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The South Carolina Aquarium inspires conservation of the natural world by exhibiting and caring for animals, by excelling in education and research, and by providing an exceptional visitor experience.
The Doctor dares you to take his tour of horror! Learn why he became known as the Mad Wax Maker.
Brookfield Zoo is located on 216 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds, and is only twelve miles west of downtown Chicago--close to everything, but a world away!
It's easy to find your way around Brookfield Zoo. You'll receive a map when you enter the zoo, but you can plan your day in advance by exploring our interactive map. If you get tired during your visit, or just want to make sure you see everything the zoo has to offer, hop on the Motor Safari for a guided tour. Strollers, wagons, and electronic convenience vehicles (ECVs) can be rented at both the North and South Gates, and special resources are available for people with disabilities. The animals are waiting, so come visit today! |
"The Moondog gift shop, located in the center of the park carries souvenir T-shirts(including T-shirts with our mascot), suntan lotion, and a variety of sun and gift items."
Broadway Bar has the posh feel of an elegant 1940's supper club, with a 50 foot centerpiece circular bar, multi-tiered cocktail lounge, sumptuous décor, and smoking patios with unrestricted views of Historic Broadway. The mezzanine, complete with it's own bar, lush lighting and separate smoking balcony is a coveted setting for private parties and special events.
Dress code is strictly enforced. No shorts, flip flops, baseball hats, athletic wear, including jerseys, or overly baggy clothing will be allowed. |
Located over 1120 feet beneath the surface, Ruby Falls is the nation’s largest and deepest waterfall open to the public. Hundreds of gallons of water rush over by the minute and amaze visitors.
Learn about Ruby Falls’ commitment to Environmental Sustainability including the installation of LED lighting and solar panels, recycling programs, and becoming the first U.S. attraction to receive the Green Globe certification. |
Located in Broadway-at-the-Beach, an entertainment and dining complex that features restaurants, rides, shops and the 85,000 square foot Ripley’s Aquarium.
A Academia Brasileira de Ciências foi fundada no dia 3 de maio de 1916, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com o nome Sociedade Brasileira de Sciencias, alterado em 1921 para sua atual denominação. Atualmente, a Academia reúne seus membros em dez áreas especializadas: Ciências Matemáticas, Ciências Físicas, Ciências Químicas, Ciências da Terra, Ciências Biológicas, Ciências Biomédicas, Ciências da Saúde, Ciências Agrárias, Ciências da Engenharia e Ciências Humanas. A Academia tem desempenhado papel relevante em várias atividades ligadas à ciência no Brasil, liderando e influenciando na criação de importantes instituições, viabilizando publicações científicas, desenvolvendo programas e eventos científicos, estabelecendo convênios internacionais, e disponibilizando recursos para a sociedade acadêmica.
"Our facility is here to meet your needs whether you are looking to cruise around one of our 3 Go-Kart tracks, fly down Nitro Alley in one of our Dragsters topping speeds of 75mph or enjoy our 7,000 sq. ft. Arcade we have something for everyone including a Bounce House for the little ones."
RockSport proudly offers 4,200 square feet of indoor rock climbing. This includes many features such as overhanging walls, bouldering caves, and beginner walls. Since opening in 1990, we have safely introduced over 13,000 people to climbing for all ages, abilities, fitness, and interest levels. We are the only indoor climbing gym located in the Queensbury area. It is just minutes from the popular Adirondack destination of Lake George and 15-20 minutes from Saratoga, NY.
O Kart Indoor é uma modalidade de automobilismo, praticado em karts especiais, correndo em pistas cobertas. Sua popularização se deve ao baixo custo e elevada segurança.
É a realização para quem sonha ser piloto de corrida sem as responsabilidades de ter, manter e ajustar um kart. Você chega em um indoor, coloca os equipamentos de segurança, faz um rápido briefing, corre de 15 a 30 minutos, sente a verdadeira emoção de participar de uma corrida de verdade, paga e vai embora, se quiser, porque outra grande emoção que o indoor oferece é torcer pelos amigos, ali na beira da pista, ouvindo o ronco dos motores, os chiados dos pneus, sentindo o cheiro de combustível de carro de corrida e vibrando com as belas ultrapassagens típicas em indoor. O automobilismo de alto rendimento tem mostrado que o primeiro degrau para a carreira de piloto profissional, que culmina na Fórmula 1, tem sido na maioria das vezes iniciada no kart. A escola de pilotagem do Rioshopping Kart Indoor, dispõe de profissionais treinados e capacitados com aulas práticas e teóricas, atendendo às aspirações de cada aluno. Quem sabe não temos escondido dentro de nós um novo e promissor Ayrton Senna? |
Amusement park with everything from go-carts & carousels to rock walls and rollercoasters. Boomers cafe, and facilities available for general public, group events, corp events and birthday parties.
Bonanzaville USA is named after the Bonanza Farms that dotted this region in the late nineteenth century as a result of Northern Pacific Railroad's marketing efforts. The NPRR lobbied for large-scale, showcase farms of 1,000 acres or more to advertise the economic potential of the land on either side of the Northern Pacific's route, in particular the land along the Minnesota, Dakota Territory border known as the Red River Valley. They believed these enormous farms would attract people to the Midwest and in return ensure financial support for the railroad. They were right.
The Cass County Historical Society was started in 1954 by the Daughters of the Dakota Pioneers in a basement room at North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota. Later the museum was moved to Minard Hall at NDSU and began to grow with the help of its volunteers. |
AT&T Park, with its breathtaking views and classic design, was chosen as the 2008 Sports Facility of the Year by Sports Business Journal and Sports Business Daily as part of the inaugural Sports Business Awards program. The first privately financed ballpark in Major League Baseball since 1962, the Giants' home has many incredible features.
A Associação Brasileira de Gestão Cultural - ABGC, é uma entidade civil sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 2005, que atua na profissionalização e na formação de conhecimento acadêmico junto aos setores de Produção e Gestão Cultural e Social, mediante a realização de ações e projetos voltados à qualificação profissional e à inserção das profissões afins no mercado de trabalho, tendo como prerrogativa reunir pesquisadores, professores e profissionais das áreas da produção de bens culturais e do gerenciamento em cultura, nos âmbitos público e privado, propondo-se a realizar cursos de capacitação em formatos diversos - corporativos, de extensão e de pós-graduação, além de pesquisas e publicações.
Em 2001 foi implantado o primeiro curso de graduação em Produção Cultural do Rio de Janeiro e, em 2002, o primeiro curso de pós-graduação lato sensu – MBA em Gestão Cultural no país, que já está em sua sétima turma. |
One of the most unique properties in central New York. Incorporated on a scenic hillside overlooking Seneca Lake, the family estate is a celebration of wine, food, and friends. The restaurant, winery, tasting room/gift boutique and vineyards all blend together to help you enjoy New York's wine country at its finest.
O solar apresenta fachadas inteiramente revestidas de azulejos portugueses e beirais constituídos por telhões de louça, pintados à mão, provenientes da cidade do Porto, em Portugal. Um padrão específico da azulejaria repete-se em todas as superfícies, salvo na fachada posterior, com padrão diverso; outros, com formatos e cromatismos distintos, formam barras, guarnições, frisos e pilastras dos cunhais.
Localizada entre Piratininga e Camboinhas é de pequena extensão e bastante freqüentada pelos que vem pelo mar em lanchas e iates, pois seu difícil acesso, através de uma trilha, não é muito conhecido. É um dos mais belos recantos da cidade
A diverse church that welcomes active participation. Sunday services are a full body experience. Join the choir or sing from your seat in the congregation. You are invited to join the circle around the table at the time of communion and welcome to participate in the distribution of the elements by offering them to your neighbor after you have received. Sunday services are a unique community-focused experience.
A leader in the regional theme park industry. The company owns, operates, and manages Adventure Landing parks in Florida (3), North Carolina (3), Texas (1), and New York (3). A privately held corporation, Adventure Landing maintains corporate offices in Jacksonville Beach, FL. Our Flagship Park, Adventure Landing and Shipwreck Island Water Park in Jacksonville Beach, is the largest Family Entertainment Center in northeast Florida. Offering individual & family fun for all ages, Adventure Landing can accommodate private and semi-private group events hosting thousands of guests. With over 5,000,000 visitors since opening, the Jacksonville Beach Park can proudly claim that Adventure Landing is the “Place to Play” for Florida families and visitors.
O Point Kart Indoor possui uma adequada estrutura para receber seus clientes proporcionando um ambiente familiar e agradável com amplo estacionamento, 15 karts novos, segurança para a pratica do esporte, profissionais treinados e experientes, bar temático, sala VIP para eventos, boutique com acessórios, macacões e coletes de proteção, 2 vestiários: masculino e feminino.
Eventos: Etapa do F46, Etapa do KTL e o Campeonato Tijucano. Escola de Pilotagem todos os sábados das 14 até as 16 horas, para crianças a partir de 8 anos e 1,5 m. de altura, orientados por instrutores com grande experiência em kartismo, ministrando aulas teóricas e práticas. Adultos sem limite de idade. |
At Silver Dollar City, you'll discover the best Branson shows, attractions, and entertainment. We offer the convenience of special 3 day, 2 night Getaway Packages at select hotels in and near Branson. Select from a variety of Seasonal Packages to build your perfect Branson vacation.
With comprehensive security networks and a wide range of top-quality amenities, Willis Tower is an ideal location for business. Standing at 1,450 feet and 110 stories high, Willis Tower is the tallest building in the western hemisphere. Offering more than 3.8 million square feet of office and retail space, Willis Tower is THE business location in Chicago.
The New Jersey Performing Arts Center has garnered national attention in its first thirteen seasons, serving as a model for programming, audience diversity, education initiatives, and the catalytic role it has played in returning nightlife and economic activity to NJ's largest urban community. On its Opening Night in 1997, NJPAC became the sixth largest performing arts center in the U.S. (based on annual operating budget).
Referência no município e um dos mais importantes do estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sediado diversas competições nacionais e internacionais, como a Copa do Mundo de Judô para Deficientes Visuais, em 2001; o Grand Prix de Atletismo, a Copa do Mundo de Natação e a Copa do Mundo de Ginástica, todos em 2004; e os Jogos Mundiais em cadeira de Rodas & Amputados, em setembro de 2005.
Ocupando uma área de 64 mil metros quadrados, o complexo tem capacidade para abrigar 3.835 espectadores no ginásio e 1.953 no estádio. Entre outros destaques, possui um Ginásio Esportivo que leva o nome do grande jogador de basquetebol, Algodão, nascido em Campo Grande, e um dos maiores jogadores do esporte de todos os tempos no país, campeão mundial ao lado de outros grandes craques como Rosa Branca, Jatir e Wlamir Marques. |
Há duas hipóteses para a sua denominação: a primeira relacionada as flechas utilizadas pelos índios, e a outra, mais provável supõe que derivou da planta abundante nos brejos locais, da qual se originam a flecha e a paina da flecha.
SeaWorld Orlando is the world's premiere marine adventure park with 200 acres of world-class shows, thrilling rides and unforgettable animal encounters. More than 80 million visitors have explored the mysteries of the sea with up-close animal interactions and exhilarating thrills. New state-of-the-art rides such as "Kraken" and "Journey To Atlantis" twist, turn, and drench guests with unprecedented thrills, while amazing animal encounters include killer whales, dolphins, sea lions, stingrays and more.
The New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a memorial located in New York City that honors the men and women who served in the Vietnam War. The memorial features a series of excerpts etched into the walls of the memorial. These excerpts were chosen from letters, diary entries, and poems written by Americans during the Vietnam Era and were submitted to the New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission. These quotes are supplemented by news dispatches and public statements about the war.
The excerpts were chosen to provide a diverse representation of the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of those who served during the Vietnam War. They reflect the range of emotions felt by soldiers and their families, from the pride and patriotism of those who served, to the pain and sorrow of those who lost loved ones in the conflict. The Memorial serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by the veterans of the Vietnam War and their families. The location of the Memorial is significant as it is located one block east of Fraunces Tavern, where George Washington bade farewell to his officers at the end of the Revolutionary War. This location is symbolic of the connection between the sacrifice made by veterans of the Revolutionary War and the sacrifice made by veterans of the Vietnam War. It is a reminder that the sacrifices made by American veterans are not limited to a single war, but are an ongoing part of American history. |
Wolfe’s Pond Park contains mature upland woods, swamp forest, open marsh, ponds, and shoreline on Raritan Bay, making it one of the most diverse parks in the city. This large park is a refuge for scores of native plants and animals in a rapidly developing area of the city. The beach is part of the shoreline strand that runs continuously from Ward’s Point in Conference House Park, north through Mount Loretto and Lemon Creek Preserve, to Wolfe’s Pond Park.