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UFAI is the largest multi-style martial arts training facility in Vermont. It boasts very knowledgeable and caring instructors, a youth enrichment center, top of the line training equipment, high speed internet access, electronic attendance tracking and much, much more!
A Academia Life é uma empresa de atividade física que chegou no mercado com a missão de fornecer a você um trabalho de qualidade e profissionalismo que supere todas as suas expectativas.
Para isso contamos com uma equipe integrada, capaz de aplicar no dia a dia todos os esforços, visando superar todos os desafios. http://www.academialifecontagem.com.br
"Marvin S. German Jr. is the Master instructor and is a certified black belt in Kung Fu, Jujitsu, Judo and is a certiflied executive protector and law enforcemnt trainer with over forty years of training experience. In addition, we offer many classes for adults and children, which includes Tai Chi and yoga to accommodate your busy schedule. Regardless of your age or level of experience, we have a program that is tailored just for you."
Isshin-ryu Karate for self-defense, fitness, health, well-being, and sport.
Beginners and students with prior experience in the martial arts are welcome.
For Best Results: -Students must arrive 10 minutes before class -Never disturb or interrupt class -Consult the instructor when your attendance, techniques, and attitude are deemed commensurate with the next level.
Master Vincent A. Affatigato is a 7th degree black belt with 30 years of martial arts experience. He is a Certified International Instructor with the International Taekwon-do Federation, has been teaching as a head instructor for 20 years, and has been an officer of the United States Taekwon-do Federation since 1996.
Okinawa Karate Kobudo Kai is an organization dedicated to traditional training in Okinawan kenpo karate and kobudo based in Long Island, New York. The chief instructor is Sensei Serge Clark.
One hour sessions. A private, individualized, fitness training session where a certified personal trainer will design an exercise program specific to your needs and goals.
Located in Queens, New York, was established in 1995. Currently located in a brand new, state of the art 4,500 sq. ft. facility, PMA offers programs for all ages. The youth program is age specific and is targeted towards the developmental stage of each child.
Karate has become a popular form of self-defense and the workout of preference for many health-minded individuals. The recent proliferation of schools across the country has been staggering, the sheer numbers make it difficult for a prospective student to choose the school that suits his or her needs. Gene Dunn's Shotokan Karate Dojo is unique in many ways, and this section is designed to set those unique qualities forth in order to aid you in deciding if this school is right for you.
Classes for children and adults, 6 days a week.
Unlike other gyms Church Street is the only gym in the area that has a coaching staff completely comprised of competitive (or formally competitive) athletes who have the experience and "know how" to ensure that you will benefit from working with the best.
Whether you are a complete novice or a professional fighter the Church Street Boxing Gym has a program, the expertise and facilites to help you attain your goals. |
"Academies in Queens and Bethpage, NY which serves the following cities: Ozone Park, Katonah, Massepequa, Levittown and Howard Beach. As professionals in the martial arts, we have dedicated our lives to the betterment of our sport - and operate a martial arts school with the goal of educating children and adults to become physically and emotionally strong."
Gabriel Sensei lived and trained in Japan from 1973-1978. While in Japan, he trained at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo under the direction of Kishomaru Ueshiba. Gabriel Sensei also studied privately with Masuda Shihan at this time. He has been a self-defense instructor to supreme court justices in Beirut, Lebanon. Gabriel Sensei is the founder of Aikikai in Lebanon with headquarters in Beirut as well as the official Aikikai representative for that region.
United Martial Arts Centers offers a variety of programs that will fit your family needs. Our Moms and Dads are getting in the best shape of their lives while having a great time learning valuable and practical Self-Defense. Kids ages 4 years & older are taught life skills that will give them a great start in life.
For over 20 years, we have been building and developing Black Belt Champions, strengthening the Mind, Body and Spirit of each individual. Ultimately we're building greater unity in families, workplaces and in the communities we serve. Vital benefits in today's society! |
A Gracie Barra Jiu-Jitsu Training Academy. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was perfected by Carlos Gracie who developed techniques using leverage and timing, rather than strong, explosive techniques found in traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Carlos' son, Carlinhos, has further contributed to the growth of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu by applying the techniques on the mat as well as in life. Carlinhos strives for self-perfection, which has led to a successful stable of students and champions.
Why New Generation Karate? Imagine there were a physical activity, that you liked doing, that you could still do and get better at as you got older, that would give you energy, confidence, and focus, that you could do a couple times a week, that would get you off the couch, out of the house. Would you do it?
Warren Levi Karate & Fitness offers mixed martial arts, but specializes in the traditional style of Shotokan Karate. The specialization in a traditional style of karate enables one to develop co-ordination, discipline, balance and timing. An added benefit of taking part in karate as a sport is the accompanying weight loss and improved body definition. Adults and children, irrespective of age, do not need to be fit or athletic or even coordinated to start karate.
"At Tiger Schulmann’s MMA, our youth programs are designed to instill confidence and aid children in developing to their fullest potential. We seek to help build a solid foundation in life for as many children as possible, by assisting them in achieving a healthy mind and body through martial arts instruction. This wellbeing will instill in them the self-confidence, focus and determination necessary to become strong and successful in every aspect of life."
5 Star Martial Arts' goal is to provide individuals with the most complete and effective system of self defense while maintaining high instructional and professional standards.
Providing quality martial arts instruction to each and every student. Gotham Taekwon-Do places a strong emphasis on improving mind and body. Learning and self-discipline are very important. Anyone who has the desire to become a good martial artist and a better individual is welcome.
Karate Arts Academy of Self Defense is to create an atmosphere of self-discovery and personal growth, which increases physical fitness and self-defense skill, encourages the foundation of high personal standards, and empowers our students with control over self (body, mind, and spirit), thus enabling them to live a happier and more successful life.
O Rio-Aikido Dojo tem sua sede no Rio de Janeiro, dentro do condomínio Novo Leblon na Barra da Tijuca. Tem como objetivo colocar em prática os princípios do Ki-Aikido como são ensinados pelo Sensei Kenjiro Yoshigasaki. A prática do Aikido está intimamente ligada ao entendimento e ao uso da percepção da mente/corpo. É parte integral de nossas aulas, o treino de unificação mente e corpo.
A Academia Bio Fitness abriu suas portas em janeiro de 2003 e desde o início de suas atividades destacou-se por oferecer a seus clientes uma estrutura moderna, profissionais qualificados e atenção no atendimento aos alunos, primando sempre pela saúde e bem estar dos mesmos. O que fez com que muitos além de clientes se tornassem amigos da academia, participando de todas as atividades promovidas pela Bio Fitness e ainda colaborando com a realização das mesmas.
Nestes dois anos de funcionamento, já passaram pela academia mais de 1700 alunos, o que nos deixa muito orgulhosos e felizes por saber que as pessoas estão apreciando e reconhecendo o trabalho desenvolvido por nossos colaboradores, que estão sempre a disposição para atender e ajudar os alunos na realização de suas atividades físicas.
Estamos esperando você de portas abertas para que venha conhecer e malhar em uma das umas das melhores academias de Porto Alegre.
O Shodokan Aikidô é o único estilo de Aikidô que permite a competição. É uma mistura do Aikidô tradicional com o método de ensino do Judô moderno, conseguindo juntar a excitação do Judô competitivo com a serenidade espiritual do Aikidô tradicional. A combinação de kata, randori e competição tem a intenção de trazer um senso de realismo e praticidade aos praticantes.
O Shodokan Aikidô incorpora várias formas de desequilíbrio, esquiva, golpes, torções, arremessos, rolamentos e giros no seu repertório técnico. Ele ensina desde técnicas tradicionais até técnicas desenvolvidas para o meio competitivo. Dojos RJ: Academia Pro Trainner - Tijuca, Academia WF - Duque de Caxias, Academia Trainning Center – Curicica - Jacarepaguá e Acdemia Performance - Campo Grande |
Localizada em um dos pontos mais nobres da Barra da Tijuca, a Akxe Jiu-Jitsu Brasil oferece bem mais que infra-estrutura de altíssimo nível. O espaço dos treinos conta com mais de 300 metros quadrados de tatames instalados no campus da Estácio de Sá e ao lado da academia Akxe. Sem precisar ir muito longe, o aluno de jiu-jitsu pode malhar com equipamento moderno, nadar em uma piscina de 25 metros, curtir uma sauna e estudar em uma das universidades mais conhecidas do Rio de Janeiro.
"O maior propósito do Aikido é o desenvolvimento espiritual do ser humano como um todo." Kisshomaru Ueshiba
"Já estudei muitos tipos de artes marciais - Yagyu Ryu, Shinyo Ryu, Kito Ryu, Daito Ryu, Shinkage Ryu e outras mais -, mas o Aikido não é uma combinação dessas artes. Todas as técnicas do Aiki funcionam por meio do ki." Morihei Ueshiba, fundador do Aikido. http://www.aikidoshikanai.com.br
Mestre Luiz Alves, em 1984 juntou-se a um amigo, professor de taekwondo no Grajaú e fundou a Academia Boxe Thai no mesmo endereço. A academia tornou-se uma referência nacional no mundo das lutas, pois praticamente todos os atletas que precisam afiar sua “trocação” procuram o Mestre Luiz Alves, que por sua vez os integrava à Academia Boxe Thai. Hoje a equipe, conta com vários atletas formados em MUAY THAY por Mestre Luiz Alves, alguns com suas próprias academias, outros ministrando aulas na própria Boxe Thai. A Academia conta com material de treino profissional, sacos de areia de vários tamanhos e pesos, um ringue oficial, uma área para a prática de Submission e Jiu jitsu, treinos diários de todas as modalidades.
A Champions Factory é liderada pelo Mestre Artur Mariano, invicto no Muay-Thai desde 1985. Hoje é representada por campeões em todo o mundo. A Champions Factory tem a metodologia de ensino, totalmente diferenciada dos padrões existentes. A programação de treinamento é toda baseada em técnicas holandesas, tailandesas e cubanas. Dentro desse contexto, tecnicamente, a Champions Factory está entre as melhores do mundo.
Mestre Artur Mariano é formado como Mestre de Muay Thai, Professor de Boxe, Professor de Jiu Jitsu e Professor de MMA. Filiais RJ: Itanhangá Center - Barra da Tijuca Clube Six Gym - Tijuca |