North America
South America

World Attractions

    Space Needle, North America

   - Seattle, WA             
The Space Needle is a major landmark of the Pacific Northwest and is the symbol of the U.S. city of Seattle, Washington. Located on the grounds of Seattle Center, it was built for the 1962 World's Fair, during which time nearly 20,000 people a day used the elevators — 2.3 million visitors in all for the World Fair. It is now privately owned. The Space Needle is a tower 184 m (605 feet) high and 42 m (138 feet) wide at its widest point and weighs 9,550 tons. It is built to withstand winds of up to 240 km/h (150 mph) and earthquakes up to 9.5 magnitude, and has 25 lightning rods on the roof to withstand lightning strikes. Source
    Confeitaria Cavé, South America
  Rua 7 de Setembro, 137 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Confeitaria Cavé ou, simplesmente, Cavé, data de 1860. É a mais antiga confeitaria do Rio de Janeiro. Foi fundada por Charles Auguste Cavé, francês que ficou a frente do negócio até 1922. Entrar nela é voltar ao passado, reviver um pouco do Rio Antigo. A arquitetura marcante da Cavé possui influências de diversos países. Lustres, vitrais e vidros em geral eram franceses; as cadeiras e mesas foram projetadas por Cólon, um espanhol que residia no Brasil.
    Igreja NªSª da Penha, South America
  Largo da Penha, 19 - Penha - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Santuário da Penha conta com uma grande infra-estrutura que vem sendo melhorada incansavelmente para acolher a todos os Romeiros que sempre comparecem em grande quantidade, principalmente na época de festa. O Santuário da Penha fica em uma enorme e belíssima área verde, com uma localização de fácil acesso, seja pela Linha Vermelha, Linha Amarela ou Avenida Brasil. Para atender os romeiros, o Santuário da Penha conta com a comodidade de bebedouros, lanchonete e diversos banheiros, além de outras diversas instalações. Para aqueles que não desejam subir ou descer os 382 degraus da escadaria principal, o acesso do pátio até a Igreja pode ser feito através de um novíssimo bondinho, com capacidade para transportar cerca de 500 pessoas por hora.
    Palácio das Laranjeiras, South America
  Rua Paulo Cesar de Andrade, 407 - Laranjeiras - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Em estilo eclético, fortemente influenciado pelos estilos clássicos franceses Luís XV e XVI, o Palácio das Laranjeiras, também conhecido como Palácio Guanabara, é um dos maiores patrimônios arquitetônicos do povo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Reformado, tornou-se a residência da Princesa Isabel e seu esposo, o Conde d'Eu, sendo conhecido a partir de então como Palácio Isabel. Entre 1912 e 1947 foi residência da família do Dr. Eduardo Guinle.. O palácio foi utilizado pelo presidente Getúlio Vargas como residência oficial durante o Estado Novo (1937-1945). Em 1956, passa a ser residência oficial dos Presidentes da República. Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira é o primeiro Presidente a residir no Laranjeiras. Em 1974, com a fusão dos antigos estados da Guanabara e do Rio de Janeiro, promovida pelo então Presidente Ernesto Geisel, o Palácio é cedido ao novo Estado do Rio de Janeiro para servir de residência oficial de seus Governadores
    Outeiro da Glória, South America
  Praça Nossa Senhora da Glória, 135/204 - Glória - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Considerada uma joia da arquitetura setecentista, a Igreja Imperial Irmandade da Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro é um dos maiores patrimônios da arquitetura colonial religiosa brasileira. Construída no centro do adro, é formada por dois octógonos irregulares, alongados e interligados, antecedidos pela base quadrada da torre sineira, cujo pé lhe serve de pórtico. Os trabalhos ornamentais em talha estão no altar-mor, altares da nave, tribunas e coro, e representam a transição entre o final do estilo rococó e o neoclássico. Sua autoria é atribuída ao Mestre Valentim de Almeida, expoente da azulejaria joanina , e formam um dos conjuntos mais importantes do Brasil. A devoção a Nossa Senhora da Glória surgiu no início do século XVII, alguns anos após a fundação da cidade, quando no ano de 1608, um certo Ayres colocou uma pequena imagem da Virgem numa gruta natural existente no morro.
    New York Botanical Garden, North America
  200th Street and Kazimiroff Boulevard - Bronx, NY              
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The New York Botanical Gardens is a premier educational institution. Located just a brisk 25 minute bicycle ride from Sound View Park via Dr. Theodore Kazimiroff Blvd, this NYC attraction is surprisingly bicycle accessible and encourages travel as such. The Gardens offers many educational programs including the opportunity to graduate with certificates in botany, floral design and horticulture, just to name a few. Ongoing hands-on gardening activities for the whole family are also available, so check their schedule online, or just give them a call. The Everett Children’s Adventure Garden is a year-round world of its own, boasting mazes, larger than life flowers, and many real time activities for your curious explorer. A prize bloom in the collection of Bronx attractions, it also actively participates in community outreach programs that expand nutritional education. Make sure you check out the Green Market, which carries a variety of produce available for purchase. Health-related screenings offered the 2nd Wednesday of every month by staff from both Montefiore Medical Center and St. Barnabas Hospital are another of the services that demonstrates their involvement in the surrounding communities. Their dedication to the conservation of the plants and fungi of the world through various scientific research associations places them on the world map.
    Top Kart Indoor, South America
  Av. das Américas, 1510 Subsolo do Extra 24h - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Uma empresa com 13 anos de atividade no segmento de kart de lazer. Iniciou sua jornada em 1996 no Shopping Nova América até o ano de 2001. Atualmente, ajusta os motores para ocupar o Pátio Norte Shopping.
A partir do ano de 2005, com a inauguração da unidade Barra da Tijuca, colocou em prática uma estrutura inovadora, com bons equipamentos, instalações adequadas, salão climatizado, lanchonete, som ambiente e equipe qualificada.
Kart infantil para crianças com altura mínima de 1,20m e altura máxima de 1,45m. Os organizadores fornecem aos pilotos macacão, luvas, pescoceira, balaclava e capacete. O modelo do motor do kart é o Moro de última geração com Motor Honda de 2,5 HP. Dois karts correm por bateria na pista infantil com duração de 15 minutos (disponível apenas no Top Kart Norte Shopping).
Promoção Kart Cultural ‘incentivo à cultura’ aberta aos freqüentadores de cinema, teatro e museu (consulte regulamento no site)
    Praia de Copacabana, South America
   - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Carinhosamente apelidada pela população de Princesinha do Mar, uma canção popular dos brasileiros João de Barro, o Braguinha, e Alberto Ribeiro, a praia de Copacabana localiza-se no bairro de mesmo nome, na zona Sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Copacabana conta com bicicletário, ciclovia, quiosques, hotéis, bares e restaurantes, freqüentados tanto de dia como à noite. Além de dois Fortes Militares, um em cada extremidade da praia, com vistas panorâmicas, abertos à visitação.
Tamanho fascínio também se dá pelo belíssimo calçadão da Avenida Atlântica em pedras portuguesas brancas e pretas, que formam um lindo mosaico no formato de ondas, inspirado no calçadão de Lisboa e usado por Burle Max na praia. Possuem grande infraestrutura de hotéis e quiosques, que atrem turistas do mundo inteiro.
Palco da maior festa de Réveillon do planeta, com seus fogos mundialmente conhecidos, reúne mais de três milhões de pessoas. Suas areias também abrigam grandiosos eventos como os Jogos Pan-americanos do Rio 2007, campeonatos mundiais de futebol de areia e campeonatos mundiais de vôlei.
    Top Kart Indoor Extra Barra, South America
  Avenida das Americas 1510 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Uma organização de esporte e lazer onde se pode desfrutar de inúmeras atividades ligadas ao kart. Os organizadores oferecem desde escola de pilotagem para crianças obedecidadas, naturalmente, regras de segurança que o esporte requer, até preparação de jovens e adultos para competições regionais.
Atualmente o Top Kart conta com 2 unidades no Rio de Janeiro, localizadas na Barra da Tijuca e no Shopping Nova América, onde além das corridas de kart, Top Kart tambem oferece salão de jogos, simuladores de corrida e salão para realização de festas eventos ou reuniões. Infraestrutura completa do local incluindo festas, churrascos, confraternizações e outros eventos.
    Villa Riso, South America
  Estrada da Gávea, 728 - São Conrado - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em meados de 1700 uma grande casa foi construída para abrigar a sede da Fazenda São José da Alagoinha da Gávea, cujas extensões iam da Gávea até Jacarepaguá e Tijuca. Anos mais tarde a propriedade, já desmembrada foi adquirida por Ferreira Viana, redator da Lei Áurea, Conselheiro Imperial e Ministro da Justiça do II Império. A casa transformada em local de repouso e veraneio, acolheu hóspedes ilustres, como o próprio Imperador D. Pedro II que, pessoalmente, plantou cinco das seis imponentes palmeiras imperiais que hoje guardam a casa. Em 1932 a casa passou às mãos do italiano Comendador Osvaldo Riso, um jovem entusiasta no compromisso com o desenvolvimento cultural do país e principal incentivador das relações entre Brasil e Itália. Na década de 80, Cesarina Riso, primogênita do casamento do Comendador com a artista plástica amazonense Camélia Riso inicia trabalho de adaptação e reestruturação da antiga mansão transformando-a em sofisticado centro cultural e casa de reuniões sociais inspirada nas “ville” italianas...
    XKart Indoor, South America
  Estrada do Gabinal, 313 Freguesia - Jacarepaguá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O XKart é um grupo de kart amador do Rio de Janeiro, fundado em 2003, que realiza campeonatos de kart indoor. Apesar do que possa parecer, o termo "kart indoor", não se refere a competições em pista coberta. Esse termo atualmente é sinônimo de kart de aluguel, ou seja, karts alugados e mantidos pelos próprios kartódromos, independentemente de a pista ser coberta ou não
    Zoológico e Quinta da Boa Vista, South America
  Quinta da Boa Vista - São Cristóvão - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Com uma área de 138 mil metros quadrados, mais de 2.100 animais entre répteis, mamíferos e aves e cerca de 400 espécies, o zoológico do Rio é o mais antigo do Brasil. Possui o maior plantel de primatas brasileiros, a maior coleção de aves expostas do país e, no setor de fauna, reproduzem-se espécies raras e ameaçadas de extinção como o urubu rei, a ararajuba e o mico leão dourado.
    Liceu Literário Português, South America
  Rua Senador Dantas, 118 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Liceu Literário Português fundado em 10 de setembro de 1868, Instituição Filantrópica de Ensino Gratuito, adquiriu um terreno no Largo da Carioca onde em 1929 edificou sua sede - Rua Senador Dantas nº 118 – Centro, um arranha-céu em estilo gótico manuelino, decorado internamente com silhares de azulejos historiados e lindos vitrais, prédio projetado pelo arquiteto Raul Penna Firme. O Liceu Literário Português – honra e orgulho dos portugueses no Brasil – é um dos melhores estabelecimentos de ensino entre os congêneres neste país. Representa o esforço, a dedicação e o trabalho de abnegados portugueses beneméritos, em prol da instrução do povo. Ali, naquela casa, não há seleção para a matrícula; a quem bate às suas portas não se pergunta que idade tem, qual a cor, onde nasceu, nem se tem fortuna. Uma única coisa se indaga: que quer aprender
    Union Square Park, North America
  Between 14th and 18th Streets - New York, NY            
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Union Square (also known as Union Square Park) is an important and historic intersection in New York City, located where Broadway and the Bowery came together in the early 19th century. Today it is bounded by 14th Street, Union Square East, 17th Street, and Union Square West. It is run and operated jointly by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation as well as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
In 1976, the Council on the Environment of New York City established the Greenmarket program, which provided regional small family farmers with opportunities to sell their fruits, vegetables and other farm products at open-air markets in the city. The most famous is the Union Square Greenmarket, held Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between 8 AM and 6 PM year round. 250,000 customers a week purchase 1,000 varieties of fruits and vegetables at the market. The variety of produce available is broader by perhaps a factor of ten than what is found in a conventional supermarket.
    Willis Tower, North America
  233 South Wacker Drive - Chicago, IL            
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With comprehensive security networks and a wide range of top-quality amenities, Willis Tower is an ideal location for business. Standing at 1,450 feet and 110 stories high, Willis Tower is the tallest building in the western hemisphere. Offering more than 3.8 million square feet of office and retail space, Willis Tower is THE business location in Chicago.
    The Bronx County Historical Society, North America
  3309 Bainbridge Avenue - Bronx, NY             
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The Bronx is a microcosm of the story of America. The only one of New York City's five boroughs that is actually part of the mainland. The Bronx is home to 1.2 million people with a rich diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Since colonial days, The Bronx has stood at the crossroads of American History.
The Bronx County Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve the heritage of this thriving community. The Society administers the colonial era Valentine-Varian House, which serves as the Museum of Bronx History; The Bronx County Archives; an extensive Research Library; and Poe Cottage, the final home of America's great 19th century poet and author, Edgar Allan Poe. Both historic houses are listed in the National Register of Historic Places
    United Nations, North America
  1st Avenue at 46th Street - New York, NY             
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The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a forum for its 192 Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees.
    World Financial Center, North America
  200 Liberty Street - New York, NY             
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The World Financial Center consists of four copper-clad granite and glass towers that offer over 8 million square feet of prime office space for corporations around the world. Central 10-story glass pavilion, Winter Garden, featuring over 40 retail stores, restaurants, specialty shops & Services; Outdoor space over the water with breathtaking views of the Hudson River. Winter Green and the adjacent outdoor space are dedicated to private celebrations and Brookfield's Arts & An entertainment program that offers free art exhibitions, musical and cultural performances to the public throughout the year. This collection of modern buildings is ideally located in the center of Manhattan's largest neighborhood where you can enjoy a successful atmosphere. The plans for 2013 are ambitious. A collection of the best local and international outlets, six signature restaurants with water accesses and varying prices, 15 casual chef-led restaurants in an eclectic market-style setting, and a European-style market with many culinary accents.
There is also plenty of green space and water access for biking, hiking and exploring. Unique rooms, works of art and events make the World Financial Center a cultural destination par excellence.
    West Side Rifle & Pistol Range, North America
  20 West 20th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Welcome to the Westside Rifle & Pistol Range! Having served the New York metropolitan area since 1964, Westside has evolved into a full service shooting range that caters to a variety of shooters. Members include hobbyists, hunters, and members of the law enforcement community.
In the City of New York one does not need a permit to shoot a .22 caliber rifle. Westside offers the opportunity for novices to experience the excitement of firing a .22 caliber rifle.
    Verrazzano Bridge, North America
  Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge - Staten Island, NY            
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The Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge is a double-decked suspension bridge that connects the New York City boroughs of Staten Island and Brooklyn. It spans the Narrows, a body of water that separates the two boroughs, and is named after the explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, who was the first European to enter New York Harbor in 1524. The bridge was designed by Othmar Ammann, who was also the chief engineer of the George Washington Bridge, and was completed in 1964. At the time of its completion, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world with a main span of 4,260 feet. The bridge has six lanes of traffic on the upper level and three on the lower level, and is a major transportation link for commuters and commercial vehicles. The bridge also offers a spectacular view of the New York City skyline and the harbor. The bridge's opening ceremony was attended by various dignitaries including Robert Moses, the powerful NYC Parks commissioner and urban planner who had pushed for the construction of the bridge. The bridge is considered as an engineering marvel and a significant transportation link in the New York City.
    Socrates Sculpture Park, North America
  32-01 Vernon Blvd. - Long Island City, NY           
Socrates Sculpture Park was an abandoned riverside landfill and illegal dumpsite until 1986 when a coalition of artists and community members, under the leadership of artist Mark di Suvero, transformed it into an open studio and exhibition space for artists and a neighborhood park for local residents. Today it is an internationally renowned outdoor museum and artist residency program that also serves as a vital New York City park offering a wide variety of public services.
    USTA National Tennis Center, North America
  Flushing Meadows-Corona Park - Queens, NY           
The USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center is located in Flushing, in the New York City borough of Queens and has been the home of the US Open Grand Slam tennis tournament played every year in August and September. According to the United States Tennis Association, the center is the largest public tennis facility in the world with 22 courts inside the facility and 11 more in the adjoining park. All 33 courts have used the DecoTurf cushioned acrylic surface since the facility was built in 1978. Source: en.wikipedia.org
    Parque da Catacumba, South America
  Av. Eptacio Pessoa (em frente ao posto Br) - Lagoa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Criado pela Prefeitura do rio em 1979, com área de 30,8 hectares, o Parque possui esculturas dispostas sobre o relevo natural do terreno, em recantos paisagisticamentes tratados com espécies ornamentais singelas, que se harmonizam às obras de arte. Possui uma trilha que leva ao Pico do Sacopã, de onde é possível contemplar a bela vista da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas.
    World Trade Center Progress, North America
   - New York, NY             
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On Monday, April 30, 2012, at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Port Authority will mark a major milestone in the construction of One World Trade Center with the installation of steel columns that will make the skyscraper the tallest building in New York. When the columns are put in place, the building will officially surpass the height of the Empire State Building, which currently is the tallest structure in New York City.
    Staten Island Ferry, North America
  Bay Street - Staten Island, NY            
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Operating since 1905, the Staten Island Ferry is one of the oldest continuously operating ferry systems in the United States. The ferries operating on this route are equipped with services such as refreshment points, rest areas and toilets. The journey from one terminal to the other takes about 25 minutes. The ferry is also an alternative to the car as it offers a convenient and reliable way to travel between the two parts of the city without traffic jams. Additionally, the ferry is an important part of New York City's transportation infrastructure and helps reduce congestion on the area's freeways.
The Staten Island Ferry is a unique and distinctive feature of New York City that continues to play an important role in the city's transportation network.
    World Trade Center Tribute Center, North America
  120 Liberty Street - New York, NY            
The Tribute World Trade Center (WTC) Visitor Center is a project of the September 11th Families' Association, a non-profit organization that provides support and resources for victims of terrorism. The center is located at the World Trade Center site in New York City and serves as a gathering place for the entire 9/11 community, including families, survivors, residents, rescue workers, and volunteers affected by the events of September 11, 2001.
The Tribute WTC Visitor Center's mission is to provide a central location for information and resources related to 9/11 at the World Trade Center site. Visitors can learn about the events of September 11th, the identity of the 2,973 people killed in the attacks, the unprecedented rescue and recovery operations, and the spirit of support and generosity that arose in the aftermath of the attacks. The center also offers exhibits and artifacts that commemorate the tragic events and pay tribute to the victims and their families.
The Tribute WTC Visitor Center is a place for visitors to connect with the people, places, and events of 9/11, reflect on the tragic events, and pay their respects to the victims and their families. The center serves as an important resource for the 9/11 community and is dedicated to preserving the memory of the victims, the heroism of the first responders, and the resilience of the city of New York in the face of unimaginable tragedy.
    St. Peter's Church, North America
  619 Lexington Avenue at 54th Street - New York, NY            
The story of Saint Peter's begins in Genesis in a garden where God has made all things and they are good. It is a story of covenant, a testament, both old and new, which reached cosmic fulfillment in the person of Jesus. It is a story of a people who are inevitably linked as part of one global family. The story of Saint Peter's in one of a diverse group of people and communities who continue in the tradition of the apostles.
    St. Marks Church, North America
  131 East 10th Street - Bowery - New York, NY             
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A diverse church that welcomes active participation. Sunday services are a full body experience. Join the choir or sing from your seat in the congregation. You are invited to join the circle around the table at the time of communion and welcome to participate in the distribution of the elements by offering them to your neighbor after you have received. Sunday services are a unique community-focused experience.
    Fun Plex, North America
  7003 Q St. - Omaha, NE           
Fun Plex started here in Omaha, Neb in 1978. We started small with miniature golf, go-karts, and an arcade.
As the years passed by we have made many expansions and improvements. We built a new go-kart track, introduced a slick track, and subsequently built many more rides. These include bumper cars, bumper boats, and numerous kiddie rides.
The year 1984 saw many changes for Fun Plex. This is when we introduced the first elements of our waterpark. We started simply with a wave pool. A few years later we built twin 5-storey Typhoon water slides.
Today, we are continuing our expansions plans. In 2001 we added two new rides, the Balloon Ferris Wheel and the Kiddie Train. In 2002 we remodeled our midway into our new air-conditioned Pit Stop. 2003 saw the addition of both the Yo-Yo and the Chaos.. Fun Plex now consists of two water slides, a wave pool, a lazzy river, 5 kiddie rides, batting cages, a go-kart and slick track, bumper cars and boats, Tilt-A-Whirl, and a Ferris Wheel. We now see tens of thousands of guests come through our park every year and host numerous company picnics. In 2004 we are planning lots of great changes, and we hope you will be there with us to share in the exciting news ! ! !
    Snug Harbor Botanical Garden, North America
  1000 Richmond Terrace - Staten Island, NY
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden will kick off its roster of 2013 events on January 12 with a concert by the Vincent Ruggieri Jazz Quartet and an exhibition of the work of two unique artists from the Snug Harbor Artist Residency Program (SHARP). The jazz concert, the first in the Island Sounds Music Mash-Up series will be from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Main Hall, Building C. The SHARP exhibition will be from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art in Building G. Refreshments will be served. Admission to both events is free. The Snug Harbor campus is at 1000 Richmond Terrace in Staten Island.
A short ferry ride away from Manhattan's powerful downtown financial district sits one of New York City's best kept secrets, The Staten Island Botanical Garden. Nestled within the grounds of the Snug Harbor Cultural Center, The Staten Island Botanical Garden with its Victorian charm and stately elegance is a "must visit" that should be on every tourists' list.