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A private not-for-profit corporation which exists to provide natural science education services for Long Island residents of all ages and to engage in native wildlife rehabilitation services. Through education and examples, ECSS encourages responsible decision making, appreciation, and respect for the unique wildlife and ecosystems found on Long Island.
Sweetbriar Nature Center is situated on 54 acres of varied garden, woodland, field and wetland habitats on the Nissequogue River. Hundreds of species of plants and animals make homes here. |
At The Crayola Factory, you’ll be immersed in color and creativity – a place where there's no limitation to creativity and imagination. You can color, draw, paint and create with the latest Crayola products without the worry of cleanup afterwards. Each creative space invites you to play and explore while learning and having lots and lots of fun. See how Crayola Crayons and Markers are made. Learn about the history of the Crayola brand. Explore dozens of interactive projects and activities. This is not the real manufacturing plant, but instead a visitor center that allows the child inside each person to unleash its creative spirit. Each quarter, themes and projects change, giving visitors a variety of projects to create throughout the year.
O Liceu Literário Português fundado em 10 de setembro de 1868, Instituição Filantrópica de Ensino Gratuito, adquiriu um terreno no Largo da Carioca onde em 1929 edificou sua sede - Rua Senador Dantas nº 118 – Centro, um arranha-céu em estilo gótico manuelino, decorado internamente com silhares de azulejos historiados e lindos vitrais, prédio projetado pelo arquiteto Raul Penna Firme.
O Liceu Literário Português – honra e orgulho dos portugueses no Brasil – é um dos melhores estabelecimentos de ensino entre os congêneres neste país. Representa o esforço, a dedicação e o trabalho de abnegados portugueses beneméritos, em prol da instrução do povo. Ali, naquela casa, não há seleção para a matrícula; a quem bate às suas portas não se pergunta que idade tem, qual a cor, onde nasceu, nem se tem fortuna. Uma única coisa se indaga: que quer aprender
Começou a realizar filmagens (seu filme Pátio, de 1959, é o primeiro curta-metragem da Bahia) , ao mesmo tempo em que ingressou na Faculdade de Direito da Bahia (hoje um dos cursos da Universidade Federal da Bahia), entre 1959 a 1961), que logo abandonou para iniciar uma breve carreira jornalística, em que o foco era sempre sua paixão pelo cinema. Da faculdade foi o seu namoro e casamento com uma colega, Helena Ignez.
Sempre controvertido, escreveu e pensou cinema. Queria uma arte engajada ao pensamento e pregava uma nova estética, uma revisão crítica da realidade. Era visto pela ditadura militar que se instalou no país, em 1964, como um elemento subversivo. Em 1971, com a radicalização do regime, Glauber partiu para o exílio, de onde nunca retornou totalmente. Fonte |
"The idea for a national cathedral is as old as Washington itself. In 1791, when Congress selected the site to be the capital of the United States, President George Washington commissioned Major Pierre l’Enfant to design an overall plan for the future seat of government.
Since the first services were held in Bethlehem Chapel, Washington National Cathedral has opened its doors to people of all faiths as they have gathered to worship and pray, to mourn the passing of world leaders, and to confront the pressing moral and social issues of the day." |
Fun, flips, and gravity defying excitement are just the beginning of what’s in store for guests when they visit Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in 2008. Indiana’s largest and most popular amusement resort and vacation playground announced the first major steel coaster to be constructed in the state: Steel Hawg. The new family coaster will be Indiana Beach’s sixth roller coaster and its first to take riders upside-down.
O Elos Clube, é uma entidade cultural, sem fins lucrativos, congregando intelectuais, profissionais autônomos, artistas e produtores de arte, servidores públicos, empresários e não empresários, etc., etc. Foi fundado em 1959, na Cidade de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo, pelo saudoso médico Eduardo Dias Coelho.
Tem por objetivo: divulgar e propagar a língua portuguesa, os valores lusófonos em todos os países e Continentes onde se fala a língua-mater. No Brasil, defender e propagar os valores luso-brasileiros e lutar pela uniformização da língua portuguesa, respeitados as peculiaridades de cada país, quanto aos dialetos ou fonogenias que a tornam, por isto mesmo, tão rica. |
The South Carolina Aquarium inspires conservation of the natural world by exhibiting and caring for animals, by excelling in education and research, and by providing an exceptional visitor experience.
Start 2025 in style with hot new end-of-year releases at the NBA Store.
GET IN THE GAME!!! The NBA Store in Manhattan is your one stop shop for everything related to the NBA and provides fans with one of the most fulfilling shopping and entertainment experiences available in New York City. Whether you are a Knick fan, a Laker fan or any fan, the NBA store has your team’s gear at great prices. The sprawling 35,000 square foot store doesn’t just do team licensed gear but also has all of the basketball shoes you need to lace up and head to the court. Of course, if you are in the Manhattan store you don’t have to go far as part of the experience involves trying out your gear on the indoor half-court officially endorsed by the NBA. The fun doesn’t stop there - the store also has a consistent array of multimedia presentations that take you away from a basic shopping experience and instead puts you in front of 50,000 screaming fans on the court of your dreams. For a shopping experience like no other and a chance to look exactly like your favorite basketball heroes, look no further than the NBA Store in Manhattan! |
The South Street Seaport is a historic area in the New York City borough of Manhattan, located where Fulton Street meets the East River, and adjacent to the Financial District. The Seaport is usually considered a historical district, distinct from the neighboring Financial District. It features some of the oldest architecture in downtown Manhattan. This includes renovated original mercantile buildings from the early 19th century, renovated sailing ships, the former Fulton Fish Market, and modern tourist malls featuring food, shopping and nightlife, with a view of Brooklyn Bridge. Source
The Landing hosts more than 350 events each year including Florida/Georgia Weekend Celebrations, the annual Christmas Tree Lighting, New Year’s Eve and Gator Bowl Celebrations, St. Patrick's Day and July 4th. Weekly events include live weekend entertainment in the center courtyard offering a variety of music including classic rock, oldies, contemporary, jazz, and top 40. The Landing also hosts a myriad of events for the community such as charity walks and runs and the Earth Day Ecology Fair. There is always something going on at The Jacksonville Landing, and a complete list of all Landing events can be found in the events section.
Striving to inspire the citizens of Atlanta and Georgia and all visitors to the Zoo to value wildlife on Earth and to help safeguard existing species through conservation.
Downtown Disney area features more than 70 shopping, entertainment and dining choices. Nestled along the shores of Village Lake, Downtown Disney area is a short boat ride, bus ride or walk along a scenic lakeside path away from Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa in Walt Disney World Resort.
You want activities for the kids? Check out the all new nascar go-karts and bumper boats with squirters. 18-hole Mini-Golf, Go-Karts, Bumper Boats, Rides for little tots, and the Northern Hills largest arcade are sure to keep them busy.
Located across from City Hall in the heart of downtown Jacksonville. First established as a public square by the City’s founder Isaiah D. Hart around 1857, it is Jacksonville’s oldest park. Known first as City Park and then St. James Park, it was renamed Hemming Park in 1899 to honor Civil War veteran Charles C. Hemming, who donated the park’s Confederate monument (the City’s oldest and tallest) the previous year. At various times the park contained bandstands, fountains, comfort stations, and Tourist and Convention Bureau buildings, along with many beautiful trees. In 1978, the City converted the park into a brick-paved plaza, and completed additional work in 1986 that transformed the area into a single-level, pedestrian-oriented mall. Due to its centralized location, the plaza has long been a part of the downtown experiences for both tourists and local citizens.
At the core of Kaufman Astoria are seven column-free stages including a mammoth 26,000 square foot stage - the largest east of Hollywood. Our newest addition is Stage K with over 18, 000 square feet. In addition, there are two stages over 12,000 square feet each, and smaller stages of 8,000, 4,000 and 3,000 square feet. Support facilities are located just steps from each stage for efficient flow of crew and materials.
O Kart Indoor é uma modalidade de automobilismo, praticado em karts especiais, correndo em pistas cobertas. Sua popularização se deve ao baixo custo e elevada segurança.
É a realização para quem sonha ser piloto de corrida sem as responsabilidades de ter, manter e ajustar um kart. Você chega em um indoor, coloca os equipamentos de segurança, faz um rápido briefing, corre de 15 a 30 minutos, sente a verdadeira emoção de participar de uma corrida de verdade, paga e vai embora, se quiser, porque outra grande emoção que o indoor oferece é torcer pelos amigos, ali na beira da pista, ouvindo o ronco dos motores, os chiados dos pneus, sentindo o cheiro de combustível de carro de corrida e vibrando com as belas ultrapassagens típicas em indoor. O automobilismo de alto rendimento tem mostrado que o primeiro degrau para a carreira de piloto profissional, que culmina na Fórmula 1, tem sido na maioria das vezes iniciada no kart. A escola de pilotagem do Rioshopping Kart Indoor, dispõe de profissionais treinados e capacitados com aulas práticas e teóricas, atendendo às aspirações de cada aluno. Quem sabe não temos escondido dentro de nós um novo e promissor Ayrton Senna? |
Founded in 1969, the New England Aquarium is a global leader in ocean exploration and marine conservation. The Aquarium is one of the premier visitor attractions in Boston, with over 1.3 million visitors a year, and a major public education resource.
Hayden Planetarium captivates upon your initial approach. The visually stimulating Manhattan attraction, constructed from glass and steel, features a large spherical dome where the universe comes to life in front of your very eyes. The department of Astrophysics, located in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, conducts research focusing on the formation and evolution of stars, star clusters, the effects of their radiation, and much more. The planetarium offers ongoing monthly lectures. Children and adults alike will love the vast amount of knowledge and beauty while exploring the stars in this awesome environment. 3-D models and vivid colors are not in short abundance here. School field trips are welcome; planning in advance is required. A wealth of educational knowledge is available through the website for teachers, parents and children. With a special section of interactive activities for children, you can’t go wrong learning about all that this Manhattan planetarium has to offer. A virtual joy ride through the universe with stops along the way to learn about the wonders of the Galaxies, a few hours can easily be spent just walking around the floors. In addition to the star/sky show, the exhibits are a joy to behold. From real meteorites, to scales that bring home the effect of gravity on other planets, to historic photos, all will enjoy.
A landmark beacon on the Hudson River, the Saugerties Lighthouse is a venerable red-brick lighthouse built in 1869 at the mouth of the Esopus Creek. The Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy maintains the lighthouse and adjacent lands for the enjoyment of the public.
A NEW, totally custom indoor skating facility located in a roomy warehouse at 17 Minneakoning Road in Flemington, NJ , near the Flemington Circle. Shields Skatepark has over 18,600 square feet of quarterpipes, ledges, rails, gaps, custom ramps, wedges, boxes, banks, spines, roll-ins, a vert wall and featuring a 46-foot-long, eight-foot-high halfpipe.
Attracting skaters and riders from all over the NY, NJ, and Philadelphia area. Come play with the best pros and amateurs in the NorthEast! There's also sponsored contests for riders, skaters, skooters and bikers at all levels. And live band shows. Always something happening just around the corner at Shields! |
WNY Skydiving is Western New York's premier skydiving facility, with the newest equipment and most experienced instructors! Book your skydive today!
Is It Safe? WNYSkydiving owns the latest student, solo, and tandem gear. All of the equipment used at WNYSkydiving is serviced and maintained by FAA certified technicians of the highest ratings. The parachutes are packed by professionals, the reserves packed and repacked even if unused (it's not only a good idea, it's the law). Although an inherently dangerous sport, just as driving a car is an inherently dangerous activity (you did know that, right?), we take every precaution to assure your safety while on our drop zone. Do you drive with bad brakes and bald tires? So, the short answer is that the sport of skydiving has been made as safe as possible. And at WNYSkydiving, we take every precaution possible before, during, and after your skydive. |
From classic favorites like The Legend Roller Coaster and Ferris Wheel, to modern attractions like the Log Flume and Water Wars, Historic Arnolds Park offers exciting rides for all ages.
"The Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical Park (a.k.a. Las Vegas Zoo) is managed by the non-profit 501 (C) Nevada Zoological Foundation. Our shady 3-acre park is located just 15 minutes northwest of the Las Vegas Strip. The zoo exhibits over 150 species of plants and animals (for more information click here). As the only zoo in Las Vegas and the only year-round zoo in Nevada, we work hard to fulfill our mission to educate and entertain the public by displaying a variety of plants and animals."
Dia 3, 4, 5 e 7 às 20h Dia 8 às 17h. Programa:
BALLET O QUEBRA-NOZES. Música: Tchaikovsky
Concepção, Coreografia e Mise-en-Scène: Dalal Achcar
Solistas: Ana Botafogo, Cecília Kerche, Claudia Mota, Márcia Jaqueline, Karen Mesquita. Francisco Timbó, Cícero Gomes, Filipe Moreira, Denis Vieira. Cenários e Figurinos: José Varona
Regência: Silvio Viegas,
Um dos mais bonitos prédios do Rio de Janeiro, localizado na Praça Floriano, conhecida como Cinelândia, no centro da cidade, o Theatro Municipal é a principal casa de espetáculos do Brasil e uma das mais importantes da América do Sul. Desde a sua inauguração, em 14 de julho de 1909, o Theatro tem recebido os maiores artistas internacionais, assim como os principais nomes da dança, música e da ópera brasileiras. |
The intense early January 2025 windstorms with gusts up to 60 mph affected the stadium. These winds caused a tree to fall on a car in the parking lot and led to visible swaying of the foul poles. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and the structural integrity of the stadium was not compromised. DODGERS NATION
In response to the wildfires, all 12 Los Angeles-area professional sports teams, including the Dodgers, have united to donate over $8 million to support relief efforts. Additionally, they are organizing distribution events for evacuated victims, scheduled for January 17 at Dodger Stadium, SoFi Stadium, and BMO Stadium. YAHOO SPORTS
Centrally located in the hills of Chavez Ravine, just minutes from Hollywood, Echo Park, Silverlake, and Downtown, Dodger Stadium is the home of the winning-est team in the history of the National League! In the past two years, the Dodgers have reinvigorated and become as competitive as any team in baseball. Led by Loney, Kershaw, and Hanley Ramirez, the Dodgers are a team of young, rising talent. As can be expected, Dodgers memorabilia is some of the hottest merchadise in the entire sports world! Remarkably, tickets to Dodgers stadium are very affordable, especially compared to prices around the league. For under $35 dollars, one can purchase a box seat. With the sun shining and cool breeze blowing, what can be better but a Dodgers game? The answer: a Dodgers game along with a Dodgers Dog!
O local se caracteriza em parte por mata fechada e em parte por tratamento paisagístico com magníficos jardins. Em 1939 a família Guinle repassou o imóvel ao governo do Distrito Federal, que então determinou sua conversão em parque público.
Ideal para a criançada correr à vontade em locais gramados, em pisos planos e outros levemente íngreme. Um bonito lago foi formado através do trajeto de um sinuoso córrego represado. Muito bom também para namorar. Excelente para piqueniques e propício para reflexões e relaxamento dos adultos. |
Localizado no Flamengo, o Arte Sesc se estabeleceu em uma construção de 1912, com arquitetura eclética, antiga moradia de Frederico Figner, empresário que trouxe para o Brasil os primeiros equipamentos de som e luz, como fonógrafos, gramofones e kinetoscópios. Figner também fundou a primeira gravadora musical no Brasil, a Odeon, contribuindo para difundir a música brasileira na Europa.
O Arte Sesc abriga em suas cinco salas mostras de artes plásticas e está aberto ao público com uma programação que prestigia eventos já reconhecidos, além dos de cunho experimental, incentivando o surgimento de novos valores artísticos, circulação de novas idéias e tendências |
Localizado na ponta do Gragoatá, com ampla visão da entrada da Baía de Guanabara, o Forte do Gragoatá foi construído entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, com o nome de Forte de São Domingos, em homenagem ao patrono da capela construída em 1652, hoje matriz de São Domingos.