furness Victorian gates and gatehouses, and the Zoo's location, are the same today as they were on the day it opened. One of its assets, then and now, is John Penn's home, The Solitude, which sat on the land chosen for the Zoo. John Penn was the grandson of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. The Solitude is considered to be Philadelphia's most precise and elegant expression of neoclassical style.
    Madison Square Garden, North America
  4 Pennsylvania Plaza - New York, NY              
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January 4-6, 2013. For the seventh straight year, the PBR is bringing the pain, as the toughest cowboys and baddest bulls on the planet rock Madison Square Garden in January! It’s the season opener of the elite Built Ford Tough Series, as the Top 35 bull riders in the world risk it all for three unforgettable nights. Don’t even think about calling it a rodeo … this is BULL RIDING! This is the PBR! THREE SNOT-SPEWING, BONE-CRUSHING, ADRENALINE-SOAKED PERFORMANCES! Please purchase your tickets in advance. There will be a $5 increase on each ticket bought day of show. If you plan on purchasing tickets day of show, please arrive to the box office early to avoid long lines. Make sure to be in your seats early- you don’t want to miss the exciting show opening!
Often abbreviated as MSG, known colloquially simply as The Garden, has been the name of four arenas in New York City, United States. It is also the name of the entity which owns the arena and several of the professional sports franchises which play there. There have been four incarnations of the arena. The first two were located at Madison Square, thus the name. Subsequently a new 17,000-seat Garden (opened December 15, 1925) was built at 50th Street and 8th Avenue, and the current Garden (opened February 14, 1968) is at 7th Avenue between 31st and 33rd Streets, situated on top of Pennsylvania Station. The present arena is informally known to some by the advertising slogan "The World's Most Famous Arena". Source
    Riocentro, South America
  Av. Salvador Allende, 6555 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Localizado na Barra da Tijuca, região de maior crescimento econômico da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, o Riocentro possui em seu entorno variadas opções de lazer, entretenimento, gastronomia e representativa rede hoteleira.
Integrado a uma rede internacional crescente com 28 centros de convenções e exposições administrados pela GL Events, um dos maiores grupos mundiais do setor, presente em mais de 13 países, o Riocentro está em convergência com que há de mais moderno em infra-estrutura e serviços para eventos